Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

Republicans and Democrats are politicians who logically figure it is smarter to stay in the middle where elections are decided and thus live to fight another day. Libertarians for example, are pure and stand only on principles and as a result they are very very impotent.hopefully you're beginning to understand this very very simple concept now?

"Libertarians" are like housecats; convinced of their own self-reliance but wholly dependent on others for survival.
so your point is that govt will naturally balance out one tax cut with another tax increase? And????????????

Doing so shifts the tax burden onto the middle and lower class. So income taxes are cut for those at the top, and to "pay for it" excise taxes are raised, which affects the middle class more. But even when Conservatives do that, they still run deficits and have shitty GDP growth. Kansas is the best example of that policy failure.

are we going to tell Ireland that all those businesses that moved there after the tax cut to 11% didn't really move there??

Not sure what you're saying, but you seem to be stuck in a 2010 time loop.

are we going to tell all those American corporations that moved offshore to tax haven countries that they really didn't move there, they only imagined they did??

Not sure what you're saying, but weren't they supposed to trickle-down? How come they don't?

Are we going to tell NYS to raise its taxes to attract businesses??

Well, cutting taxes doesn't seem to work.
So raising taxes would work to attract business? It seems fairly obvious if you are a liberal idiot right. The higher the Tax the higher your prices the less competitive you are and the greater the chance of losing to your competition so it stands to reason that you would want to raise taxes ?
[Don't be silly Ireland dropped its tax rate to 11% and most of the worlds major corporations moved there in whole or in part. Do you want to tell Ireland that the corporations that movd there really didn't move there and that it's all a mirage of some sort?

We aren't talking about Ireland, we are talking about the Bush Tax Cuts. And how does Ireland's tax rate help businesses create jobs in the US? The answer is that it doesn't.
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2

Hold on...because Conservatives had full, unified government from 2003-2007, yet erased a surplus and produced 4 record deficits. So what are you even talking about?
Talking about there not being enough support to make deficits illegal as Republicans have tried to do 30 times since Jeffersons first attempt. Do you understand now
[Don't be silly Ireland dropped its tax rate to 11% and most of the worlds major corporations moved there in whole or in part. Do you want to tell Ireland that the corporations that movd there really didn't move there and that it's all a mirage of some sort?

We aren't talking about Ireland, we are talking about the Bush Tax Cuts. And how does Ireland's tax rate help businesses create jobs in the US? The answer is that it doesn't.
I see so you would say that in America tax cuts are actually welcomed by business where as is in Ireland they are exactly the opposite see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance
Are you going to write to Andrew Cuomo and tell him that he got it backwards and he should raise corporate taxes to attract corporations to his state?

So it doesn't seem like you know the first thing about the NY state "tax cut". There are conditions around businesses getting those tax cuts. Namely; that they have to set up shop on or adjacent to NY Public Colleges and Universities. So what does that mean? What it means is that those businesses invest in educational infrastructure. They only get the tax credit if they fulfill the requirements. You don't seem to know what those requirements are. It wasn't a general tax cut, it was an incentive program to bolster the state public college system.
[Don't be silly Ireland dropped its tax rate to 11% and most of the worlds major corporations moved there in whole or in part. Do you want to tell Ireland that the corporations that movd there really didn't move there and that it's all a mirage of some sort?

We aren't talking about Ireland, we are talking about the Bush Tax Cuts. And how does Ireland's tax rate help businesses create jobs in the US? The answer is that it doesn't.
Ireland's low tax rate helped create jobs in Ireland and make the economy boom if we had similarly low rates here the same thing would happen. Was that simple enough for you?
So raising taxes would work to attract business?

Not arbitrarily. If the tax increase goes back into the economy by way of infrastructure, health care, or education, it reduces those burdens for the middle and lower classes who can then spend more in the consumer economy.
Liberals hate this country, they hate everyone who works, and really could care less about those that don't do anything, except continue to vote for the same people who give them free stuff. That right there is the "TRUE" stealing of "Democracy". What I earn should be mine not someone elses who didn't earn it. A good liberal is a dead liberal, please abort more liberals in planned parenthood.

Wow...well...a lot ot unpack here. First of all, it wasn't liberals who colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, that was all Conservatives who did that. Secondly, why would those Conservatives be talking with Russian spies anyway if they didn't want to subvert this country and repeal and replace our democracy? Thirdly, why did Conservatives not have a viable plan to replace Obamacare when they had 7 years to come up with one if they didn't want to just sacrifice health care for tarnishing Obama's legacy? Finally, when it comes to "free stuff", I am not sure what you're referring to, but nothing is free. Not even tax cuts. All liberal proposals involve taxes in order to pay for things like Medicare-for-All. Conservatives are the ones who explode deficits and debt, under the "promise" that the tax cuts will pay for themselves, and we'd be so awash in revenue we wouldn't need to cut anything. At least, that's how it was sold for close to 37 years until the realities of governance and math caught up with the failed philosophy. At first, we were told tax cuts would lead to so much economic growth, we'd have surpluses as far as the eye can see. When that never materialized in the 80's, suddenly the rhetoric shifted to tax cuts coupled with spending cuts would somehow generate economic activity to justify the hit to the deficit. When that never materialized, Conservatives shifted the rhetoric that the reason the tax cuts didn't work was answer. Now we are seeing the fruits of that play out in real time in places like Kansas and Louisiana...two states that did Reaganomics on steroids and as a result, saw their economies stagnate while all their neighbors' didn't. So why is that? The answer is obvious; tax cuts do not generate growth and are used as a mechanism to redistribute wealth to the top in the fallacy that they would "trickle down" on the rest of us. It was a crackpot theory when Bush the Elder called it voodoo economics, and it's still a crackpot theory today.
we have already heard enough of the liberal talking points, if you want to have a dialogue then bring some substance to the table,

Trickle down is a liberal term created to make it seem that only the Rich have money. Dumbass.

Supply side economics is, see a need fill a need, those that do that succeed. Bosses
Those that work for those that succeed are not smart enough or brave enough to take the chance. Workers
Those that don't work and feel sorry for their sorry lazy asses, rely on the government to give them free stuff. Liberal.

You cant see what is going on around you when you think like a typical liberal.

The last paragraph of that meme is the motto of the main stream media.

They determine the truth and provide the necessary information to ensure that the democrats believe it is the truth.

He is right. The voter is nothing more than a dumb cow, following the herd.
Are you going to write to Andrew Cuomo and tell him that he got it backwards and he should raise corporate taxes to attract corporations to his state?

So it doesn't seem like you know the first thing about the NY state "tax cut". There are conditions around businesses getting those tax cuts. Namely; that they have to set up shop on or adjacent to NY Public Colleges and Universities. So what does that mean? What it means is that those businesses invest in educational infrastructure. They only get the tax credit if they fulfill the requirements. You don't seem to know what those requirements are. It wasn't a general tax cut, it was an incentive program to bolster the state public college system.
and so your point is that raising taxes will attract business?
Talking about there not being enough support to make deficits illegal as Republicans have tried to do 30 times since Jeffersons first attempt. Do you understand now

So why didn't they do it when they had unified control from 1929-1933 or 2003-2007?
I see so you would say that in America tax cuts are actually welcomed by business where as is in Ireland they are exactly the opposite see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance

And moving to Ireland created how many jobs here in the US? So if the lower tax rate in Ireland doesn't lead to those companies creating jobs here, why would a lower rate in the US have a different outcome?
I see so you would say that in America tax cuts are actually welcomed by business where as is in Ireland they are exactly the opposite see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance

And moving to Ireland created how many jobs here in the US? So if the lower tax rate in Ireland doesn't lead to those companies creating jobs here, why would a lower rate in the US have a different outcome?
The lower tax rate in America would attract corporations to America just as a lower tax rate in Ireland attracted corporations to Ireland. 1+1 = 2
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and so your point is that raising taxes will attract business?

Not my point. My point is that lowering taxes doesn't do much to attract businesses. It's all about demand. A business isn't going to set up shop in a tax-friendly state if there's no demand for the product or service. You get demand by increasing wages, not by cutting taxes.
Ireland's low tax rate helped create jobs in Ireland

It did? What jobs were those? The companies didn't move production to Ireland. They moved their accounting there. How many jobs did that create? None.
Mr Trump plans to slash the US rate from 35% to 15% to get manufacturers to move work to the United States.

Stephen Moore said the tax policy was mainly aimed at bringing work back from Asian countries.

But he did not rule out an impact on Northern Ireland.

"I wouldn't say it's nothing to worry about (for Northern Ireland)... I want to see jobs for America first," he said.

US companies are major investors in Northern Ireland and include manufacturing firms such as Caterpillar, Terex, GE and Emerson.
[QUOTE="EdwardBaiamonte, post: 17062341, My point is that lowering taxes doesn't do much to attract businesses. .
I see so Ireland got it backwards and all the corporations that moved there didn't really move there it was actually a mirage???see why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?

Oh and the EU is vigorously opposing the Irish corporate tax rate because they were tricked into thinking that it made companies move to Ireland-correct.all the EU really has to do is go to Ireland and see for themselves that it was all a big scam the corporations didn't really move to Ireland after all ??
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