Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

Of course it does

If the risk does not pay off, you are not taxed
if the risk pays off, you are just don't understand.

The federal government has no skin in the game, why should they be rewarded??
We the people are rewarded

It is your entry fee into the game

Being looted is being rewarded? When you say "we the people" you really mean "we the ticks on the ass of society."
If you want to consider 330 million people ticks on the ass of society, you are welcome

Investment should be taxed the same as labor

And then you have less people investing. Is that what you want?

People investing already pay brokerage costs

Doesn't deter them in the least
Well, stop demonizing profit then.

It's what makes the world go around... Like it or not.

Our rich obviously need an incentive to create good paying jobs cause they aren't doing it.

Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and they'll have some incentive.

Many companies already pay zero:
20 big profitable US companies paid $0 in taxes

Corporations just send jobs to China or bring foreigners here to work for less.
There should not be a corporate tax, that is taxation without representation.

Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.
Eisenhower taxed the wealthy at 91% and corporations at 50% and presided over the biggest economic boom time in America in the past 100 years.
Again, by who's assessment?
I will believe that when pigs fly, to hell with the government.

All their so called "facts" are politically bias...
Let's enter our way back machine and see what we accomplished when the wealthy were taxed at higher rates

In the 30s we built Hoover Dam
In the 40s we fought WWII
in the 50s we built the interstate highway system
In the 60s we went to the moon

We slashed taxes on the rich in the 1980s.....what have we accomplished as a nation since? just don't understand.

The federal government has no skin in the game, why should they be rewarded??
We the people are rewarded

It is your entry fee into the game

Being looted is being rewarded? When you say "we the people" you really mean "we the ticks on the ass of society."
If you want to consider 330 million people ticks on the ass of society, you are welcome

Investment should be taxed the same as labor

And then you have less people investing. Is that what you want?

People investing already pay brokerage costs

Doesn't deter them in the least
Let's enter our way back machine and see what we accomplished when the wealthy were taxed at higher rates

In the 30s we built Hoover Dam
In the 40s we fought WWII
in the 50s we built the interstate highway system
In the 60s we went to the moon

We slashed taxes on the rich in the 1980s.....what have we accomplished as a nation since?
Who cares?
Helping the village always hurts the individual... So I say let the village burn.
Let's enter our way back machine and see what we accomplished when the wealthy were taxed at higher rates

In the 30s we built Hoover Dam
In the 40s we fought WWII
in the 50s we built the interstate highway system
In the 60s we went to the moon

We slashed taxes on the rich in the 1980s.....what have we accomplished as a nation since?
Who cares?
Helping the village always hurts the individual... So I say let the village burn.

Not even worthy of a response
Let's enter our way back machine and see what we accomplished when the wealthy were taxed at higher rates

In the 30s we built Hoover Dam
In the 40s we fought WWII
in the 50s we built the interstate highway system
In the 60s we went to the moon

We slashed taxes on the rich in the 1980s.....what have we accomplished as a nation since?
Who cares?
Helping the village always hurts the individual... So I say let the village burn.

Not even worthy of a response
The village without individuals is no village at all, the individuals make the village NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

Dumb a$$
Eisenhower taxed the wealthy at 91% and corporations at 50% and presided over the biggest economic boom time in America in the past 100 years.
Again, by who's assessment?

The tax rates are about numbers.

The perception of prosperity is evidenced in the fact that the post-war generation had things a lot better than you do.
Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Ok well then you need to get the job creators to start doing that and paying well. Then there will be no need for social programs.
Well, stop demonizing profit then.

It's what makes the world go around... Like it or not.

Our rich obviously need an incentive to create good paying jobs cause they aren't doing it.
You're not understanding, a business is created for a service/product so an profit can be obtained, no to just hire and help employees.

If an business is not in it for profit its failure, rightly so.

If a not for profit "business" is desired, don't call it a business. Call it what it is, handout.

And if you want small government you need those businesses to provide good paying jobs with benefits. Either corporations or the government provide for people. Has to be corporations if you want small government.
If anyone starts a business just to employ, that makes no sense.

So it will fail...

So you don't want small government.
Eisenhower taxed the wealthy at 91% and corporations at 50% and presided over the biggest economic boom time in America in the past 100 years.
Again, by who's assessment?

The tax rates are about numbers.

The perception of prosperity is evidenced in the fact that the post-war generation had things a lot better than you do.
Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Where they always go, politicians.
The federal government only knows to spend, tax and print. They have given up on their duties, protect and serve.
Ok well we have had stronger economies with more taxation.

That was a different world Brian, before Nafta and all the rest when China only had a 100,000 cars on the road... We are not going back to 1950 no matter how much the left thinks it's possible.

What does income tax rate have to do with all of those things? The rich got their breaks and it seems they have used them to grow the China economy.
No, cheap people grow China's economy. You know, people who shop at Amazon and Walmart.

Yes because CEOs sent all the production to China.

The American consumer is also to blame, they wanted cheap goods, why can't you liberals ever take some responsibility for your actions? Always trying to put the full blame on CEOs?

Many could be made here. Not like pricing came down drastically, there hasn't been deflation. The savings by going overseas has just filled the rich pockets.
Our rich obviously need an incentive to create good paying jobs cause they aren't doing it.

Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and they'll have some incentive.

Many companies already pay zero:
20 big profitable US companies paid $0 in taxes

Corporations just send jobs to China or bring foreigners here to work for less.
There should not be a corporate tax, that is taxation without representation.

Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.
Well, stop demonizing profit then.

It's what makes the world go around... Like it or not.

Our rich obviously need an incentive to create good paying jobs cause they aren't doing it.
You're not understanding, a business is created for a service/product so an profit can be obtained, no to just hire and help employees.

If an business is not in it for profit its failure, rightly so.

If a not for profit "business" is desired, don't call it a business. Call it what it is, handout.

And if you want small government you need those businesses to provide good paying jobs with benefits. Either corporations or the government provide for people. Has to be corporations if you want small government.
If anyone starts a business just to employ, that makes no sense.

So it will fail...

So you don't want small government.
A duty obligated government would be nice, the way it was supposed to be.
To protect and serve only, and no social programs... We can't afford them by any stretch of the imagination.
Eisenhower taxed the wealthy at 91% and corporations at 50% and presided over the biggest economic boom time in America in the past 100 years.
Again, by who's assessment?

The tax rates are about numbers.

The perception of prosperity is evidenced in the fact that the post-war generation had things a lot better than you do.
Still not the federal governments doing...
You mean the federal government didn't collect those taxes? Where did they go then?
Where they always go, politicians.

So politicians are not part of the government on your planet? That would explain so much. But here on Earth, in the U.S., the 1950s were a time of great prosperity, in large part because the corporations and the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes.

(See, if you wanted to look intelligent, you'd have demanded that I prove those tax rates. Instead, you're just flailing.)
That was a different world Brian, before Nafta and all the rest when China only had a 100,000 cars on the road... We are not going back to 1950 no matter how much the left thinks it's possible.

What does income tax rate have to do with all of those things? The rich got their breaks and it seems they have used them to grow the China economy.
No, cheap people grow China's economy. You know, people who shop at Amazon and Walmart.

Yes because CEOs sent all the production to China.

The American consumer is also to blame, they wanted cheap goods, why can't you liberals ever take some responsibility for your actions? Always trying to put the full blame on CEOs?

Many could be made here. Not like pricing came down drastically, there hasn't been deflation. The savings by going overseas has just filled the rich pockets.
Bingo!!! Taxes are too damn high!!!
Our rich obviously need an incentive to create good paying jobs cause they aren't doing it.
You're not understanding, a business is created for a service/product so an profit can be obtained, no to just hire and help employees.

If an business is not in it for profit its failure, rightly so.

If a not for profit "business" is desired, don't call it a business. Call it what it is, handout.

And if you want small government you need those businesses to provide good paying jobs with benefits. Either corporations or the government provide for people. Has to be corporations if you want small government.
If anyone starts a business just to employ, that makes no sense.

So it will fail...

So you don't want small government.
A duty obligated government would be nice, the way it was supposed to be.
To protect and serve only, and no social programs... We can't afford them by stretch of the imagination.

Not when the rich are creating so much need for them.
Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and they'll have some incentive.

Many companies already pay zero:
20 big profitable US companies paid $0 in taxes

Corporations just send jobs to China or bring foreigners here to work for less.
There should not be a corporate tax, that is taxation without representation.

Yes I get it. You don't think there should be any taxes. Great plan. Pay for the military and infrastructure with no taxes.
That is the duty of the federal government, social programs are not. Thus the failure of social programs.

We wouldn't have such a welfare problem if the rich weren't so greedy.
Wrong, if the government was not so overbearing...

Embrace the suck

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