TDS Is Being Defined Better And Better

Ah, so you choose to vote for someone that doesn't care in the slightest for the Democratic process?

as for the rest

Hmm, so over a MILLION dead isn't reason enough to take measures to try to mitigate?

Oh, so you are FOR dirty energy. And by the way that is NOT the reason energy prices are soring at the moment. Energy prices are soring because the war in the Ukraine and the fact that energy output slowed down during Covid causing less supply of oil in the market.

Wage increases aren't inflationary. They are a result of inflation. And by the way I asked specific policies. Simply stating what Democrats are for is NOT a policy.

Do you want to compare deficit spending for Trump as opposed to Biden?

Lol, Trump started the process of withdrawing, Biden executed it, and trying to state that that somehow caused Putin to invade Ukraine is stupid. By what mechanism do you claim that happens?
What? Democrats are the ones trying to take democracy away.
Ah being deliberately obtuse?
Not at all. Democrats have tried taking democracy away in a number of ways. Hell, some of them openly want socialism. To get there you have to take democracy away because there is no such thing as "democratic socialism". When you give government full control over everything and everyone the people who are in power pass laws to keep them in power forever, which gives us the "democratic socialism" that countries like Russia and Venezuela have. Yes, you can vote but you can't vote the people out of power who are in power. Hence, democracy is gone.

This is what Democrats openly wanted by trying to get rid of the filibuster. If it weren't for Manchin and Sinema, Democrats would have taken our democracy away and given us the same "democracy" that Russia and Venezuela have. During and after the 2016 election, Democrats openly plotted to overthrow the election and therefore democracy itself by using known false stories to overthrow the Trump administration.

Right now the kangaroo investigators are trying to show that Trump tried to use electors to overthrow the 2020 election but how soon we forget that Democrats did the very same thing in 2016, by trying to get electors to be faithless in order to overturn the election results. Why weren't they charged with insurrection?
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Not at all. Democrats have tried taking democracy away in a number of ways. Hell, some of them openly want socialism. To get there you have to take democracy away because there is no such thing as "democratic socialism". When you give government full control over everything and everyone the people who are in power pass laws to keep them in power forever, which gives us the "democratic socialism" that countries like Russia and Venezuela have. Yes, you can vote but you can't vote the people out of power who are in power. Hence, democracy is gone.

This is what Democrats openly wanted by trying to get rid of the filibuster. If it weren't for Manchin and Sinema, Democrats would have taken our democracy away and given us the same "democracy" that Russia and Venezuela have. During and after the 2016 election, Democrats openly plotted to overthrow the election and therefore democracy itself by using known false stories to overthrow the Trump administration.

Right now the kangaroo investigators are trying to show that Trump tried to use electors to overthrow the 2020 election but how soon we forget that Democrats did the very same thing in 2016, by trying to get electors to be faithless in order to overturn the election results. Why weren't they charged with insurrection?
False equivalences, and whataboutisms then. Got it.
They do matter. On the other hand, I fail to see what this has to do with anything. Biden didn't cause the inflation, nor the war in Ukraine, nor was he in charge when first under Obama the FED printed oodles of money in order to keep the economy from tanking, or when under Trump they did the same to keep everybody fed when Covid hit.

The reasons for inflation are myriad, it has little to do with who sits in the White House.

It does, that's why there are bypartisan talks going on to try to alleviate some of it.

Inflation is transitory, gun violence is a problem that happens in a country that has more guns than they do people and which has one party HIGHLY resistant in taking even the most basic common sense measures to have even a mordicum of precautions for gun violence.

However, if Democracy is cast aside by the public accepting a President not wanting to step down even when he loses an election, it will be very hard maybe even impossible to restore it. This means holding TRUMP accountable. Something you do not want to do. In fact unless I'm mistaking you would support him doing it a second time.
I support military intervention if we can't get PROVABLY FAIR ELECTIONS.

This bullshit about fair elections is a travesty - of morality, of justice, of technology.

You give me 60 days and a little money, and I will get you PROVABLY fair elections in all 50 States.

The PTB could do that too, if they didn't have their heads stuck so far up their stinking motherfucking asses
what about Manchin
I don't know very much about him. They say he's a "centrist", kind of like Susan Collins might be for the Republicans.

It's interesting they let him keep his committee assignments even though he sometimes votes against the party

I don't have any problem with everyday Democrats on the ground, just the leadership and its minions. The leadership of BOTH parties right now is corrupt, but the Democrats are off the charts.

The Democrats in the last 12 years have engaged in TEN times as many dirty tricks as Watergate, and they're all way worse, and they think they can get away with their bullshit by politicizing the Justice Department - AND engaging in Stalinist show trials for the masses.

These Democrats "leaders" are evil fucking scumbags. We need to dig into them, expose their sorry asses.

All the crap they're doing, is to keep themselves from being exposed

Well, guess what - parents all over America are on to their bullshit, and so are libertarians, and so are a lot of other people - and we're all getting together and helping the righties as needed so we can ride these Stalinist pigs out of town.

They're gonna go. Believe me, they will. I'm going to do everything I can to help.
TDS is simply a complete and total obsession to get Trump, no matter what. Nothing else matters. Not gas prices, prices you pay for groceries, not mass shootings, nothing. Take this example:

“I did not support Liz (Cheney) prior to all of this because she’s a very conservative Republican — she voted with Trump 93% of the time — but I do now,” Shelly Newman, 69, said as the goat-tail untying competition got underway in a dusty ring. Newman, a retired corporate training director, said she plans to sign up as a Republican to vote for her (Cheney) in the Aug. 16 primary.

So, we've got a TDS'r who's got the disease so badly she's willing to switch parties in the Wyoming primary in order to vote for Liz Cheney, who she knows voted with Trump 93% of the time, all just to get Trump. Nothing else matters.

Aww, you nutjobs are mad because some are using tactics that your ilk, have been using for years?

In late February 2008, Limbaugh announced "Operation Chaos," a political call to action with the initial plan to have voters of the Republican Party temporarily cross over to vote in the Democratic primary and vote for Hillary Clinton, who at the time was in the midst of losing eleven straight primary contests to Barack Obama.

At the point in which Limbaugh announced his gambit, Obama had seemed on the verge of clinching the Democratic nomination.[107] However, Clinton subsequently won the Ohio primary and the Texas primary (while losing the Texas caucus and the overall delegate split) with large pluralities from rural counties; thus reemerging as a competitive opponent in the race.

By 2020, the name "Operation Chaos" had become associated enough with presidential party raiding that South Carolina Republicans seeking to disrupt that state's Democratic presidential primary recycled the name for their own efforts.
I still find it odd that they hate Trump so much that they would be willing to help elect someone who has voted with Trump 93% of the time. The hell with gas prices. The hell with grocery prices. The hell with gun violence. We want'em Trump.

I still find it odd you worship Trump so much you would bansih someone form your parity for disagreeing with Trump on one issue while voting with him 93% of the time
TDS is simply a complete and total obsession to get Trump, no matter what. Nothing else matters. Not gas prices, prices you pay for groceries, not mass shootings, nothing. Take this example:

“I did not support Liz (Cheney) prior to all of this because she’s a very conservative Republican — she voted with Trump 93% of the time — but I do now,” Shelly Newman, 69, said as the goat-tail untying competition got underway in a dusty ring. Newman, a retired corporate training director, said she plans to sign up as a Republican to vote for her (Cheney) in the Aug. 16 primary.

So, we've got a TDS'r who's got the disease so badly she's willing to switch parties in the Wyoming primary in order to vote for Liz Cheney, who she knows voted with Trump 93% of the time, all just to get Trump. Nothing else matters.

You just explained your version of TDS...

You don't care if Trump broke the law, you don't want it investigated and don't care if his name is cleared... This is a simple case of nobody is above the law...

Trump by his actions has strung this investigation on and on... This is his typical tactic... But it is not the normal actions of an innocent man, innocent men try to clear their name...

Personally I don't think Trump should be protected by Executive Privilege in the case of Jan 6th... He wasn't working for the US Government when he was telling his supporters the Election lie, when he was pressuring Pence to break the law, when he dismissed his legal team for a bunch of misfits that told him what wanted to hear. This was about winning an election, if Biden was at the same actions he would have no protection.

Executive Privilege is not in the constitution... The right comes into effect when revealing information would impair governmental functions. Trump wasn't doing governmental functions, he was contesting an election and possibly illegally..
TDS is simply a complete and total obsession to get Trump, no matter what. Nothing else matters. Not gas prices, prices you pay for groceries, not mass shootings, nothing. Take this example:

“I did not support Liz (Cheney) prior to all of this because she’s a very conservative Republican — she voted with Trump 93% of the time — but I do now,” Shelly Newman, 69, said as the goat-tail untying competition got underway in a dusty ring. Newman, a retired corporate training director, said she plans to sign up as a Republican to vote for her (Cheney) in the Aug. 16 primary.

So, we've got a TDS'r who's got the disease so badly she's willing to switch parties in the Wyoming primary in order to vote for Liz Cheney, who she knows voted with Trump 93% of the time, all just to get Trump. Nothing else matters.

What's interesting is there are smoke signals that conservatives are moving on from Trump. DeSantis won the NH poll and Kurt Schlichter has an article out today about the case against Trump for 2024. Many of us are ready and able to move on.

It's the deranged liberals who cannot. Huh.
What's interesting is there are smoke signals that conservatives are moving on from Trump. DeSantis won the NH poll and Kurt Schlichter has an article out today about the case against Trump for 2024. Many of us are ready and able to move on.

It's the deranged liberals who cannot. Huh.

Is it the deranged liberals who start multiple threads every time Trump has a pep rally/worship service?
You just explained your version of TDS...

You don't care if Trump broke the law, you don't want it investigated and don't care if his name is cleared... This is a simple case of nobody is above the law...

Trump by his actions has strung this investigation on and on... This is his typical tactic... But it is not the normal actions of an innocent man, innocent men try to clear their name...

Personally I don't think Trump should be protected by Executive Privilege in the case of Jan 6th... He wasn't working for the US Government when he was telling his supporters the Election lie, when he was pressuring Pence to break the law, when he dismissed his legal team for a bunch of misfits that told him what wanted to hear. This was about winning an election, if Biden was at the same actions he would have no protection.

Executive Privilege is not in the constitution... The right comes into effect when revealing information would impair governmental functions. Trump wasn't doing governmental functions, he was contesting an election and possibly illegally..

What law? There is no law anymore. You all proved that with "Russian Collusion" and etc. He is right to do everything in his power to avoid all of this. All of our institutions are ash heaps. Happy? Proud?
Is it the deranged liberals who start multiple threads every time Trump has a pep rally/worship service?

They start them for no reason whatsoever, or for this Kangaroo Court, TWO YEARS after he lost, and after many of us have long since moved on from his presidency.

I am watching a Netflix series called "Stay Sweet, Pray and Obey" about the FLDS and Warren Jeffs. Looked up the chatter on Twitter. Within the first page, there were multiple mentions of the TRUMP CULT. Yes, sure. Just like FLDS. Uh huh

That's insane.
Is it the deranged liberals who start multiple threads every time Trump has a pep rally/worship service?

Poll from NH. I don't think this is an outlier--I think it's a canary in a coal mine

What law? There is no law anymore. You all proved that with "Russian Collusion" and etc. He is right to do everything in his power to avoid all of this. All of our institutions are ash heaps. Happy? Proud?
Smokin' OP considers this shocking. How can be, when we have people sitting in solitary confinement 18 months after Jan 6 for basically sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk?

When we have the FBI acting as Biden's personal henchmen?

When the CDC/FDA releases vaccines, claims oh yep, they're following the data, but then upon a FOIA request we learn they are not even CHECKING the VAERS system?

What institution are we supposed to trust here? Got any answer?
Poll from NH. I don't think this is an outlier--I think it's a canary in a coal mine

I agree, the Trump cult is shrinking and he will not even run in my opinion.

But that does not impact those suffering from Trump Devotion Syndrome.
Smokin' OP considers this shocking. How can be, when we have people sitting in solitary confinement 18 months after Jan 6 for basically sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk?
It's called breaking and entering.

In Washington, DC burglary is a criminal offense that is broken down into two degrees. Both burglary in the first degree and burglary in the second degree are felonies with mandatory minimum prison sentences.

First Degree Section: 22-801(a)​

Burglary in the first degree is a crime that can be broken down into three essential elements.

  1. The perpetrator must enter a “dwelling” or room/sleeping apartment in any building;
  2. The perpetrator must have entered with the intent to break and carry away any part, fixture, or other thing attached to the dwelling or with the intent to commit any criminal offense, and;
  3. An individual is present in the dwelling at the time when the perpetrator enters.

A person charged with burglary in the first degree faces a felony conviction and five to 30 years in prison.

It does not matter whether the perpetrator was breaking and entering, or entering without breaking. It also does not matter whether it was night or daytime.

When we have the FBI acting as Biden's personal henchmen?
Sure, not like Trump.

October 10 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”
When the CDC/FDA releases vaccines, claims oh yep, they're following the data, but then upon a FOIA request we learn they are not even CHECKING the VAERS system?

What institution are we supposed to trust here? Got any answer?

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