TDS Is Being Defined Better And Better

Seems to me both sides are claiming the absolute guilt of the other side. Have you some how missed all the claims of election theft with not proof from Trump and those associated with him? Have they minced any words along the way?

Seems as long as he is doing rallies telling people the election was stolen he makes himself fair game.
I don't give a damn about claims of election fraud, theft, whatever. That has been happening for hundreds of years. Every time democrats lose they complain of unfair elections in one form or another. After 2016 they talked nonstop about Trump wasn't the legitimate president and Russian collusion. In case you missed it, in January 2021 Trump voluntary left the White House, and Biden came in and has been president for over a year. So, what does it matter that Trump and his followers claim the election was stolen? So what? Biden has been president for over a year. What is it about that that you guys just don't understand? Democrats are already complaining that red states are taking voting rights away so that democrats can't win in a state where they never won anyway. And yet they still scream election fraud. When I used to watch Judge Judy she quite often quoted the clean hands doctrine. If you want to win your case in court then you better come in with clean hands yourself. Democrats don't have clean hands.
Ok I'm clearly talking to someone who is not playing with a full deck..

The right thing AGAIN, was taking attack on our democracy and Congress seriously.

Read that until you understand those simple words, can sanely respond and make a coherent argument why you think this Democrat is not acting rationally.
All I have seen for five years or more is Democrats trying to take democracy away while claiming that Republicans are the ones trying to take democracy away.
All I have seen for five years or more is Democrats trying to take democracy away while claiming that Republicans are the ones trying to take democracy away.
Cool story bruh, but we aren't talking about you and all the bullshit you belive.

We are talking about a voter and if her behavior is rational from HER perspective as a Democrat in WY.
I don't give a damn about claims of election fraud, theft, whatever. That has been happening for hundreds of years. Every time democrats lose they complain of unfair elections in one form or another. After 2016 they talked nonstop about Trump wasn't the legitimate president and Russian collusion. In case you missed it, in January 2021 Trump voluntary left the White House, and Biden came in and has been president for over a year. So, what does it matter that Trump and his followers claim the election was stolen? So what? Biden has been president for over a year. What is it about that that you guys just don't understand? Democrats are already complaining that red states are taking voting rights away so that democrats can't win in a state where they never won anyway. And yet they still scream election fraud. When I used to watch Judge Judy she quite often quoted the clean hands doctrine. If you want to win your case in court then you better come in with clean hands yourself. Democrats don't have clean hands.

Neither party has clean hands, yet this seems to elude the "independent thinker".

Trump's continued claims about election theft matter because people are being elected on the promise of making laws to allow them to change the outcome of an election they do not like. This should be a concern to anyone that claims to care about the country.
By that reasoning so did Trump. But would you support Trump if he runs again?
Trump did some things that may have increased inflation. The world was bound to have increased inflation. But, EVERYTHING the democrats have done has thrown gasoline on the inflation fire. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I only voted for Trump in 2020 because I didn't want the country to become what it has now become. I'm looking to support someone else in 2024. Right now I kind of like Tim Scott and Niki Haley. That would be an awesome ticket. Not real fond of Desantis.
Trump did some things that may have increased inflation. The world was bound to have increased inflation. But, EVERYTHING the democrats have done has thrown gasoline on the inflation fire. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I only voted for Trump in 2020 because I didn't want the country to become what it has now become. I'm looking to support someone else in 2024. Right now I kind of like Tim Scott and Niki Haley. That would be an awesome ticket. Not real fond of Desantis.
At the moment Trump is the front runner if he chooses to run, there is no real indication he wouldn't. So you would choose not to vote?

And please give me the exact policies that Democrats and NOT Republicans pursue that cause inflation?
Trump did some things that may have increased inflation. The world was bound to have increased inflation. But, EVERYTHING the democrats have done has thrown gasoline on the inflation fire. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I only voted for Trump in 2020 because I didn't want the country to become what it has now become. I'm looking to support someone else in 2024. Right now I kind of like Tim Scott and Niki Haley. That would be an awesome ticket. Not real fond of Desantis.

It is odd how you constantly downplay Trump's actions in every matter.

Giving out trillions in COVID relief added to inflation we are now seeing
Stopping the eviction for non-payment of rents/mortgage added to inflation we are now seeing
Getting OPEC and Russia to cut oil production added to inflation we are now seeing.

But yes, Biden and the Dems have just added more fuel to the fire of inflation, things are worse than they need to be thanks to the actions of our elected officials...from both parties
TDS is simply a complete and total obsession to get Trump, no matter what. Nothing else matters. Not gas prices, prices you pay for groceries, not mass shootings, nothing. Take this example:

“I did not support Liz (Cheney) prior to all of this because she’s a very conservative Republican — she voted with Trump 93% of the time — but I do now,” Shelly Newman, 69, said as the goat-tail untying competition got underway in a dusty ring. Newman, a retired corporate training director, said she plans to sign up as a Republican to vote for her (Cheney) in the Aug. 16 primary.

So, we've got a TDS'r who's got the disease so badly she's willing to switch parties in the Wyoming primary in order to vote for Liz Cheney, who she knows voted with Trump 93% of the time, all just to get Trump. Nothing else matters.

Liz Piggy’s only hope is Democrat voters.
At the moment Trump is the front runner if he chooses to run, there is no real indication he wouldn't. So you would choose not to vote?

And please give me the exact policies that Democrats and NOT Republicans pursue that cause inflation?
Why would I not choose to vote? I would vote for someone else in the primaries than Trump. If Trump is the nominee then we have a choice of another four years of hell under Democrats or putting up with Trump calling people names. Not really a very tough choice.

Democrats locked the country down during the pandemic, increasing inflation. Democrats are against dirty energy and are for green energy, which increases energy prices. Democrats are for wage increases, which increase inflation. Democrats passed the last stimulus package all by themselves with reconciliation, which stoked inflation. Democrats let the Taliban easily take over Afghanistan, which encourage Putin to take over Ukraine, which increased inflation. Those are just the things that come to the top of my head. Voters know who to blame, no matter how much BS you want to spin.
Liz Piggy’s only hope is Democrat voters.
I still find it odd that they hate Trump so much that they would be willing to help elect someone who has voted with Trump 93% of the time. The hell with gas prices. The hell with grocery prices. The hell with gun violence. We want'em Trump.
TDS is simply a complete and total obsession to get Trump, no matter what. Nothing else matters. Not gas prices, prices you pay for groceries, not mass shootings, nothing. Take this example:

“I did not support Liz (Cheney) prior to all of this because she’s a very conservative Republican — she voted with Trump 93% of the time — but I do now,” Shelly Newman, 69, said as the goat-tail untying competition got underway in a dusty ring. Newman, a retired corporate training director, said she plans to sign up as a Republican to vote for her (Cheney) in the Aug. 16 primary.

So, we've got a TDS'r who's got the disease so badly she's willing to switch parties in the Wyoming primary in order to vote for Liz Cheney, who she knows voted with Trump 93% of the time, all just to get Trump. Nothing else matters.

In the end, those who stand up for the truth will win. The sad thing they may lose in the short run.
Liz Cheney has a spot in history for standing up for the Constitution and our country.
There is no doubt that Trump and his minions will go down as one of the biggest, if not the biggest, shit stain in US History.

When YOU Die
Why would I not choose to vote? I would vote for someone else in the primaries than Trump. If Trump is the nominee then we have a choice of another four years of hell under Democrats or putting up with Trump calling people names. Not really a very tough choice.

Democrats locked the country down during the pandemic, increasing inflation. Democrats are against dirty energy and are for green energy, which increases energy prices. Democrats are for wage increases, which increase inflation. Democrats passed the last stimulus package all by themselves with reconciliation, which stoked inflation. Democrats let the Taliban easily take over Afghanistan, which encourage Putin to take over Ukraine, which increased inflation. Those are just the things that come to the top of my head. Voters know who to blame, no matter how much BS you want to spin.
Ah, so you choose to vote for someone that doesn't care in the slightest for the Democratic process?

as for the rest

Democrats locked the country down during the pandemic, increasing inflation.
Hmm, so over a MILLION dead isn't reason enough to take measures to try to mitigate?
Democrats are against dirty energy and are for green energy, which increases energy prices.
Oh, so you are FOR dirty energy. And by the way that is NOT the reason energy prices are soring at the moment. Energy prices are soring because the war in the Ukraine and the fact that energy output slowed down during Covid causing less supply of oil in the market.
Democrats are for wage increases, which increase inflation.
Wage increases aren't inflationary. They are a result of inflation. And by the way I asked specific policies. Simply stating what Democrats are for is NOT a policy.
Democrats passed the last stimulus package all by themselves with reconciliation, which stoked inflation.
Do you want to compare deficit spending for Trump as opposed to Biden?
Democrats let the Taliban easily take over Afghanistan, which encourage Putin to take over Ukraine, which increased inflation.
Lol, Trump started the process of withdrawing, Biden executed it, and trying to state that that somehow caused Putin to invade Ukraine is stupid. By what mechanism do you claim that happens?

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