Tea Party Officials Sneak Into Courthouse After Polls Close And Gets Locked In

you see folks, the left care more about some people who supposedly "sneaked" into a courthouse more than they do Obama just releasing Five murdering terrorist that now will have a chance to kill more of service members in Afghanistan

something wrong with what they find important to our country and damn scary this shallow and they vote

Steph, you're showing your ignorance on this situation. Brennan, CIA director, who once worked under G W Bush, declared these 5 as candidates to be released. Military leaders such as Ret. Gen McCrystal have also shown favor in the release. So where is the right's love for the military? You think they are bufoons that don't know what they are doing.

Don't claim you are for the military and support the troops when you are unwilling to trust military leader's judgment, and also leave one of our soldiers behind. Hypocrite.

Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal on Wednesday urged Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s critics not to “judge” him until all the facts are in and sharply defended the extensive and risky search efforts that claimed the lives of some of his fellow soldiers.
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McChrystal on Bergdahl: ?We don?t leave Americans behind. That?s unequivocal?
Straight from your own article junior (perhaps you should actually read before posting liberal propaganda?):

The sheriff’s department has since exonerated the three, stating in a release: “Based on our findings and subsequent conclusion, there is no reason to believe that the three individuals engaged in any criminal activity nor do we believe any laws were broken. Our investigation revealed that the three individuals were able to enter the courthouse through a side-door marked for employees only. This door was either propped-open or was malfunctioning at the time of entry.”

Mississippi Tea Party Goes Watergate

Yeah, we're not blind seniors, not necesssary to increase the font size....

But what were they doing going in at 2:00 AM? Are they working the night shift?:lol::lol:

Also, show us where the Sheriff is not a Tea Partier Republican that is not crooked?
Gads you people are stupid.

1. It wasn't any of the individuals who went into the courthouse who said that a uniformed officer let them in. It was ALLEGEDLY someone (unnamed) from the campaign office, who said to SOMEONE ELSE, who relayed to the someone (unnamed) in the sheriff's office...and THAT person said "it wasn't one of us, whoever said that is lying".

2. The sheriff questioned the three who went into the courthouse, and released a statement saying they WENT IN THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR and there was no crime committed.

Fucking idiots.

The sheriff doesn't tell you because he probably figures it's nobody's business. They didn't break any laws.

Deflecting again? We don't really care who let them in, or what damn door they went in, (we know Mississippi is red as a beet), we want to know what they were doing there at 2:00 AM.

Seems like you're the fucking idiot trying to cover up what is so obvious another Tea Party sleasy tactic. Courthousegate.......:lol::lol:
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you see folks, the left care more about some people who supposedly "sneaked" into a courthouse more than they do Obama just releasing Five murdering terrorist that now will have a chance to kill more of service members in Afghanistan

something wrong with what they find important to our country and damn scary this shallow and they vote

Well, not really, Stephanie.

It means that we can walk and chew gum at the same time and talk about more than one thing at once.

No you can't. You approve of the release of terrorists who have sworn to kill Americans, and who have been been very successful in doing so. That's what it comes down to.

Statists don't give a shit about citizens. They think there are too many.
No you can't. You approve of the release of terrorists who have sworn to kill Americans, and who have been been very successful in doing so. That's what it comes down to.

Statists don't give a shit about citizens. They think there are too many.

Finally found another word to throw around like a Frisbee I see...So how is people going into a court house have anything to do with statist or Bowe ? Do you hate him because he has a Jewish sounding name?
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Regarding Bergdahl, that's another thread. Are you trying to derail the thread cause you can't stand that some rw weasels got caught doing what they accuse the left of doing.

If you care so much about the troops why are you jumping to conclusions before an investigation is done by the "Military" that you claim you support so much? Because the whole issue has nothing to do with Bergdahl or the Gitmo releasees, but more to do with your hatred for Obama, that you are willing to throw a "soldier" under the bus just to score a point against Obama.

Back to the OP.....yeah, what the hell were the rw cheaters doing in the Courthouse at 2:00 am?
It really is a funny story how those oh so honest Tea Partiers got stuck inside the courthouse of the county where Thad Cochran won bigtime, with all those ballots around.

Yepp, the Tea Party stands for honesty and for fiscal responsibility.

Gads you people are stupid.

1. It wasn't any of the individuals who went into the courthouse who said that a uniformed officer let them in. It was ALLEGEDLY someone (unnamed) from the campaign office, who said to SOMEONE ELSE, who relayed to the someone (unnamed) in the sheriff's office...and THAT person said "it wasn't one of us, whoever said that is lying".

2. The sheriff questioned the three who went into the courthouse, and released a statement saying they WENT IN THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR and there was no crime committed.

A door that everybody agrees says "Employees Only".

At 2 a.m.

Could happen to anybody. Why just last night I found myself locked in a bank vault. I just, you know, wandered in. :dunno:

Y'all don't know about the old "Mississippi search warrant"?
--Sheriff send his deputy to the side door, sheriff goes to the front door and knocks, and the deputy yells "come in!"

In other news the reporter who broke the story has been arrested on assault charges after inviting the three burglars to his home and proceeding to beat their fists with his face. He was further charged with driving through a green light that only a day earlier had been red. He is being held on suspicion of matriculation.

Fucking idiots.

Agreed. But since that's not a crime, Barney Fife let 'em go.
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So, let me get this straight.

They "snuck in" through an unlocked door.

Then they were locked in...and what did they do?

Call for help getting out.

Anyone trying to make these facts sound nefarious is either an idiot of the highest magnitude, a liar of the first order, or both.

Here's what a sane, honest, rational person would've reasoned, given the evidence.

After polls close, it takes hours to do the count.

The officials went to the courthouse because the totals had not been announced.

They asked where the tallying was taking place, and were directed to a courthouse door.

It was unlocked, so they went inside.

When they found no one inside, they attempted to leave and found they were locked in.

They called for help.

Now breathe out s l o w l y.... five... four... thee... two.. one.

The only problem here is you probably have a Sheriff that is a Tea Partier covering up for the sleazy scumbags.

Damn you're great at assumptions and speculation, do you have any worthwhile talents?
I sure do......figuring out a simple situation like this one the Tea Party finds itself in...Courthouse Gate. Obviously you're good at trying to cover up.

EDIT: Pretty much covers all your BS post, carry on.
I know you're having trouble trying to find a "good" reason why these sleaze bags would be going into the Courthouse at 2:00 a.m. - so your best bet is to attack those who call it what it is. Tea Party sleaze.

Maybe you should take your conspiracy theories to the proper forum.
No you can't. You approve of the release of terrorists who have sworn to kill Americans, and who have been been very successful in doing so. That's what it comes down to.

Statists don't give a shit about citizens. They think there are too many.

You mean the deal that Congress and the Public knew about for a few years now? It was out there while negotiations were on-going. IF you didn't like it then, why didn't you complain to your congressman then. Oh...you didn't know about it? It was in the public domain, "koshergrl".....Allie Oops!
No you can't. You approve of the release of terrorists who have sworn to kill Americans, and who have been been very successful in doing so. That's what it comes down to.

Statists don't give a shit about citizens. They think there are too many.

You mean the deal that Congress and the Public knew about for a few years now? It was out there while negotiations were on-going. IF you didn't like it then, why didn't you complain to your congressman then. Oh...you didn't know about it? It was in the public domain, "koshergrl".....Allie Oops!

LMAO ... did they find their way home in the dark or did the sheriff take them ?
So, let me get this straight.

They "snuck in" through an unlocked door.

Then they were locked in...and what did they do?

Call for help getting out.

Anyone trying to make these facts sound nefarious is either an idiot of the highest magnitude, a liar of the first order, or both.

Here's what a sane, honest, rational person would've reasoned, given the evidence.

After polls close, it takes hours to do the count.

The officials went to the courthouse because the totals had not been announced.

They asked where the tallying was taking place, and were directed to a courthouse door.

It was unlocked, so they went inside.

When they found no one inside, they attempted to leave and found they were locked in.

They called for help.

Now breathe out s l o w l y.... five... four... thee... two.. one.


Er, bubba, you left out "2:00 a.m." - They snuck in at 2:00 a.m.. (Does that sound normal?)

Really.....at 2:00 am. someone didn't tell them they were closing, but let them go to the side door when everyone inside was gone? You're really stretching it......:lol:

Next thing you're going to claim they were sleep-walking.....:lol:
LMAO ... did they find their way home in the dark or did the sheriff take them ?

With that kind of sense of direction they're probably still lost days later. It's safe to say they don't work for the city as bus drivers or air traffic controllers.

I'm not sure if we've settled on a name for this comedy of errors -- Courthousegate?

For our yoga-stretcher apologist friends I'm gonna suggest Zebragate.
See also "Sutton's Law" (Reporter: why do you rob banks? Robber - "because that's where the money is")

Obviously you don't burglarize city hall because that's where the money is...

Clearly, city hall is where the zebras are!


The famous Mississippi State Zebras in the back yard at city hall​
LMAO ... did they find their way home in the dark or did the sheriff take them ?

With that kind of sense of direction they're probably still lost days later. It's safe to say they don't work for the city as bus drivers or air traffic controllers.

I'm not sure if we've settled on a name for this comedy of errors -- Courthousegate?

For our yoga-stretcher apologist friends I'm gonna suggest Zebragate.
See also "Sutton's Law" (Reporter: why do you rob banks? Robber - "because that's where the money is")

Obviously you don't burglarize city hall because that's where the money is...

Clearly, city hall is where the zebras are!


The famous Mississippi State Zebras in the back yard at city hall​

So, let me get this straight.

They "snuck in" through an unlocked door.

Then they were locked in...and what did they do?

Call for help getting out.

Anyone trying to make these facts sound nefarious is either an idiot of the highest magnitude, a liar of the first order, or both.

Here's what a sane, honest, rational person would've reasoned, given the evidence.

After polls close, it takes hours to do the count.

The officials went to the courthouse because the totals had not been announced.

They asked where the tallying was taking place, and were directed to a courthouse door.

It was unlocked, so they went inside.

When they found no one inside, they attempted to leave and found they were locked in.

They called for help.

Now breathe out s l o w l y.... five... four... thee... two.. one.


Er, bubba, you left out "2:00 a.m." - They snuck in at 2:00 a.m.. (Does that sound normal?)

Really.....at 2:00 am. someone didn't tell them they were closing, but let them go to the side door when everyone inside was gone? You're really stretching it......:lol:

Next thing you're going to claim they were sleep-walking.....:lol:

Absolutely at 2 am.

Aren't you guys politicos?

I vividly remember the 2006 U.S. Senate election...Jim Talent v. Claire McCaskill...ballots were still being recounted at 6 am the following morning.

Nothing the least bit unusual about it.

If their precinct had not reported, they would have every reason to believe ballots were still being counted.
Now breathe out s l o w l y.... five... four... thee... two.. one.


Er, bubba, you left out "2:00 a.m." - They snuck in at 2:00 a.m.. (Does that sound normal?)

Really.....at 2:00 am. someone didn't tell them they were closing, but let them go to the side door when everyone inside was gone? You're really stretching it......:lol:

Next thing you're going to claim they were sleep-walking.....:lol:

Absolutely at 2 am.

Aren't you guys politicos?

I vividly remember the 2006 U.S. Senate election...Jim Talent v. Claire McCaskill...ballots were still being recounted at 6 am the following morning.

Nothing the least bit unusual about it.

If their precinct had not reported, they would have every reason to believe ballots were still being counted.

I remember that, as well as many many other close counts. What I don't remember is anybody sneaking into an obviously closed building at two o'clock in the morning via an entrance marked "Employees Only". Not even in Florida.

Matter o' fact the only burglar story I can remember related to an election was Watergate. But they didn't have a Mississippi sheriff with a spokesman named Othor.
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