Taxing the wealthy the most isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic

if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap
A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense. Republicans can whine about Medicare/Medicaid I guess (until they need it and don’t admit it), but man do they love our defense budget. Bigger the better! Who cares if we have a shit load of tanks and airpower we’ll never use! It makes us look tough! Okay, sure, but guess what? That shit still has to be paid for. That revenue has to be generated realistically to match the high price tag. That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding because it’s not like the shrinking middle class or poor has the income to pay their fair share. Forget about a flat tax because it’s “fair”. That isn’t the point. It’s about what makes economic sense.
Says a politically correct piece of shit… You do realize political correctness has made you fucking retarded
A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense. Republicans can whine about Medicare/Medicaid I guess (until they need it and don’t admit it), but man do they love our defense budget. Bigger the better! Who cares if we have a shit load of tanks and airpower we’ll never use! It makes us look tough! Okay, sure, but guess what? That shit still has to be paid for. That revenue has to be generated realistically to match the high price tag. That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding because it’s not like the shrinking middle class or poor has the income to pay their fair share. Forget about a flat tax because it’s “fair”. That isn’t the point. It’s about what makes economic sense.
Reasoning of the looter.

Theft never makes any sense, economic or otherwise.
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
At least it’s not a socialist entitlement program… Which never has anything good about it
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.

He intends to cut $100B in wetback spending to offset it though...The Party Of Filthy Foreigners intends to recruit more pet humans, more of the worlds trash. What then?
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.

if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
At least it’s not a socialist entitlement program… Which never has anything good about it

How is it not? Who is paying for it?
Here is Democrat leadership for you. More tax and spend and it is a disaster.

Lightfoot to lower the boom on Chicago taxpayers Aug. 29

Lightfoot to lower the boom on Chicago taxpayers Aug. 29

Before an audience likely to include civic leaders and community groups, Mayor Lori Lightfoot is expected to project a shortfall that tops $1 billion.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot is poised to lower the boom on beleaguered Chicago taxpayers on Aug. 29 — by disclosing a shortfall that tops $1 billion
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.

He intends to cut $100B in wetback spending to offset it though...The Party Of Filthy Foreigners intends to recruit more pet humans, more of the worlds trash. What then?

It's business that is recruiting them.
First, the GOP, despite its shallow libertarian droning about small government, spends like a 16 year old girl with Daddy's Gold Card. At least the Democrats are fiscally responsible enough to tax for the proceeds to use. You spend your way out of a financial catastrophe, as Obama was forced to do. You don't explode budgets in a period of growth, as Trump is.
Totally debunked Keynesian claptrap.

Second, in any given economic system, there will always be individuals who are naturally, organically equipped to prosper significantly more within that system, and individuals who are not. An intelligent, prosperous, civilized society knows that you don't extravagantly reward only that select few and leave the rest to struggle. All that will inevitably lead to is...
Orwellian claptrap....Not stealing the resources of those who produced and accumulated them isn't "rewarding" them.

....third, to steal a line from another poster, a smart socio-economic policy is valuable insurance against social revolution. The masses are human, and will only put up with increasing wealth disparity and income disparity for so long. At some point they will react, and when they do, it's human nature to over-react. The people below the top 5% vote, and they are paying attention.
Thievery of resources from one group of individuals in society, in order to feather the nests of others who did nothing to earn them, is neither smart nor valuable....You're as bad and the nose-picking looting OP, in your empty-headed platitudinous rationale for straight-up theft.

Libertarian theory is fun 'n stuff, it has value as a general guardrail, but it's not realistic in the long run.
Empty throw-away platitude...You have absolutely no frame of reference to make that claim.
This is what happens when you give your tax money to the government.

A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense.

Rot in hell you thieving lowlife scum. Before you ask us for one more dime of OUR money clean up your $4 trillion dollar a year mess of fraud and corruption and stupid shit spending habits THEN get on your knees and beg us for more money.

How did the billions the fed pumped into the markets become just "your money"?

What are you blabbering about snowflake? Get a job pay your own damn bill stop mooching.
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.

He intends to cut $100B in wetback spending to offset it though...The Party Of Filthy Foreigners intends to recruit more pet humans, more of the worlds trash. What then?

It's business that is recruiting them.

What businesses...Gustavo’s Tire and Manuel’s Tree Trimming?
I live near the most beanerized, wetback infested cities in America...they all work off the books for other wetbacks...the wetback world is an underground, mostly self serving economy within our economy.

Is it “businesses” offering the sanctuary, free shit, education, healthcare...etc?
if anything they need to freeze tax hikes
they should be CUTTING taxes

Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
At least it’s not a socialist entitlement program… Which never has anything good about it

How is it not? Who is paying for it?
Socialist entitlement programs are an cancer that cannot be cured
You have never studied Economics, have you? That is understandable because all you Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Ethics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.

That’s because most of the Democrats tax the rich plans include working middle class .... aka rank and file GOP. That’s the problem with “tax the wealthy” plans. It’s the working middle class that gets screwed.
A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense.

Rot in hell you thieving lowlife scum. Before you ask us for one more dime of OUR money clean up your $4 trillion dollar a year mess of fraud and corruption and stupid shit spending habits THEN get on your knees and beg us for more money.

How did the billions the fed pumped into the markets become just "your money"?

What are you blabbering about snowflake? Get a job pay your own damn bill stop mooching.

I'm getting ready to retire but it's common that when someone is unwilling to address what I say they make it about me.
Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.

He intends to cut $100B in wetback spending to offset it though...The Party Of Filthy Foreigners intends to recruit more pet humans, more of the worlds trash. What then?

It's business that is recruiting them.

What businesses...Gustavo’s Tire and Manuel’s Tree Trimming?
I live near the most beanerized, wetback infested cities in America...they all work off the books for other wetbacks...the wetback world is an underground, mostly self serving economy within our economy.

Is it “businesses” offering the sanctuary, free shit, education, healthcare...etc?

Just so you don't think I ignored you. I'm not replying to someone that replies in the manner you do.
Just default on the 22 trillion in debt?
won't matter if taxes destroy the economy
.....CUT government spending--they keep spending more and more--you have to cut it off to stop the debt
....I remember reading about the Medieval times--and how taxes destroyed the communities
ENOUGH of the spending--and they spend a lot on crap

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
At least it’s not a socialist entitlement program… Which never has anything good about it

How is it not? Who is paying for it?
Socialist entitlement programs are an cancer that cannot be cured

You didn't answer my question.

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