Taxation "gun to your head" - myth

You can't actually believe this... nobody's this dumb.

Do you honestly make the IRS come take what you owe them through garnishment and asset seizure? That must get expensive. I'd recommend just paying them. It will cost you less in the long run. That's what the rest of us do.

No.. here's how this works.... you get paid, you file a tax return and if you don't pay what is owed, they come after you.

And no, I pay quarterly you goofball... have you ever held a job?

Most of us just pay what is owed.
Do you honestly make the IRS come take what you owe them through garnishment and asset seizure? That must get expensive. I'd recommend just paying them. It will cost you less in the long run. That's what the rest of us do.

No.. here's how this works.... you get paid, you file a tax return and if you don't pay what is owed, they come after you.

And no, I pay quarterly you goofball... have you ever held a job?

Most of us just pay what is owed.

How can you owe something that is voluntary?


Are you drunk?

1) What happens outside the 9th Circuit?

Same thing. United States v. Tucker, 686 F.2d at 233 (5th Circ 1982); United
States v. Ausmus, 774 F.2d 722, 725 (6th Cir. 1985).

2) Did the government obtain the taxes owed by putting Andros in prison, or did they simply seize his assets through not violent means?

Irrelevant, they can throw you in prison as they did to poor mr Easterday..

A majority of the appellate panel concluded circuit precedent requiring the government prove a taxpayer’s ability to pay was no longer controlling even though it was never expressly overruled, and upheld Jack Easterday’s conviction for willful failure to pay employee payroll taxes.

Easterday operated a chain of nursing homes in Northern California which struggled financially between 1996 and 2005. Even though Easterday accurately stated the corporation’s tax liabilities in its tax filings, he repeatedly failed to pay the full amount of payroll taxes due to the Internal Revenue Service.

The government eventually charged Easterday with 109 counts of failing to pay taxes.

At trial, Easterday did not dispute that he failed to pay the taxes when they came due but claimed his failure to pay was due to the fact that he had used what money the corporation had to pay other company bills in order to keep the nursing homes operational.

He asked the court to instruct the jury that the government had to prove he had the financial ability to satisfy his tax obligations at the time the taxes were due, to prove he ‘willfully” failed to pay, in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7202.

U.S. District Court Judge Charles R. Breyer of the Northern District of California found that Poll was no longer good law and rejected the instruction. Easterday subsequently was convicted of 107 counts and sentenced to 30 months in prison

Ninth Circuit Holds Inability to Pay No Defense in Tax Evasion Case

Anything else?
1. I am 28 not 16
I was close. So you've spent most of your life NOT paying taxes. Did you go to college? If so, which college did you go to that isn't subsidized by MY federal tax dollars and which loan did you take out to do it that isn't subsidized by MY federal tax dollars?

5. Yes who would let the roads look like shit without the government!
You evidently have no appreciation whatsoever for how good you've got it in the U.S. Its really sad. Have you ever even been to another country? Our infrastructure system is the envy of the vast majority of the planet, with the exception of perhaps a few countries in Europe, almost all of which have higher rates of taxation than in the U.S.

Oh geez,maybe the same people we get to pave our driveways its called paving companies! Everything needs privatized.No one is threatening my freedom other than the government you worship.
Then let the private companies do it. There's no law stopping a private company from buying land and/or rights of way to build a private road. Either way, I take it you don't use any roads built by federal, state, and local tax dollars, right? At least not the ones that were built before you started paying taxes yourself, that would make you a leach, wouldn't it?

I am pretty sure he was buying things before he turned 14, which means he has been paying taxes for more than half of his life. That destroys your premise that he doesn't have enough time paying taxes to have an opinion.
I was close. So you've spent most of your life NOT paying taxes. Did you go to college? If so, which college did you go to that isn't subsidized by MY federal tax dollars and which loan did you take out to do it that isn't subsidized by MY federal tax dollars?

You evidently have no appreciation whatsoever for how good you've got it in the U.S. Its really sad. Have you ever even been to another country? Our infrastructure system is the envy of the vast majority of the planet, with the exception of perhaps a few countries in Europe, almost all of which have higher rates of taxation than in the U.S.

Then let the private companies do it. There's no law stopping a private company from buying land and/or rights of way to build a private road. Either way, I take it you don't use any roads built by federal, state, and local tax dollars, right? At least not the ones that were built before you started paying taxes yourself, that would make you a leach, wouldn't it?
If he buys gasoline or diesel, he pays fuel taxes which are there to build the roads....Which means he's not a leech.

Leave it to the claimed PhD to not know the difference between a parasitic aquatic worm and percolating liquids. :lol:

Foo. :lol:
Really? So when he bought his first gallon of gas, the entire interstate system was all of a sudden built?

I have been paying taxes a lot longer than you, does that make you a leech?
I said generally. Most people are law abiding citizens and don't want to stiff their fellow citizens on the taxes they owe. There are a few people that feel they don't need to contribute to society - that all the benefits our society provides them they should just get for free. Occasionally the IRS will need to put a lien on these folks' houses because they are cheap assholes who want to cheat the rest of us. As far as the Sheriff selling your home, that's a local issue when you don't pay your property taxes. You can take that up with your local government.
If there are laws, liens, levies and asset forfeiture, there is compulsion -at gunpoint if necessary- by nature.

But gunpoint ISN'T necessary for any of those. That's the point. A lien is a procedural thing. No one has to show up with guns, its simply recorded at the county courthouse or wherever that there is a lien on your property. Its quite convenient.

There is a gun behind all of those things.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

I see that you do not understand the difference between rhetoric and literally and metaphor


(in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast



true to fact; not exaggerated; actual or factual: a literal description of conditions.


A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes a subject by asserting that it is, on some point of comparison, the same as another otherwise unrelated object. Metaphor is a type of analogy and is closely related to other rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance including allegory, hyperbole, and simile.

In simpler terms, a metaphor compares two objects or things without using the words "like" or "as".

No wonder Liberals have a problem with facts if they can't distinguish between these three things. jeez!
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Most of us just pay what is owed.

How can you owe something that is voluntary?


Are you drunk?

Its easy. I owe taxes. I elect to pay them.

Yes, and if you don't, they will lock your ass up and seize everything they can to satisfy what you owe. That's hardly voluntary you goofball.

BTW.. Owe by definition is an obligation to pay... which contradicts your insane proposition that paying taxes is voluntary. Yes, one can choose to not pay and thus subject himself to criminal and/or civil penalties. Life's full of choices.
1. I am 28 not 16
I was close. So you've spent most of your life NOT paying taxes. Did you go to college? If so, which college did you go to that isn't subsidized by MY federal tax dollars and which loan did you take out to do it that isn't subsidized by MY federal tax dollars?

5. Yes who would let the roads look like shit without the government!
You evidently have no appreciation whatsoever for how good you've got it in the U.S. Its really sad. Have you ever even been to another country? Our infrastructure system is the envy of the vast majority of the planet, with the exception of perhaps a few countries in Europe, almost all of which have higher rates of taxation than in the U.S.

Oh geez,maybe the same people we get to pave our driveways its called paving companies! Everything needs privatized.No one is threatening my freedom other than the government you worship.

Then let the private companies do it. There's no law stopping a private company from buying land and/or rights of way to build a private road. Either way, I take it you don't use any roads built by federal, state, and local tax dollars, right? At least not the ones that were built before you started paying taxes yourself, that would make you a leach, wouldn't it?

Went to tech school,probably going back to college in September when kids start school,I pay for the roads I use when they force me to pay 160$ for my registration and 150$ to fill my vehicle up and sky high taxes on everything else. A private company would do a much better job of it and would be easier to held accountable.

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