Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

Climate Change is the direct cause of the Syrian Civil War. Here's how; a drought that started in 2006 in the basins and farmlands in Syriat.

1) totally stupid and liberal since we had droughts for millions of years before liberals invented climate change so there is no way to attribute one tiny drought to climate change.

2) AGW itself is in dispute so to attribute one tiny drought to it is beyond absurd when the basic premise of universal warming is not even proven.
Hillary's "reset" and Obama's flexibility were failures. Good to know.

That's the tragic flaw of Democrats; they believe in the inherent goodness of people. Spend one day on these boards reading Conservative posts and they would probably change that thinking immediately. It was a risk to trust Putin to keep Assad in check. A risk that failed. Now did it fail in the way the Iraq War and broader War on Turr failed? No. The consequences of Obama's policy failure are minimal; we are in no better or worse shape because of them. But to his credit, Obama and Hillary did take a hard line with Russia following their invasion of the Ukraine, which is why there were sanctions on Russia that Obama and Hillary placed. Sanctions Conservatives opposed and lobbied against (specifically Trump campaign official Manafort).

Ukraine begs to differ.

Ukraine is halfway around the world. Russia does not pose a military threat to us. Their army is not going to establish a beachhead in Santa Monica. The threats Russia poses are cyber. The threats that really anyone poses are cyber these days. While we spend billions on planes that can't fly in the rain, or ships that sink when they go in the water, Russia spends a tiny fraction of that on a handful of skilled operatives to wreak havoc on a target's digital infrastructure. While (possibly) not responsible for the famous Sony hack, that tactic is one Russia uses against its opponents. They are fighting 21st century warfare, and you all have us stuck in an 18th century mindset.

I'm glad we'll be done with stupid claims like that.

Climate Change is the direct cause of the Syrian Civil War. Here's how; a drought that started in 2006 in the basins and farmlands in Syria forced millions of Syrian farmers to move from the country to the cities. The cities lacked the infrastructure and employment in order to handle that mass migration. Deteriorating conditions and food and water shortages led to the Arab Spring in Syria, with Syrians peacefully demonstrating in favor of anything to help them. Rather than hearing their concerns and ptting those people to work rebuilding the infrastructure, Assad took their Arab Spring protests as rebellious dissent (which strongmen do when their authority is challenged or shortcomings are exposed) which led to him redeploying forces in those cities from areas like the border with Iraq. That absence of Syrian presence along (mostly) the Iraqi border is how all those former Ba'athists got into Syria after Malaki ethnically cleansed them from Baghdad. Since there was a vacuum of power in the border regions and rural areas, ISIS had no problem establishing itself as the authority because Assad had all his troops attacking his own people. So those Ba'athists set up shop in the border regions of Iraq, got funding from rich Saudis, and then got weapons dropped by the terrified New Iraqi Army Bush the Dumber spent $30B and 8 years arming and training.

I simply show that 12 million of your aggregate total was from a race with no Republicans.

And why was that the case? Because Republicans suck and California knows it.

Climate Change is the direct cause of the Syrian Civil War. Here's how; a drought that started in 2006 in the basins and farmlands in Syria forced millions of Syrian farmers to move from the country to the cities.

How much more spending on windmills would have prevented that drought?
START-UP NY offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to operate tax-free for 10 years on or near eligible university or college campuses in New York State.

So...curious as to why you kept this part in? What is the reasoning behind NY offering these incentives to businesses on or near eligible university or college campuses? What's that all about?

So...curious as to why you kept this part in?

You're curious why I kept actual facts about the actual program? Durr.

What is the reasoning behind NY offering these incentives to businesses

To increase economic activity. Durr.
Only a god damn piece of shit liberal, would make that argument..

Would make an argument using facts? Because that's all I did. You say "letting people keep more of what they earned" is a good thing. Yet, all the economic data says the opposite. So are we to believe you, or are we to believe facts?

You say "letting people keep more of what they earned" is a good thing. Yet, all the economic data says the opposite.

You have economic data that shows "letting people keep more of what they earned" is a bad thing?
Please post it here.
let people keep more of their own money

Which does what? Because when Reagan cut taxes and when Bush the Dumber cut taxes, household debt skyrocketed. So people didn't "keep more of what they earned". Quite the opposite. They went into debt.

it lets people keep their own money

and people go into debt for the same reason governments do

100% of the energy to make deficits illegal is from the Republican Party.
political theater
Republicans do not want small government and they do not want to make deficits illegal[/QUOTE]

1) wrong
2) even if right so what?? the point is they would make deficits illegal if there was enough support for it.

Newts BBA passed the House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed the debt today would be $0 not $20 trillion.
100% of the energy to make deficits illegal is from the Republican Party.
political theater
Republicans do not want small government and they do not want to make deficits illegal

1) wrong
2) even if right so what?? the point is they would make deficits illegal if there was enough support for it.

Newts BBA passed the House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed the debt today would be $0 not $20 trillion.[/QUOTE]

and did 100% of republicans vote for it?

why didn't the vote come up when it would have been guaranteed to pass?

it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats
it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats

actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???

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