Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

Umm... whose words are these again?

Lying to the police is a crime

Planning your words before posting them isn't a crime either. :rolleyes:

You lose.

Wrong answer loser, this is a simple yes or no question, remember the context of the thread. Were the people, who were accused of lying, speaking to the sheriffs officers who were investigating to determine if a crime had occurred? Yes or no.

You made a general declarative statement. It's quoted above.
So you're unwilling to take responsibility for your own words?

Lot o' that going around.

Don't get locked in...

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title is lie

they didn't sneak into anything

how they got locked in there hasn't really been given yet

can you people EVER be honest?

this should go into gossip forum

LOL. So, how did they gain access into a locked courthouse at 2am if uniformed personnel did not let them it?

So, you're admitting that the uniformed personnel are in on it too? Probably Tea Party Supporters....doesn't change much, whether they were let in or snuck in....what the hell were they doing there at 2:00 am. Cheating?

Were they messing with the votes? Probably.....:lol: And if they lose they'll still claim that Libs cheated....what hypocrites.
They gave a reason, you just won't accept the facts, what do you not understand about "NO LAWS WERE BROKEN"? Go back to surfing your porn, you evidently will get much more out of it.

i get it, the sheriff says no laws were broken. i believe him.

but what were their intentions. they lied about how they got in, so what were they planning on doing? or are we to believe they accidentally entered the closed courthouse at 2am while on a stoll together?

So you know their motives, exactly how did you gain that knowledge, are you a long distance mind reader? Your bullshit speculation is just that, bullshit.

So what reason do you think they had for going into the courthouse at 2:00 am? Geez, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out they were up to something sneaky. You don't go into a courthouse at 2:00 a.m. to catch up on your e-mails.
Lying to the police is a crime, the sheriff said NO LAWS WERE BROKEN, if you don't believe the article that is your problem. I'm tired of listening to fucking broken records that always tilt to the left. I'm done with this thread.

Lying to the police isn't a crime. You're confusing the police with God.
Sadly you're not alone in that...

Actually anyone caught lying to police during an investigation can be charged with obstruction of justice. It's much better not to answer than lie.

The only problem here is you probably have a Sheriff that is a Tea Partier covering up for the sleazy scumbags.
Umm... whose words are these again?

Planning your words before posting them isn't a crime either. :rolleyes:

You lose.

Wrong answer loser, this is a simple yes or no question, remember the context of the thread. Were the people, who were accused of lying, speaking to the sheriffs officers who were investigating to determine if a crime had occurred? Yes or no.

You made a general declarative statement. It's quoted above.
So you're unwilling to take responsibility for your own words?

Lot o' that going around.

Don't get locked in...


Now you're the one lying, here is my full quote, you commies just love to take shit out of context and play fucking games.

"Lying to the police is a crime, the sheriff said NO LAWS WERE BROKEN, if you don't believe the article that is your problem."

Now answer the question, yes on no.
Wrong answer loser, this is a simple yes or no question, remember the context of the thread. Were the people, who were accused of lying, speaking to the sheriffs officers who were investigating to determine if a crime had occurred? Yes or no.

You made a general declarative statement. It's quoted above.
So you're unwilling to take responsibility for your own words?

Lot o' that going around.

Don't get locked in...


Now you're the one lying, here is my full quote, you commies just love to take shit out of context and play fucking games.

"Lying to the police is a crime, the sheriff said NO LAWS WERE BROKEN, if you don't believe the article that is your problem."

Now answer the question, yes on no.

You're the one playing the "Yes, but" game....:lol:

Yeah sure....what if the Sheriff is a Tea Partier....? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a damn duck. Quit trying to cover up this sleazy situation.

Nobody has any business going into the courthouse at 2:00 a.m. except the firemen if there was a fire, which there wasn't....:lol::lol:
Lying to the police isn't a crime. You're confusing the police with God.
Sadly you're not alone in that...

Actually anyone caught lying to police during an investigation can be charged with obstruction of justice. It's much better not to answer than lie.

The only problem here is you probably have a Sheriff that is a Tea Partier covering up for the sleazy scumbags.

Damn you're great at assumptions and speculation, do you have any worthwhile talents?

EDIT: Pretty much covers all your BS post, carry on.
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Wrong answer loser, this is a simple yes or no question, remember the context of the thread. Were the people, who were accused of lying, speaking to the sheriffs officers who were investigating to determine if a crime had occurred? Yes or no.

You made a general declarative statement. It's quoted above.
So you're unwilling to take responsibility for your own words?

Lot o' that going around.

Don't get locked in...


Now you're the one lying, here is my full quote, you commies just love to take shit out of context and play fucking games.

"Lying to the police is a crime, the sheriff said NO LAWS WERE BROKEN, if you don't believe the article that is your problem."

Now answer the question, yes on no.

Correct, that is the full quote. And you see the claim in question leads off. Therefore it has no context from which to spring; it's a general declaration. "Lying to the police (subject) is a crime". On which you later want to add conditions, and then blame somebody else for your own faulty statement.

I can't tell you you're right when we both know you're wrong. That would be lying.
And as we know by now, lying is illegal. :D
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You made a general declarative statement. It's quoted above.
So you're unwilling to take responsibility for your own words?

Lot o' that going around.

Don't get locked in...


Now you're the one lying, here is my full quote, you commies just love to take shit out of context and play fucking games.

"Lying to the police is a crime, the sheriff said NO LAWS WERE BROKEN, if you don't believe the article that is your problem."

Now answer the question, yes on no.

Correct, that is the full quote. And you see the claim in question leads off. Therefore it has no context from which to spring; it's a general declaration. "Lying to the police (subject) is a crime". On which you later want to add conditions, and then blame somebody else for your own faulty statement.

I can't tell you you're right when we both know you're wrong. That would be lying.
And as we know by now, lying is illegal. :D

Still refuse to answer the question I see, take your semantics and fuck off loser.

you see folks, the left care more about some people who supposedly "sneaked" into a courthouse more than they do Obama just releasing Five murdering terrorist that now will have a chance to kill more of service members in Afghanistan

something wrong with what they find important to our country and damn scary this shallow and they vote
title is lie

they didn't sneak into anything

how they got locked in there hasn't really been given yet

can you people EVER be honest?

this should go into gossip forum

LOL. So, how did they gain access into a locked courthouse at 2am if uniformed personnel did not let them it?

So, you're admitting that the uniformed personnel are in on it too? Probably Tea Party Supporters....doesn't change much, whether they were let in or snuck in....what the hell were they doing there at 2:00 am. Cheating?

Were they messing with the votes? Probably.....:lol: And if they lose they'll still claim that Libs cheated....what hypocrites.

Somebody had to let them in, never said who it was.

Of course they were there to change the votes.

I'm not a teabagger
Sounds like another Watergate. Cheating bunch of teabaggers got caught is all.
Straight from your own article junior (perhaps you should actually read before posting liberal propaganda?):

The sheriff’s department has since exonerated the three, stating in a release: “Based on our findings and subsequent conclusion, there is no reason to believe that the three individuals engaged in any criminal activity nor do we believe any laws were broken. Our investigation revealed that the three individuals were able to enter the courthouse through a side-door marked for employees only. This door was either propped-open or was malfunctioning at the time of entry.”

Mississippi Tea Party Goes Watergate
Straight from your own article junior (perhaps you should actually read before posting liberal propaganda?):

The sheriff’s department has since exonerated the three, stating in a release: “Based on our findings and subsequent conclusion, there is no reason to believe that the three individuals engaged in any criminal activity nor do we believe any laws were broken. Our investigation revealed that the three individuals were able to enter the courthouse through a side-door marked for employees only. This door was either propped-open or was malfunctioning at the time of entry.”

Mississippi Tea Party Goes Watergate
Why doesn't the Sheriff tell us why they were there?

You do suppose he asked, don't you?
Gads you people are stupid.

1. It wasn't any of the individuals who went into the courthouse who said that a uniformed officer let them in. It was ALLEGEDLY someone (unnamed) from the campaign office, who said to SOMEONE ELSE, who relayed to the someone (unnamed) in the sheriff's office...and THAT person said "it wasn't one of us, whoever said that is lying".

2. The sheriff questioned the three who went into the courthouse, and released a statement saying they WENT IN THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR and there was no crime committed.

Fucking idiots.

The sheriff doesn't tell you because he probably figures it's nobody's business. They didn't break any laws.
Actually anyone caught lying to police during an investigation can be charged with obstruction of justice. It's much better not to answer than lie.

The only problem here is you probably have a Sheriff that is a Tea Partier covering up for the sleazy scumbags.

Damn you're great at assumptions and speculation, do you have any worthwhile talents?
I sure do......figuring out a simple situation like this one the Tea Party finds itself in...Courthouse Gate. Obviously you're good at trying to cover up.

EDIT: Pretty much covers all your BS post, carry on.
I know you're having trouble trying to find a "good" reason why these sleaze bags would be going into the Courthouse at 2:00 a.m. - so your best bet is to attack those who call it what it is. Tea Party sleaze.
No crime.

Feel free to grab a pitchfork and a latte and run on down there and take on the "teabagger sheriff" and all those country imbeciles that you think you have a right to second guess and accuse. I'm sure that will go well for you.
So, let me get this straight.

They "snuck in" through an unlocked door.

Then they were locked in...and what did they do?

Call for help getting out.

Anyone trying to make these facts sound nefarious is either an idiot of the highest magnitude, a liar of the first order, or both.

Here's what a sane, honest, rational person would've reasoned, given the evidence.

After polls close, it takes hours to do the count.

The officials went to the courthouse because the totals had not been announced.

They asked where the tallying was taking place, and were directed to a courthouse door.

It was unlocked, so they went inside.

When they found no one inside, they attempted to leave and found they were locked in.

They called for help.

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