Taxation "gun to your head" - myth

You realize that the gun to your head statement is to demonstrate that the government will use force to take your money away from you, right?

No, the "gun to your head" statement is meant to evoke an emotional response. Its far removed from the methods the IRS would actually use to take what you owe the government. The IRS cares nothing for violence or physical force, they just want to get paid. The bank that has your money will gladly surrender it them when presented with a valid court order. There is no force involved. Its not like the court has to send cops to the bank with guns to threaten the manager for your money.
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And if I defend my property from being seized by this tyrannical government, will they not shoot back at me?

In all likelihood they will simply put a lien on your property. That means - eventually - they get paid! You can't defend a lien with a gun, unless you want to walk down to city hall and start shooting up innocent clerks because you're too cheap to pay your taxes.
You realize that the gun to your head statement is to demonstrate that the government will use force to take your money away from you, right?

No, the "gun to your head" statement is meant to evoke an emotional response. Its far removed from the methods the IRS would actually use to take what you owe the government. The IRS cares nothing for violence or physical force, they just want to get paid. The bank that has your money will gladly surrender it them when presented with a valid court order. There is no force involved. Its not like the court has to send cops to the bank with guns to threaten the manager for your money.

Your bullshit has already been disproven by a dozen posters. Why do you continue on like what you think is true?
You realize that the gun to your head statement is to demonstrate that the government will use force to take your money away from you, right?

No, the "gun to your head" statement is meant to evoke an emotional response. Its far removed from the methods the IRS would actually use to take what you owe the government. The IRS cares nothing for violence or physical force, they just want to get paid. The bank that has your money will gladly surrender it them when presented with a valid court order. There is no force involved. Its not like the court has to send cops to the bank with guns to threaten the manager for your money.

Which explains why the IRS never raids a business.

Internal Revenue Service raids Santa Rosa tax business |

Got any more delusional beliefs?
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Oh well. Another lib myth shot to hell.

The Raw Story | State, federal police surround tax evaders' home

I guess you didn't actually read the OP.

Tax evasion is a crime that actually requires you fail to report and/or lie about your income to the federal government. In the case of Elaine Brown, she was actually selfishly screwing over her employees by not paying their payroll taxes as required.

Simply not paying taxes that you owe is a civil matter, like any other debt. If you truthfully report your income every year but simply don't send the check, then you're not a criminal. Instead, you're a debtor that owes money to the government.
Taxation is ultimately performed at the point of a gun.

No it isn't. This may be true in cash only economies but we aren't a cash only economy. In fact, one of the benefits of having a banking based economy is that debts can be satisfied through non-violent means when the debtors is unwilling to voluntarily pay.
You realize that the gun to your head statement is to demonstrate that the government will use force to take your money away from you, right?

No, the "gun to your head" statement is meant to evoke an emotional response. Its far removed from the methods the IRS would actually use to take what you owe the government. The IRS cares nothing for violence or physical force, they just want to get paid. The bank that has your money will gladly surrender it them when presented with a valid court order. There is no force involved. Its not like the court has to send cops to the bank with guns to threaten the manager for your money.

Your bullshit has already been disproven by a dozen posters. Why do you continue on like what you think is true?

No it hasn't. You can't name a single person who has had a gun pointed to their head ONLY for failure to pay. The Browns committed fraud and were convicted of it.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Since generally speaking, it is the democrats that refuse to pay their taxes, shouldn't you be addressing your own party?
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Oh well. Another lib myth shot to hell.

The Raw Story | State, federal police surround tax evaders' home

I guess you didn't actually read the OP.

Tax evasion is a crime that actually requires you fail to report and/or lie about your income to the federal government. In the case of Elaine Brown, she was actually selfishly screwing over her employees by not paying their payroll taxes as required.

Simply not paying taxes that you owe is a civil matter, like any other debt. If you truthfully report your income every year but simply don't send the check, then you're not a criminal. Instead, you're a debtor that owes money to the government.

First you said it is not a crime to not pay your taxes, now you say it is, but still insist the IRS is not about forcing people to do things.

Can you explain the difference between going to prison for not reporting income and going to prison for refusal to pay taxes you owe?
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I guess you didn't actually read the OP.

Tax evasion is a crime that actually requires you fail to report and/or lie about your income to the federal government. In the case of Elaine Brown, she was actually selfishly screwing over her employees by not paying their payroll taxes as required.

Simply not paying taxes that you owe is a civil matter, like any other debt. If you truthfully report your income every year but simply don't send the check, then you're not a criminal. Instead, you're a debtor that owes money to the government.

First you said it is not a crime to not pay your taxes, now you say it is, but still insist the IRS is not about forcing people to do things.

Can you explain the difference between going to prison for not reporting income and going to prison for refusal to pay taxes you owe?

You are given the opportunity to admit your mistake and to agree to pay ( and it does not have to be all at once) If you refuse and claim taxation is illegal, unconstitutional or any other sham to avoid paying you will likely be charged and tried for a crime.

I guess you didn't actually read the OP.

Tax evasion is a crime that actually requires you fail to report and/or lie about your income to the federal government. In the case of Elaine Brown, she was actually selfishly screwing over her employees by not paying their payroll taxes as required.

Simply not paying taxes that you owe is a civil matter, like any other debt. If you truthfully report your income every year but simply don't send the check, then you're not a criminal. Instead, you're a debtor that owes money to the government.

First you said it is not a crime to not pay your taxes, now you say it is....

Actually I'm saying again that it is not a crime to not pay. Can you read?

Here, maybe this will help
Do people who owe taxes go to prison

Its a crime to fail to file when required, a crime to lie on your tax forms - its not a crime to file your taxes and then simply not send the check for the amount owed. In that case - you simply owe back taxes. They will get them from you eventually, but it won't require any guns.
No, the "gun to your head" statement is meant to evoke an emotional response. Its far removed from the methods the IRS would actually use to take what you owe the government. The IRS cares nothing for violence or physical force, they just want to get paid. The bank that has your money will gladly surrender it them when presented with a valid court order. There is no force involved. Its not like the court has to send cops to the bank with guns to threaten the manager for your money.

Your bullshit has already been disproven by a dozen posters. Why do you continue on like what you think is true?

No it hasn't. You can't name a single person who has had a gun pointed to their head ONLY for failure to pay. The Browns committed fraud and were convicted of it.

The Browns were not charged with fraud.
No, the "gun to your head" statement is meant to evoke an emotional response. Its far removed from the methods the IRS would actually use to take what you owe the government. The IRS cares nothing for violence or physical force, they just want to get paid. The bank that has your money will gladly surrender it them when presented with a valid court order. There is no force involved. Its not like the court has to send cops to the bank with guns to threaten the manager for your money.

Your bullshit has already been disproven by a dozen posters. Why do you continue on like what you think is true?

No it hasn't. You can't name a single person who has had a gun pointed to their head ONLY for failure to pay. The Browns committed fraud and were convicted of it.

It's a distinction without a difference. Even when people file but dont pay the IRS goes back and decides they under-reported or somesuch. In all cases ultimately the IRS will come in and seize assets. Yes, at the point of a gun.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Someone obviously doesn't understand what put a gun to your head means...its an expression there genius. Holy shit the fact I have to explain that to someone is shocking.
I guess you didn't actually read the OP.

Tax evasion is a crime that actually requires you fail to report and/or lie about your income to the federal government. In the case of Elaine Brown, she was actually selfishly screwing over her employees by not paying their payroll taxes as required.

Simply not paying taxes that you owe is a civil matter, like any other debt. If you truthfully report your income every year but simply don't send the check, then you're not a criminal. Instead, you're a debtor that owes money to the government.

First you said it is not a crime to not pay your taxes, now you say it is, but still insist the IRS is not about forcing people to do things.

Can you explain the difference between going to prison for not reporting income and going to prison for refusal to pay taxes you owe?

You are given the opportunity to admit your mistake and to agree to pay ( and it does not have to be all at once) If you refuse and claim taxation is illegal, unconstitutional or any other sham to avoid paying you will likely be charged and tried for a crime.

Your bullshit has already been disproven by a dozen posters. Why do you continue on like what you think is true?

No it hasn't. You can't name a single person who has had a gun pointed to their head ONLY for failure to pay. The Browns committed fraud and were convicted of it.

It's a distinction without a difference. Even when people file but dont pay the IRS goes back and decides they under-reported or somesuch. In all cases ultimately the IRS will come in and seize assets. Yes, at the point of a gun.

If you can please show me an example of the IRS having to point a gun at a bank manager to get him to transfer funds owed from a depositor's account to the IRS, or having to point a gun at a city hall clerk to file a lien, I'd love to see it.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.
I guess you didn't actually read the OP.

Tax evasion is a crime that actually requires you fail to report and/or lie about your income to the federal government. In the case of Elaine Brown, she was actually selfishly screwing over her employees by not paying their payroll taxes as required.

Simply not paying taxes that you owe is a civil matter, like any other debt. If you truthfully report your income every year but simply don't send the check, then you're not a criminal. Instead, you're a debtor that owes money to the government.

First you said it is not a crime to not pay your taxes, now you say it is....

Actually I'm saying again that it is not a crime to not pay. Can you read?

Here, maybe this will help
Do people who owe taxes go to prison

Its a crime to fail to file when required, a crime to lie on your tax forms - its not a crime to file your taxes and then simply not send the check for the amount owed. In that case - you simply owe back taxes. They will get them from you eventually, but it won't require any guns.

First you said it was not a crime to not pay taxes.

Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Now you are saying that you always said it is.
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Someone obviously doesn't understand what put a gun to your head means...its an expression there genius. Holy shit the fact I have to explain that to someone is shocking.

Its not being properly used. The expression "gun to your head" implies that would be the eventual result if need be. IRS confiscation of assets from people who simply owe back taxes doesn't get to that point. There are simply to many non-violent means of confiscating assets, why bother?
Myth: Taxation occurs when the government puts a gun to your head and forces you to give them money.

Fact: This has never happened. If you owe taxes that you have not paid, the government will simply seize enough of your assets to pay for what you owe. They do not need to place a gun to your head to seize your bank account. They do not need to place a gun to your head to put a lien on your home - or to garnish your wages. All of that happens quit civilly when the government presents the proper court orders to the bank, your employer, etc. Now.... if you commit a criminal violation, you may have a gun placed to your head when arrested - although generally only if you're acting like a prick. Simply not paying taxes is not a crime, however. So long as you declare your income truthfully OR assert your 5th amendment rights on your tax forms, you are guilty of no crime, and you'll have no gun placed to your head.

So quit your whining tea baggers, shut up, and pay the tax that your elected representatives have determined you owe.

Are you shitting us? How many celebrities went to prison for tax evasion? I think Wesley Snipes is still doing time. When Hoover's FBI couldn't get Al Capone on real felonies they indicted him for tax evasion.

Wesley Snipes was convicted for failure to file - not failure to pay.

Al Capone was convicted for failure to file (among other things) - not failure to pay.

Have you been paying attention at all? I pointed out both in the OP and about 3 or 4 times now in this thread that the crime of tax evasion requires more than simply not paying. You must fail to file and/or lie about your income. if you truthfully report your income but dont' send the check for the amount owed, you simply owe back taxes. There's no crime. There are tens upon tens of thousands of people who owe the IRS money who are not charged with any crime whatsoever.
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