Taxpayers Near Ferguson Must Turn to Private Security


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Those who own private property in suburbs near Ferguson must hire private security for protection. Malls, shopping centers, and other valuables will be protected with private money. A story linked on Drudge today noted that the wealthy suburb of Clayton includes many private firms turning to private security, but apparently, private firms are being called in throughout the metro area:

Securitas, a security firm that employs 1,600 private guards around St. Louis, says it contracted out the last of its personnel two weeks ago to protect malls, banks, pharmaceutical corporations, power plants, and other large businesses, some of which are based in Clayton. To meet the demand of anticipated violence, Securitas has been making new hires, according to Garrett Cizek, the firm’s local business-development manager.

Naturally, no one, if he can afford it will rely on government police for “protection.”
Blog Mises Institute

It's a shame that these people must pay twice to protect their property; once for the security firms actually protecting their property, and again to the looters, read government, who fail to protect anything and actually caused the situation whereby their property is threatened in the first place. The Ferguson Police Department would be out of business if forced to actually compete on the market.
Of course. They know the police won't do anything. The police take orders from the city. If you want someone to take orders from you, hire them yourself.

My son lives in a walled and gated community. They have all private security. Ex military or Blackwater. No one can claim police brutality.

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