Tea Party Persecution...Why?

At least their less despised than Obama and their patriotic Americans..

that's the one trick ponies (jakie the fakie) wet dream only..he has such an hardon for them all his postings are about them no matter what the thread is....that's an Obsession that needs a shrink I think....lol

Maybe he went to a Tea Party function and they told him he didn't fit in..:(

Rejection is tough...we should be more understanding, poor heartbroken fellow..:itsok:

maybe, but he used up my sympathy a long time ago..Now I mostly just ignore his posting...
I find them repetitive and boring
At least their less despised than Obama and their patriotic Americans..

that's the one trick ponies (jakie the fakie) wet dream only..he has such an hardon for them all his postings are about them no matter what the thread is....that's an Obsession that needs a shrink I think....lol

little stephie again, whining and stomping her misshapen little cloven hoov er feet :lol:

The obsession is that the TeaPs think they are holders of American values.

I kinda wonder what you consider "American Values" Jake..sorry about that..
Good example. Because the person who made that image is PERFECTLY sane and rational.

Do you believe Bachman is mentally balanced, sane and rational?

She was pilloried (unfairly in my view) by the Democrat Party and their media to the point she was rejected by the wimps in the Republican electorate. How many more pounds of flesh do you require.

Should I bring up A. Weiner and beat you over the head with that?...:lol:
Make it a whole pack...

that's the one trick ponies (jakie the fakie) wet dream only..he has such an hardon for them all his postings are about them no matter what the thread is....that's an Obsession that needs a shrink I think....lol

Maybe he went to a Tea Party function and they told him he didn't fit in..:(

Rejection is tough...we should be more understanding, poor heartbroken fellow..:itsok:

maybe, but he used up my sympathy a long time ago..Now I mostly just ignore his posting...
I find them repetitive and boring

Soooo you're the one at the Tea Party Rally that told him he just didn't fit in or you at least wish you were .:lol:
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I kinda wonder what you consider "American Values" Jake..sorry about that..

As I have posted before.

I have said repeatedly I have voted for Romney, and I worked very hard for him in my region and state.

I supported Afghanistan, opposed Iraq. Neo-conservatism (modern American imperialism) never has served America’s long-term interests.

The social programs need reform. The items of food need to exclude candy, steak, soda pop, chip, and so forth along with the tobacco and booze: those are not a right.

The physically fit should be mandated to give ten hours a week to the city or the county in return for assistance. Those who aren't but can assist should be found adaptive work.

Those who can't get off drugs should be forced to give up parental rights. And, phased in, no benefits for children out of wedlock.

I opposed the drug prescriptions program for seniors and No Child Left Behind as incredibly costly programs in both cases and an unwarranted intrusion into education that was best left in the hands of the school boards and the state education agencies.

I support the 2d Amendment's guarantee that I may own and bear arms.

I believe that abortion best be limited to cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother.

I oppose absolute abortion, I oppose neo-conservative imperialism, I oppose birtherism, I oppose trutherism, I oppose Tentherism, and I oppose any suggestion that we are individuals only and not a part of a social compact.

I oppose reactionary hatred.

I am a mainstream Republican and have been since the day I went to school with Jack (John) Ford, the president's son. I have served the party honorably since I was my state's GOP Young Republican Chair so many years ago and all through the following decades in many posts. I will continue opposing the reactionaries as I serve the best interests of the Republican Party.
I kinda wonder what you consider "American Values" Jake..sorry about that..

As I have posted before.

I have said repeatedly I have voted for Romney, and I worked very hard for him in my region and state.

I supported Afghanistan, opposed Iraq. Neo-conservatism (modern American imperialism) never has served America’s long-term interests.

The social programs need reform. The items of food need to exclude candy, steak, soda pop, chip, and so forth along with the tobacco and booze: those are not a right.

The physically fit should be mandated to give ten hours a week to the city or the county in return for assistance. Those who aren't but can assist should be found adaptive work.

Those who can't get off drugs should be forced to give up parental rights. And, phased in, no benefits for children out of wedlock.

I opposed the drug prescriptions program for seniors and No Child Left Behind as incredibly costly programs in both cases and an unwarranted intrusion into education that was best left in the hands of the school boards and the state education agencies.

I support the 2d Amendment's guarantee that I may own and bear arms.

I believe that abortion best be limited to cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother.

I oppose absolute abortion, I oppose neo-conservative imperialism, I oppose birtherism, I oppose trutherism, I oppose Tentherism, and I oppose any suggestion that we are individuals only and not a part of a social compact.

I oppose reactionary hatred.

I am a mainstream Republican and have been since the day I went to school with Jack (John) Ford, the president's son. I have served the party honorably since I was my state's GOP Young Republican Chair so many years ago and all through the following decades in many posts. I will continue opposing the reactionaries as I serve the best interests of the Republican Party.

..and now I know, thanks my friend..Who confuses me at times...:lol:
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Tea Party Persecution...Why?
Credit rating downgrade.


Government shutdown.

Threat to allow the Nation to default.

For starters…

Of course, it’s not ‘persecution,’ as that implies some sort of unjustified attack.

Criticism of the TPM such as the above and more is indeed justified and appropriate, as House republicans have done nothing but obstruct, placing party before country, contributing nothing worthwhile.

You're a fucking idiot. Period.

Straight forward no sugar coating...
tried to rep ya but couldn't
Tea Party Persecution...Why?
Credit rating downgrade.


Government shutdown.

Threat to allow the Nation to default.

For starters…

Of course, it’s not ‘persecution,’ as that implies some sort of unjustified attack.

Criticism of the TPM such as the above and more is indeed justified and appropriate, as House republicans have done nothing but obstruct, placing party before country, contributing nothing worthwhile.

Since it is the spending that threatens our credit rating ... Caused the sequester ... Ignites opposition to the ACA that lead to the Government shutdown ... And threatens to put our country in default ... Then it is safe to say who is to blame.
It isn't the Tea Party.

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Someone should tell Palin it isn’t working…
Tell Palin WHAT isn't working exactly?

No worries...He's just dwelling on dishonorable and vicious persecutions he thinks of as a victory.
They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.
Yeah, that works, but only if you completely ignore the Clinton lawyer filing the suit against Obama's candidacy as described in my link.

That was NOT Clinton's lawyer, that was Pennsylvania’s former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg.

Oh, so you DID read the article...eventually.

I think, however, we can all agree that Berg is NOT a TEA Party member. Right?

Yes, how is this relivent? Some wack job fanatic jumped on this story after it had been around for quite a while. The tea party were huge suporters of this garbage. Now people are saying that Clinton herself was involved? Doubtful.
Tell Palin WHAT isn't working exactly?

No worries...He's just dwelling on dishonorable and vicious persecutions he thinks of as a victory.
They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.

I do think the elected party of hate see's their jobs swirling around the toilet and their base of hateful followers see's it too..

that's why the hate is more vicious..
No worries...He's just dwelling on dishonorable and vicious persecutions he thinks of as a victory.
They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.

I do think the elected party of hate see's their jobs swirling around the toilet and their base of hateful followers see's it too..

that's why the hate is more vicious..
As 2014 fast approaches? Just watch many in Obama's own party to save their own skins/jobs turn against him. It's inevitable. These people have sewn their fate...and ObamaCare is the catalyst. Mark my words.
They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.

I do think the elected party of hate see's their jobs swirling around the toilet and their base of hateful followers see's it too..

that's why the hate is more vicious..
As 2014 fast approaches? Just watch many in Obama's own party to save their own skins/jobs turn against him. It's inevitable. These people have sewn their fate...and ObamaCare is the catalyst. Mark my words.

Oh yes it is...They think they can calm the people and the country who have been getting cancelation notices, they have another thing coming at them..

it can't happen to a more deceitful, hateful party of elected lowlifes I have seen or lived under...Obama ruined it for any black person running for President...that's the only shame I see out it...Other than that I can't wait to see them go down
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No worries...He's just dwelling on dishonorable and vicious persecutions he thinks of as a victory.
They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.

I do think the elected party of hate see's their jobs swirling around the toilet and their base of hateful followers see's it too..

that's why the hate is more vicious..

Good one Steph! You managed to get "hate" 3 times into one 31 word post! Even by your standards you are on overdrive!

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