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Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
I still wonder why poor folks are so desperate to protect the rich.

Because they are only one lottery ticket away from getting into the 1% club.
Obama doesn't totally oppose fracking, just made it safer and kept it off our beautiful public lands. His stimulus worked great, but ran out in 2010. But we have the best economy in the world (with no corrupt Pub bubble), but many thanks to the new bs GOP causing phony debt ceiling crises and wrecking the world recovery as well as causing the need. It's now making faster progress despite the oil industry no longer expanding. WTH is the problem lol? Get off the gloom and doom , obstruction bs channel.

It's fracking and obstruction you have to thank for what little improvement we've had in our economy--not DumBama.
Oil expansion has now ended and we're at 3.7% growth. What stalled the recovery was those shutdowns from the GOP for no reason, and of course blocking EVERY normal reform in a recession. They certainly screwed up the EU and China when THEY were in good shape a couple years ago too. US politics are all important, ya know. Stupid a-hole and their dupes...

What GOP shutdown are you talking about?

Republicans blocked DumBama from wasting money such as he had with his so-called stimulus package that produced nothing. DumBama just wanted another one. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

In the meantime, DumBama pushed and succeeded with an increase in corporate taxes, he succeeded with an increase in personal taxation for those making over $450,000 per year. He succeeded in passing Commie Care which is a major burden to our job creators. DumBama is the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime.
LOL. Stim worked great duh. You live on a strange planet. All those ridiculous debt ceiling crises- never happened before, so dumb- each caused 1%+ cut in GDP. O-Care has caused NO change in jobs. Link to those corporate taxes lol?

Bull. I have multiple stories about facilities closing or laying off medical care workers because of Commie Care. Here in Cleveland, the Cleveland Clinic laid off over 3,000 workers alone.

The pork bill was no better. It mostly went to union oriented jobs. Where are all those new roads and bridges at? Even DumBama admitted that those "shovel ready jobs" were not shovel ready.

Your President didn't have the smarts to figure out you can't get the economy moving by focusing on certain sectors of our employment. If you want to get the economy going, it has to be widespread like what Reagan or Bush did. The closest he came to that was a reduction in our SS contributions. Brilliant. Put less money into a program already going broke.

But what do you expect? That's Democrat thinking for ya.

What is "Commie Care"?
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes

It should be used to pay off the debt. Those tax breaks for the rich sure didn't help the economy.
Says who? You?
I was easily making six figures prior to the crash. I won't claim that it was tax cuts that did it but it sure as hell wasn't something that carried over into Obama's administration.
You morons claim one thing but your only scape goat is the crash. The crash that was partially caused by Democratic policies. So desperate to help the poor that everyone paid the price.

Just look at how the economy has done, the evidence is clear.
Our economy crashed because of shady trading & financial practices. Partially thanks to people like Barney Frank and their bullshit "help the poor" policies.
The economy stayed in the shitter because we elected a fucking amatuer who knew NOTHING about economics & had the same God damn philosophy that got us there in the first place.
OMG, I'll be you really believe that shit.

Well yeah they do.

It's repeated over and over again by right wing talk radio that poor people took your stuff.

They can't explain how it was done, but somehow a gay man gave minorities laser beams that crashed the economy.
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
I still wonder why poor folks are so desperate to protect the rich.

Because they are only one lottery ticket away from getting into the 1% club.

i wonder why morons who secretely want to be rich, and in many cases are rich, are so desperate to pander against the rich
They don't need to, but HONESTY dictates YOU admitting they didn't "earn" $40 billion in Ireland, lol

INTELLECTUAL profits are counted in low tax nations. Cool right? JUST DON'T TRY TO BRING IT BACK WITHOUT PAYING US TAXES ON IT!!

That means they won't be bringing it back. Yeah, that sure is smart government policy!

Cool. Either they pay for Gov't or let them keep it offshore. Simple.

Yeah, that will create a lot of jobs in this country.

It's sad that you're so stupid you can't see the flaw in your plan.

Jobs? lol

A Repatriation Holiday Would Not Create Jobs

Repatriation Holiday Would Not Increase Investment or Job Creation

According to one estimate, U.S. businesses hold accumulated foreign earnings of almost $2 trillion offshore.[5] Many businesses leave a large portion of those earnings abroad to pursue new opportunities in growing foreign markets. However, they undoubtedly also leave a substantial remaining portion abroad to logically delay payment of the U.S. tax.

Businesses, like individuals, respond to incentives. If the U.S. offered a repatriation holiday, businesses would no doubt bring large amounts of foreign earnings back to the U.S. to reduce their deferred tax liability. Indeed, the last time the U.S. offered a repatriation holiday in 2004 businesses brought back $362 billion.

However, the holiday did not have the anticipated positive economic benefit

Repatriation Holiday Is Backward Looking

Another holiday would do nothing to encourage investment in the long run either, since it would absolve businesses of tax liabilities they have already accrued.


A Repatriation Holiday Would Not Create Jobs
ya do know even Harry Reid was coming up with a plan for a New tax holiday right "dip shit that didn't know we bombed the rest of the industrial world into the stone age in WWII "

Idea for Corporate Tax Holiday Gains Bipartisan Traction in Senate
Corporate Tax Holiday has been used in the past to bring money being held overseas back in to America. And every time, the money goes into dividends and tax shelters. Never has it had the anticipated result. Like "trickle down" or the "Bush Tax Cuts". Those have never worked either.
It should be used to pay off the debt. Those tax breaks for the rich sure didn't help the economy.
Says who? You?
I was easily making six figures prior to the crash. I won't claim that it was tax cuts that did it but it sure as hell wasn't something that carried over into Obama's administration.
You morons claim one thing but your only scape goat is the crash. The crash that was partially caused by Democratic policies. So desperate to help the poor that everyone paid the price.

Just look at how the economy has done, the evidence is clear.
Our economy crashed because of shady trading & financial practices. Partially thanks to people like Barney Frank and their bullshit "help the poor" policies.
The economy stayed in the shitter because we elected a fucking amatuer who knew NOTHING about economics & had the same God damn philosophy that got us there in the first place.
OMG, I'll be you really believe that shit.

Well yeah they do.

It's repeated over and over again by right wing talk radio that poor people took your stuff.

They can't explain how it was done, but somehow a gay man gave minorities laser beams that crashed the economy.

If a poor person gets something that he/she otherwise would not get and he/she gets its because someone that earned what funds it pays more in taxes to do it, it's no different than if that poor person came and stole it. They got something that isn't theirs and they got it because the government mandated the funding for it be taken from someone else.
It should be used to pay off the debt. Those tax breaks for the rich sure didn't help the economy.
Says who? You?
I was easily making six figures prior to the crash. I won't claim that it was tax cuts that did it but it sure as hell wasn't something that carried over into Obama's administration.
You morons claim one thing but your only scape goat is the crash. The crash that was partially caused by Democratic policies. So desperate to help the poor that everyone paid the price.

Just look at how the economy has done, the evidence is clear.
Our economy crashed because of shady trading & financial practices. Partially thanks to people like Barney Frank and their bullshit "help the poor" policies.
The economy stayed in the shitter because we elected a fucking amatuer who knew NOTHING about economics & had the same God damn philosophy that got us there in the first place.
OMG, I'll be you really believe that shit.

Well yeah they do.

It's repeated over and over again by right wing talk radio that poor people took your stuff.

They can't explain how it was done, but somehow a gay man gave minorities laser beams that crashed the economy.

the poor people didnt take my stuff. but i CAN show you that the poor have been made poorer under Progressive's watch

libs are losers who lie.....................TO THEMSELVES
That means they won't be bringing it back. Yeah, that sure is smart government policy!

Cool. Either they pay for Gov't or let them keep it offshore. Simple.

Yeah, that will create a lot of jobs in this country.

It's sad that you're so stupid you can't see the flaw in your plan.

Jobs? lol

A Repatriation Holiday Would Not Create Jobs

Repatriation Holiday Would Not Increase Investment or Job Creation

According to one estimate, U.S. businesses hold accumulated foreign earnings of almost $2 trillion offshore.[5] Many businesses leave a large portion of those earnings abroad to pursue new opportunities in growing foreign markets. However, they undoubtedly also leave a substantial remaining portion abroad to logically delay payment of the U.S. tax.

Businesses, like individuals, respond to incentives. If the U.S. offered a repatriation holiday, businesses would no doubt bring large amounts of foreign earnings back to the U.S. to reduce their deferred tax liability. Indeed, the last time the U.S. offered a repatriation holiday in 2004 businesses brought back $362 billion.

However, the holiday did not have the anticipated positive economic benefit

Repatriation Holiday Is Backward Looking

Another holiday would do nothing to encourage investment in the long run either, since it would absolve businesses of tax liabilities they have already accrued.


A Repatriation Holiday Would Not Create Jobs
ya do know even Harry Reid was coming up with a plan for a New tax holiday right "dip shit that didn't know we bombed the rest of the industrial world into the stone age in WWII "

Idea for Corporate Tax Holiday Gains Bipartisan Traction in Senate
Corporate Tax Holiday has been used in the past to bring money being held overseas back in to America. And every time, the money goes into dividends and tax shelters. Never has it had the anticipated result. Like "trickle down" or the "Bush Tax Cuts". Those have never worked either.

ask a left-wing moron like this loon who created the jobs that the Left INSISTS make obama's stated unemployment numbers the gospel truth and you get crickets...............................................
It should be used to pay off the debt. Those tax breaks for the rich sure didn't help the economy.
Says who? You?
I was easily making six figures prior to the crash. I won't claim that it was tax cuts that did it but it sure as hell wasn't something that carried over into Obama's administration.
You morons claim one thing but your only scape goat is the crash. The crash that was partially caused by Democratic policies. So desperate to help the poor that everyone paid the price.

Just look at how the economy has done, the evidence is clear.
Our economy crashed because of shady trading & financial practices. Partially thanks to people like Barney Frank and their bullshit "help the poor" policies.
The economy stayed in the shitter because we elected a fucking amatuer who knew NOTHING about economics & had the same God damn philosophy that got us there in the first place.
OMG, I'll be you really believe that shit.

Well yeah they do.

It's repeated over and over again by right wing talk radio that poor people took your stuff.

They can't explain how it was done, but somehow a gay man gave minorities laser beams that crashed the economy.

ask a left-wing loser what policies the right supposedly endorsed that allegedly crashed the economy that his own Democrat Party didnt REPEATEDLY VOTE FOR AND CONTINUE

and you get crickets...................
? Walmart for example pays so little that employees collect welfare. By paying so little walmart is creating government dependence and increasing the size of government. Meanwhile the waltons make billions each year not working. If they paid enough that employees were not on welfare it would decrease government dependence. Before you know it those people would probably want tax breaks.

How long have you been on this planet anyway?

For your information, minimum wage has always been that--minimum. So why focus on Walmart? Because you were told to focus on Walmart.

Walmart is no different than K-Mart, than Target, than Home Depot, than True Value Hardware, than any other entry level job. They all pay minimum wage.

When the left wants to brainwash people, they show you or tell you about the lowly shelf stocker at Walmart. Well soooorrrry. I'm sorry you didn't get an education or secure a trade, but that's not Walmart's fault.

What the left doesn't tell you is how well Walmart pays their managers, their warehouse people, their truck drivers, their office staff, everybody else but that floor washer you are so obsessed with.

Minimum wage is nothing new either. When I first got out into the workforce, minimum wage was $3.25 per hour. Yes, that was some years ago, but you still couldn't afford to support yourself. So what did we do if we were stuck at a minimum wage job? We worked more hours. We'd work 10 hour days plus the weekend if need be. If your job didn't offer weekend work, you found another job for the weekends. We would try to advance ourselves at the job we had. But what we didn't do is go on some welfare program because we had too much pride and welfare programs back then didn't pay anything.

Your rant has little to do with my point. Picked Walmart cause they are the largest employer. Like I said, paying so little increases government dependence.

So that's Walmart's fault and not the government?

Yes the Waltons make billions not workng and pay those who work for them so little they are on welfare.

Yeah, God forbid they work more hours to get off of welfare.

That's not always possible. They work more hours than the Waltons.
? Walmart for example pays so little that employees collect welfare. By paying so little walmart is creating government dependence and increasing the size of government. Meanwhile the waltons make billions each year not working. If they paid enough that employees were not on welfare it would decrease government dependence. Before you know it those people would probably want tax breaks.

How long have you been on this planet anyway?

For your information, minimum wage has always been that--minimum. So why focus on Walmart? Because you were told to focus on Walmart.

Walmart is no different than K-Mart, than Target, than Home Depot, than True Value Hardware, than any other entry level job. They all pay minimum wage.

When the left wants to brainwash people, they show you or tell you about the lowly shelf stocker at Walmart. Well soooorrrry. I'm sorry you didn't get an education or secure a trade, but that's not Walmart's fault.

What the left doesn't tell you is how well Walmart pays their managers, their warehouse people, their truck drivers, their office staff, everybody else but that floor washer you are so obsessed with.

Minimum wage is nothing new either. When I first got out into the workforce, minimum wage was $3.25 per hour. Yes, that was some years ago, but you still couldn't afford to support yourself. So what did we do if we were stuck at a minimum wage job? We worked more hours. We'd work 10 hour days plus the weekend if need be. If your job didn't offer weekend work, you found another job for the weekends. We would try to advance ourselves at the job we had. But what we didn't do is go on some welfare program because we had too much pride and welfare programs back then didn't pay anything.

Your rant has little to do with my point. Picked Walmart cause they are the largest employer. Like I said, paying so little increases government dependence.

Nope. Giving money to people that they haven't earned increases government dependence. You act as if Walmart is the legal guardian of its employees. It's not. Walmart is not responsible for the care and feeding of the people who work for it. No company is. The taxpayers aren't responsible either.

I'm saying if they paid enough that employees weren't on welfare the government would shrink. Instead the Waltons make billions not working and increase government dependence. Companies taking care of emloyees is the only way government will shrink. You must like big government.

Yet you never answered when I made a fair comparison, so let's try this again:

If you need a lawn care company, do you choose the one that will cut your lawn for $45.00 per cut or the one that charges $75.00 per cut?

If you need the brakes on your car replaced, do you choose the garage that will do the job for $550.00 or do you choose the garage that charges $850.00?

If you need a new roof on your house, do you hire the roofers that will do the job for $4,500, or do you choose the company that will do it for $6,500?

Nobody (including yourself) will overpay people to do the work that others will do for much less money. So why should the Walton's overpay their employees? You don't overpay the companies you use! You go for the best price like we all do.

Well paying them so little leads to government dependence and bigger government. You must love big government.
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
I still wonder why poor folks are so desperate to protect the rich.

Because they are only one lottery ticket away from getting into the 1% club.
a lottery mentality versus an entitlement society? socialism is more equal than that.
It will only enable the government to spend more money on stupid ass senseless projects like shrimp on treadmills.
You stupid liberals will vote for it and see NONE OF IT. It will be blown on wasteful spending just like the vast majority of your taxes
I still wonder why poor folks are so desperate to protect the rich.
I wonder why morons always think everyone is poor.
How long have you been on this planet anyway?

For your information, minimum wage has always been that--minimum. So why focus on Walmart? Because you were told to focus on Walmart.

Walmart is no different than K-Mart, than Target, than Home Depot, than True Value Hardware, than any other entry level job. They all pay minimum wage.

When the left wants to brainwash people, they show you or tell you about the lowly shelf stocker at Walmart. Well soooorrrry. I'm sorry you didn't get an education or secure a trade, but that's not Walmart's fault.

What the left doesn't tell you is how well Walmart pays their managers, their warehouse people, their truck drivers, their office staff, everybody else but that floor washer you are so obsessed with.

Minimum wage is nothing new either. When I first got out into the workforce, minimum wage was $3.25 per hour. Yes, that was some years ago, but you still couldn't afford to support yourself. So what did we do if we were stuck at a minimum wage job? We worked more hours. We'd work 10 hour days plus the weekend if need be. If your job didn't offer weekend work, you found another job for the weekends. We would try to advance ourselves at the job we had. But what we didn't do is go on some welfare program because we had too much pride and welfare programs back then didn't pay anything.

Your rant has little to do with my point. Picked Walmart cause they are the largest employer. Like I said, paying so little increases government dependence.

Nope. Giving money to people that they haven't earned increases government dependence. You act as if Walmart is the legal guardian of its employees. It's not. Walmart is not responsible for the care and feeding of the people who work for it. No company is. The taxpayers aren't responsible either.

I'm saying if they paid enough that employees weren't on welfare the government would shrink. Instead the Waltons make billions not working and increase government dependence. Companies taking care of emloyees is the only way government will shrink. You must like big government.

Yet you never answered when I made a fair comparison, so let's try this again:

If you need a lawn care company, do you choose the one that will cut your lawn for $45.00 per cut or the one that charges $75.00 per cut?

If you need the brakes on your car replaced, do you choose the garage that will do the job for $550.00 or do you choose the garage that charges $850.00?

If you need a new roof on your house, do you hire the roofers that will do the job for $4,500, or do you choose the company that will do it for $6,500?

Nobody (including yourself) will overpay people to do the work that others will do for much less money. So why should the Walton's overpay their employees? You don't overpay the companies you use! You go for the best price like we all do.

Well paying them so little leads to government dependence and bigger government. You must love big government.

Since you do the exact same thing as Walmart, you must love big government too.
How long have you been on this planet anyway?

For your information, minimum wage has always been that--minimum. So why focus on Walmart? Because you were told to focus on Walmart.

Walmart is no different than K-Mart, than Target, than Home Depot, than True Value Hardware, than any other entry level job. They all pay minimum wage.

When the left wants to brainwash people, they show you or tell you about the lowly shelf stocker at Walmart. Well soooorrrry. I'm sorry you didn't get an education or secure a trade, but that's not Walmart's fault.

What the left doesn't tell you is how well Walmart pays their managers, their warehouse people, their truck drivers, their office staff, everybody else but that floor washer you are so obsessed with.

Minimum wage is nothing new either. When I first got out into the workforce, minimum wage was $3.25 per hour. Yes, that was some years ago, but you still couldn't afford to support yourself. So what did we do if we were stuck at a minimum wage job? We worked more hours. We'd work 10 hour days plus the weekend if need be. If your job didn't offer weekend work, you found another job for the weekends. We would try to advance ourselves at the job we had. But what we didn't do is go on some welfare program because we had too much pride and welfare programs back then didn't pay anything.

Your rant has little to do with my point. Picked Walmart cause they are the largest employer. Like I said, paying so little increases government dependence.

So that's Walmart's fault and not the government?

Yes the Waltons make billions not workng and pay those who work for them so little they are on welfare.

Yeah, God forbid they work more hours to get off of welfare.

That's not always possible. They work more hours than the Waltons.

How would you know how many hours the Walton's work? You watch too many television shows, that's your problem.

As far as reality goes, poverty is the situation of not having enough money to survive. The solution to having money is working. If you don't have enough money, then work more hours. Problem solved. And don't tell me that it can't be done. I did it for years when I was younger.
That means they won't be bringing it back. Yeah, that sure is smart government policy!

Cool. Either they pay for Gov't or let them keep it offshore. Simple.

Yeah, that will create a lot of jobs in this country.

It's sad that you're so stupid you can't see the flaw in your plan.

Jobs? lol

A Repatriation Holiday Would Not Create Jobs

Repatriation Holiday Would Not Increase Investment or Job Creation

According to one estimate, U.S. businesses hold accumulated foreign earnings of almost $2 trillion offshore.[5] Many businesses leave a large portion of those earnings abroad to pursue new opportunities in growing foreign markets. However, they undoubtedly also leave a substantial remaining portion abroad to logically delay payment of the U.S. tax.

Businesses, like individuals, respond to incentives. If the U.S. offered a repatriation holiday, businesses would no doubt bring large amounts of foreign earnings back to the U.S. to reduce their deferred tax liability. Indeed, the last time the U.S. offered a repatriation holiday in 2004 businesses brought back $362 billion.

However, the holiday did not have the anticipated positive economic benefit

Repatriation Holiday Is Backward Looking

Another holiday would do nothing to encourage investment in the long run either, since it would absolve businesses of tax liabilities they have already accrued.


A Repatriation Holiday Would Not Create Jobs
ya do know even Harry Reid was coming up with a plan for a New tax holiday right "dip shit that didn't know we bombed the rest of the industrial world into the stone age in WWII "

Idea for Corporate Tax Holiday Gains Bipartisan Traction in Senate
Corporate Tax Holiday has been used in the past to bring money being held overseas back in to America. And every time, the money goes into dividends and tax shelters. Never has it had the anticipated result. Like "trickle down" or the "Bush Tax Cuts". Those have never worked either.

They both worked fantastic and brought us out of recessions. If you were working, you'd know that.
DumBama couldn't fix a bicycle tire. Who are you trying to kid?
So you live on another planet...We have the best economy on this planet, with no corrupt Pub bubble/bust/scandal.

So you want to give DumBama credit for our economy? Fine with me. But in order to do that, you have to show what he did exactly to give him this credit.

He never did anything. All his attempts were failures such as Cash for Clunkers, the so-called Stimulus act, the reduction in SS contributions. All failures.

So what did happen? What happened is a reduction in fuel prices thanks to fracking which Democrats totally oppose. Over the last year and a half, Americans experienced a savings in fuel which helped families to pay other bills, save money, and yes, even make investments.

DumBama had nothing to do with that. In fact, drilling permits on public land were reduced by DumBama and gang.
Obama doesn't totally oppose fracking, just made it safer and kept it off our beautiful public lands. His stimulus worked great, but ran out in 2010. But we have the best economy in the world (with no corrupt Pub bubble), but many thanks to the new bs GOP causing phony debt ceiling crises and wrecking the world recovery as well as causing the need. It's now making faster progress despite the oil industry no longer expanding. WTH is the problem lol? Get off the gloom and doom , obstruction bs channel.

It's fracking and obstruction you have to thank for what little improvement we've had in our economy--not DumBama.
Oil expansion has now ended and we're at 3.7% growth. What stalled the recovery was those shutdowns from the GOP for no reason, and of course blocking EVERY normal reform in a recession. They certainly screwed up the EU and China when THEY were in good shape a couple years ago too. US politics are all important, ya know. Stupid a-hole and their dupes...


What stalled the economy was

1. Obama care and waiting for the Supremes to rule on it

2. Obama's ever threat of raising the MW.

3. Obama's constant regulations on business

4. Obama being the Anti small business president..

Who the hell would have wanted to invest in brick and mortar with this liberal president?

Clinton Criticizes The Obama Economy, ‘Surprised to See’ Small Businesses ‘Have Stalled Out’

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized President Obama’s economy when she hosted a roundtable discussion in New Hampshire.

Clinton said she was “very surprised” that the United States has “stalled out” when it comes the creation of new small businesses. Clinton also said that a recent study shows the United States is No. 46 in the world for the difficulty in starting a small business
So you live on another planet...We have the best economy on this planet, with no corrupt Pub bubble/bust/scandal.

So you want to give DumBama credit for our economy? Fine with me. But in order to do that, you have to show what he did exactly to give him this credit.

He never did anything. All his attempts were failures such as Cash for Clunkers, the so-called Stimulus act, the reduction in SS contributions. All failures.

So what did happen? What happened is a reduction in fuel prices thanks to fracking which Democrats totally oppose. Over the last year and a half, Americans experienced a savings in fuel which helped families to pay other bills, save money, and yes, even make investments.

DumBama had nothing to do with that. In fact, drilling permits on public land were reduced by DumBama and gang.
Obama doesn't totally oppose fracking, just made it safer and kept it off our beautiful public lands. His stimulus worked great, but ran out in 2010. But we have the best economy in the world (with no corrupt Pub bubble), but many thanks to the new bs GOP causing phony debt ceiling crises and wrecking the world recovery as well as causing the need. It's now making faster progress despite the oil industry no longer expanding. WTH is the problem lol? Get off the gloom and doom , obstruction bs channel.

It's fracking and obstruction you have to thank for what little improvement we've had in our economy--not DumBama.
Oil expansion has now ended and we're at 3.7% growth. What stalled the recovery was those shutdowns from the GOP for no reason, and of course blocking EVERY normal reform in a recession. They certainly screwed up the EU and China when THEY were in good shape a couple years ago too. US politics are all important, ya know. Stupid a-hole and their dupes...


What stalled the economy was

1. Obama care and waiting for the Supremes to rule on it

2. Obama's ever threat of raising the MW.

3. Obama's constant regulations on business

4. Obama being the Anti small business president..

Who the hell would have wanted to invest in brick and mortar with this liberal president?

Clinton Criticizes The Obama Economy, ‘Surprised to See’ Small Businesses ‘Have Stalled Out’

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized President Obama’s economy when she hosted a roundtable discussion in New Hampshire.

Clinton said she was “very surprised” that the United States has “stalled out” when it comes the creation of new small businesses. Clinton also said that a recent study shows the United States is No. 46 in the world for the difficulty in starting a small business
All in all, to review your points, it must be said that the negativity of Pub media propaganda should be added to the obstruction of the Pub congressmen as causes of the stalled recovery. WHICH ENDED WITH THE END OF shutdown "crises"... last year. You're FOS. lol. It's like the Volt- GOPers were fed total bs about it so 40% of the country won't buy a great car.
Your rant has little to do with my point. Picked Walmart cause they are the largest employer. Like I said, paying so little increases government dependence.

Nope. Giving money to people that they haven't earned increases government dependence. You act as if Walmart is the legal guardian of its employees. It's not. Walmart is not responsible for the care and feeding of the people who work for it. No company is. The taxpayers aren't responsible either.

I'm saying if they paid enough that employees weren't on welfare the government would shrink. Instead the Waltons make billions not working and increase government dependence. Companies taking care of emloyees is the only way government will shrink. You must like big government.

Yet you never answered when I made a fair comparison, so let's try this again:

If you need a lawn care company, do you choose the one that will cut your lawn for $45.00 per cut or the one that charges $75.00 per cut?

If you need the brakes on your car replaced, do you choose the garage that will do the job for $550.00 or do you choose the garage that charges $850.00?

If you need a new roof on your house, do you hire the roofers that will do the job for $4,500, or do you choose the company that will do it for $6,500?

Nobody (including yourself) will overpay people to do the work that others will do for much less money. So why should the Walton's overpay their employees? You don't overpay the companies you use! You go for the best price like we all do.

Well paying them so little leads to government dependence and bigger government. You must love big government.

Since you do the exact same thing as Walmart, you must love big government too.

No I am not a billionaire paying workers very little.
Your rant has little to do with my point. Picked Walmart cause they are the largest employer. Like I said, paying so little increases government dependence.

So that's Walmart's fault and not the government?

Yes the Waltons make billions not workng and pay those who work for them so little they are on welfare.

Yeah, God forbid they work more hours to get off of welfare.

That's not always possible. They work more hours than the Waltons.

How would you know how many hours the Walton's work? You watch too many television shows, that's your problem.

As far as reality goes, poverty is the situation of not having enough money to survive. The solution to having money is working. If you don't have enough money, then work more hours. Problem solved. And don't tell me that it can't be done. I did it for years when I was younger.

None of them hold any position with Walmart.

That's hard to do if you have a kids.

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