Tea Party goals


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2012
What is the goals of the tea party, just shutting down America, destroy America, Make America as pure as the Tea Party? So far the goals seem to restore America to a time when tea party people were comfortable?
What is the goals of the tea party, just shutting down America, destroy America, Make America as pure as the Tea Party? So far the goals seem to restore America to a time when tea party people were comfortable?

Limited the size of government, strong national security, eliminate excessive taxes, eliminate the national debt, eliminate deficit spending, protect free markets, abide by the constitution, promote civic responsibility and maintain local independence to name a few goals.

Which do you have a problem with?
The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

It would stand a better chance at happening with Tea Party candidates than libertarians, though I think you are right. It ain't ever gonna happen. A person needs to ask themselves whom they favor for leadership; Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, if either. Tea Party Republicans tend to favor Cruz and libertarians, Rand Paul, from what I read.

I favor Rand Paul. :eusa_pray:
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What is the goals of the tea party, just shutting down America, destroy America, Make America as pure as the Tea Party? So far the goals seem to restore America to a time when tea party people were comfortable?

Here is some good reading relative to what tea partiers and libertarians support, and in percentages, from Reuters:


n the current Virginia governor's race, Robert Sarvis, a libertarian who supports gun rights and same-sex unions, has the support of 11 percent of Republicans and 2 percent of Democrats, taking potential votes from front-running Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, according to a Quinnipiac University poll of likely voters released last week.

The PRRI survey identified libertarians through questions about their views on taxes and other policies, and by self-identification. A total of 13 percent of those surveyed called themselves libertarians - while 7 percent were inferred as consistent libertarians by how they answered certain questions. An additional 15 percent were seen as leaning libertarian.

Jones said it was crucial to understand libertarians since they will be an important part of conservative coalitions going forward. Most are under 50 and slightly more likely to vote in primaries than Republicans overall. More than two-thirds are men and nearly all are non-Hispanic whites.

Libertarians are more opposed to government involvement in economic policies than those affiliated with the Tea Party and Republicans overall, the survey found. For instance, 65 percent of libertarians were opposed to increasing the minimum wage, while 57 percent of Republicans overall supported it, the survey found.

Ninety-six percent of libertarians oppose President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare restructuring compared to 89 percent of Republicans.

But nearly 60 percent of libertarians oppose making it more difficult for a woman to get an abortion, while 58 percent of Republicans and those affiliated with the Tea Party favor such restrictions, according to the survey.

More than 70 percent of libertarians favored legalizing marijuana, while about 60 percent of Republicans and Tea Party members opposed such a move, the survey found.

Among libertarian voters who favor Republicans, U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky was the favorite potential presidential candidate with 26 percent support, while 18 percent preferred Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Among Tea Party voters, Cruz was the favored candidate at 22 percent, with Paul at 13 percent.

The survey interviewed 2,317 adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

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The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

It would stand a better chance at happening with Tea Party candidates than libertarians, though I think you are right. It ain't ever gonna happen. A person needs to ask themselves whom they favor for leadership; Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, if either. Tea Party Republicans tend to favor Cruz and libertarians, Rand Paul, from what I read.

I favor Rand Paul. :eusa_pray:

I would favor Paul over Cruz, of course.
The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

No, back to a time when America last worked well and was happy, strong, prosperous and when Americans knew the greatest freedom.

You want to make America into something that can not support our continued happiness, strength, prosperity and freedom?


So your selfish wants are imposed on everyone?

You are hoping the continued march of Progressive ideology will win you the approval you can't possibly hope to gain from a vote on the actual merits of that ideology.
The tea party isnt something that can be defined by specific goals. Overall it is for less FEDERAL government, and less overall intrusion into a person's life.

I agree with several of the Tea Parties positions. I consider myself a supporter of strict constructionist federalism.
TeaParty goals are quite simple....

I got mine screw everyone else

Not even close dispshit.

Its more like "I got what I earned, if you want some of it, how about ASKING me instead of making the government FORCE me to give it to them"
The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

No, back to a time when America last worked well and was happy, strong, prosperous and when Americans knew the greatest freedom.

You want to make America into something that can not support our continued happiness, strength, prosperity and freedom?


So your selfish wants are imposed on everyone?

You are hoping the continued march of Progressive ideology will win you the approval you can't possibly hope to gain from a vote on the actual merits of that ideology.
What the Tea Party doesn't realize is you can't go back, you can only move forward. The past is what you choose to remember.
The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

No, back to a time when America last worked well and was happy, strong, prosperous and when Americans knew the greatest freedom.

You want to make America into something that can not support our continued happiness, strength, prosperity and freedom?


So your selfish wants are imposed on everyone?

You are hoping the continued march of Progressive ideology will win you the approval you can't possibly hope to gain from a vote on the actual merits of that ideology.
What the Tea Party doesn't realize is you can't go back, you can only move forward. The past is what you choose to remember.

Typical progressive POV.
The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

No, back to a time when America last worked well and was happy, strong, prosperous and when Americans knew the greatest freedom.

You want to make America into something that can not support our continued happiness, strength, prosperity and freedom?


So your selfish wants are imposed on everyone?

You are hoping the continued march of Progressive ideology will win you the approval you can't possibly hope to gain from a vote on the actual merits of that ideology.
What the Tea Party doesn't realize is you can't go back, you can only move forward. The past is what you choose to remember.

Meaningless tripe from a person who follows a meaningless political philosophy.
No, back to a time when America last worked well and was happy, strong, prosperous and when Americans knew the greatest freedom.

You want to make America into something that can not support our continued happiness, strength, prosperity and freedom?


So your selfish wants are imposed on everyone?

You are hoping the continued march of Progressive ideology will win you the approval you can't possibly hope to gain from a vote on the actual merits of that ideology.
What the Tea Party doesn't realize is you can't go back, you can only move forward. The past is what you choose to remember.

Typical progressive POV.
LOL with your time machine
What is the goals of the tea party, just shutting down America, destroy America, Make America as pure as the Tea Party? So far the goals seem to restore America to a time when tea party people were comfortable?

Limited the size of government, strong national security, eliminate excessive taxes, eliminate the national debt, eliminate deficit spending, protect free markets, abide by the constitution, promote civic responsibility and maintain local independence to name a few goals.

Which do you have a problem with?

So, have the goals of the Tea Party ever been achieved in America's history?

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