Tea Party Persecution...Why?

Tea Party Persecution...Why?

If you not only have ask this type of question but also choose to use the term "persecute" when asking it...

...and still believe this...

You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:

...then you are one clueless motherfucker.


You're not alone.

Check out all the other clueless motherfuckers you have to hang with here!

USMB is an Idiot Brigade safehouse.
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The tea party is not being persecuted. We are at war, being treated the way enemies are normally treated. It's just time to give a little back.
He actually made a very correct point and your rebutle was to insult him for it.

Pick up your game a bit.

mind your own business or post so you can get an pat on the ass from someone

Explain to me how my post exhibited any sort of hate.

Tea Partiers and their apologists have a persecution complex. If you don't agree with them you must be hateful. I hope it keeps up long enough to primary the GOP into extinction.
Tea Party Persecution...Why?

If you not only have ask this type of question but also choose to use the term "persecute" when asking it...

...and still believe this...

You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:

...then you are one clueless motherfucker.


You're not alone.

Check out all the other clueless motherfuckers you have to hang with here!

USMB is an Idiot Brigade safehouse.

You've never struck me as actually being sane, it makes it difficult to trust your judgement.:lol:
If baggers don't want to be viewed as mentally unbalanced they should stop having mentally unbalanced spokespeople and candidates.


Good example. Because the person who made that image is PERFECTLY sane and rational.

Did you say anything like that during the five years that Obama was photoshopped as the joker, a witch doctor, etc?
The Republican Party is trying to get a refund on that thing they thought was a tent. It came full of Tea and that is making it impossible to get anything else in there.
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:

Never heard of those guys, but they sound okay in my book.
"the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government"

Too bad the TPM does not really believe that
The Tea Party is systematically demonized in an effort to discredit and minimalize it as are ALL people or movements in America that value smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional liberties. The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists, whether by speeches or media coverage or more blatantly in totally unacceptable government overreach HAVE to do that in order to keep the ignorant on their big government plantation.

The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists don't seem to care how dishonest or hypocritical or cruel they the propaganda is. Just so it works.

So you see it done to ANY conservative, most especially a woman, who is gaining any public following. You see it done to ANY person of color or other minority groups who are gaining any public following.

And you see it done to the Tea Party.
The Tea Party may have sprung from noble origins, but it has since been co-opted by the GOP and not at all for the better.

If I were part of the original grass-roots movement, that would piss me off to no end.
The Tea Party is systematically demonized in an effort to discredit and minimalize it as are ALL people or movements in America that value smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional liberties. The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists, whether by speeches or media coverage or more blatantly in totally unacceptable government overreach HAVE to do that in order to keep the ignorant on their big government plantation.

The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists don't seem to care how dishonest or hypocritical or cruel they the propaganda is. Just so it works.

So you see it done to ANY conservative, most especially a woman, who is gaining any public following. You see it done to ANY person of color or other minority groups who are gaining any public following.

And you see it done to the Tea Party.

Damn! You can turn the AM radio off, but the exact same message is plastered all over the country, no matter where you are or what you are doing! It is on this board everywhere, in my E-mail, and even some nut who stands outside of the Safeway parking lot 5 days per week is carrying the signs with the same talking points! I'm waiting for them to start renting audio commercial time from Shell stations so that i will be forced to listen to it while I am filliing up my tank!

Thank god I drive a motorcycle and it only takes a couple of minutes to top it off!
The Tea Party is systematically demonized in an effort to discredit and minimalize it as are ALL people or movements in America that value smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional liberties. The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists, whether by speeches or media coverage or more blatantly in totally unacceptable government overreach HAVE to do that in order to keep the ignorant on their big government plantation.

The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists don't seem to care how dishonest or hypocritical or cruel they the propaganda is. Just so it works.

So you see it done to ANY conservative, most especially a woman, who is gaining any public following. You see it done to ANY person of color or other minority groups who are gaining any public following.

And you see it done to the Tea Party.

Damn! You can turn the AM radio off, but the exact same message is plastered all over the country, no matter where you are or what you are doing! It is on this board everywhere, in my E-mail, and even some nut who stands outside of the Safeway parking lot 5 days per week is carrying the signs with the same talking points! I'm waiting for them to start renting audio commercial time from Shell stations so that i will be forced to listen to it while I am filliing up my tank!

Thank god I drive a motorcycle and it only takes a couple of minutes to top it off!

Non sequitur much?

Exactly what message are you being plagued with--apparently only in your neck of the woods--that justifies demonizing the Tea Party who, everywhere I know of, focuses on individual liberties, and restoring the government to a more honorable institution more typical of its Constitutional roots?

What ideals does the Tea Party espouse that in your opinion differentiates them from the GOP?
The Tea Party is systematically demonized in an effort to discredit and minimalize it as are ALL people or movements in America that value smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional liberties. The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists, whether by speeches or media coverage or more blatantly in totally unacceptable government overreach HAVE to do that in order to keep the ignorant on their big government plantation.

The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists don't seem to care how dishonest or hypocritical or cruel they the propaganda is. Just so it works.

So you see it done to ANY conservative, most especially a woman, who is gaining any public following. You see it done to ANY person of color or other minority groups who are gaining any public following.

And you see it done to the Tea Party.

You see it done to all parties and movements, and you certainly see the TeaPs on this Board pulling that nonsense, Foxfyre.

If the movement would strip the libertarian revision of American narrative as well as the social conservatism from its general program, I would support it in a heart beat.

What ideals does the Tea Party espouse that in your opinion differentiates them from the GOP?

The GOP platform includes social issues and proposes government initiatives in areas the Tea Party simply does not involve itself. The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption that our left leaning entitlement driven government automatically infuses into both parties, and the Tea Party does.

The GOP has actually been quite hostile to the Tea Party, but the GOP does promote more positive emphasis to fix some problems than the Democxrats do. So rather than form a third party, the Tea Party pretty much universally chose to try to infuse the GOP with enough reformers to get some reform accomplished--reform the GOP so to speak.

Many Republicans of course court the Tea Party vote because they would be nuts not to do so. But the Tea Party does not conform to GOP goals. The Tea Party is trying to get the GOP to conform to Tea Party goals.

What ideals does the Tea Party espouse that in your opinion differentiates them from the GOP?

The GOP platform includes social issues and proposes government initiatives in areas the Tea Party simply does not involve itself. The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption that our left leaning entitlement driven government automatically infuses into both parties, and the Tea Party does.

The GOP has actually been quite hostile to the Tea Party, but the GOP does promote more positive emphasis to fix some problems than the Democxrats do. So rather than form a third party, the Tea Party pretty much universally chose to try to infuse the GOP with enough reformers to get some reform accomplished--reform the GOP so to speak.

Many Republicans of course court the Tea Party vote because they would be nuts not to do so. But the Tea Party does not conform to GOP goals. The Tea Party is trying to get the GOP to conform to Tea Party goals.

The tail does not wag the dog.

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