Taxation "gun to your head" - myth

Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Someone obviously doesn't understand what put a gun to your head means...its an expression there genius. Holy shit the fact I have to explain that to someone is shocking.

Its not being properly used. The expression "gun to your head" implies that would be the eventual result if need be. IRS confiscation of assets from people who simply owe back taxes doesn't get to that point. There are simply to many non-violent means of confiscating assets, why bother?
Plain and simple taxation is THEFT.
Someone obviously doesn't understand what put a gun to your head means...its an expression there genius. Holy shit the fact I have to explain that to someone is shocking.

Its not being properly used. The expression "gun to your head" implies that would be the eventual result if need be. IRS confiscation of assets from people who simply owe back taxes doesn't get to that point. There are simply to many non-violent means of confiscating assets, why bother?
Plain and simple taxation is THEFT.

Oh grow the fuck up.
Stop getting the government to steal from me to pay for you. If I took money from your pocket without your permission that's theft..government does it,its just taxation...makes perfect sense...
Stop getting the government to steal from me to pay for you. If I took money from your pocket without your permission that's theft..government does it,its just taxation...makes perfect sense...

I'm not stealing from you to pay for me anything you whiny baby. My wife and I both work full time and pull in a combined 6 figure salary. We pay our taxes and aren't ashamed to admit it. I doubt you pay a dime in taxes yourself as most 16 year olds' incomes are claimed on their parents returns, but either way, our nation doesn't need leaches like you who expect your freedom to be protected and the road to your workplace to be paved for NOTHING. Please move somewhere without any taxes.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.

Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

You're as dumb as a Monday is long. If i own my own business and file my taxes, but never pay, you think the govt. will just keep sending me a notice that i owe them. If you work for someone they will seize your income without your consent (if you have direct deposit). The bank will even be so kind as to charge you for the transfer of funds. If you dont have any savings that they can take from you, they will seize your assets. If you fail to comply with seizure, they will take it by force. That means restraining you and up to putting a gun to your head.

They arent' asking for the money, poop. It's theft ultimately at the point of a gun.
Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.

Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

You're as dumb as a Monday is long. If i own my own business and file my taxes, but never pay, you think the govt. will just keep sending me a notice that i owe them. If you work for someone they will seize your income without your consent (if you have direct deposit). The bank will even be so kind as to charge you for the transfer of funds. If you dont have any savings that they can take from you, they will seize your assets. If you fail to comply with seizure, they will take it by force. That means restraining you and up to putting a gun to your head.

They arent' asking for the money, poop. It's theft ultimately at the point of a gun.

There's no force at all involved. The bank wilfully turns over your assets to the IRS when they are shown you lawfully owe it. Did you read the OP? Its actually quite civil. The IRS will go to the court who will inform the bank you lawfully owe the IRS the money, then the bank simply subtracts that amount from your account and adds it to the IRS's account or writes them a check.
You're a fucking moron, fella. If I dont have a savings account, a mortgage or any other assett that the thugs can use "niceties" to steal from me, they will show up at my house. They will restrain me from defending my property and seize it. That includes pulling out a gun and pointing it in my face.

Again, just because the thugs use "civil" niceties to steal from someone doesn't make it anything less than theft and ultimately, that theft will be done at the point of a gun if I dont comply.

Hence, taxation is theft at the point of a gun.
Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

You're as dumb as a Monday is long. If i own my own business and file my taxes, but never pay, you think the govt. will just keep sending me a notice that i owe them. If you work for someone they will seize your income without your consent (if you have direct deposit). The bank will even be so kind as to charge you for the transfer of funds. If you dont have any savings that they can take from you, they will seize your assets. If you fail to comply with seizure, they will take it by force. That means restraining you and up to putting a gun to your head.

They arent' asking for the money, poop. It's theft ultimately at the point of a gun.

There's no force at all involved. The bank wilfully turns over your assets to the IRS when they are shown you lawfully owe it. Did you read the OP? Its actually quite civil. The IRS will go to the court who will inform the bank you lawfully owe the IRS the money, then the bank simply subtracts that amount from your account and adds it to the IRS's account or writes them a check.

Theft is the use of force. It's an act of aggression. If I showed up at your house, said I was the government around the area and told you that you owe me money, money that I would take from you if you fail to comply, would you consider that a threat of force?

This is probably a waste of time for soemone with the IQ of a dish sponge, but we'll try anyway.
Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Alphonse Capone was convicted of willfully attempting to evade and defeat income tax for 1925, 1926, and 1927, and of failing to file returns for 1928 and 1929.

The Trial of Al Capone:Contempt of Court Decision (1931)

tax evasion requires more than simply not paying.

Yeah it involves intentionally and willfully not paying.

tax evasion is the purposeful, illegal attempt to evade the assessment or the payment of a tax imposed by federal law.

26 U.S.C. § 7201.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.

Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

Why don't you try that some time and see how long it is before they lock you up. If your theory is correct it will never happen, so you have nothing to lose. If my theory is correct you won't be posting here.
Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

You're as dumb as a Monday is long. If i own my own business and file my taxes, but never pay, you think the govt. will just keep sending me a notice that i owe them. If you work for someone they will seize your income without your consent (if you have direct deposit). The bank will even be so kind as to charge you for the transfer of funds. If you dont have any savings that they can take from you, they will seize your assets. If you fail to comply with seizure, they will take it by force. That means restraining you and up to putting a gun to your head.

They arent' asking for the money, poop. It's theft ultimately at the point of a gun.

There's no force at all involved. The bank wilfully turns over your assets to the IRS when they are shown you lawfully owe it. Did you read the OP? Its actually quite civil. The IRS will go to the court who will inform the bank you lawfully owe the IRS the money, then the bank simply subtracts that amount from your account and adds it to the IRS's account or writes them a check.

The bank turns over the money because the government puts a gun to the bank manager's head.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.

Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

Failure to file is failure to file....Wesley Snipes.

Tax evasion is filing and making untrue/fraudulent claims on the return....Al Capone.

Once again, you have NFI what you're blabbering about.
Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

You're as dumb as a Monday is long. If i own my own business and file my taxes, but never pay, you think the govt. will just keep sending me a notice that i owe them. If you work for someone they will seize your income without your consent (if you have direct deposit). The bank will even be so kind as to charge you for the transfer of funds. If you dont have any savings that they can take from you, they will seize your assets. If you fail to comply with seizure, they will take it by force. That means restraining you and up to putting a gun to your head.

They arent' asking for the money, poop. It's theft ultimately at the point of a gun.

There's no force at all involved. The bank wilfully turns over your assets to the IRS when they are shown you lawfully owe it. Did you read the OP? Its actually quite civil. The IRS will go to the court who will inform the bank you lawfully owe the IRS the money, then the bank simply subtracts that amount from your account and adds it to the IRS's account or writes them a check.

You not only don't understand metaphor but you assume one has enough assets to cover the taxes due plus penalties and interest. And the bank does not willfully do anything. it is COMPELLED by the IRS under threat of having it's charter revoked.

If you do not have enough assets you will be taken away by force.
You're a fucking moron, fella. If I dont have a savings account, a mortgage or any other assett
I would note for the record that the person who is calling me a "moron" believes that owing on a mortgage is an asset.
that the thugs can use "niceties" to steal from me, they will show up at my house. They will restrain me from defending my property and seize it. That includes pulling out a gun and pointing it in my face.
No they won't. They'll put a lien on your property. That doesn't involve guns.
You're a fucking moron, fella. If I dont have a savings account, a mortgage or any other assett
I would note for the record that the person who is calling me a "moron" believes that owing on a mortgage is an asset.
that the thugs can use "niceties" to steal from me, they will show up at my house. They will restrain me from defending my property and seize it. That includes pulling out a gun and pointing it in my face.
No they won't. They'll put a lien on your property. That doesn't involve guns.

They will seize your property eventually with guns drawn.
Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Alphonse Capone was convicted of willfully attempting to evade and defeat income tax for 1925, 1926, and 1927, and of failing to file returns for 1928 and 1929.

The Trial of Al Capone:Contempt of Court Decision (1931)

tax evasion requires more than simply not paying.

Yeah it involves intentionally and willfully not paying.

tax evasion is the purposeful, illegal attempt to evade the assessment or the payment of a tax imposed by federal law.

26 U.S.C. § 7201.

Note the bold faced word. It must involve an act that is already defined as illegal - such as failure to file, lying on a government form where you signature attests to your having sworn it true (such as a tax form), illegally hiding money, etc.
You're a fucking moron, fella. If I dont have a savings account, a mortgage or any other assett
I would note for the record that the person who is calling me a "moron" believes that owing on a mortgage is an asset.
that the thugs can use "niceties" to steal from me, they will show up at my house. They will restrain me from defending my property and seize it. That includes pulling out a gun and pointing it in my face.
No they won't. They'll put a lien on your property. That doesn't involve guns.

And if you dont pay, they will seize you and your assets by force. Using a gun.

Notice the word ultimately, simpleton. Just because these theives use civil niceties to conduct theft, doesnt mean they will not resort to shooting you for noncompliance.

YOu're done here, Dullard.
The government is never "civil"

Everything you are mandated to do by the government is backed with the tacit threat of force.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

George Washington
Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.

Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.

Why don't you try that some time and see how long it is before they lock you up. If your theory is correct it will never happen, so you have nothing to lose. If my theory is correct you won't be posting here.

I'm not a sheister, I pay my taxes.

The IRS doesn't send people to prison for simply owing back taxes. If they did you could produce an example of this happening. I'm sure you will produce examples - but none of them will involve simple failure to pay. They will all involve people who failed to file, lied on their tax forms, or did illegal acts to hide their income. And you'll claim victory anyway.
Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

The Trial of Al Capone:Contempt of Court Decision (1931)

Yeah it involves intentionally and willfully not paying.

tax evasion is the purposeful, illegal attempt to evade the assessment or the payment of a tax imposed by federal law.

26 U.S.C. § 7201.

Note the bold faced word. It must involve an act that is already defined as illegal - such as failure to file, lying on a government form where you signature attests to your having sworn it true (such as a tax form), illegally hiding money, etc.

Not paying taxes at all is illegal, you fucking moron. The difference is, with tax evasion, you're telling them you wont be robbed. As opposed to being cooperative with the robbers. Thats where all your civil niceties come in. They can put a lein on your property to pay (failure to pay means your asset is seized), garnish you income and a host of other ways to acquire the theft. BUT ULTIMATELY IF YOU DONT PAY THEY WILL POINT A GUN AT YOU.

Jesus, does your stupidity have no bounds.....
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