TDS Is Being Defined Better And Better

I'm sure they'll try. They've been trying for five years now. Even in New York, a doggedly liberal bastion where they tried their best to get Trump, several prosecutors resigned because the higher ups ruled that there just wasn't enough evidence against Trump to bring him to trial. Democrats abuse of power and vote suppression knows no bounds. They want to suppress people voting for Trump by trying to take Trump out so that he can't run. Why do democrats hate democracy so much they will suppress votes in order to win?
Democrats are fucked up right now.

They drank so much Neo-LibCon Kool aid they left orbit.

Plus they have a bunch of psychopaths running the party and directing policy.
TDS is quite real.

TDS is quite justified.

Rump is an existential threat to American representative democracy.

Whatever it takes, within the law, to ensure that that traitorous kokksukker never holds high office again...
What a sanctimonious asshole. ^^^

You sound EXACTLY like the brain dead lefties who think they're "morally superior" - to Donald Trump, to righties in general, to old white men, whatever the case may be today.
So, what's your point?

Al Capone was public enemy number one.
Trump and his regime are the most corrupt people ever to enter the white house.
Of course, republicans worship the traitor.
Thanks for your opinion. But, we already know many on the left don't like Trump. That's not news.
There are two versions of TDS.

There is the completely and totally consumed with getting Trump.

And then there is the completely and totally consumed with defending Trump version.

Those people will attack and drive from the party someone that sides with Trump 93% of the time over a difference in opinion on the validity of election theft claims.

Both versions are ugly and both are equally dedicated to their side
Liz Cheney's conservativism wasn't in question. She simply could not support her party's president because of FEELINGS. Cheney identified herself as one of the elite political class and FELT superior to Trump. Voting conservative and endlessly warring and slandering the Republican president meant it's time for her to step aside for a candidate willing to actually fight Democrats instead of co-existing and allowing them to march the country into communism.

It's not just about the voting record. Republicans need to purge representatives who are willing to allow Democrats to ruin our country; winning little battles while losing the war. Democrats main focus is POWER and money, Republican elites are fine with Democrats' POWER GRAB so long as they are allowed to go after the money and prestige.
Liz Cheney's conservativism wasn't in question. She simply could not support her party's president because of FEELINGS. Cheney identified herself as one of the elite political class and FELT superior to Trump. Voting conservative and endlessly warring and slandering the Republican president meant it's time for her to step aside for a candidate willing to actually fight Democrats instead of co-existing and allowing them to march the country into communism.

It's not just about the voting record. Republicans need to purge representatives who are willing to allow Democrats to ruin our country; winning little battles while losing the war. Democrats main focus is POWER and money, Republican elites are fine with Democrats' POWER GRAB so long as they are allowed to go after the money and prestige.

She did support her party's president most of the time. But she could not go along with the lie that the election was stolen or support his actions after Nov 2020
She did support her party's president most of the time. But she could not go along with the lie that the election was stolen or support his actions after Nov 2020
Liz did consistently voted conservative, and the election WAS STOLEN.

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