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Tea Party Is Recycled John Birch Society Hate Rhetoric

The TEA Party is made up primarily of fat, racist, old white men each of whom has a droppy titted, fat assed, blue haired, old hag on his arm. Next time you see a crowd of them check it out you'll see Im correct.
No one is denying the USSR posed a grave threat to the US or to World peace. But positing FDR and Eisenhower as "commies" is appealing to paranoia and just plain hate. What threatened the well being of Americans in the 1930's was runaway capitalist greed; what threatened it in the 1950's was race hatred.

We never needed the USSR to fuck up our nation; we have done that all by ourselves and judging from your post, some of us are still quite willing to continue to do so.

Alger Hiss was a close adviser to FDR and a proven commie spy. See the Verona Papers.

But for liberals to claim the Tea Party goes back to the roots of their own paranoia about that age, just reveals their own desperation.

They know they lost the argument of 2010 so they think they can win going back to the argument of the 1950s. Only problem is, they lost that argument, as well.


Reading comprehension ain't your strong suit, is it TPS?

If Glenn Beck is a Tea Party leader.....

And Glenn Beck relies on John Birch Society materials to present his revision of US history......

And Tea Party members believe him.........

Well, let's see if you can make this ginormous mental leap at the end all by yourself.

Well number one Glen Beck is NOT a Tea Party leader.

The Tea Party doesn't have a leader. That's what you elitist liberals just don't get, yet.

Number two, asside from that ludicrous conspiracy theory of a article, I see no evidence to what you are saying.

It's not like the GOP where you can point to some party plank and say with authenticity that's what the party stands for.

For example, I don't follow Glen Beck. Oh I listen to him once in a while. I agree with some of his views. He's mildly interesting, but his one note samba gets rather tedious for me. No insult meant to Glen Beck fans, that's just me. I think he can be rather obsessive.

I mean don't get mad Glen Beck fans. Rush Limbaugh irritates me, too when he's that way. Remember when Rush wouldn't shut up about Michael J. Fox in 2006? Good Lord, I just don't have patience for that. I had to shut him off for several days to recover my nerves. No one's perfect.

However, I agree far more with Rush Limbaugh and he doesn't call for any rallies, and I AM TEA PARTY.

You can't point to one person and say WELL THAT'S THE VIEW OF EVERYBODY, when it comes to the Tea Party.

It holds no more credence than when the idiots on your side of the aisle tried to claim Lyndon LaRouche followers who were holding signs of Obama looking like Hitler spoke for the Tea Party. (especially, since LaRouche followers hold the exact same kind of signs at left wing protests).

Your entire premise just doesn't hold water. Sorry.

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The TEA Party is made up primarily of fat, racist, old white men each of whom has a droppy titted, fat assed, blue haired, old hag on his arm. Next time you see a crowd of them check it out you'll see Im correct.

The TEA Party is made up primarily of fat, racist, old white men each of whom has a droppy titted, fat assed, blue haired, old hag on his arm. Next time you see a crowd of them check it out you'll see Im correct.

See kids? This is what drug use coupled with no friends and no life gets you.
I dont understand how wanting to follow the Constitution and not spend ourselves into oblivion is hate.

Because liberals are masters of projection. THEY HATE the fact we are for the Constitution and not spending ourselves into oblivion. THUS, we must also have such hate.

It's part of their narcissism. ;)
Hey GWB was a liberal, yea thats the ticket! Plenty on Conservatives opposed his spending, they just were never heard from or seen, yeah, that's what happened. TRUE Conservatives were against his nasty spending ways, totally! You should've seen the uproar in Conservative Television, no not Fox News....Other channels, like on the CB radio n stuff. Boy were we mad...scouts honor.

Blah, that's conservatives....Even when they are wrong they are right. Conservatives lost the house and senate NOT because ppl rejected their ideas....NOOOOOOOOooo of course not. They rejected them because they lost their conservative way. See, Conservatism is never wrong anything bad that happens is the fault of someone else, Communists, Liberals, the boogie man...EVERYONE!
I dont understand how wanting to follow the Constitution and not spend ourselves into oblivion is hate.

Because liberals are masters of projection. THEY HATE the fact we are for the Constitution and not spending ourselves into oblivion. THUS, we must also have such hate.

It's part of their narcissism. ;)

And yet...Liberals value the WHOLE Constitution while Tea Baggers only value the second and tenth amendments
I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.

I hate to disappoint you, but the TEA Parties don't 'hate' anyone. Stop believing the moronic opinions of others and find out for yourself.

I feel hated at times by Tea party people, CG. Many others here do as well, I'd wager. Telling me Tea Party people dun hate is disingenuous; all any of us can do is judge them by what they say and do. You gonna tell me Sarah Palin is not a hateful woman? Bullshit.

I dun know why you feel any need to defend them. Conservatives should be the loudest in denouncing the hate-mongers, not cuddling them and excusing them.

Thank you for proving me right.

Do you see what I mean? "She feels the hate!"

As IF Tea Partiers are running around obsessing personally about Madelbrain.

They feel the hate all right. It's coming from them!!!!

Do you hear the paranoia and fear in that post? "She feels the hate."

Madelbrain you told us way more about yourself than the tea party in that post.

I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.

So you are over 100 years old? :eek:

This has been brewing for way over 1oo yrs here in America, and its about time someone started telling the truth about it.
Its not always pretty, as he points out alot, but it is our history.

Anyway, I dont want to argue, I just think you should maybe watch his show more often and judge it for yourself rather than read someone elses opinion.

Oh, and Im old enough to remember the way things "used to be", and we are going the wrong way right now... big gov't is going to be the death of this great nation if we are'nt careful.

I agree and disagree, The Infidel. If "Big Government" could regulate effectively, we would not have desecration in the Gulf or disaster on Wall Street.

Beck has a unique POV and sometimes does say things no one else is talking about that need to be brought to our attention. But his "reading list" and efforts to rewrite US history is nothing but recycled paranoia from the 1960's. You won't persuade me of anything by claiming he is above reproach.

I find it funny that a "reading list" proves all this about Glen Beck from OBAMA'S OWN WORDS from "Dreams from my father" doesn't prove anything about Obama.

I mean this is stupid. I'm read Mein Kampf as part of history. Does that make everyone that read Mein Kampf a Nazi?

Does everyone that reads "Catcher in the Rye" want to kill John Lennon?

I mean the LAUGHABLE closed minded conclusion you jump, nay LEAP TO, because it tells you what you want to hear.

And you wonder why the Tea Party is laughing at you guys?

CNBC is the liberal media, now I'll post the that liberal media to show you where the idea for the republican tea party comes from. Republican ideas came from a liberal news org....And the Sky is Magenta!!

Isnt it Ironic....Dont you th...well

Pat Buchanan is also on CNN. Does that make him a liberal too?


he's on NBC but you just posted a vid from the "liberal media" that spouted off republican ideals. Only in bizarro world would a video from a "liberal news org" be used as an example of conservatism. :lol: Wait, I have a video from the Russian media telling me why America is better than Russia.

No, I'm sorry but even a stopped clock is right twice a day and even someone on a liberal network, can be right.

But he did start the Tea Party movement.

If you don't like it you can take it up with him.

It was his idea to start the protests on April 15 that launched the whole movement.

Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.

What Beck puts up are whacky, out of context "Facts" much like Fox news. And that's when he isn't plain lying.

He's admitted to being PT Barum. Why isn't anyone on the right listening?

Oh wait..

It's this way to see the famous Egress..

Does anyone find it funny for liberals to be complaining about anyone being a media hoax, given who they voted for in 2008. :eusa_whistle:

What Beck puts up are whacky, out of context "Facts" much like Fox news. And that's when he isn't plain lying.

He's admitted to being PT Barum. Why isn't anyone on the right listening?

Oh wait..

It's this way to see the famous Egress..

Everyone on the right is laughing. We think it's pretty funny how you all are so obsessed with Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, and Fox news. Something about voicing our constitutional right to free speech that makes you all continue day after day posting your whining and moaning about them. Mental illness in full bloom is sad but kinda funny to watch.

Laughter is not the same as actually doing something constructive. It's easy to criticize and much harder to build.

What is Obama building exactly?

What Beck puts up are whacky, out of context "Facts" much like Fox news. And that's when he isn't plain lying.

He's admitted to being PT Barum. Why isn't anyone on the right listening?

Oh wait..

It's this way to see the famous Egress..

Everyone on the right is laughing. We think it's pretty funny how you all are so obsessed with Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, and Fox news. Something about voicing our constitutional right to free speech that makes you all continue day after day posting your whining and moaning about them. Mental illness in full bloom is sad but kinda funny to watch.

This is a remix of the "they hate us for our freedoms" song and dance from the Iraq war album:lol:

Um, that was said about muslim terrorists NOT Iraqis.

And if it isn't true, explain 9/11

(and please do not cop out with the usual "Saddam Hussein" didn't do 9/11, WE KNOW JACKASS. We sure know muslims terrorists did!)


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