Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

The repubs fight for a balance budget by giving the richest tax breaks and increasing military spending. Not much of a fight there either.

Really? So when was the last time the richest got a tax break?

Yes they want to increase military spending. Protecting the country is in our Constitution and they are obligated to do so. Planned Parenthood and Cash for Clunkers is not.

Well they are fighting to eliminate the inheritance tax, a tax effecting only the very richest.

We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. You aren't serious about balancing a budget if you are adding to spending.

What gives you the right to tax someone because they died?
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
It all about the abuse and frivolous nature of an progressive government and the way it deals with the people's assets given to it to responsibly distribute...
Flat tax, nothing to do with income....

You can't be serious. So the poor pay the same as the wealthy even though the wealthy benefit so much more I suppose? Oh and everyone pays even the poorest right?
Right now the bottom 47% very little to no "income" tax...

Put a flat tax on purchases...

Yes the very poor and the retired. Why would you want to tax either more?
If a flat tax is put on purchases then the individual can control what the pay in taxes thus better controls on federal government expenditure...

And it hurts the poor more than the rich.
Na, the richest spend more...
Really? So when was the last time the richest got a tax break?

Yes they want to increase military spending. Protecting the country is in our Constitution and they are obligated to do so. Planned Parenthood and Cash for Clunkers is not.

Well they are fighting to eliminate the inheritance tax, a tax effecting only the very richest.

We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. You aren't serious about balancing a budget if you are adding to spending.

What gives you the right to tax someone because they died?
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
It all about the abuse and frivolous nature of an progressive government and the way it deals with the people's assets given to it to responsibly distribute...

Correct. But if they want to play that game, why don't we tax lawsuit settlements? Oh, but the Democrats would never go for that. Trial lawyers are a big contributor to the Democrats come election time.
They dont raise prices because they have to stay competitive with the competition.
When there is a tax hike all businesses take the hit and all of them raise prices.
So no you dont have any idea how business works.

That's not logical, according to the "free" market ideology, prices are determined by supply and demand. There is a price that maximizes profit, it doesn't matter if you tax that profit by 10%, 20% or 30%, the price that maximizes profit is still the same.

And calling me comrade is akin to calling Bernie Kernal Sanders a right wing extremist.
Giving the impression you know nothing of politics as well.

And Bernie isn't a right wing extremist, just a moderate rightwinger.

I call lots of people comrade, no need to get upset. I could also call you a clueless Ayn Rand fanatic but I try not to be insulting.


So in your opinion the business will just eat the added expense?
You do realize a lot of businesses run on razor thin margins and any added increase that cant be offset by price hikes will be made up in lower pay for employees or the down sizing of staff,or the closing of the business all together.

And why would I be upset at your stupidity?

That is why corporate tax breaks should be based on employing in the US, wages, and benefits. Everyone wins.

I agree totally

I have no problem with providing tax breaks to job creators. I do have a problem with classifying every wealthy person as a job creator
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How is it different? A tax is a tax and must be recouped for business to continue.

You simply can't recoup a tax on profits

Let's say you have a business that makes $1 million in profit, then you have to pay 20% in taxes on that profit so $800,000 is left as income for the owners

Taxes go up to 30%, according to you your business will now have to make $1,1 million in profit to make up the difference.

If that's possible without a problem why didn't you make $1,1 million in profit when taxes were 20%?

They dont raise prices because they have to stay competitive with the competition.
When there is a tax hike all businesses take the hit and all of them raise prices.
So no you dont have any idea how business works.

That's not logical, according to the "free" market ideology, prices are determined by supply and demand. There is a price that maximizes profit, it doesn't matter if you tax that profit by 10%, 20% or 30%, the price that maximizes profit is still the same.

And calling me comrade is akin to calling Bernie Kernal Sanders a right wing extremist.
Giving the impression you know nothing of politics as well.

And Bernie isn't a right wing extremist, just a moderate rightwinger.

I call lots of people comrade, no need to get upset. I could also call you a clueless Ayn Rand fanatic but I try not to be insulting.


So in your opinion the business will just eat the added expense?
You do realize a lot of businesses run on razor thin margins and any added increase that cant be offset by price hikes will be made up in lower pay for employees or the down sizing of staff,or the closing of the business all together.

And why would I be upset at your stupidity?

That is why corporate tax breaks should be based on employing in the US, wages, and benefits. Everyone wins.

I agree totally

I have no problem with providing tax breaks to job creators. I do have a problem with classifying every wealthy person as a job creator
It should be no ones business on what anyone is making/worth... Least of all the governments.
Not sure if serious..:disbelief:

Yes, that's why I asked


I'm just shocked that you have such a limited understanding of how business works.
Taxes are a cost of doing business.
When those costs rise the prices rise right along with them. Do you think the owner is just going to eat those costs?
It doesn't mean you shouldn't tax business
Yes, it does mean you shouldn't tax business. In fact, you shouldn't tax anyone.
Besides, after the GOP's massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%, only the top 1% has the money to pay.

There has been no GOP "redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%."
In an economic system that rewards success, those who successfully pursue wealth get rich. Those who don't, don't get rich.
Conversely, an economic system that punishes success gets lots of Detroits.
Gov't meddling will not end poverty but it has (and does) hinder both human advancement and the creation and accumulation of wealth.

The poor are not poor because the rich are rich.
The poor are poor because of progressive government practices...

Income should be none of the governments business...

There are many reasons for poverty that have nothing to do with gov't policies.

Mental or physical deficiencies, limited marketable skills, poor personal and career choices, lack of ambition, etc.

There is and always have been people who are bigger, stronger, faster, smarter and more driven as well as those who lack same.

In America we are free to employ our skills (or not) as we see fit.

I, for one, am not 6'6" tall and I do not possess a 36" vertical leap, thus I did not pursue an NBA career, but I did what I could with the talents I do have.

We may not like the results but the vast majority of us - like water - find our level and for some that means cleaning bathrooms and mowing lawns ... menial jobs that pay menial wages.
An income tax is unconstitutional...

And you'd pay for your military how without it?
Flat tax, nothing to do with income....

You can't be serious. So the poor pay the same as the wealthy even though the wealthy benefit so much more I suppose? Oh and everyone pays even the poorest right?
Right now the bottom 47% pay very little to no "income" tax...

Put a flat tax on purchases...
Put a tax on every time you buy and sell a stock
Besides, after the GOP's massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%, only the top 1% has the money to pay.

There has been no GOP "redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%."
In an economic system that rewards success, those who successfully pursue wealth get rich. Those who don't, don't get rich.
Conversely, an economic system that punishes success gets lots of Detroits.
Gov't meddling will not end poverty but it has (and does) hinder both human advancement and the creation and accumulation of wealth.

The poor are not poor because the rich are rich.
The poor are poor because of progressive government practices...

Income should be none of the governments business...

There are many reasons for poverty that have nothing to do with gov't policies.

Mental or physical deficiencies, limited marketable skills, poor personal and career choices, lack of ambition, etc.

There is and always have been people who are bigger, stronger, faster, smarter and more driven as well as those who lack same.

In America we are free to employ our skills (or not) as we see fit.

I, for one, am not 6'6" tall and I do not possess a 36" vertical leap, thus I did not pursue an NBA career, but I did what I could with the talents I do have.

We may not like the results but the vast majority of us - like water - find our level and for some that means cleaning bathrooms and mowing lawns ... menial jobs that pay menial wages.
Progressive government = taxation with NO REPRESENTATION
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?

Here's the good news: The first $5.4 mil is federal inheritance tax exempt.
tax cuts for the top 2% is a sales tool for trickle down economics, aka RW mantra.

which btw, has never been proven to be effective long term.
An income tax is unconstitutional...

And you'd pay for your military how without it?
Flat tax, nothing to do with income....

You can't be serious. So the poor pay the same as the wealthy even though the wealthy benefit so much more I suppose? Oh and everyone pays even the poorest right?
Right now the bottom 47% pay very little to no "income" tax...

Put a flat tax on purchases...
Put a tax on every time you buy and sell a stock
There you go again being short sighted... No individuals dollar should ever be taxed more than once, ever.
The federal government only knows how to abuse...
Well they are fighting to eliminate the inheritance tax, a tax effecting only the very richest.

We spend more than the next 10 countries combined. You aren't serious about balancing a budget if you are adding to spending.

What gives you the right to tax someone because they died?
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
It all about the abuse and frivolous nature of an progressive government and the way it deals with the people's assets given to it to responsibly distribute...

Correct. But if they want to play that game, why don't we tax lawsuit settlements? Oh, but the Democrats would never go for that. Trial lawyers are a big contributor to the Democrats come election time.

Lawyers are taxed on their share of any settlement.

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