Taylor Swift awarded Person of the Year, and MAGAs are frantic.

Censorship on X?!?! :dunno:
Only on content that should be censored like ultra graphic photos and such. But certainly this particular subject would not be censored. There's just not much interest in Taylor Swift among MAGAs I guess. :)

Taylor Swift is awful! :auiqs.jpg:

I'm cutting that off. :oops:

She's about as bad as the Friday girl.

No she isn't awful. She's definitely in on the pop culture that passes for entertainment these days. She is actually more wholesome than a lot of them. She's just not a great singer. Not awful. But definitely not great.
Only on content that should be censored like ultra graphic photos and such. But certainly this particular subject would not be censored. There's just not much interest in Taylor Swift among MAGAs I guess. :)
I never take advice from a celebrity, they have been so sheltered from reality.
I never take advice from a celebrity, they have been so sheltered from reality.
Nor do I unless it inspires me to use common sense I might not otherwise think of. But yes, the left controls most of the entertainment industry and pretty much dictates the script to them.

I remember years ago a young Barbra Streisand was taking part in a women's rights rally/demonstration and was enthusiastically telling people passing by why abortion was so bad. Until another rally attender heard her and took her aside to instruct here that the rally was pro choice not pro life and women had a constitutional right to abortion or some such. And from that time on Barbra was pushing for women's right to an abortion.

And while that incident is purely anecdotal, I suspect it also illustrates how shallow and lacking in conviction are so many of those on the left that take these kinds of extreme positions.

I have no idea how Taylor Swift feels about much of anything. She doesn't offend me. But she sure doesn't inspire me to consider her an authority on much of anything. :)
Trump and Putin are in fact fellow illiberal, anti-democratic authoritarians.
Tell us more how it’s good to force people to undergo medical procedures, government take children away for not going along with their child’s mental illness, politically motivated selective prosecutions, control of free speech, class warfare….
Every generation has their pop stars when they are growing up

But if we’re lucky we eventually outgrow them

Swift wasn't chosen for her music Mac. Swift was chosen that she has completely changed the MUSIC BUSINESS, returning both the rights, and the money to the artists.

The musicians and songwriters have long been the pawns of the record companies, and female musicians have been especially ill treated. HBO recently had a series called "Women who Rock", which starts with Aretha and Janis and ends with Taylor Swift.

When it came to the segment on Swift, it wasn't her pop princess chart topping songs they talked about but her business chops. The way she was creating her own career instead of having to squeeze herself into whatever image the business wanted of her.

For example, when the Eurythmics were signed, the record company contract required her to dress androgenously, because they wanted a female "Boy George" to promote. The number of "pop princesses" who develop eating disorders, or psychiatric problems is long and distinguished. After Wrecking Ball, Dolly Parton sat Miley Cyrus down and told her she was getting bad advice from people who were exploited her. She was too talented to let them use her like that.

The stories of fabulous talented musicians who signed away their rights just to get a record contract and died broke are endless. Swift has found a way for artists to take back their rights, their images and their careers. So that THEY can control their own art, not a bunch of Hedge Fund owners.

Paul McCartney is unlikely to die penniless anytime soon, but he did sign away rights to his music when he was in his 20's, and spent decades trying to get them back. In Swift's case, she was even consulted before or after the hedge fund bought her catalogue.

Last but not least. When Swift finished the US leg of her tour, she paid all of her roadies $100,000 each. Life changing money for guys who work under contract, and earn on average, $35 - $40,000 per year.

When Trump is in the white house and a new AG and FBI director is appointed
I have never listened to a Taylor Swift song in my life. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it very much. I used to say that about Pink. Boy was I wrong. When it comes to giving back, I would put Taylor right up there with Dolly Parton. She is a decent human being. We need more people like her.

Taylor Swift is nothing like Dolly Parton .... God no! NEVER!

Dolly Parton has brains .....I like Dolly! Bless her soul! :up:

She is funny, that's what counts in this stupid life! :biggrin:

Swift wasn't chosen for her music Mac. Swift was chosen that she has completely changed the MUSIC BUSINESS, returning both the rights, and the money to the artists.

The musicians and songwriters have long been the pawns of the record companies, and female musicians have been especially ill treated. HBO recently had a series called "Women who Rock", which starts with Aretha and Janis and ends with Taylor Swift.

When it came to the segment on Swift, it wasn't her pop princess chart topping songs they talked about but her business chops. The way she was creating her own career instead of having to squeeze herself into whatever image the business wanted of her.

For example, when the Eurythmics were signed, the record company contract required her to dress androgenously, because they wanted a female "Boy George" to promote. The number of "pop princesses" who develop eating disorders, or psychiatric problems is long and distinguished. After Wrecking Ball, Dolly Parton sat Miley Cyrus down and told her she was getting bad advice from people who were exploited her. She was too talented to let them use her like that.

The stories of fabulous talented musicians who signed away their rights just to get a record contract and died broke are endless. Swift has found a way for artists to take back their rights, their images and their careers. So that THEY can control their own art, not a bunch of Hedge Fund owners.

Paul McCartney is unlikely to die penniless anytime soon, but he did sign away rights to his music when he was in his 20's, and spent decades trying to get them back. In Swift's case, she was even consulted before or after the hedge fund bought her catalogue.

Last but not least. When Swift finished the US leg of her tour, she paid all of her roadies $100,000 each. Life changing money for guys who work under contract, and earn on average, $35 - $40,000 per year.
If memory serves doesn't McCartney hold the rights to Buddy Holly's music?
I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
I can't name a single song by her. Isn't she still having sex with the football player?
I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
I enjoy many of Taylor Swift's songs and like many men find her extremely attractive.
Tell us more how it’s good to force people to undergo medical procedures, government take children away for not going along with their child’s mental illness, politically motivated selective prosecutions, control of free speech, class warfare….
Yeah, that sounds like Russia.

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