Taxation "gun to your head" - myth


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.
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Shouldn't this be in the "taunting" forum, where we could all feel free to slap the livin' shit out of him (verbally, of course)?
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You realize that the gun to your head statement is to demonstrate that the government will use force to take your money away from you, right?

And you just pointed out examples of the government taking money from people by force.

What's really messed up is you think you've made some intelligent point and that you are better than everyone else for it.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

And if I defend my property from being seized by this tyrannical government, will they not shoot back at me?
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

That was even dumber than I thought it was going to be.

By the way, explain Wesley Snipes.
Shouldn't this be in the "taunting" forum, where we could all feel free to slap the livin' shit out of him (verbally, of course)?

I generally assume stupid threads like this will end up in the wackadoodle forums and just slap away.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Oh well. Another lib myth shot to hell.

The Raw Story | State, federal police surround tax evaders' home
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

And when they show up to seize your assets you think it will be with billy clubs?

Shut the fuck up you stupid son of a bitch. If you listened more and talked less you might be a lot less ignorant.
If the OP is correct, then why does the IRS buy guns and ammunition?
Taxation is compulsory and therefore, it is theft. It is armed robbery because if you refuse to pay Brutus or attempt to cheat him, he'll send his thugs with guns to seize your belingings. If you dont cooperate with that attempt at theft, Brutus' thugs will shoot you and then claim your assets.

Taxation is ultimately performed at the point of a gun. Because the State adds some "civil" niceties tot he theft is irrelevant.

Only a moron like Poop would try to defend theft.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Uhm... I think it's more like a metaphor..... nobody ever said that the government will put a gun to your heard.
But, note to self, they will show up with guns if need be to seize your property... FACT.. I've seen it happen.
Taxation is compulsory and therefore, it is theft. It is armed robbery because if you refuse to pay Brutus or attempt to cheat him, he'll send his thugs with guns to seize your belingings. If you dont cooperate with that attempt at theft, Brutus' thugs will shoot you and then claim your assets.

Taxation is ultimately performed at the point of a gun. Because the State adds some "civil" niceties tot he theft is irrelevant.

Only a moron like Poop would try to defend theft.

True. "Lead Pipe Louie" sent me a letter last year and told me to come up with some swag, or "the boys" are going to have to pay me a little visit....
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

The only myth your dumb ass should be focused on is the one you created yourself - believing that you have the slightest clue what the fuck you are talking about.

If you don't pay your taxes, you will go to prison at a certain point for tax evasion. When that happens, a person (IRS agent, local law enforcement, etc.) will show up at your residence and they will be armed with a gun you fuck'n ignorant buffoon.

It is so obvious that OohPah is a government welfare baby parasite. He clearly has never paid taxes as he is completely ignorant of anything about taxes.
Taxation is compulsory and therefore, it is theft. It is armed robbery because if you refuse to pay Brutus or attempt to cheat him, he'll send his thugs with guns to seize your belingings. If you dont cooperate with that attempt at theft, Brutus' thugs will shoot you and then claim your assets.

Taxation is ultimately performed at the point of a gun. Because the State adds some "civil" niceties tot he theft is irrelevant.

Only a moron like Poop would try to defend theft.

And don't kid yourself - there is nothing "civil" or "nice" about the government heartlessly seizing all of your assets which prevents your children from eating or having a roof over your head.

How great is libtard "logic" - if you refuse to work, you will be rewarded with free housing, free food, free healthcare, and spending money - but if you actually work, they will punish you by overwhelming you with taxes and then seize your assets and leave you out in the cold.

It's painfully obvious - if you're independent and have your own assets, the libtards target you because you are self-reliant. If you choose to start your life as a ward of the state, dependent upon them for all needs and at their mercy at all times, you will be rewarded for being subservient.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

That was even dumber than I thought it was going to be.

By the way, explain Wesley Snipes.

Or that big fat gay guy who won the 1st Survivor t.v. show and was to dumb to file with the IRS that he won a million dollars on National television. I guess no one had a gun escorting him to jail right? This has to gone down in history of ploitical forums as one of the top 50 most ignorant Topic writer/ Op'
It is becoming very clear that poopy understands very little of the real world. I think he's a ward of the state, and if not he should be.....
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Hey, if people don't think our government doesn't use taxes as a gun pressed up against your head; they obviously weren't paying attention when the IRS targeted conservative 501 (c)(4) groups for unusual scrutiny.


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