Tea Party Quickly Shrinking

Tea Party Shrinking? That's a logical wish by the left but why not just sit back and let it happen without stirring things up? Because it ain't true?
If the Tea Party is so insignificant, why does the left spend so much time complaining about it?
Tea Party Shrinking? That's a logical wish by the left but why not just sit back and let it happen without stirring things up? Because it ain't true?

lol, good one. Just like all the Republicans candidates out there, CAN'T beat the Obama..
If it's true???:lol:
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Tea Party Quickly Shrinking

According to a new CBS/New York Times poll, the Tea Party is losing ground rapidly.

Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party movement, or not?

Yes 18
No 73

The 18 percent who self-identify as Tea Party supporters is at its lowest point, tying the 18 percent who supported it way back in April of 2010, when it was first gaining steam as the Congressional races of last cycle began heating up. The trajectory is interesting: The Times poll shows the Tea Party has had some ups and downs, but it steadily gained supporters as the 2010 campaigns wore on, and peaked with 31 percent of the electorate saying they supported the movement at around the time that the GOP won its massive 2010 victory.

Then its support began to decline, and it then dropped a precipitous eight points from June until today — a period that roughly coincided with the debt ceiling debate.

Synthia uses an accurate graphic! Quelle suprise!

But someone better do something to get his fever down. His brain is cooking in his own juices if he thinks this is so. The Tea Party is not an organized movement and not everyone who goes to an event, OR supports their philosophy is one. Kinda like Democrats supporting socialist Bernie Sanders.
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Oh darn, another mis-read thread title.

I thought they were all on a slim fast plan!!
facts mean nothing to them

Not to put too fine a point on this, but did you happen to notice two pretty critical votes over the last 6 months?

1. The Big 0 submitted a budget reflecting the priotities of the Democrat Party that got no votes, zero, zip, nada, nil from either party in the Senate.
2. The debt ceiling bill contained no tax increases.

Those are facts.
I liked the last rally I saw on the tube where there were like 10 people in attendance..2 of which were Republican representatives and 1 Senator.

I self ID more closely with the TEA Party than with either of the whore-fests in the majors.

I've never attended a rally or carried a sign for them. I do vote.

If the Balanced Budget Amendment ever gets started, I will support it and campaign for it.
Geez, we're even outsourcing our political movements now...

What was it that Al Gore was saying the other day about America needing an 'Arab Spring' scenario. I guess Mr Gore hasn't noticed ours..... yet. :lol:
An "Arab Spring" in the US? How about an Early Economic Hard Frost to kill off the little hot house dole flowers?

The funny part, to me, is that it appears that Gorey Boy doesn't pay attention to what the impact of the uprisings in Arab countries has been..... basically jack shit. Gore's an idiot.
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What was it that Al Gore was saying the other day about America needing an 'Arab Spring' scenario. I guess Mr Gore hasn't noticed ours..... yet. :lol:
An "Arab Spring" in the US? How about an Early Economic Hard Frost to kill off the little hot house dole flowers?

The funny part, to me, is that it appears that Gorey Boy doesn't pay attention to what the impact of the uprisings in Arab countries has been..... basically jack shit. Gore's an idiot.
Arab Spring should be more accurately called "Jihadist Spring".
I liked the one where there were about 10 People squeezed under a little volunteer's tent and Bachmann was asking these idiots how she should vote on the teaparty debt bill. :cuckoo:

Well I know I get a thrill every time I see the Obama speaking to a half filled auditorium.

how bout you?:lol:

I love it when he plays to crowds of 200,000 and the Cons get crazy with jealousy.
Who was it - CowardGirl? - that claimed that no one showed up for Obama's Ireland visit? :lol:

I just looked - it was the other idiot:

Interesting since Ive heard from people in Ireland who said the only people watching the motorcade were those who were waiting to cross the road to get to the market.


Interesting since Ive heard from people in Ireland who said the only people watching the motorcade were those who were waiting to cross the road to get to the market.
Not very often do you see 60,000 people waiting to cross the road.


Obama tells Dublin crowd America 'will stand by you' - The Irish Times - Mon, May 23, 2011

It's strange, the smaller the TEA PARTY gets the more power the left claims we have. We are like a cosmic black hole that can't be seen but contains enough power to make Congress do whatever we want it to do. Maybe we should change the name to The Quantum Physics Party but the left wouldn't understand that either.

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