Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified

My friends daughter is a huge fan of Taylor and she is voting for the first time in 24 and she is MAGA all the way...

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

Cellblock2429 Feb’24 Stsidv: The Left is obsessed with Swift, not us. You’re the ones who think she’s your path to victory, not us. You are the ones who keep bringing her up, not us. cllblknnnn 240202 Stsidv00149

What finally got me to vote for Trump was this one thing... 171027​

SmokeALib Oct’17 Swfgmt: Leftists enjoy slaughtering unborn babies. smklb 171027 Swfgmt00011

JGalt Oct’17 Swfgmt: Seriously? I'm a Republican and even though I consider abortion a crime against children and an abomination, I don't "oppose it period". I just don't feel that my tax money should have to pay for it. If a woman wants an abortion, she should pay for it on her own. •¥¥• Same thing with birth control. Who the hell can't afford a couple dollars a month, that my tax money should have to pay for their birth control? •¥¥¥• Same this with what you call "religious bs". Being a conservative, I believe in the U.S. constitution. The First Amendment gives you the right to worship any God you want, or none at all. •¥¥¥¥• That being said, maybe you'd like to provide some proof that the Republican Party would like to do away with your First Amendment rights. •¥¥¥¥¥• jgvlt 171027 Swfgmt00009

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

Let’s repeat the key words in Saint Jgalt’s Post Swfgmt00009

JGalt Oct’17 “If a woman wants an abortion, she should pay for it on her ownz Swfgmt00009

However, the reality is Saint Jgalt votes in lockstep with the white Christian nationalists who control the GOP on a national level and in states like Tennessee in the heart of the Bible Belt and the Confederacy where “If a woman wants an abortion” she can’t get one in the state where she lives because Saint Jgalt cites to take that woman’s right to privacy and her right to make a decision about her own health, finances and pursuit of happiness according to her conscience.

Saint Jgalt will deprive every pregnant woman of a right to self determination of her own conscience whether or not to carry an unexpected pregnancy to full term. He agrees that white evangelical Christians and less than half of devout Catholics, when they demand it, must have the power of law used to impose their Biblical worldview on law abiding citizens regarding sex and reproduction.

Saint Jgalt lives a fallacy that he supports liberty and freedom of conscience for women.

nfbw 240202 Vtsidv00150 to Swfgmt00009
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Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

Cellblock2429 Feb’24 Stsidv: The Left is obsessed with Swift, not us. You’re the ones who think she’s your path to victory, not us. You are the ones who keep bringing her up, not us. cllblknnnn 240202 Stsidv00149

What finally got me to vote for Trump was this one thing... 171027​

SmokeALib Oct’17 Swfgmt: Leftists enjoy slaughtering unborn babies. smklb 171027 Swfgmt00011

JGalt Oct’17 Swfgmt: Seriously? I'm a Republican and even though I consider abortion a crime against children and an abomination, I don't "oppose it period". I just don't feel that my tax money should have to pay for it. If a woman wants an abortion, she should pay for it on her own. •¥¥• Same thing with birth control. Who the hell can't afford a couple dollars a month, that my tax money should have to pay for their birth control? •¥¥¥• Same this with what you call "religious bs". Being a conservative, I believe in the U.S. constitution. The First Amendment gives you the right to worship any God you want, or none at all. •¥¥¥¥• That being said, maybe you'd like to provide some proof that the Republican Party would like to do away with your First Amendment rights. •¥¥¥¥¥• jgvlt 171027 Swfgmt00009

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

Let’s repeat the key words in Saint Jgalt’s Post Swfgmt00009

JGalt Oct’17 “If a woman wants an abortion, she should pay for it on her ownz Swfgmt00009

However, the reality is Saint Jgalt votes in lockstep with the white Christian nationalists who control the GOP on a national level and in states like Tennessee in the heart of the Bible Belt and the Confederacy where “If a woman wants an abortion” she can’t get one in the state where she lives because Saint Jgalt cites to take that woman’s right to privacy and her right to make a decision about her own health, finances and pursuit of happiness according to her conscience.

Saint Jgalt will deprive every pregnant woman of a right to self determination of her own conscience whether or not to carry an unexpected pregnancy to full term. He agrees that white evangelical Christians and less than half of devout Catholics, when they demand it, must have the power of law used to impose their Biblical worldview on law abiding citizens regarding sex and reproduction.

Saint Jgalt lives a fallacy that he supports liberty and freedom of conscience for women.

nfbw 240202 Vtsidv00150 to Swfgmt00009
/----/ All you clowns have is a bunch of teenie-bopper Swifties., a singer, and Bedpan Joe with 35% approval. You sure as hell can't run Dementia Joe on his merits.

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

Cellblock2429 Feb’24 Stsidv:
/----/ All you clowns have is a bunch of teenie-bopper Swifties., a singer, and Bedpan Joe with 35% approval. You sure as hell can't run Dementia Joe on his merits.
cllblck 240202 Stsidv00151

Trump won't take a position on abortion and the 6-week thing 230418​

CrusaderFrank Apr’23 Stwtap: The whole world knows you guys cheated, that's why everyone laughs at Biden and his democrat Party crsdrfrnk 230418 Stwtap00022

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

According to Saint Crusaderfrank Biden cannot lose. He knows how to cheat without leaving a trace snd DJT and his white Christian nationalist believers can’t figure out how Biden does it. And that is with God on the MAGA side.

353,000 new jobs in January December was revised up and worker income is beating inflation

nfbw 240202 tsidv00152
to cllblck Stsidv00151
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Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

Cellblock2429 Feb’24 Stsidv:
/----/ All you clowns have is a bunch of teenie-bopper Swifties., a singer, and Bedpan Joe with 35% approval. You sure as hell can't run Dementia Joe on his merits.
cllblck 240202 Stsidv00151

Trump won't take a position on abortion and the 6-week thing 230418​

CrusaderFrank Apr’23 Stwtap: The whole world knows you guys cheated, that's why everyone laughs at Biden and his democrat Party crsdrfrnk 230418 Stwtap00022

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240202​

According to Saint Crusaderfrank Biden cannot lose. He knows how to cheat without leaving a trace snd DJT and his white Christian nationalist believers can’t figure out how Biden does it. And that is with God on the MAGA side.

353,000 new jobs in January December was revised up and worker income is beating inflation

nfbw 240202 tsidv00152
to cllblck Stsidv00151
/---/ Not quite sure what your post proves or disproves. A little clarity, please.

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

What's not to fear? More snot-nosed kids voting who don't know the first thing about the people or the issues of the world they are voting on who just go by some slut on stage who dances and sings for them? What's not to fear?

Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective​

Cellblock2429 Dec’29 Stmfac: The EC protects the rights of the minority, a concept that makes your skin crawl. cllblknnnn 191229 Stmfac00466

JoeB131 Dec’29 Vtmfac: The EC distorts democracy by only making a few swing states relevant..jvvbnnn 191229 Vtmfac00467

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

Cellblock2429 Sep’23 Srvwgo: You’re a blood thirsty little baby killer, aren’t you? Did you spit on your mother for not aborting you? cllblknnnn 230927 Srvwgo11242

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

(A) The Constitution is pro/choice / a fetus is not a protected person and that is a fact.

(B) Sam Alito is pro/choice.
NotfooledbyW Dec’22 Vrvwgo06202 inserted Alito DOBBS quote: “For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito. nfbw 221208 Vrvwgo06202

Because of facts (A) and (B) there is a huge majority consensus in American civil society that America is about 2/3 pro-choice.

When Taylor Swift says she is pro-choice, it means she supports access to abortion rights as a matter of public policy. She is not saying that she supports abortion, as white Christian nationalists in the saving baby fetus cult, under the umbrella of the Republican Party insist on claiming. Taylor Swift gives voice to all who identify as "pro-choice". There are millions upon millions of law abiding Americans who support affording women the option of choosing to terminate their pregnancy. There is zero implication that pro-choicerts are enthusiastic or gleeful in any way about the actual procedure involved.

The Taylor Swift Super Bowl dust up in MAGA World is consequential in a detrimental way to the Republican Party being a relevant national party in the future despite having a huge advantage in the Electoral College.

Republicans have only three highly populated states that can swing a Republican Presidentisl win. They are Ohio, Florida and Texas.

Lose one, and Republicans have a slim chance to win the Oval Office because they already have lost the culture war in states with big cities and outside the Bible Belt. .

They have Arkansas Mississippi and
Alabama run by the White Christian Nationalists who have become even more less tolerable as a governing party since Dobbs overturned Roe v Wade

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

Cellblock2429 Feb’24 Stsidv00153: Not quite sure what your post proves or disproves. A little clarity, please. cllblknnnn 240202 Stsidv00153

Your political message Saint Cellblock2429 is one that tells Taylor Swift and 2/3rd of Americans that they are blood thirsty little baby killers who spit on their mother for not aborting them.

You say “The EC protects the rights of the minority,” but you Saint Cellblock2429 as a Republican voter, are all in with the saving baby fetus cult on the “minority” of woman who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. Does it make feel morally powerful and superior to know you can force full term gestation on women through the power of the government you give your one vote?

#156 to Stsidv00153
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Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective​

Cellblock2429 Dec’29 Stmfac: The EC protects the rights of the minority, a concept that makes your skin crawl. cllblknnnn 191229 Stmfac00466

JoeB131 Dec’29 Vtmfac: The EC distorts democracy by only making a few swing states relevant..jvvbnnn 191229 Vtmfac00467

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

Cellblock2429 Sep’23 Srvwgo: You’re a blood thirsty little baby killer, aren’t you? Did you spit on your mother for not aborting you? cllblknnnn 230927 Srvwgo11242

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

(A) The Constitution is pro/choice / a fetus is not a protected person and that is a fact.

(B) Sam Alito is pro/choice.
NotfooledbyW Dec’22 Vrvwgo06202 inserted Alito DOBBS quote: “For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito. nfbw 221208 Vrvwgo06202

Because of facts (A) and (B) there is a huge majority consensus in American civil society that America is about 2/3 pro-choice.

When Taylor Swift says she is pro-choice, it means she supports access to abortion rights as a matter of public policy. She is not saying that she supports abortion, as white Christian nationalists in the saving baby fetus cult, under the umbrella of the Republican Party insist on claiming. Taylor Swift gives voice to all who identify as "pro-choice". There are millions upon millions of law abiding Americans who support affording women the option of choosing to terminate their pregnancy. There is zero implication that pro-choicerts are enthusiastic or gleeful in any way about the actual procedure involved.

The Taylor Swift Super Bowl dust up in MAGA World is consequential in a detrimental way to the Republican Party being a relevant national party in the future despite having a huge advantage in the Electoral College.

Republicans have only three highly populated states that can swing a Republican Presidentisl win. They are Ohio, Florida and Texas.

Lose one, and Republicans have a slim chance to win the Oval Office because they already have lost the culture war in states with big cities and outside the Bible Belt. .

They have Arkansas Mississippi and
Alabama run by the White Christian Nationalists who have become even more less tolerable as a governing party since Dobbs overturned Roe v Wade

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

Cellblock2429 Feb’24 Stsidv00153: Not quite sure what your post proves or disproves. A little clarity, please. cllblknnnn 240202 Stsidv00153

Your political message Saint Cellblock2429 is one that tells Taylor Swift and 2/3rd of Americans that they are blood thirsty little baby killers who spit on their mother for not aborting them.

You say “The EC protects the rights of the minority,” but you Saint Cellblock2429 as a Republican voter, are all in with the saving baby fetus cult on the “minority” of woman who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. Does it make feel morally powerful and superior to know you can force full term gestation on women through the power of the government you give your one vote?

#156 to Stsidv00153
/——/ Saint Cellblock2429
WOWZA. Do I get my own holiday, or am I lumped in with All Saints Day?

In regard to your word salad, ABORTION IS MURDER.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

Cellblock2429 Sep’23 Srvwgo: You’re a blood thirsty little baby killer, aren’t you? Did you spit on your mother for not aborting you? cllblknnnn 230927 Srvwgo11242

NotfooledbyW Sep’23 Vrvwgo: “If Biden’s “pro-choice” is murder then Trump’s pro-compromise more than one second after conception is murder just the same.“ See nfbw 230925 Vrvwgo11227

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

Trump is a Baby Killer.

Trump calls a six-week ban signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, one of his rivals, "a terrible thing and a terrible mistake."
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Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE​

Skull Pilot Jul’16 Vlscsu: Unborn are considered people if the mother intends to carry to term •¥• They are not considered people if the mother intends to abort •¥¥• skllplt 160712 Vlscsu00004

There is no murder when there is no person to murder.
/----/ A welcome addition to my signature line. We wait anxiously for the Holy SEE to make the announcement. Thank you.
Saint Cellblock2429
Nominated for sainthood by NotfooledbyW

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