Tea Party Persecution...Why?

standing up for your principles is never wrong, it may be temporarily painful, but in the end it is the right thing to do. Its what created this country.

Standing up for your principals is NOT right when the effect would be to either default on the debt or not pay entitlements, and that would have been the effect of not raiseing the debt ceiling or passing a CR. Just because you have a princlpal doens't make you right. Other sides have principles too. A majority wants pols to comproemise and get biz done. I realize you don't like that, but that's your fault, not the medias and not the majority's. And you're not a victim.

NO ONE in the GOP or the TP has ever suggested defaulting on the debt or not paying entitlements-----you are a victim of media and administration lies.

The refusal to compromise has come from obama and reid.

Do you believe that all of obama's principles are right for the nation and should be implemented by presidential dictate? Thats how they did ACA, one party vote, no discussion, no amendments, no time to read it---just shoved it up our butts because THEY thought it was right. Now, that is coming home to roost.

That's utter bs. We can't pay interest, the military, homeland, ss, medicare, educ without deficits or more money. Add up defense, educ, HC, pensions, interest and protection you got 84% of the spending. Add in ROADS and your up to 87%. We had total spending of 3.7 triiion or so and the deficits have been over 1 trilliion up till this year. The math isn't there.
That's utter bs. We can't pay interest, the military, homeland, ss, medicare, educ without deficits or more money. Add up defense, educ, HC, pensions, interest and protection you got 84% of the spending. Add in ROADS and your up to 87%. We had total spending of 3.7 triiion or so and the deficits have been over 1 trilliion up till this year. The math isn't there.

That is a complete lie.

Hold spending at current levels across the board, and in three years there will be a budget surplus that can start paying down the debt,

We don't have to cut anything, we don't have to raise any taxes - simply keep spending at current levels and the budget will balance itself.

But not ONE dim will agree to do this - not one.
The Tea Party is systematically demonized in an effort to discredit and minimalize it as are ALL people or movements in America that value smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and Constitutional liberties. The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists, whether by speeches or media coverage or more blatantly in totally unacceptable government overreach HAVE to do that in order to keep the ignorant on their big government plantation.

The liberals/leftists/progressives/statists don't seem to care how dishonest or hypocritical or cruel they the propaganda is. Just so it works.

So you see it done to ANY conservative, most especially a woman, who is gaining any public following. You see it done to ANY person of color or other minority groups who are gaining any public following.

And you see it done to the Tea Party.

Damn! You can turn the AM radio off, but the exact same message is plastered all over the country, no matter where you are or what you are doing! It is on this board everywhere, in my E-mail, and even some nut who stands outside of the Safeway parking lot 5 days per week is carrying the signs with the same talking points! I'm waiting for them to start renting audio commercial time from Shell stations so that i will be forced to listen to it while I am filliing up my tank!

Thank god I drive a motorcycle and it only takes a couple of minutes to top it off!
Why are you so scared of differing views?
If my memory serves me correctly, the actor Bogart in your avatar was accused of being a Commie probably like you.:eek:

^^^^ The Tea Party cannot help but call hard-working Americans who do't agree with them "commies."

Even if that tactic was exposed in the very same thread a few posts ago.

Because they have no compunction whatsoever about telling us "commies" that they are the only true Americans and they are entirley clueless as to how completely self absorbered their hateful rhetoric comes accross to the rest of the country.

That's why.
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a liberal can't understand a party who doesn't walk in lockstep like they do the Democrat party..there can't be dissent, not one difference of opinion, etc etc...so according to them that makes enough reason the Tea party should be looked at as the enemy and should be ridiculed..

that is very sad and speaks a lot about where they are as voters and why these elected Democrats feels it's ok for them to call the people all kinds of vile names, terrorist, hostage takers, etc etc

Nice memorization, Stephie. Your Mommy will be proud when she sees the Gold Star I'll pin to the back of your blouse.

This reminds me of when we learned prayers in 2d Grade and had no idea what the words meant. I thought there was this character called Thywomb Jesus. Mr. Jesus gave us fruit he bought from somebody named Blessed. New York pre-Baggies thought "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" was "Lead Us Not to Penn Station."
^^^^^^ This post isn't normal. But on meth it is.

Seriously, in what way do you differ from Goebbels in your treatment of the Tea Party? You lie and defame as a matter of course.

Demagoguery is no more ethical just because you do it.

OK, show me where you think I lied.

We can start with this;


Because you disagree with the views of another - you claim them "mentally ill."

That is precisely what Stalin did with political enemies. It is what Hitler did with Homosexuals.

To the shameful democrats, there can be no opposition, no debate. Anyone not marching in lockstep is an enemy who will be attacked - just as you attacked.

You accused me of telling a lie. I challanged you to show me the lie. You are posting a link to a comment I made offering an opinion that some TP spokespersons seem to be mentally unbalanced. That is my opinion. It does not qualify as a lie. You make the statement that if I disagree with others I judge them as mentally ill. That does qualifies as a lie. You are the liar. That makes you a liar and a jerk. A jerky liar.
The Tea Potty is the Diet Koch of hate.

Not like the love you Pol Pot democrats show...

Especially you, a literal Klansman...

And you wonder why the Tea Party folks are persecuted, ridiculed and mocked. Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to a Cambodian mass murderer. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.

Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to terrorists and hostage-takers. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.

And you wonder why the Tea Party folks are persecuted, ridiculed and mocked. Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to a Cambodian mass murderer. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.

You walk around dick in hand with Promethius Bound - a putrid pile of shit who demands that black Americans be rounded up and deported to Africa - and are sub-human.

And you wonder why we view you as a scumbag?

Yes, your putrid party lies, slanders, and libels the Tea Party. Demagoguery is your way. The shameful little Goebbels of the democratic party spewing hate at any who hold views different than your shameful party.

Pol Pot is exactly what you scumbags model yourselves after.

See what a jerk you are. I don't know shit about Promethius Bound other than I argue with him plenty. Due to the Jewish blood that runs through my viens I doubt he would want to hang out with me.
If we were allowed to judge races like anything else, based on standards of behavior and productivity, I would rank Jews very highly. But the 1% who turned the feral races loose on the superior races that threatened the self-appointed ruling class of thieves, traitors, bullies, cowards, and incompetents want to humiliate us with this idea that racism is an irrational judgment based on nothing but looking different.
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Not like the love you Pol Pot democrats show...

Especially you, a literal Klansman...

And you wonder why the Tea Party folks are persecuted, ridiculed and mocked. Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to a Cambodian mass murderer. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.
It pretty easy for TPs to insult most of the population because they keep proposing legislation and policies that insult almost all minorities.
Insisting that everyone be treated equally and everyone can succeed without the help of white liberals is an insult?

Thank Gaea we have white liberals to decide what offends minorities.
You accused me of telling a lie.

I did indeed.

I challanged you to show me the lie.

I just did.

You are posting a link to a comment I made offering an opinion that some TP spokespersons seem to be mentally unbalanced.

You claim Michelle Bachmann is mentally ill.

Is that true? Is there any clinical evidence of mental instability? No?

So, you lied to defame an enemy of the party.

What you did is libel, and demagoguery. It's what you leftists do.

That is my opinion.

No, it's a lie and defamation of character. You are aware that Michelle Bachmann is not really mentally ill, but make the claim anyway.

Because she is an enemy of your shameful party, you slander and libel her - EXACTLY as Goebbels did to enemies of his party.

It does not qualify as a lie. You make the statement that if I disagree with others I judge them as mentally ill. That qualifies as a lie. You are the liar. That makes you a liar and a jerk. A jerky liar.

You made an untrue statement, which you know to be untrue, for the purpose of slandering another.

Yes, it is a lie. Yes, it is demagoguery - Herr Goebbels.
standing up for your principles is never wrong, it may be temporarily painful, but in the end it is the right thing to do. Its what created this country.

Standing up for your principals is NOT right when the effect would be to either default on the debt or not pay entitlements, and that would have been the effect of not raiseing the debt ceiling or passing a CR. Just because you have a princlpal doens't make you right. Other sides have principles too. A majority wants pols to comproemise and get biz done. I realize you don't like that, but that's your fault, not the medias and not the majority's. And you're not a victim.
The unpopularity of the Tea Party has doubled in the last two years and has brought the popularity of the GOP to lowest point in history. Their unpopularity is not because of their beliefs. The vast majority of people agree with Tea Party goals of low taxes and fiscally sound government. They just reject the TP methods of achieving those goals.
Democrats don't want those things. They want higher taxes and larger, more inefficient, wasteful, and corrupt government.

And there is no credible way to deny that.
Not like the love you Pol Pot democrats show...

Especially you, a literal Klansman...

And you wonder why the Tea Party folks are persecuted, ridiculed and mocked. Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to a Cambodian mass murderer. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.

Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to terrorists and hostage-takers. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.


You must be a Rand Paul supporter. You plagerized my comment.
If we were allowed to judge races like anything else, based on standards of behavior and productivity, I would rank Jews very highly. But the 1% who turned the feral races loose on the superior races that threatened them want to humiliate us with this idea that racism is a judgment based on nothing but looking different.

Oh? And who are these "feral races," Orval?
And you wonder why the Tea Party folks are persecuted, ridiculed and mocked. Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to a Cambodian mass murderer. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.

Without hesitation or thought, you deem it appropriate to compare your political opponents to terrorists and hostage-takers. You insult a huge percentage of the American population and can't figure out why they think you are a bunch of jerks.


You must be a Rand Paul supporter. You plagerized my comment.
No, I pointed out your flaming hypocrisy.

Unsurprisingly, you got pissy about it.

Don't like it? Don't be a flaming hypocrite. Your call.
Michelle Backman is mentally unstable. She is a nut job. She is also a public figure, a politician and spokesperson for the TP. Thanks to free speech, citizens are allowed to voice these kinds of opinions about public figures. Why does that piss off TP'ers who claim to be fervent constitutionalist? Is it because they are fakes?
Michelle Backman is mentally unstable. She is a nut job. She is also a public figure, a politician and spokesperson for the TP. Thanks to free speech, citizens are allowed to voice these kinds of opinions about public figures. Why does that piss off TP'ers who claim to be fervent constitutionalist? Is it because they are fakes?

Try expressing similar sentiments about The New Messiah in that fashion but at a gathering of true pink liberals and see what happens to your car you left parked outside.
Michelle Backman is mentally unstable. She is a nut job. She is also a public figure, a politician and spokesperson for the TP. Thanks to free speech, citizens are allowed to voice these kinds of opinions about public figures. Why does that piss off TP'ers who claim to be fervent constitutionalist? Is it because they are fakes?

That and there’s no such thing as a ‘constitutionalist,’ it’s some make-believe nonsense the TPM dreamed up, not unlike the TPM itself.
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:

Gee, you think it might have more to do with their DEEDS than what their WORDS claim to be about?


You know, that exact same description you gave for the Tea Party could be applied to the Libertarian Party or the Republican Party.

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