Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

You idiot you are talking fucking Kansas, what part dont you get in your head?

The part where McConnell and Brownback said that what they did in Kansas is what they want to do everywhere.
Why does a tax cut lead you to save less? Why does a tax cut lead you to borrow more? Walk through the steps for me.

Sure! So you get a tax cut. Whoopee. You get another grand or so over the year in your paycheck. However, because of the cut to income taxes, there are less revenues to go around. Which means spending is cut, which results in increases in excise taxes, user fees, tuition, and health care costs. What that means is that Joe Somebody in Ohio wants to send his kid to Ohio State. But because taxes were cut, federal and state aid to the school is also cut (in order to reduce the deficit). That cut to aid results in Ohio State having to raise its tuition, which means Mr. Somebody has to take out a loan, or a second mortgage, or a line of credit, as tuition costs rise. Or, if education isn't your thing, user fees (think tolls, registration, etc.) are increased to make up for the revenue lost as a result of the tax cut. So suddenly, your car registration goes from $100 to $450. The tolls on the highway go from $1.00 to $2.00. Romney did that in Massachusetts when he was governor. He got a tax cut, but then hiked tuition at UMASS schools, hiked vehicle registration fees, hiked tolls on the Mass Pike, and even hiked fees for things like boats (and if you live in the Cape or Martha's Vineyard, that hurts a lot).
You are stupidly trying to use the bush tax cuts as if they were a scientific experiment with all other variables held constant. Liberals are too stupid to understand science. They look at East/West Germany and conclude we should emulate East Germany!!

Well comrade, I am only looking at the data. If it upsets you that much, then that's your problem.
Why does a tax cut lead you to save less? Why does a tax cut lead you to borrow more? Walk through the steps for me.

Sure! So you get a tax cut. Whoopee. You get another grand or so over the year in your paycheck. However, because of the cut to income taxes, there are less revenues to go around. Which means spending is cut, which results in increases in excise taxes, user fees, tuition, and health care costs. What that means is that Joe Somebody in Ohio wants to send his kid to Ohio State. But because taxes were cut, federal and state aid to the school is also cut (in order to reduce the deficit). That cut to aid results in Ohio State having to raise its tuition, which means Mr. Somebody has to take out a loan, or a second mortgage, or a line of credit, as tuition costs rise. Or, if education isn't your thing, user fees (think tolls, registration, etc.) are increased to make up for the revenue lost as a result of the tax cut. So suddenly, your car registration goes from $100 to $450. The tolls on the highway go from $1.00 to $2.00. Romney did that in Massachusetts when he was governor. He got a tax cut, but then hiked tuition at UMASS schools, hiked vehicle registration fees, hiked tolls on the Mass Pike, and even hiked fees for things like boats (and if you live in the Cape or Martha's Vineyard, that hurts a lot).

Sure! So you get a tax cut. Whoopee. You get another grand or so over the year in your paycheck


However, because of the cut to income taxes, there are less revenues to go around.

So less wasteful government spending? I wish!

Which means spending is cut,

Which spending? Specifics man!!!

What that means is that Joe Somebody in Ohio wants to send his kid to Ohio State. But because taxes were cut, federal and state aid to the school is also cut

Thanks! Finally! Specifics!
How much was state and federal spending on Ohio State reduced?

That cut to aid results in Ohio State having to raise its tuition

After Obama raised taxes in 2012, how much did Ohio State tuition drop? It must have been a lot, eh?
Well comrade, I am only looking at the data. If it upsets you that much, then that's your problem.
not upset at all? just pointing out to you how utterly
stupid it is to pretend Bush Tax cuts were scientific experiment with other variables held constant. Do you understand???
Why does a tax cut lead you to save less? Why does a tax cut lead you to borrow more? Walk through the steps for me.

Sure! So you get a tax cut. Whoopee. You get another grand or so over the year in your paycheck. However, because of the cut to income taxes, there are less revenues to go around. Which means spending is cut, which results in increases in excise taxes, user fees, tuition, and health care costs. What that means is that Joe Somebody in Ohio wants to send his kid to Ohio State. But because taxes were cut, federal and state aid to the school is also cut (in order to reduce the deficit). That cut to aid results in Ohio State having to raise its tuition, which means Mr. Somebody has to take out a loan, or a second mortgage, or a line of credit, as tuition costs rise. Or, if education isn't your thing, user fees (think tolls, registration, etc.) are increased to make up for the revenue lost as a result of the tax cut. So suddenly, your car registration goes from $100 to $450. The tolls on the highway go from $1.00 to $2.00. Romney did that in Massachusetts when he was governor. He got a tax cut, but then hiked tuition at UMASS schools, hiked vehicle registration fees, hiked tolls on the Mass Pike, and even hiked fees for things like boats (and if you live in the Cape or Martha's Vineyard, that hurts a lot).

so your point is that govt will naturally balance out one tax cut with another tax increase? And????????????

are we going to tell Ireland that all those businesses that moved there after the tax cut to 11% didn't really move there??

are we going to tell all those American corporations that moved offshore to tax haven countries that they really didn't move there, they only imagined they did??

Are we going to tell NYS to raise its taxes to attract businesses??

See why we have to be sure that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
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it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats

actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???
so tell me if republicans really didn't want deficits how come every republican president in my life time has run a deficit
it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats

actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???
so tell me if republicans really didn't want deficits how come every republican president in my life time has run a deficit
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2
why didn't the vote come up when it would have been guaranteed to pass?

very very very simple: not enough support, and????????????????
so there was NEVER a time in history where the republicans could have passed that bill right?
You can pass any bill but only as long as there is enough support for it. It's really a very simple concept to grasp. Perhaps your mother can explain it to you?
it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats

actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???
so tell me if republicans really didn't want deficits how come every republican president in my life time has run a deficit
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2
so republicans are spineless and their so called principles mean nothing to them
it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats

actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???
so tell me if republicans really didn't want deficits how come every republican president in my life time has run a deficit
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2
so republicans are spineless and their so called principles mean nothing to them
Republicans and Democrats are politicians who logically figure it is smarter to stay in the middle where elections are decided and thus live to fight another day. Libertarians for example, are pure and stand only on principles and as a result they are very very impotent.hopefully you're beginning to understand this very very simple concept now?
it'll never happen because republican presidents like to create deficits and grow the government just as much as democrats

actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???
so tell me if republicans really didn't want deficits how come every republican president in my life time has run a deficit
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2
so republicans are spineless and their so called principles mean nothing to them
Republicans and Democrats are politicians who logically figure it is smarter to stay in the middle where elections are decided and thus live to fight another day. Libertarians for example, are pure and stand only on principles and as a result they are very very impotent.hopefully you're beginning to understand this very very simple concept now?

like I said they care more about keeping their jobs and ringing up deficits and expanding government than they do about their so called small government principles
not upset at all? just pointing out to you how utterly
stupid it is to pretend Bush Tax cuts were scientific experiment with other variables held constant. Do you understand???

So the parade of excuses many times are you going to move those goalposts? First, tax cuts are supposed to produce so much revenues there is no need for spending cuts. Then it was tax cuts are supposed to work but they just need time. Then it was tax cuts only work with spending cuts (thus undermining the original argument). Then it was an argument about emotion and principle, but not economics. Now it's a jumbled mess of nonsense with nothing but conflation and misdirection.

The Bush Tax Cuts were sold as something that would create economic activity and revenues. Neither happened. The Bush Tax Cuts were sold as if they would pay for themselves. That didn't happen. The Bush Tax Cuts were sold as a way to create jobs. That didn't happen. So what variables are you referring to that sabotaged the Bush Tax Cuts? Remember, spending has nothing to do with the effectiveness and promises made of the Bush Tax Cuts. There wasn't supposed to be any spending reductions because Conservatives promised they would "pay for themselves". They didn't.
not upset at all? just pointing out to you how utterly
stupid it is to pretend Bush Tax cuts were scientific experiment with other variables held constant. Do you understand???

So the parade of excuses many times are you going to move those goalposts? First, tax cuts are supposed to produce so much revenues there is no need for spending cuts. Then it was tax cuts are supposed to work but they just need time. Then it was tax cuts only work with spending cuts (thus undermining the original argument). Then it was an argument about emotion and principle, but not economics. Now it's a jumbled mess of nonsense with nothing but conflation and misdirection.

The Bush Tax Cuts were sold as something that would create economic activity and revenues. Neither happened. The Bush Tax Cuts were sold as if they would pay for themselves. That didn't happen. The Bush Tax Cuts were sold as a way to create jobs. That didn't happen. So what variables are you referring to that sabotaged the Bush Tax Cuts? Remember, spending has nothing to do with the effectiveness and promises made of the Bush Tax Cuts. There wasn't supposed to be any spending reductions because Conservatives promised they would "pay for themselves". They didn't.
Don't be silly Ireland dropped its tax rate to 11% and most of the worlds major corporations moved there in whole or in part. Do you want to tell Ireland that the corporations that movd there really didn't move there and that it's all a mirage of some sort?

Are you going to write to Andrew Cuomo and tell him that he got it backwards and he should raise corporate taxes to attract corporations to his state?
How much was state and federal spending on Ohio State reduced?

Significantly enough to spike tuition for in-state residents by 9% in 2002. This, as CBS in Cleveland states: The university also is dealing with a $13 million cut in state funding this year.

Ohio put a freeze on tuition costs for in-state residents in 2010. So for 8 years, tuition at Ohio state colleges and universities increased from $4,700 in 2002 to $10,000 by 2010.
actually the American and Russian Revolutions happened...... because their was enough support. Do you understand that trivial issue like BBA would happen too if there was enough support???
so tell me if republicans really didn't want deficits how come every republican president in my life time has run a deficit
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2
so republicans are spineless and their so called principles mean nothing to them
Republicans and Democrats are politicians who logically figure it is smarter to stay in the middle where elections are decided and thus live to fight another day. Libertarians for example, are pure and stand only on principles and as a result they are very very impotent.hopefully you're beginning to understand this very very simple concept now?

like I said they care more about keeping their jobs and ringing up deficits and expanding government than they do about their so called small government principles
A politician is supposed to care about keeping his job that way he can continue to promote things that are important to him and his constituents you've already learned that libertarians stand only on principle and as a result are totally impotent. How many times do you have to learn this?
so your point is that govt will naturally balance out one tax cut with another tax increase? And????????????

Doing so shifts the tax burden onto the middle and lower class. So income taxes are cut for those at the top, and to "pay for it" excise taxes are raised, which affects the middle class more. But even when Conservatives do that, they still run deficits and have shitty GDP growth. Kansas is the best example of that policy failure.

are we going to tell Ireland that all those businesses that moved there after the tax cut to 11% didn't really move there??

Not sure what you're saying, but you seem to be stuck in a 2010 time loop.

are we going to tell all those American corporations that moved offshore to tax haven countries that they really didn't move there, they only imagined they did??

Not sure what you're saying, but weren't they supposed to trickle-down? How come they don't?

Are we going to tell NYS to raise its taxes to attract businesses??

Well, cutting taxes doesn't seem to work.
Very very simple Because there is more support for deficits than for making deficits illegal 1+1 = 2

Hold on...because Conservatives had full, unified government from 2003-2007, yet erased a surplus and produced 4 record deficits. So what are you even talking about?

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