Tea Party Persecution...Why?

Due to a very concerted effort of demagoguery by the party and the corrupt press serving the party.

democrats are more vicious in lies about the Tea Party than the Nazis were with lies about the Jews.

And you know it.
Tea Party popularity has been falling for some time in a number of polls. The Tea Party is doing this to themselves. Every time Tea Party members launch an intuitive to, reduce the cost of Medicare, shut down the government, block immigration reform, or attack women rights or civil rights their numbers fall. The public is just not interested in joining the Tea Party in their war against the federal government. People don't want to destroy government, they just want it to work better and more cost effectively.
The media thank you for mindlessly repeating their lies about the TEA Party.

Meanwhile, you keep saying people want better and more cost effective government. Why do you keep ignoring my posts that say Democrats don't want that at all?
If you want the support of the American people, you're going have to come up with legislation they can support. You will never sell the American people on a plan to pay off the federal debt. How about a program to reduce the deficit to zero in 10 years. Instead of turning the Latino community against you with threats of deporting every undocumented immigrant, try a comprise position that recognizes undocumented immigrants that have lived here most of their lives and adults brought to this country as children. Instead of a plan to abolish Medicare, why not propose changes to actually save it. You won't accomplish all your goals, but you will make some progress which is lot more than you're doing now.

America does not reject your goals, they just reject your methods.

This thread is about the Tea Party yet all you can do is attack the Democrats.
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Tea Party popularity has been falling for some time in a number of polls. The Tea Party is doing this to themselves. Every time Tea Party members launch an intuitive to, reduce the cost of Medicare, shut down the government, block immigration reform, or attack women rights or civil rights their numbers fall. The public is just not interested in joining the Tea Party in their war against the federal government. People don't want to destroy government, they just want it to work better and more cost effectively.
The media thank you for mindlessly repeating their lies about the TEA Party.

Meanwhile, you keep saying people want better and more cost effective government. Why do you keep ignoring my posts that say Democrats don't want that at all?
If you want the support of the American people, you're going have to come up with legislation they can support. You will never sell the American people on a plan to pay off the federal debt. How about a program to reduce the deficit to zero in 10 years. Instead of turning the Latino community against you with threats of deporting every undocumented immigrant, try a comprise position that recognizes undocumented immigrants that have lived here most of their lives and adults brought to this country as children. Instead of a plan to abolish Medicare, why not propose changes to actually save it. You won't accomplish all your goals, but you will make some progress which is lot more than you're doing now.

America does not reject your goals, they just reject your methods.

This thread is about the Tea Party yet all you can do is attack the Democrats.
No, just pointing out some inconvenient truths about your posts.
The Tea Party's answer to every issue is to shut it down, dissolve it, repeal it, unfund it, default on it, destroy it, dismantle it, and get rid of it.

Yet, they have to ask why they seem to garner so much negative imagery...
The progressive answer to every issue is to tax it, regulate it, or form a government agency around it.

And they wonder why progressive governments always fail.

I guess that means that every European nation has failed.

Who would have known?
Tea Party Persecution...Why?

Because you can't teach your children respect for what they have by throwing away all of thier toys.
standing up for your principles is never wrong, it may be temporarily painful, but in the end it is the right thing to do. Its what created this country.

Standing up for your principals is NOT right when the effect would be to either default on the debt or not pay entitlements, and that would have been the effect of not raiseing the debt ceiling or passing a CR. Just because you have a princlpal doens't make you right. Other sides have principles too. A majority wants pols to comproemise and get biz done. I realize you don't like that, but that's your fault, not the medias and not the majority's. And you're not a victim.
The unpopularity of the Tea Party has doubled in the last two years and has brought the popularity of the GOP to lowest point in history. Their unpopularity is not because of their beliefs. The vast majority of people agree with Tea Party goals of low taxes and fiscally sound government. They just reject the TP methods of achieving those goals.

That just reveals the ever growing dependency of government found with each new generation over the last. They may talk about a fiscally responsible government with less taxes, until it means receiving less of what they "believe" they simply just can't do without.
Michelle Backman is mentally unstable. She is a nut job. She is also a public figure, a politician and spokesperson for the TP. Thanks to free speech, citizens are allowed to voice these kinds of opinions about public figures. Why does that piss off TP'ers who claim to be fervent constitutionalist? Is it because they are fakes?

Then you'll find these same liberals who then turn around and try to label the right wing conservatives as racists, when they don't agree with Obama's ideological views and policies.
The Tea Party's answer to every issue is to shut it down, dissolve it, repeal it, unfund it, default on it, destroy it, dismantle it, and get rid of it.

Yet, they have to ask why they seem to garner so much negative imagery...


Its the t potty that persecutes.

women, gays, people of color ............

Do you have links to quotes specific to the TPM regarding each of these areas?
Tea Party popularity has been falling for some time in a number of polls. The Tea Party is doing this to themselves. Every time Tea Party members launch an intuitive to, reduce the cost of Medicare, shut down the government, block immigration reform, or attack women rights or civil rights their numbers fall. The public is just not interested in joining the Tea Party in their war against the federal government. People don't want to destroy government, they just want it to work better and more cost effectively.
The media thank you for mindlessly repeating their lies about the TEA Party.

Meanwhile, you keep saying people want better and more cost effective government. Why do you keep ignoring my posts that say Democrats don't want that at all?
If you want the support of the American people, you're going have to come up with legislation they can support. You will never sell the American people on a plan to pay off the federal debt. How about a program to reduce the deficit to zero in 10 years. Instead of turning the Latino community against you with threats of deporting every undocumented immigrant, try a comprise position that recognizes undocumented immigrants that have lived here most of their lives and adults brought to this country as children. Instead of a plan to abolish Medicare, why not propose changes to actually save it. You won't accomplish all your goals, but you will make some progress which is lot more than you're doing now.

America does not reject your goals, they just reject your methods.

This thread is about the Tea Party yet all you can do is attack the Democrats.

It’s all they have.
The Tea Party's answer to every issue is to shut it down, dissolve it, repeal it, unfund it, default on it, destroy it, dismantle it, and get rid of it.

Yet, they have to ask why they seem to garner so much negative imagery...
The progressive answer to every issue is to tax it, regulate it, or form a government agency around it.

And they wonder why progressive governments always fail.

I guess that means that every European nation has failed.

Who would have known?

Would the United States be asked to help bail out the EURO and Greece if it was a success?
The Tea Party's answer to every issue is to shut it down, dissolve it, repeal it, unfund it, default on it, destroy it, dismantle it, and get rid of it.

Yet, they have to ask why they seem to garner so much negative imagery...


Its the t potty that persecutes.

women, gays, people of color ............

Do you have links to quotes specific to the TPM regarding each of these areas?

Shak, your WERE watching the news in October, right?
The progressive answer to every issue is to tax it, regulate it, or form a government agency around it.

And they wonder why progressive governments always fail.

I guess that means that every European nation has failed.

Who would have known?

Would the United States be asked to help bail out the EURO and Greece if it was a success?

...and this would have what to do with the price of rice in China?
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:
It has nothing to do with being a Tea Party member or enthusiast. It has everything to do with dividing Republicans to the point that the left can push its wealth redistribution agenda, gain all seats of power, and then go for the neck of the Constitution or Chaos until an oligarchy of liberalism results. Since they've no place for conservatives, they can do what all wealth redistributors have done before them--jail vocal conservatives or create undesirable gulags to claim the assets with no resistance and become big cheeses like wealth redistributor enthusiast, Barack Obama.

[ame="http://youtu.be/z0PUUpa5X4E"]Barack Obama "I Believe in Redistribution of Wealth" Comment Loyola University 1998! - YouTube[/ame]
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You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:
It has nothing to do with being a Tea Party member or enthusiast. It has everything to do with dividing Republicans to the point that the left can push its wealth redistribution agenda, gain all seats of power, and then go for the neck of the Constitution or Chaos until an oligarchy of liberalism results. Since they've no place for conservatives, they can do what all wealth redistributors have done before them--jail vocal conservatives or create undesirable gulags to claim the assets with no resistance and become big cheeses like wealth redistributor enthusiast, Barack Obama.

[ame="http://youtu.be/z0PUUpa5X4E"]Barack Obama "I Believe in Redistribution of Wealth" Comment Loyola University 1998! - YouTube[/ame]

True, that. The democratic party can, in fact, be blamed for the republicans losing elections....!
You would think that a group that believe the government should follow the Constitution, reduce the national debt, lower taxes, reduce government waste and corruption and have fiscally responsible government..would be popular, instead their persecuted by the left and the left want-to-Be's....:dunno:
It has nothing to do with being a Tea Party member or enthusiast. It has everything to do with dividing Republicans to the point that the left can push its wealth redistribution agenda, gain all seats of power, and then go for the neck of the Constitution or Chaos until an oligarchy of liberalism results. Since they've no place for conservatives, they can do what all wealth redistributors have done before them--jail vocal conservatives or create undesirable gulags to claim the assets with no resistance and become big cheeses like wealth redistributor enthusiast, Barack Obama.

[ame="http://youtu.be/z0PUUpa5X4E"]Barack Obama "I Believe in Redistribution of Wealth" Comment Loyola University 1998! - YouTube[/ame]

I still believe the Tea Party members are being persecuted and I also agree with your common sense appraisal..

I also recall the IRS under Obama targeting the Tea Party Groups along with other conservative groups before and after the past election.
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I guess that means that every European nation has failed.

Who would have known?

Would the United States be asked to help bail out the EURO and Greece if it was a success?

...and this would have what to do with the price of rice in China?

Did you sleep through 2011 and all those big entitlements which crippled France over its debt, as well as those government entitlements which nearly crippled Greece under its weight?
OP- You DO know our country's ONLY problem now is disfunction in the gov't, and the cause is the brainwashed idiocy that compromise with Obama is surrender....you're an ignorant disaster. GOOD riddance.

I'll refer you to the GOP platform. Just pick out whatever does not include smaller, more efficient, more effective government, far less intrusion into individual liberties. and returning government to its constitutional roots.

So for example, Tea Partiers would support the legalization of marijuana (or at least leaving it up to the states) and doing away with the DEA, since drug enforcement is clearly not a power granted to the federal government by the US Constitution?

Agree or disagree?

The Tea Party isn't concerned with marijuana or any other social issues. It is concerned with restoring the government the Founder's intended.
OP- You DO know our country's ONLY problem now is disfunction in the gov't, and the cause is the brainwashed idiocy that compromise with Obama is surrender....you're an ignorant disaster. GOOD riddance.

Sweet post Buckaroo, I took it seriously..:bye1:
The Tea Party's answer to every issue is to shut it down, dissolve it, repeal it, unfund it, default on it, destroy it, dismantle it, and get rid of it.

Yet, they have to ask why they seem to garner so much negative imagery...
The progressive answer to every issue is to tax it, regulate it, or form a government agency around it.

And they wonder why progressive governments always fail.

I guess that means that every European nation has failed.

Who would have known?
The only one that seems to be working is Germany.

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