Tea Party Persecution...Why?


What ideals does the Tea Party espouse that in your opinion differentiates them from the GOP?

The GOP platform includes social issues and proposes government initiatives in areas the Tea Party simply does not involve itself. The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption that our left leaning entitlement driven government automatically infuses into both parties, and the Tea Party does.

The GOP has actually been quite hostile to the Tea Party, but the GOP does promote more positive emphasis to fix some problems than the Democxrats do. So rather than form a third party, the Tea Party pretty much universally chose to try to infuse the GOP with enough reformers to get some reform accomplished--reform the GOP so to speak.

Many Republicans of course court the Tea Party vote because they would be nuts not to do so. But the Tea Party does not conform to GOP goals. The Tea Party is trying to get the GOP to conform to Tea Party goals.

" The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption "

That statement is a bald faced lie. Just one example of John Boehner passing out checks ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE in the middle of the night on the vote over tobbaco interests was not only clearly flying in the face of your statement.. It is SOP for the republican party. The corruption surrounding the whole "donut bill" where the GOP took enormous sums of money to make sure that Americans and Medicare could not negotiate with the pharms over the cost of medicines as the Canadians do was an outrageous display of working ..not to help the American people but to subvert our elderly from having any advantage as thier golden years approach. That legislation has cost elderly U S citizens hundreds of billions of dollars at a time in thier lives when they can least afford it.

Coming onto this message board with your out right lies does little for your credibility.

What ideals does the Tea Party espouse that in your opinion differentiates them from the GOP?

The GOP platform includes social issues and proposes government initiatives in areas the Tea Party simply does not involve itself. The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption that our left leaning entitlement driven government automatically infuses into both parties, and the Tea Party does.

The GOP has actually been quite hostile to the Tea Party, but the GOP does promote more positive emphasis to fix some problems than the Democxrats do. So rather than form a third party, the Tea Party pretty much universally chose to try to infuse the GOP with enough reformers to get some reform accomplished--reform the GOP so to speak.

Many Republicans of course court the Tea Party vote because they would be nuts not to do so. But the Tea Party does not conform to GOP goals. The Tea Party is trying to get the GOP to conform to Tea Party goals.

" The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption "

That statement is a bald faced lie. Just one example of John Boehner passing out checks ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE in the middle of the night on the vote over tobbaco interests was not only clearly flying in the face of your statement.. It is SOP for the republican party. The corruption surrounding the whole "donut bill" where the GOP took enormous sums of money to make sure that Americans and Medicare could not negotiate with the pharms over the cost of medicines as the Canadians do was an outrageous display of working ..not to help the American people but to subvert our elderly from having any advantage as thier golden years approach. That legislation has cost elderly U S citizens hundreds of billions of dollars at a time in thier lives when they can least afford it.

Coming onto this message board with your out right lies does little for your credibility.

I think you need to read more carefully Huggy. How does what you said in any way contradict my opinion that the GOP platform does not address graft and corruption that is infused into the system?

I could call you a liar for totally misrepresenting what I said, but not being a leftwing loon, I'll give you some credit that your reading dysfunction was unintentional.
The Tea Party is systematically demonized in an effort to discredit and minimalize it as are ALL people or movements in America that value smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional liberties. The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists, whether by speeches or media coverage or more blatantly in totally unacceptable government overreach HAVE to do that in order to keep the ignorant on their big government plantation.

The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists don't seem to care how dishonest or hypocritical or cruel they the propaganda is. Just so it works.

So you see it done to ANY conservative, most especially a woman, who is gaining any public following. You see it done to ANY person of color or other minority groups who are gaining any public following.

And you see it done to the Tea Party.

Damn! You can turn the AM radio off, but the exact same message is plastered all over the country, no matter where you are or what you are doing! It is on this board everywhere, in my E-mail, and even some nut who stands outside of the Safeway parking lot 5 days per week is carrying the signs with the same talking points! I'm waiting for them to start renting audio commercial time from Shell stations so that i will be forced to listen to it while I am filliing up my tank!

Thank god I drive a motorcycle and it only takes a couple of minutes to top it off!

Wow.. sucks to be you... but hey, get used to it.. it ain't going away and it is gaining ground!!!

But the Tea Party does not conform to GOP goals.

Such as?

I'll refer you to the GOP platform. Just pick out whatever does not include smaller, more efficient, more effective government, far less intrusion into individual liberties. and returning government to its constitutional roots.

So for example, Tea Partiers would support the legalization of marijuana (or at least leaving it up to the states) and doing away with the DEA, since drug enforcement is clearly not a power granted to the federal government by the US Constitution?
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Damn! You can turn the AM radio off, but the exact same message is plastered all over the country, no matter where you are or what you are doing! It is on this board everywhere, in my E-mail, and even some nut who stands outside of the Safeway parking lot 5 days per week is carrying the signs with the same talking points! I'm waiting for them to start renting audio commercial time from Shell stations so that i will be forced to listen to it while I am filliing up my tank!

Thank god I drive a motorcycle and it only takes a couple of minutes to top it off!

Yeah, I know what you mean. Even watching procedural police drama and they put out this mock arrest and trial of Eric Holder for Fast & Furious...

OH WAIT, Law & Order actually did a mock arrest and trial of Dick Cheney...

Or Two and a Half Men with the constant quips of how stupid Obama is and how he looks like a monkey...

OH WAIT, they did that to Bush, not Obama.

And MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NY Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, LA Times, all running flat out Republican Party propaganda all the time..

OH WAIT, they all are basically the propaganda corps of the DNC..

What was it you were babbling about again?
The GOP platform includes social issues and proposes government initiatives in areas the Tea Party simply does not involve itself. The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption that our left leaning entitlement driven government automatically infuses into both parties, and the Tea Party does.

The GOP has actually been quite hostile to the Tea Party, but the GOP does promote more positive emphasis to fix some problems than the Democxrats do. So rather than form a third party, the Tea Party pretty much universally chose to try to infuse the GOP with enough reformers to get some reform accomplished--reform the GOP so to speak.

Many Republicans of course court the Tea Party vote because they would be nuts not to do so. But the Tea Party does not conform to GOP goals. The Tea Party is trying to get the GOP to conform to Tea Party goals.

" The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption "

That statement is a bald faced lie. Just one example of John Boehner passing out checks ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE in the middle of the night on the vote over tobbaco interests was not only clearly flying in the face of your statement.. It is SOP for the republican party. The corruption surrounding the whole "donut bill" where the GOP took enormous sums of money to make sure that Americans and Medicare could not negotiate with the pharms over the cost of medicines as the Canadians do was an outrageous display of working ..not to help the American people but to subvert our elderly from having any advantage as thier golden years approach. That legislation has cost elderly U S citizens hundreds of billions of dollars at a time in thier lives when they can least afford it.

Coming onto this message board with your out right lies does little for your credibility.

I think you need to read more carefully Huggy. How does what you said in any way contradict my opinion that the GOP platform does not address graft and corruption that is infused into the system?

I could call you a liar for totally misrepresenting what I said, but not being a leftwing loon, I'll give you some credit that your reading dysfunction was unintentional.

OK... I miss read your post. What I said was 100% true. It just didn't apply to your post. But since I have you on the horn... Just what has the Tea Party done within the republican party to correct the wrongs I listed instituted by thier parent organization?
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:

I'm feeling farily persecuted by the TPM, what with having a potus named Hussein who believes its appropriate for the fed govt to tell me what insurance I need, and must purchase, for my family. Of course, it was McCain who put Sarah bat shite crazy on the ticket. Fate gave us a chance when the first time voters and caucus states knocked off Hillary, but that move kissed it goodbye.
If baggers don't want to be viewed as mentally unbalanced they should stop having mentally unbalanced spokespeople and candidates.


well, according to bachmann, she has the same spirit as john wayne gacy.
" The GOP platform does NOT take on the graft and corruption "

That statement is a bald faced lie. Just one example of John Boehner passing out checks ON THE FLOOR OF THE HOUSE in the middle of the night on the vote over tobbaco interests was not only clearly flying in the face of your statement.. It is SOP for the republican party. The corruption surrounding the whole "donut bill" where the GOP took enormous sums of money to make sure that Americans and Medicare could not negotiate with the pharms over the cost of medicines as the Canadians do was an outrageous display of working ..not to help the American people but to subvert our elderly from having any advantage as thier golden years approach. That legislation has cost elderly U S citizens hundreds of billions of dollars at a time in thier lives when they can least afford it.

Coming onto this message board with your out right lies does little for your credibility.

I think you need to read more carefully Huggy. How does what you said in any way contradict my opinion that the GOP platform does not address graft and corruption that is infused into the system?

I could call you a liar for totally misrepresenting what I said, but not being a leftwing loon, I'll give you some credit that your reading dysfunction was unintentional.

OK... I miss read your post. What I said was 100% true. It just didn't apply to your post. But since I have you on the horn... Just what has the Tea Party done within the republican party to correct the wrongs I listed instituted by thier parent organization?

It has elected people to the GOP who are pledged to focus on the Tea Party goals. One of those, Ted Cruz, did his damndest in a marathon quasi-filibuster to impress upon the Senate that it needed to follow the lead of the House and defund or postpone Obamacare until it was ready for prime time. Who among us would now say that wouldn't have been the right call? Every one of them has voted to repeal Obamacare when they had opportunity to do so.

Almost all have kept their campaign promises to vote against inceased irresponsible spending and ever more government intrusion onto our civil liberties and unalienable rights.

And while they have won some concessions to favorably amend some bills--Boehner does need their votes after all to get stuff passed--they are still too few, most especially in the Senate--to have much power.

And unfortunately those who get their information only from the partisan leftwing media are being told constantly how evil the Tea Party is and are misled into believing that the Tea Party is doing all sorts of things and promoting all sorts of things that Tea Party groups overall simply don't do. But that's how the left stays in power isn't it. By making sure that anybody who doesn't support the leftist agenda is marginalized, demonized, ridiculed, and lied into oblivion.
Quoting "Camp": "Why are Teabaggers being attacked by Republicans? Why are the silly hatter candidates being attacked by Republicans?

"Hatters" were frequently mentally unbalanced because of occupational exposure to mercury.

Do you really see a whole lot of candidates whose employment is in the manufacture or hats these days?

Or are you just careless as well as irresponsible?

If baggers don't want to be viewed as mentally unbalanced they should stop having mentally unbalanced spokespeople and candidates.

The Teapot Domes are trying to reduce politics to the level of a pre-school singalong.
I think you need to read more carefully Huggy. How does what you said in any way contradict my opinion that the GOP platform does not address graft and corruption that is infused into the system?

I could call you a liar for totally misrepresenting what I said, but not being a leftwing loon, I'll give you some credit that your reading dysfunction was unintentional.

OK... I miss read your post. What I said was 100% true. It just didn't apply to your post. But since I have you on the horn... Just what has the Tea Party done within the republican party to correct the wrongs I listed instituted by thier parent organization?

It has elected people to the GOP who are pledged to focus on the Tea Party goals. One of those, Ted Cruz, did his damndest in a marathon quasi-filibuster to impress upon the Senate that it needed to follow the lead of the House and defund or postpone Obamacare until it was ready for prime time. Who among us would now say that wouldn't have been the right call? Every one of them has voted to repeal Obamacare when they had opportunity to do so.

Almost all have kept their campaign promises to vote against inceased irresponsible spending and ever more government intrusion onto our civil liberties and unalienable rights.

And while they have won some concessions to favorably amend some bills--Boehner does need their votes after all to get stuff passed--they are still too few, most especially in the Senate--to have much power.

And unfortunately those who get their information only from the partisan leftwing media are being told constantly how evil the Tea Party is and are misled into believing that the Tea Party is doing all sorts of things and promoting all sorts of things that Tea Party groups overall simply don't do. But that's how the left stays in power isn't it. By making sure that anybody who doesn't support the leftist agenda is marginalized, demonized, ridiculed, and lied into oblivion.

That darned LW media covering the shut down over obamacare and suggestion we not raise the debt limit and effect that would have on obligations such as debt service and entitlements.
OK... I miss read your post. What I said was 100% true. It just didn't apply to your post. But since I have you on the horn... Just what has the Tea Party done within the republican party to correct the wrongs I listed instituted by thier parent organization?

It has elected people to the GOP who are pledged to focus on the Tea Party goals. One of those, Ted Cruz, did his damndest in a marathon quasi-filibuster to impress upon the Senate that it needed to follow the lead of the House and defund or postpone Obamacare until it was ready for prime time. Who among us would now say that wouldn't have been the right call? Every one of them has voted to repeal Obamacare when they had opportunity to do so.

Almost all have kept their campaign promises to vote against inceased irresponsible spending and ever more government intrusion onto our civil liberties and unalienable rights.

And while they have won some concessions to favorably amend some bills--Boehner does need their votes after all to get stuff passed--they are still too few, most especially in the Senate--to have much power.

And unfortunately those who get their information only from the partisan leftwing media are being told constantly how evil the Tea Party is and are misled into believing that the Tea Party is doing all sorts of things and promoting all sorts of things that Tea Party groups overall simply don't do. But that's how the left stays in power isn't it. By making sure that anybody who doesn't support the leftist agenda is marginalized, demonized, ridiculed, and lied into oblivion.

That darned LW media covering the shut down over obamacare and suggestion we not raise the debt limit and effect that would have on obligations such as debt service and entitlements.

So what harm did that shutdown actually do? When you max our your credit card do you change your behavior? Or do you just ask the credit card to increase your limit and you continue the same irresponsible spending practices?

We specifically elected Tea Party candidates to do exactly what they promised to do if elected. And that means stop this travesty of Obamacare imposed on the American people--each passing day is demonstrating more and more that we were absolutely right to demand that. And that means stop the irresponsible spending, runaway deficits, unconscionable debt that the government continues to increase in order to keep itself in power.

I won't fault the Tea Party candidates from doing what they promised to do.

I only wish your messiah king that you elected had kept his campaign promises. We would be in a far less deep hole and wouldn't still be frantically digging it deeper if he had.
why are teabaggers being attacked by republicans? Why are the silly hatter candidates being attacked by republicans?

a liberal can't understand a party who doesn't walk in lockstep like they do the democrat party..there can't be dissent, not one difference of opinion, etc etc...so according to them that makes enough reason the tea party should be looked at as the enemy and should be ridiculed..

That is very sad and speaks a lot about where they are as voters and why these elected democrats feels it's ok for them to call the people all kinds of vile names, terrorist, hostage takers, etc etc
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The Tea Potty is the Diet Koch of hate.

Not like the love you Pol Pot democrats show...

Especially you, a literal Klansman...

And you wonder why the Tea Party folks are persecuted, ridiculed and mocked. Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to a Cambodian mass murderer. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.

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