Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

The top 1% pay 40% of all the money paid to the IRS

Only because Conservatives made it so. Back before trickle-down, the tax burden was more equitable. So it's hard to see how this argument you are making isn't masturbation. The whole reason the top 1% pay 40% is because taxes were cut. So you propose the very thing that caused the burden you are now making a proposal to fix using the tactic that caused the problem in the first place.

Only one word fits that; masturbation.
Oh so you don't like the top 1% paying 40% of all the money the federal government collects you rather have the tax burden be distributed more equally across the population?
Sure they do if the lower 50% had to pay for their education healthcare housing roads fire department etc. their tax rate would be skyhigh and they would have a whole new appreciation for the top 1% who keep them on welfare this way

They do pay for those things. Public Schools are paid by local property taxes. Fire departments and police departments are paid by local taxes. Public colleges are paid by state taxes, not federal taxes. What federal revenues do is reduce the burden for those services for the poor and middle class so they can spend more money in the consumer economy. Which is what you want, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright??????
Got nothing? Ourcorporations were freed From the huge burden or cost imposed on them by liberal Marxists.

And that did what for the US? Nothing. No jobs. No cheaper products. Nothing. The move to Ireland was just an accounting trick that did nothing to increase revenues or consumer demand.
If American corporations couldn't move to where costs are lowest I Chyna Ireland etc. we would be left far far behind in the new globalized world and be a banana republic by now this is what the liberals did to the USSR in Communist China and what they are doing to Venezuela now this is why they spied for Stahelin in the end the liberal is always a Marxist. The government is never big enough
Oh so you don't like the top 1% paying 40% of all the money the federal government collects you rather have the tax burden be distributed more equally across the population?

I personally do not care. I couldn't really give a shit less what some rich person thinks their tax burden is in relation to everyone else. You cut their taxes, which caused this inequitable burden, and your solution is to...cut taxes, which is what caused the problem in the first place.

So explain to me how your argument isn't masturbation.
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Oh so you don't like the top 1% paying 40% of all the money the federal government collects you rather have the tax burden be distributed more equally across the population?

I personally do not care. I could really give a shit less what some rich person thinks their tax burden is in relation to everyone else. You cut their taxes, which caused this inequitable burden, and your solution is to...cut taxes, which is what caused the problem in the first place.

So explain to me how your argument isn't masturbation.
What are you talking about cut their taxes the top 1% pay 40% of all the taxes the government collects that's not a text cut that's paying a huge tax burden under Reagan in the top 1% only paid 20% of the money the government collected there has been a huge tax increase on the 1% which is doing nothing but damage to our country
If American corporations couldn't move to where costs are lowest I Chyna Ireland etc.

Your argument was that Ireland's corporate tax rate created jobs. That turned out to be a lie by exaggeration. So you moved the goalposts and said Ireland's corporate tax rate "kept" jobs (Kept where? Who knows?). That turned out to be a lie as well. So you've moved the goalposts for a third time and tried to make this some kind of emotional argument...probably because you're on your period or something.

So when you move the goalposts three times in a matter of an hour or two, what that means is that your position sucks, you know it sucks, but have too big of an ego to admit it sucks.
If American corporations couldn't move to where costs are lowest I Chyna Ireland etc.

Your argument was that Ireland's corporate tax rate created jobs. That turned out to be a lie by exaggeration. So you moved the goalposts and said Ireland's corporate tax rate "kept" jobs (Kept where? Who knows?). That turned out to be a lie as well. So you've moved the goalposts for a third time and tried to make this some kind of emotional argument...probably because you're on your period or something.
One of the big reasons why Ireland dropped his corporate tax rate was to create jobs in Ireland you've already seen the numbers that showed 130,000 just from the few American corporations that move there
What are you talking about cut their taxes the top 1% pay 40% of all the taxes the government collects that's not a text cut that's paying a huge tax burden under Reagan in the top 1% only paid 20% of the money the government collected there has been a huge tax increase on the 1% which is doing nothing but damage to our country

Try using a different internet translator, comrade. The one you are using sucks.
One of the big reasons why Ireland dropped his corporate tax rate was to create jobs in Ireland you've already seen the numbers that showed 130,000 just from the few American corporations that move there

It created 130,000 jobs in eleven years. Obama created nearly twice that many jobs in one month this past January.

So I'm not even sure why you continue making such a silly argument.
If American corporations couldn't move to where costs are lowest I Chyna Ireland etc.

Your argument was that Ireland's corporate tax rate created jobs. That turned out to be a lie by exaggeration. So you moved the goalposts and said Ireland's corporate tax rate "kept" jobs (Kept where? Who knows?). That turned out to be a lie as well. So you've moved the goalposts for a third time and tried to make this some kind of emotional argument...probably because you're on your period or something.

So when you move the goalposts three times in a matter of an hour or two, what that means is that your position sucks, you know it sucks, but have too big of an ego to admit it sucks.
My position that dropping the corporate tax rate to 12% caused tens of thousands of corporations to move to Ireland sucks?
One of the big reasons why Ireland dropped his corporate tax rate was to create jobs in Ireland you've already seen the numbers that showed 130,000 just from the few American corporations that move there

It created 130,000 jobs in eleven years. Obama created nearly twice that many jobs in one month this past January.

So I'm not even sure why you continue making such a silly argument.
Did you know that the population of Ireland is 5 million in the population of the United States is 300 million. That would be the equivalent of 9 million new jobs in America do you think 9 million new jobs in America would be a good thing??
The government takes 12.4% of your earnings.
Is English your second language?

That is not what you said before. I'm not going to keep chasing you around those goalposts you keep moving. Grow up.

When the government siphons off 12.4% of your lifetime earnings, that makes it harder to fund a 401K.

So exactly how much of your lifetime earnings does the government take for SS?

Pretend my earnings are $100,000 per year, how much does the government currently get annually?
23k give or take a few bucks. NOT counting state if they have state income tax.

Not counting a host of other things as well.

Fuel tax on every gallon of fuel one buys, property taxes, some kind of fuel charge on electricity bills, some kind of tax on the phone bill, sales tax.

The government's hands are deep into citizen's pockets.
The government takes 12.4% of your earnings.
Is English your second language?

That is not what you said before. I'm not going to keep chasing you around those goalposts you keep moving. Grow up.

When the government siphons off 12.4% of your lifetime earnings, that makes it harder to fund a 401K.

So exactly how much of your lifetime earnings does the government take for SS?

Pretend my earnings are $100,000 per year, how much does the government currently get annually?
23k give or take a few bucks. NOT counting state if they have state income tax.

Not counting a host of other things as well.

Fuel tax on every gallon of fuel one buys, property taxes, some kind of fuel charge on electricity bills, some kind of tax on the phone bill, sales tax.

The government's hands are deep into citizen's pockets.
Yes they have 1001 taxes and all different in form and kind so you never can be sure how much you are paying imagine if there is just one tax that you had to pay for all of government and you had to pay out of your own pocket every year that would put government in its place exactly where it belongs
My position that dropping the corporate tax rate to 12% caused tens of thousands of corporations to move to Ireland sucks?

Those companies didn't move operations to Ireland, just accounting for paperwork. And the number of jobs created since that rate was enacted (2006) is outpaced by population growth, and dwarfed by the average monthly job creation that happened under Obama and a 35% corporate rate (12.4% effective rate).
The government's hands are deep into citizen's pockets.

And for this, we primarily get Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and a massive military. Most federal spending is on those four things. So if your issue is that you're not getting anything back for the taxes you pay, then what is it you think you are entitled to receive?
Did you know that the population of Ireland is 5 million in the population of the United States is 300 million.

Yet the US unemployment is 4.5% and Ireland's is 6.4%. So population has nothing to do with it.
It has everything to do with that Apple has 5000 employees there and that's huge in the tiny nation of 5 million people now certainly even you understand
The government's hands are deep into citizen's pockets.

And for this, we primarily get Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and a massive military. Most federal spending is on those four things. So if your issue is that you're not getting anything back for the taxes you pay, then what is it you think you are entitled to receive?
A lot more than what we get for example is an average American contributed 15% of his lifetime income into a private account he would retire with in the estate of $1.4 million. With Social Security you get an average of 1100 a month which is really dog food money if you live long enough to even collect a penny of it

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