Tea Partiers hunted in new ultra-violent video game...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
All of this could be interpreted as simply painting the enemies as a white-power criminal gang, the kind of hard-right boogeymen that progressives like to use as analogues for all conservatives, but a sequence later in the demonstration makes it clear the developer has a much more specific group in mind.

When finding evidence in a trailer that your captors are connected to the construction or sale of a missile, the player character remarks, “Looks like your old friends have gone way past bank robbery.” Marcus replies, “One black president and Tony completely lost his shit,” as a Gadsden flag, a symbol of the Tea Party movement, is displayed
Gamescom: Shoot Racist Tea Partiers in ?Battlefield Hardline?

Since I'm closely akin to the Tea Party in ideology I find myself really saddened that we are perceived as "bad guys".
Because we want people to be able to do JUST like these developers are doing i.e. the freedom to develop such games!
We firmly believe in the capitalism results of producing such games.
So we really find it strange that the goals and objectives of the Tea party believers are corrupted by these developers that want to preserve their rights to do so!

Saying "one black President and Tony ...." is really even stranger as the participation of "black conservatives"
when faced with this reality:
"A recent YouGov poll – while showing a general decline in Tea Party backing – altered that perception when it showed a combined 18 percent African-American support for the tea party. Not Black Republican support – overall Black support. While only three percent of African Americans indicated “strong support” for the Tea Party, a surprisingly high 15 percent of African Americans said they “somewhat support” the Tea Party, as well as 15 percent who “neither support, nor oppose” the Tea Party.
Added up, that’s 33 percent of Black voters who don’t oppose the tea party.
Unusual poll: Black support for Tea Party

So it appears that these developers much like the MSM and a few people on this forum truly have a gross misperception of who
Tea Party members are and what they believe in and the gross misperception that Obama being black is a motivation.
For me and the above blacks and 7% of the blacks that didn't vote for Obama it was never his color but his total lack of
experience, his lack of skills in being an executive and knowing how to hire and manage people and probably most importantly I and
the above blacks and majority of Tea Party members just find a president who wants:
1) put 1,300 companies out of business that employ 400,000 people, and pay $100 billion in taxes not what we want..
2) Prefers higher gas prices and proves by signing fewer number of oil leases than any other president...
3) States clearly he wants utility rates to skyrocket and bankrupt utilities... not something we want.
4) President that calls our soldiers civilian killers... NOT something a CIC should ever say!
I'm sure it will sell well with the low information bunch... they'll buy into pretty much anything.
It's just another indication of how deep the division in this country is. We are very close to the final break. This game is just pretending that it has already happened.
It's just another indication of how deep the division in this country is. We are very close to the final break. This game is just pretending that it has already happened.

It's an indication of a video game company knowing how to make money by selling violent crap...
How realistic is it? Do the Tea Party members shoot back? Because if not, then they aren't accurately depicted.

The Tea Party believes in self defense specifically so people can't violently attack them without consequences.
I think it's pretty funny how whiny the Tea Party gets. They spew so much hate, and now they whine when someone flings some back at 'em.
I think it's pretty funny how whiny the Tea Party gets. They spew so much hate, and now they whine when someone flings some back at 'em.

Cause grandma and grandpa peacefully protesting and obeying the law is such hate.
Hate is what drives them. They hate the government, but happily cash the checks...

Really? I don't think you are really in a position to say others are full of hate.
Racist Tea Partiers: You can't live with them and you can't shoot them.

So this video game (Battlefield Hardline) looks like the next best thing. :eusa_clap:

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