Tea Party goals

TPM lost half of the seats in 2012 that they won in 2010.

They will lose at least 14, maybe 21, of the remaining 37 next year.

The TPM RINOs are in dire danger because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently.

Buncha losers, soon to be blown away by the wind of history.
TPM lost half of the seats in 2012 that they won in 2010.

They will lose at least 14, maybe 21, of the remaining 37 next year.

The TPM RINOs are in dire danger because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently.

Buncha losers, soon to be blown away by the wind of history.

In the overall Congress, Tea Party supporters in the GOP total 162 (simply combine the House and Senate numbers). Compare that to the total number of Republicans in Congress (278), and you get 58% of the Republicans in Congress are Tea Party supporters.
TPM lost half of the seats in 2012 that they won in 2010.

They will lose at least 14, maybe 21, of the remaining 37 next year.

The TPM RINOs are in dire danger because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently.

Buncha losers, soon to be blown away by the wind of history.

In the overall Congress, Tea Party supporters in the GOP total 162 (simply combine the House and Senate numbers). Compare that to the total number of Republicans in Congress (278), and you get 58% of the Republicans in Congress are Tea Party supporters.

The blog has the numbers wrong, counting folks that are not TeaPs. Simply because a GOP critter in Congress is conservative does not make him a TeaPs.

Anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3ds of the remaining TeaPs will be removed next year "because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently."
TPM lost half of the seats in 2012 that they won in 2010.

They will lose at least 14, maybe 21, of the remaining 37 next year.

The TPM RINOs are in dire danger because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently.

Buncha losers, soon to be blown away by the wind of history.

In the overall Congress, Tea Party supporters in the GOP total 162 (simply combine the House and Senate numbers). Compare that to the total number of Republicans in Congress (278), and you get 58% of the Republicans in Congress are Tea Party supporters.

The blog has the numbers wrong, counting folks that are not TeaPs. Simply because a GOP critter in Congress is conservative does not make him a TeaPs.

Anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3ds of the remaining TeaPs will be removed next year "because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently."

And we're supposed to believe someone that is a proven liar.

No thanks!
TPM lost half of the seats in 2012 that they won in 2010.

They will lose at least 14, maybe 21, of the remaining 37 next year.

The TPM RINOs are in dire danger because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently.

Buncha losers, soon to be blown away by the wind of history.

In the overall Congress, Tea Party supporters in the GOP total 162 (simply combine the House and Senate numbers). Compare that to the total number of Republicans in Congress (278), and you get 58% of the Republicans in Congress are Tea Party supporters.

The blog has the numbers wrong, counting folks that are not TeaPs. Simply because a GOP critter in Congress is conservative does not make him a TeaPs.

Anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3ds of the remaining TeaPs will be removed next year "because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently."
I hope you're correct but I fear that will not be the case because so many of their constituents are just as radical and unrealistic as their candidates.

For the two party system to work, the parties must be able to work together or at least negotiate with one another and that is just not possible with the TP controlling the House.
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Limited the size of government, strong national security, eliminate excessive taxes, eliminate the national debt, eliminate deficit spending, protect free markets, abide by the constitution, promote civic responsibility and maintain local independence to name a few goals.

Which do you have a problem with?

Without any actual suggestions on how these things are to be done, you might as well be saying:

Rainbows after every shower.



Nice things.



Read the OP you idiot.

Suggestions wasn't asked for. What was asked, I answered.

Do try to keep up.

Oh, then it's OK. After all, what right winger actually cares about "ideas"?
TPM lost half of the seats in 2012 that they won in 2010.

They will lose at least 14, maybe 21, of the remaining 37 next year.

The TPM RINOs are in dire danger because they have accomplished nothing in job creation, helping a sluggish economy, and cost the American taxpayer $24billion recently.

Buncha losers, soon to be blown away by the wind of history.

Without Republican Moderates dragging the ticket down and George Soros hiring the campaign manager, Starkeycrats fear the 2014 midterm will be another Dem shellacking with Obamacare as the central theme
Without any actual suggestions on how these things are to be done, you might as well be saying:

Rainbows after every shower.



Nice things.



Read the OP you idiot.

Suggestions wasn't asked for. What was asked, I answered.

Do try to keep up.

Oh, then it's OK. After all, what right winger actually cares about "ideas"?

Hey stupid, a question was asked and answered.

We care more about ideas than the left. To understand your ideas all I have to do is listen to Obama lie on TV.

You brain dead morons cannot even think for yourselves.
What is the goals of the tea party, just shutting down America, destroy America, Make America as pure as the Tea Party? So far the goals seem to restore America to a time when tea party people were comfortable?

Limited the size of government, strong national security, eliminate excessive taxes, eliminate the national debt, eliminate deficit spending, protect free markets, abide by the constitution, promote civic responsibility and maintain local independence to name a few goals.

Which do you have a problem with?

How long does it take for Americans to recognize these are same goals promised in so many elections for so many years and never achieved? Most of Americans are on to these pie-in-the-sky scams. In fact, they look similar to Reagan's goals and yet under
Reagan taxes went up, government grew and and the debt tripled under Reagan.
The problem I have with the goals are they are designed for Americans that still believe in a Parson Weem's America where George Washington chopped down a cherry tree.
What is the goals of the tea party, just shutting down America, destroy America, Make America as pure as the Tea Party? So far the goals seem to restore America to a time when tea party people were comfortable?

Limited the size of government, strong national security, eliminate excessive taxes, eliminate the national debt, eliminate deficit spending, protect free markets, abide by the constitution, promote civic responsibility and maintain local independence to name a few goals.

Which do you have a problem with?

How long does it take for Americans to recognize these are same goals promised in so many elections for so many years and never achieved? Most of Americans are on to these pie-in-the-sky scams. In fact, they look similar to Reagan's goals and yet under
Reagan taxes went up, government grew and and the debt tripled under Reagan.
The problem I have with the goals are they are designed for Americans that still believe in a Parson Weem's America where George Washington chopped down a cherry tree.

These are scams huh?

Under Reagan the Cold War was ended.

Under Reaganomics, 16 million new jobs were created.

Reagan inherited a misery index (the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates) of 19.99%, and when he left office it had dropped to 9.72%

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty he signed with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons.

He also laid the framework with Gorbachev for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which reduced both countries’ arsenals of nuclear weapons.

The question is how long will it take for Americas to realized socialism doesn't work?
Limited the size of government, strong national security, eliminate excessive taxes, eliminate the national debt, eliminate deficit spending, protect free markets, abide by the constitution, promote civic responsibility and maintain local independence to name a few goals.

Which do you have a problem with?

How long does it take for Americans to recognize these are same goals promised in so many elections for so many years and never achieved? Most of Americans are on to these pie-in-the-sky scams. In fact, they look similar to Reagan's goals and yet under
Reagan taxes went up, government grew and and the debt tripled under Reagan.
The problem I have with the goals are they are designed for Americans that still believe in a Parson Weem's America where George Washington chopped down a cherry tree.

These are scams huh?

Under Reagan the Cold War was ended.

Under Reaganomics, 16 million new jobs were created.

Reagan inherited a misery index (the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates) of 19.99%, and when he left office it had dropped to 9.72%

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty he signed with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons.

He also laid the framework with Gorbachev for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which reduced both countries’ arsenals of nuclear weapons.

The question is how long will it take for Americas to realized socialism doesn't work?

Yep, under Reagan and Gorbachev the cold war ended. To both Reagan's and Gorbachev's credit they grabbed the opportunity to end the cold war.
I didn't see the Misery index listed as one of the tea party goals?
If socialism means government helping one group of its citizens at the expense of other citizens then socialism began soon after the Constitution was ratified, but it seems the definition of socialism is quite flexible on these boards. Can you define socialism?
How long does it take for Americans to recognize these are same goals promised in so many elections for so many years and never achieved? Most of Americans are on to these pie-in-the-sky scams. In fact, they look similar to Reagan's goals and yet under
Reagan taxes went up, government grew and and the debt tripled under Reagan.
The problem I have with the goals are they are designed for Americans that still believe in a Parson Weem's America where George Washington chopped down a cherry tree.

These are scams huh?

Under Reagan the Cold War was ended.

Under Reaganomics, 16 million new jobs were created.

Reagan inherited a misery index (the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates) of 19.99%, and when he left office it had dropped to 9.72%

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty he signed with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons.

He also laid the framework with Gorbachev for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which reduced both countries’ arsenals of nuclear weapons.

The question is how long will it take for Americas to realized socialism doesn't work?

Yep, under Reagan and Gorbachev the cold war ended. To both Reagan's and Gorbachev's credit they grabbed the opportunity to end the cold war.
I didn't see the Misery index listed as one of the tea party goals?
If socialism means government helping one group of its citizens at the expense of other citizens then socialism began soon after the Constitution was ratified, but it seems the definition of socialism is quite flexible on these boards. Can you define socialism?

Misery index would be in the economic category. Did you need an itemized list?

Yes I can define socialism.

noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Anymore dumb questions?
Well, when the states decide to take back this country (using the Constitutional mechanism described by Mark "THE GREAT ONE" Levin in his book, The Liberty Amendments) from fruity nutcakes who think like you do, you will have lots of time to Google the answers to your questions.

You boys and girls have made an un-Holy mess of things and it's time for you to get a well deserved time out!

Can you answer the post or not?
Who has decided the Constitution's values are timeless. Since the adoption the Constitution has been changed, interpreted and implemented differently for different parts of the population, hundreds if not a thousand times. The 27 amendments are the tip of the iceberg.
Add to that, where has it been decided that tea parties values are the same values as the Constitution?

The constitution should only be changed via amendment. Currently we have judges basically adding and subtracting things as they see fit. The process of changing it was laid down in the document itself, and its not 5 of 9 unlelected lawyers deciding who has what rights.[/QUOTE]

"Should" doesn't always make it in life. Judges decided they have that power and most of America has accepted that premise. To change that to the pre-arbury period might just take that amendment, but until then....
The goal is to return America to a supposed wonderland ca. 1950s.

Not going to happen.

No, back to a time when America last worked well and was happy, strong, prosperous and when Americans knew the greatest freedom.

You want to make America into something that can not support our continued happiness, strength, prosperity and freedom?


So your selfish wants are imposed on everyone?

You are hoping the continued march of Progressive ideology will win you the approval you can't possibly hope to gain from a vote on the actual merits of that ideology.

So when was this time that you have decided America worked well, was happy, strong, free and prosperous?
Can you answer the post or not?
Who has decided the Constitution's values are timeless. Since the adoption the Constitution has been changed, interpreted and implemented differently for different parts of the population, hundreds if not a thousand times. The 27 amendments are the tip of the iceberg.
Add to that, where has it been decided that tea parties values are the same values as the Constitution?

The constitution should only be changed via amendment. Currently we have judges basically adding and subtracting things as they see fit. The process of changing it was laid down in the document itself, and its not 5 of 9 unlelected lawyers deciding who has what rights.

"Should" doesn't always make it in life. Judges decided they have that power and most of America has accepted that premise. To change that to the pre-arbury period might just take that amendment, but until then....

What it takes is electing people who will make sure we get non uppity judges.
These are scams huh?

Under Reagan the Cold War was ended.

Under Reaganomics, 16 million new jobs were created.

Reagan inherited a misery index (the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates) of 19.99%, and when he left office it had dropped to 9.72%

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty he signed with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons.

He also laid the framework with Gorbachev for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which reduced both countries’ arsenals of nuclear weapons.

The question is how long will it take for Americas to realized socialism doesn't work?

Yep, under Reagan and Gorbachev the cold war ended. To both Reagan's and Gorbachev's credit they grabbed the opportunity to end the cold war.
I didn't see the Misery index listed as one of the tea party goals?
If socialism means government helping one group of its citizens at the expense of other citizens then socialism began soon after the Constitution was ratified, but it seems the definition of socialism is quite flexible on these boards. Can you define socialism?

Misery index would be in the economic category. Did you need an itemized list?

Yes I can define socialism.

noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Anymore dumb questions?

There are least ten major types of socialism, which type is this? It seems to be somewhat of a mixture. Do any of them apply to Obamacare?
Does any of your definition apply to Obamacare?
Tea Party Goal: Not very complicated, really. Just read the Constitution. Focus on Article I, Section 8, and take the Tenth Amendment seriously. There you have it.

It is a dream, of course, because once people get used to sucking at the Government's teats it is impossible for them to let go, but the closer we get the better it will be.

Even the Supreme Court can't completely ignore the Constitution, even when they toss it in the garbage can (figuratively speaking). Notice that the turncoat Roberts had to twist the ACA penalty into a "tax" in order to justify Congress requiring that people buy insurance - a grotesquely unconstitutional mandate under any rational reading of the document.

The Tea Party Patriots’ mission is to restore America’s founding principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.


FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY means not overspending, and not burdening our children and grandchildren with our bills. In the words of Thomas Jefferson: “the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity [is] swindling futurity on a large scale.” A more fiscally responsible government will take fewer taxes from our paychecks.

CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED GOVERNMENT means power resides with the people and not with the government. Governing should be done at the most local level possible where it can be held accountable. America’s founders believed that government power should be limited, enumerated, and constrained by our Constitution. Tea Party Patriots agree. The American people make this country great, not our government.

FREE MARKET ECONOMICS made America an economic superpower that for at least two centuries provided subsequent generations of Americans more opportunities and higher standards of living. An erosion of our free markets through government intervention is at the heart of America’s current economic decline, stagnating jobs, and spiraling debt and deficits. Failures in government programs and government-controlled financial markets helped spark the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Further government interventions and takeovers have made this Great Recession longer and deeper. A renewed focus on free markets will lead to a more vibrant economy creating jobs and higher standards of living for future generations.
Yep, under Reagan and Gorbachev the cold war ended. To both Reagan's and Gorbachev's credit they grabbed the opportunity to end the cold war.
I didn't see the Misery index listed as one of the tea party goals?
If socialism means government helping one group of its citizens at the expense of other citizens then socialism began soon after the Constitution was ratified, but it seems the definition of socialism is quite flexible on these boards. Can you define socialism?

Misery index would be in the economic category. Did you need an itemized list?

Yes I can define socialism.

noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Anymore dumb questions?

There are least ten major types of socialism, which type is this? It seems to be somewhat of a mixture. Do any of them apply to Obamacare?
Does any of your definition apply to Obamacare?

I think your trying to complicate things. Which isn't in your best interest given your mental deficiency.

Obamacare is an attempt to control the healthcare industry which is about one sixth of our economy.

Government control over a major industry is the definition of socialism (see above).

So I'll ignore your first question because the definition has been provided and answer the second and third which are the same questions just phrased differently with an affirmative.

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