Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.

A lynch mob has voted to string you up by the nearest tree. Apparently you believe that means you have no right to complain, right?

You're the dumbest fuck on this board. Seriously.

ROFL! That is so ironic.

You're a despicable servile toady of the omnipotent state. How do you look at yourself in the mirror?
That is why corporate tax breaks should be based on employing in the US, wages, and benefits. Everyone wins.

I agree totally

I have no problem with providing tax breaks to job creators. I do have a problem with classifying every wealthy person as a job creator

Wealthy people spend lots of money in most cases which of course supports business and job creation.

Then I am a job creator too
I spend money and it creates jobs

We are talking solid identifiable jobs. If you hire an additional ten thousand people you get a tax break

If you lay off ten thousand people, you pay a higher rate

Seems fair

Not with your paltry spending habits.
He can't help it, too stupid to breath that is.
If that happens along the way, fine. If it isn't for max profits... No reason for a business.

Only the biz owner is to be castigated for pursuing his interests. The employees - the people who maximize their interests as employees - are to be lauded.

It's that whole "Worker's Paradise" mentality.
I'm just shocked that you have such a limited understanding of how business works.
Taxes are a cost of doing business.
When those costs rise the prices rise right along with them. Do you think the owner is just going to eat those costs?

I know perfectly well how business works, comrade

And taxes are not a cost of doing business since they pay taxes on profits (which is by definition income minus cost)

Also, businesses already maximize profit. If they could raise prices without consequences they would have already have done so, that's why I asked how higher taxes lead to higher prices for the consumer.


Yep, taxes on profits are how ticks on the ass of society steal from future generations. Profits are the seed corn for future production. Tax profits and you reduce corporate expansion and reduce the wealth of future generations.
God, how many times have we heard that one?

Very little of the profits go into corporate expansion. Those that do get written off. Most of the profit is used for dividends or held in reserve

if they go into dividends, then most of them are reinvested, which means they go into expansion of other corporations. If they are held in reserve, that means they don't have to borrow money, which means that money is available for others to borrow. Anyway you look at it, taxes on corporations reduce the rate of economic growth. Corporate taxes are taxes on our future wealth.

I know your kind desperately wants to prevent the public from knowing that.
To hell with that, the federal should have no claim on any inheritance no matter the size.
Those dollars have already been taxed, who knows how many times.

Cheat the system, the federal government deserves to be cheated.

What comes around goes around...

In many cases, that money has not been taxed

You don't pay taxes on a capital gain until that gain is realized. So, if you paid a million for stocks and they are now worth ten million you do not pay taxes on the nine million profit until you sell

If you die. That ten million goes to your heirs
It's called risk...
Taxing risk makes no sense...

Of course it does

If the risk does not pay off, you are not taxed
if the risk pays off, you are just don't understand.

The federal government has no skin in the game, why should they be rewarded??
We the people are rewarded

It is your entry fee into the game

Being looted is being rewarded? When you say "we the people" you really mean "we the ticks on the ass of society."
No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...
You can not name a business or industry that does not depend on the government in some way to support the business or industry. Tax payers pay for those supports and infrastructures that make all business and industries possible. Go ahead and name one that doesn't.
It's the individual who allowed for the federal government to do all those things, for the businesses in turn for the individual to succeed.

The federal government should be seen and not heard...
You are evading the question and challenge and offering an opinion. A statement has been made that the government has no skin in the game and therefore has no reason or right to tax. That idea is being challenged and called bullshit. The basis for that concept is false and misrepresents reality. It is a talking point that does not hold up and never has. You can not name one industry or business that does not require direct or indirect government tax payer support.
You're the one deflecting, the federal government should for the individual success, not the progressives(village).
Paying into a pot and spending out of that same pot, has never worked for the good in history, hence socialism.

This country was envisioned to be a capitalist republic, not a socialist democracy therefore crazy debt, overbearing fed, progressive politicians and unhappy masses, ending in a failed government.

Embrace the suck
I'm just shocked that you have such a limited understanding of how business works.
Taxes are a cost of doing business.
When those costs rise the prices rise right along with them. Do you think the owner is just going to eat those costs?
It doesn't mean you shouldn't tax business

As long as you dont mind paying for their tax increase.

I also pay for increased labor costs, increased cost of supplies and increased costs of insurance

You are only taxed on your profit. More money you are making, the more you will pay

What the fuck does that have to do with a tax increase?

No..the more YOU pay to make up for the businesses lost revenue.

Of course. That is the way capitalism works. As a cost of doing business, you pay taxes to pay for roads, police and fire protection , schools from which you benefit

You are taxed on the profit from your business. If you can pass that on and still compete in the market, that is what you do

No, that's the way socialism works. Under capitalism, the roads, fire protection, schools and security would all be provided by private companies.
What gives you the right to tax someone because they died?
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.
That doesn't give them to tax irresponsibly, which they do in spades.
I'm just shocked that you have such a limited understanding of how business works.
Taxes are a cost of doing business.
When those costs rise the prices rise right along with them. Do you think the owner is just going to eat those costs?

I know perfectly well how business works, comrade

And taxes are not a cost of doing business since they pay taxes on profits (which is by definition income minus cost)

Also, businesses already maximize profit. If they could raise prices without consequences they would have already have done so, that's why I asked how higher taxes lead to higher prices for the consumer.


Yep, taxes on profits are how ticks on the ass of society steal from future generations. Profits are the seed corn for future production. Tax profits and you reduce corporate expansion and reduce the wealth of future generations.
God, how many times have we heard that one?

Very little of the profits go into corporate expansion. Those that do get written off. Most of the profit is used for dividends or held in reserve
Any business should be for owner/owners not the employees.
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
It all about the abuse and frivolous nature of an progressive government and the way it deals with the people's assets given to it to responsibly distribute...

Correct. But if they want to play that game, why don't we tax lawsuit settlements? Oh, but the Democrats would never go for that. Trial lawyers are a big contributor to the Democrats come election time.

Lawyers are taxed on their share of any settlement.

Their clients are not. If we were to tax that money, less people would be suing.

The whole idea behind our right to sue for damages is to make the injured party whole. A court's judgment is intended to do just that. If we make the gov't a partner in the transaction, judges will have to increase the amount to account for the tax.
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.
That doesn't give them to tax irresponsibly, which they do in spades.

Actually it does. If you don't like how they're taxing you, you vote for somebody else.
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes

It should be used to pay off the debt. Those tax breaks for the rich sure didn't help the economy.
Says who? You?
I was easily making six figures prior to the crash. I won't claim that it was tax cuts that did it but it sure as hell wasn't something that carried over into Obama's administration.
You morons claim one thing but your only scape goat is the crash. The crash that was partially caused by Democratic policies. So desperate to help the poor that everyone paid the price.

Just look at how the economy has done, the evidence is clear.
Our economy crashed because of shady trading & financial practices. Partially thanks to people like Barney Frank and their bullshit "help the poor" policies.
The economy stayed in the shitter because we elected a fucking amatuer who knew NOTHING about economics & had the same God damn philosophy that got us there in the first place.

None of the "help the poor" policies contributed to the economic crisis.

That's been debunked over and over again.

Forcing banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them is what caused the crisis, so your claim is pure bullshit.
No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.
That doesn't give them to tax irresponsibly, which they do in spades.

Actually it does. If you don't like how they're taxing you, you vote for somebody else.

How does that work when you're about to be lynched?
The person who dies isn't getting taxed. The person that gets a windfall of income from the death is the one being taxed.

No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.

A lynch mob has voted to string you up by the nearest tree. Apparently you believe that means you have no right to complain, right?

No ... like a good little lefty he believes YOU have no right to complain.
Lefties will rigorously defend their "right" to decide how to spend your money and their right to complain ... not yours.
Last edited:
To hell with that, the federal should have no claim on any inheritance no matter the size.
Those dollars have already been taxed, who knows how many times.

Cheat the system, the federal government deserves to be cheated.

What comes around goes around...

In many cases, that money has not been taxed

You don't pay taxes on a capital gain until that gain is realized. So, if you paid a million for stocks and they are now worth ten million you do not pay taxes on the nine million profit until you sell

If you die. That ten million goes to your heirs
It's called risk...
Taxing risk makes no sense...

Of course it does

If the risk does not pay off, you are not taxed
if the risk pays off, you are just don't understand.

The federal government has no skin in the game, why should they be rewarded??
We the people are rewarded

It is your entry fee into the game
That is why socialism was, is and always doomed to failure, as it should be.

It's a candy a$$ed concept, and should be mocked as such.
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...
You can not name a business or industry that does not depend on the government in some way to support the business or industry. Tax payers pay for those supports and infrastructures that make all business and industries possible. Go ahead and name one that doesn't.
It's the individual who allowed for the federal government to do all those things, for the businesses in turn for the individual to succeed.

The federal government should be seen and not heard...
You are evading the question and challenge and offering an opinion. A statement has been made that the government has no skin in the game and therefore has no reason or right to tax. That idea is being challenged and called bullshit. The basis for that concept is false and misrepresents reality. It is a talking point that does not hold up and never has. You can not name one industry or business that does not require direct or indirect government tax payer support.
You're the one deflecting, the federal government should for the individual success, not the progressives(village).
Paying into a pot and spending out of that same pot, has never worked for the good in history, hence socialism.

This country was envisioned to be a capitalist republic, not a socialist democracy therefore crazy debt, overbearing fed, progressive politicians and unhappy masses, ending in a failed government.

Embrace the suck
I am not deflecting at all. I keep asking you the same question. You keep failing to answer and instead give a lecture or opinions without answering the question. That is the definition of a deflection. All I am doing is asking the same question over and over. It just means your opinion can not be backed up and mine can. Your concept and idea that government has no business taxing citizens or business and industry is based on fraudulent bullshit. My contention that it does holds up under scrutiny.
No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.

A lynch mob has voted to string you up by the nearest tree. Apparently you believe that means you have no right to complain, right?

No ... like a good little lefty he believes YOU have no right to complain.
Lefties will adamantly defend their right to decide how to spend your money and their right to complain ... not yours.

You have the same voting rights I have, presumably.
No because government takes their money before it goes from the dead person to the heirs.

If my father is worth a million dollars, and he passes that on to his children and grand children, we may each get about $70,000 a piece. If government comes along and takes half of that money first, then we are actually getting taxed at a much higher bracket for the money we are getting.

Government gets a much bigger cut from my fathers estate than his very own children. What's right about that?
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.
That doesn't give them to tax irresponsibly, which they do in spades.

Actually it does. If you don't like how they're taxing you, you vote for somebody else.
Taxing is just another word for taking...
That is not how it works. The money goes into an estate which is controlled by an executor named by the deceased in a will and is transferred on to the children, grand children and or whoever is named in a will by that executor after court approval Taxes are paid by the people receiving the inheritance after it has been given to them, but in the example you give no one would be paying taxes because the 5.43 million each individual receives is tax exempt. The amount is adjusted to inflation every year. This is a pesky little fact the anti estate tax folks like to ignore. The first 5 million plus is totally tax free, exempt and excluded from taxation. That means that if you inherit 6 million dollars you will only be required to pay a tax on less than $600,000 at the same rates and conditions as anyone else.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...

The 'individuals' have voted the government the authority to tax, and the elected representatives have been given the power to spend.

Therefore, some of your money does belong to the government. Legally.
That doesn't give them to tax irresponsibly, which they do in spades.

Actually it does. If you don't like how they're taxing you, you vote for somebody else.
Taxing is just another word for taking...

Is that what passes for profound in your world?

You prefer anarchy. We get it. But you won't get it here.
The federal government deserves nothing, no matter the size...

It's not their money to begin with... It's the individual's.

Taxation without representation is what the death tax is...
You can not name a business or industry that does not depend on the government in some way to support the business or industry. Tax payers pay for those supports and infrastructures that make all business and industries possible. Go ahead and name one that doesn't.
It's the individual who allowed for the federal government to do all those things, for the businesses in turn for the individual to succeed.

The federal government should be seen and not heard...
You are evading the question and challenge and offering an opinion. A statement has been made that the government has no skin in the game and therefore has no reason or right to tax. That idea is being challenged and called bullshit. The basis for that concept is false and misrepresents reality. It is a talking point that does not hold up and never has. You can not name one industry or business that does not require direct or indirect government tax payer support.
You're the one deflecting, the federal government should for the individual success, not the progressives(village).
Paying into a pot and spending out of that same pot, has never worked for the good in history, hence socialism.

This country was envisioned to be a capitalist republic, not a socialist democracy therefore crazy debt, overbearing fed, progressive politicians and unhappy masses, ending in a failed government.

Embrace the suck
I am not deflecting at all. I keep asking you the same question. You keep failing to answer and instead give a lecture or opinions without answering the question. That is the definition of a deflection. All I am doing is asking the same question over and over. It just means your opinion can not be backed up and mine can. Your concept and idea that government has no business taxing citizens or business and industry is based on fraudulent bullshit. My contention that it does holds up under scrutiny.
You obviously do not know what a republic is, look it up.

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