Tea Party Putin bans US Chicken.

There has been a lot of fellating of Putin by right wingers here on this forum, and out in the real world. Sarah Palin can't swallow enough of his dick.

They like to compare Putin manly-man to Obama girly-man. There is definitely a love crush going on.

Oh, look! Putin just pulled some more feathers out of Obama! Wheeeeeeeee!

Utter bullshit.

That Obama is a weak (gay) man and is mocked for his pansy demeanor compared to Putin, doesn't mean anyone likes Vlad.

Of course you are directly lying about Palin - which is what you leftists do;

{Sarah Palin sat down with Sean Hannity Monday night for a victory lap of sorts, touting her 2008 comments about Russia capitalizing on a weak Barack Obama presidency to amass power. Palin believed she was vindicated, saying Russia exploited “Obama’s weak leadership.”

She said, “Anybody who carries the common-sense gene knows that Putin doesn’t change his stripes.” Palin and Hannity agreed that when the U.S. can’t “feed others with our resources,” people grow more reliant on Russia’s resources and it emboldens them, which is why the U.S. should approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Vladimir Putin, Palin said, is viewed as a man who “wrestles bears and drills for oil,” while Obama’s “potency” is one of “weakness” and said he’s viewed as a man who “wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.”}

That sound like she is "fellating" Putin?

Hey, you HAVE to lie - the truth doesn't fit the narrative you depend on.
Heavens to Betsy!

Russia has banned U.S. poultry imports as part of a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin , the country's veterinary service said Wednesday. Putin earlier signed an order banning or limiting imports of agricultural products from countries which have imposed sanctions on Russia.

This is damned serious!


Putin isn't Tea Party, he wants as much government as the USSR ever had. Banning what his SUBJECTS want, hope there is blowback.
There has been a lot of fellating of Putin by right wingers here on this forum, and out in the real world. Sarah Palin can't swallow enough of his dick.

They like to compare Putin manly-man to Obama girly-man. There is definitely a love crush going on.

Oh, look! Putin just pulled some more feathers out of Obama! Wheeeeeeeee!

Utter bullshit.

That Obama is a weak (gay) man and is mocked for his pansy demeanor compared to Putin, doesn't mean anyone likes Vlad.

Of course you are directly lying about Palin - which is what you leftists do;

{Sarah Palin sat down with Sean Hannity Monday night for a victory lap of sorts, touting her 2008 comments about Russia capitalizing on a weak Barack Obama presidency to amass power. Palin believed she was vindicated, saying Russia exploited “Obama’s weak leadership.”

She said, “Anybody who carries the common-sense gene knows that Putin doesn’t change his stripes.” Palin and Hannity agreed that when the U.S. can’t “feed others with our resources,” people grow more reliant on Russia’s resources and it emboldens them, which is why the U.S. should approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Vladimir Putin, Palin said, is viewed as a man who “wrestles bears and drills for oil,” while Obama’s “potency” is one of “weakness” and said he’s viewed as a man who “wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.”}

That sound like she is "fellating" Putin?

Hey, you HAVE to lie - the truth doesn't fit the narrative you depend on.

Clearly g5000 is quite insecure in his manhood. If he weren't, he wouldn't feel compelled to overcompensate for his short-cumming by sexually demeaning women.

How sad for him that Vaginas scare the bejeebus out of him.
The problem is that Barry is such a weak leader in comparison to Vladamir, that they make the mistake of believing we like Putin. All I really like about the man is his cool head, and leadership ability, but politically, we couldn't be more different. Barry cowers like the dog he is in front of Vlad.



Who is responsible for publishing that graphic?
Vladimir Putin, Palin said, is viewed as a man who “wrestles bears and drills for oil,” while Obama’s “potency” is one of “weakness” and said he’s viewed as a man who “wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.”}

Slurp, slurp, slurp.
Vladimir Putin, Palin said, is viewed as a man who “wrestles bears and drills for oil,” while Obama’s “potency” is one of “weakness” and said he’s viewed as a man who “wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates.”

Slurp, slurp, slurp.

Keep licking him up g5000. Isn't it about time you came out of the closet?
Heavens to Betsy!

Russia has banned U.S. poultry imports as part of a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin , the country's veterinary service said Wednesday. Putin earlier signed an order banning or limiting imports of agricultural products from countries which have imposed sanctions on Russia.

This is damned serious!

Putin is more leftwing than right,.

<vulgar homosexual remark removed>

Well no..he is not.

Tea Party Putin is very right wing.

Which is why the tea party took a shine to him.
Heavens to Betsy!

Russia has banned U.S. poultry imports as part of a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin , the country's veterinary service said Wednesday. Putin earlier signed an order banning or limiting imports of agricultural products from countries which have imposed sanctions on Russia.

This is damned serious!


What does this have to do with the Tea Party, Comrade Stupidfuck?

Putin is Tea Party through and through.

Herr RebelFascist!

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Putin is Tea Party through and through.

Herr RebelFascist!

You are mentally retarded, Comrade Stupidfuck.

Putin is a Communist - just like you are. Putin wants an absolute dictatorship - just like you do. Putin want the government to decide the winners and losers in life - just like you do.

Putin is a Stalinist - just as you are.
Here's some more Tea Party Putin love from Shemale, Tea Party Coulter.

Check out that adam's apple!
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Tea Party Rush shows some Tea Party Putin love!

So, anyone who hasn't accepted Barack Obama as their personal lord and savior is "Tea Party," Comrade Stupidfuck?

It just means "infidel" to you?

Have you done your loyalty oath yet?

Because oaths and pledges are a little creepy, this effort needs something else—something that comes out of the legal and business worlds: a contract. More specifically, an NDA.

Non-disclosure agreements are common in corporate America, where tens of thousands of senior managers and employees sign contracts promising to keep all sorts of information confidential. It’s often a condition of employment.

Now it’s time to change the “D” and expect the same from boards of directors—a “non-desertion agreement” with the John Hancock of every board member and CEO in the United States.

If boards thought for even a second about the long-term interests of their companies, they would summon their lawyers and sign. It’s protection against the risks of resurgent nationalism that could strip them of the many advantages (indirect government subsidies, easy access to American markets) that they currently enjoy.

For those companies less able to act as Americans or recognize their real interests, there are two ways to make this work. The president should issue an executive order that says any company that wants to keep its federal contracts must sign a new-fangled NDA. It’s reasonable to expect most federal contractors to be American companies. Obama has already used that leverage to raise the minimum wage for companies doing business with the government and, in a little-noticed move, to force government contractors to pay their suppliers on time.

This executive order would get the attention of major corporations, most of which receive federal contracts. Mylan and Medtronics, for instance, are deserting even as they receive hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money through Medicare and Medicaid. But other companies with few or no federal contracts might be tempted to desert anyway.

That’s where the rest of us come in. Under my scheme, companies that sign non-desertion agreements would embed a tiny American flag or some other Good Housekeeping-type seal in their corporate insignia for all to see, just as companies during the Great Depression that agreed to Franklin Roosevelt’s recovery plan hung an emblem of a blue eagle in their windows with the legend, “We Do Our Part.”

Companies that fail to sign non-desertion agreements would face the kind of public shaming that has gone out of fashion but could come back with a vengeance: boycotts, petitions, angry shareholder meetings full of the language of patriotism...

The United States Needs Corporate ?Loyalty Oaths? - The Daily Beast
Putin is as pro government as it gets, as long as its HIS.

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