Tea Party Persecution...Why?

They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.

I do think the elected party of hate see's their jobs swirling around the toilet and their base of hateful followers see's it too..

that's why the hate is more vicious..

Good one Steph! You managed to get "hate" 3 times into one 31 word post! Even by your standards you are on overdrive!

and you managed to post another useless post off topic...good one you are on your usual
They're taking this to the nth degree until they cross the line...Sad for them that the line was crossed long ago. They better hold on to their lugnuts...many lefties are about to be un employed from Gubmint.

I do think the elected party of hate see's their jobs swirling around the toilet and their base of hateful followers see's it too..

that's why the hate is more vicious..

Good one Steph! You managed to get "hate" 3 times into one 31 word post! Even by your standards you are on overdrive!
And THIS comment has to do with the topic, HOW exactly?
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:
It is not your beliefs that makes the Tea Party unpopular, it's the means you advocate of achieving your goals.
Which means what? Restoring the rule of LAW that the present occupant only does with law he likes? Upholding the LAW doesn't mean picking and choosing to appease your cronies in favour. It means ALL LAW.

And what of reverence for the Constitution...that IS the LAW...but I suppose in YOUR world? Restoring it, and this Republic isn't worth it, right? Status quo all the way with the criminals that run it, correct?

The TPM is all about the Constitution...and getting the elected to pay attention...and adhere. But you admonish it and them...er rather US, by your comment the very same.

YOU are disgusting. Nevermind you support the seeds of even YOUR demise if the Progressives succeed. YOU are an enemy to your own liberty. Typical unthinking progressive dupe.
Restore the constitution? The constitution consists of the base document and 27 amendments. There's nothing to restore. Your post is a wonderful example of why the Tea Party will join a long list of obscure political movements.

If you want the support of the American people, you're going to have to produce legislation that works within the framework of government preserving the services that people expect. The Democratic and Republican Party are committed to making government work better. The Tea Party is committed to dismantling most of it and that will never work.
It is not your beliefs that makes the Tea Party unpopular, it's the means you advocate of achieving your goals.
Which means what? Restoring the rule of LAW that the present occupant only does with law he likes? Upholding the LAW doesn't mean picking and choosing to appease your cronies in favour. It means ALL LAW.

And what of reverence for the Constitution...that IS the LAW...but I suppose in YOUR world? Restoring it, and this Republic isn't worth it, right? Status quo all the way with the criminals that run it, correct?

The TPM is all about the Constitution...and getting the elected to pay attention...and adhere. But you admonish it and them...er rather US, by your comment the very same.

YOU are disgusting. Nevermind you support the seeds of even YOUR demise if the Progressives succeed. YOU are an enemy to your own liberty. Typical unthinking progressive dupe.
Restore the constitution? The constitution consists of the base document and 27 amendments. There's nothing to restore. Your post is a wonderful example of why the Tea Party will join a long list of obscure political movements.

If you want the support of the American people, you're going to have to produce legislation that works within the framework of government preserving the services that people expect. The Democratic and Republican Party are committed to making government work better. The Tea Party is committed to dismantling most of it and that will never work.

The Tea Party is for less taxes and a stronger support of The Constitution. What's wrong with that?

If my memory serves me correctly, the actor Bogart in your avatar was accused of being a Commie probably like you.:eek:
Which means what? Restoring the rule of LAW that the present occupant only does with law he likes? Upholding the LAW doesn't mean picking and choosing to appease your cronies in favour. It means ALL LAW.

And what of reverence for the Constitution...that IS the LAW...but I suppose in YOUR world? Restoring it, and this Republic isn't worth it, right? Status quo all the way with the criminals that run it, correct?

The TPM is all about the Constitution...and getting the elected to pay attention...and adhere. But you admonish it and them...er rather US, by your comment the very same.

YOU are disgusting. Nevermind you support the seeds of even YOUR demise if the Progressives succeed. YOU are an enemy to your own liberty. Typical unthinking progressive dupe.
Restore the constitution? The constitution consists of the base document and 27 amendments. There's nothing to restore. Your post is a wonderful example of why the Tea Party will join a long list of obscure political movements.

If you want the support of the American people, you're going to have to produce legislation that works within the framework of government preserving the services that people expect. The Democratic and Republican Party are committed to making government work better. The Tea Party is committed to dismantling most of it and that will never work.

The Tea Party is for less taxes and a stronger support of The Constitution. What's wrong with that?

If my memory serves me correctly, the actor Bogart in your avatar was accused of being a Commie probably like you.:eek:
Nothing. It's like God, mother and apple pie. Most anyone on Main Street will support it, myself include. Then tell them exactly how you plan to accomplish the Tea Party goals and watch them disappear. People want government services to run more efficiently and become more cost effective. That doesn't mean they want to do away with them.
Because they have no compunction whatsoever about telling us "commies" that they are the only true Americans and they are entirley clueless as to how completely self absorbered their hateful rhetoric comes accross to the rest of the country.

That's why.

I bet you said the same thing about the lefties at Occupy Wall Street; and then you cheer when Obama ordered the FBI to declare them a terrorist organization
Because they have no compunction whatsoever about telling us "commies" that they are the only true Americans and they are entirley clueless as to how completely self absorbered their hateful rhetoric comes accross to the rest of the country.

That's why.

Well now ... As far as your comments about how "their hateful rhetoric comes across to the rest of the country" ... Understanding and Caring can be two completely different things.
You show them no respect ... Likewise they really don't owe you any either ... And with that in mind, don't act like they are the ones self-absorbed, because they don't want crap from you.

You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:

Conservative Persecution Syndrome -->

Not popular


being persecuted
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left what-to-Be's....:dunno:

Tea Party Persecution...Why?


because it interferes with "business as usual" and that means filling the pockets of those god-like inhabitants inside the belt of the Olympus ;)
I kinda wonder what you consider "American Values" Jake..sorry about that..

As I have posted before.

I have said repeatedly I have voted for Romney, and I worked very hard for him in my region and state.

I supported Afghanistan, opposed Iraq. Neo-conservatism (modern American imperialism) never has served America’s long-term interests.

The social programs need reform. The items of food need to exclude candy, steak, soda pop, chip, and so forth along with the tobacco and booze: those are not a right.

The physically fit should be mandated to give ten hours a week to the city or the county in return for assistance. Those who aren't but can assist should be found adaptive work.

Those who can't get off drugs should be forced to give up parental rights. And, phased in, no benefits for children out of wedlock.

I opposed the drug prescriptions program for seniors and No Child Left Behind as incredibly costly programs in both cases and an unwarranted intrusion into education that was best left in the hands of the school boards and the state education agencies.

I support the 2d Amendment's guarantee that I may own and bear arms.

I believe that abortion best be limited to cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother.

I oppose absolute abortion, I oppose neo-conservative imperialism, I oppose birtherism, I oppose trutherism, I oppose Tentherism, and I oppose any suggestion that we are individuals only and not a part of a social compact.

I oppose reactionary hatred.

I am a mainstream Republican and have been since the day I went to school with Jack (John) Ford, the president's son. I have served the party honorably since I was my state's GOP Young Republican Chair so many years ago and all through the following decades in many posts. I will continue opposing the reactionaries as I serve the best interests of the Republican Party.
Then why do you suck Obama's ass, boy?
That was NOT Clinton's lawyer, that was Pennsylvania’s former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg.

Oh, so you DID read the article...eventually.

I think, however, we can all agree that Berg is NOT a TEA Party member. Right?

Yes, how is this relivent? Some wack job fanatic jumped on this story after it had been around for quite a while. The tea party were huge suporters of this garbage. Now people are saying that Clinton herself was involved? Doubtful.
The TEA Party were NOT huge supporters.

At least make an effort to be honest, willya?
Actually there is no such thing as the ‘Tea Party,’ consequently there’s no ‘persecution.’

The TPM is merely republicans, mostly an aggregate of the Old Bush Base, pseudo-libertarians, and others from the extreme fiscal right.
Which means what? Restoring the rule of LAW that the present occupant only does with law he likes? Upholding the LAW doesn't mean picking and choosing to appease your cronies in favour. It means ALL LAW.

And what of reverence for the Constitution...that IS the LAW...but I suppose in YOUR world? Restoring it, and this Republic isn't worth it, right? Status quo all the way with the criminals that run it, correct?

The TPM is all about the Constitution...and getting the elected to pay attention...and adhere. But you admonish it and them...er rather US, by your comment the very same.

YOU are disgusting. Nevermind you support the seeds of even YOUR demise if the Progressives succeed. YOU are an enemy to your own liberty. Typical unthinking progressive dupe.
Restore the constitution? The constitution consists of the base document and 27 amendments. There's nothing to restore. Your post is a wonderful example of why the Tea Party will join a long list of obscure political movements.

If you want the support of the American people, you're going to have to produce legislation that works within the framework of government preserving the services that people expect. The Democratic and Republican Party are committed to making government work better. The Tea Party is committed to dismantling most of it and that will never work.

The Tea Party is for less taxes and a stronger support of The Constitution. What's wrong with that?

If my memory serves me correctly, the actor Bogart in your avatar was accused of being a Commie probably like you.:eek:

Birddog is probably more a commie than Flopper.

You have to throw off the neo-con and socon filth and trash, birddog, and produce legislation that works for America.

Shutting down the govt and trying to wreck the world's economy, son, is frowned upon.
The Tea Party is nothing new ... they used to be called the John Birch Society.

aww, how cute
and the party you belong used to be called the Democrat party, now they should be called, the Socialist/Communist party

oh how two can play with words and labels
The Tea Party is nothing new ... they used to be called the John Birch Society.

aww, how cute
and the party you belong used to be called the Democrat party, now they should be called, the Socialist/Communist party

oh how two can play with words and labels
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political views[edit]

During his time in the Soviet Union, Koch came to despise communism and Joseph Stalin's regime,[6][7] writing in his 1960 book, A Business Man Looks at Communism, that he found the Soviet Union to be "a land of hunger, misery, and terror".[16] He toured the countryside with his handler Jerome Livshitz. Livshitz gave Fred Koch what he would call a "liberal education in Communist techniques and methods" and Koch grew persuaded that the Soviet threat needed to be countered in America.[11]
According to his son, Charles, “Many of the Soviet engineers he worked with were longtime Bolsheviks who had helped bring on the revolution.” It deeply bothered Fred Koch that so many of those so committed to the Communist cause were later purged.[11]
He was one of the founding members of the John Birch Society.[17]
He claimed that the Democratic and Republican Parties were infiltrated by the Communist Party, and he supported Mussolini's suppression of communists.
He wrote that "The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America," and that public welfare was a secret plot to attract rural blacks and Puerto Ricans to Eastern cities to vote for Communist causes and "getting a vicious race war started."[16]
His sons, Charles and David control the Tea Party.
I kinda wonder what you consider "American Values" Jake..sorry about that..

As I have posted before.

I have said repeatedly I have voted for Romney, and I worked very hard for him in my region and state.

I supported Afghanistan, opposed Iraq. Neo-conservatism (modern American imperialism) never has served America’s long-term interests.

The social programs need reform. The items of food need to exclude candy, steak, soda pop, chip, and so forth along with the tobacco and booze: those are not a right.

The physically fit should be mandated to give ten hours a week to the city or the county in return for assistance. Those who aren't but can assist should be found adaptive work.

Those who can't get off drugs should be forced to give up parental rights. And, phased in, no benefits for children out of wedlock.

I opposed the drug prescriptions program for seniors and No Child Left Behind as incredibly costly programs in both cases and an unwarranted intrusion into education that was best left in the hands of the school boards and the state education agencies.

I support the 2d Amendment's guarantee that I may own and bear arms.

I believe that abortion best be limited to cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother.

I oppose absolute abortion, I oppose neo-conservative imperialism, I oppose birtherism, I oppose trutherism, I oppose Tentherism, and I oppose any suggestion that we are individuals only and not a part of a social compact.

I oppose reactionary hatred.

I am a mainstream Republican and have been since the day I went to school with Jack (John) Ford, the president's son. I have served the party honorably since I was my state's GOP Young Republican Chair so many years ago and all through the following decades in many posts. I will continue opposing the reactionaries as I serve the best interests of the Republican Party.
Then why do you suck Obama's ass, boy?

That's a very good question. I agree with most of what Jake stated, but is he being honest? Besides, isn't the republican Party supposed to be The Big Tent Party? Jake should concentrate on criticizing the lying dimocrats and leave the non-RINO Republicans alone. Conservatism is what we need! :cool:
The TPM should remember that it occupies only a small portion of the Republican tent.

I can't change the Democratic Party and don't want to because when they lean further to the left the easier they are to beat.

The mainstream Republicans cannot let the TPM Rinos get us defeated again, like they did in 2008 and 2012 and this last month in Congress.

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