Teacher Corruption and Bullying in West [by God] Virginia

Why do leftists insist on keeping a death grip on children when they can get a BETTER education via a charter school system?

Yea because for profit corporations can be trusted...

Why do leftists insist on keeping a death grip on children when they can get a BETTER education via a charter school system?

Yea because for profit corporations can be trusted...

As I said we have charter schools here and they do perfectly fine actually outperform regular public schools.
ART, private schools are not really an option for many "middle class" people. Property (school) taxes have risen precipitously in recent years, thus making families PAY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS whether their kids go there or not, so having to pay tuition to a private or parochial school in addition to oppressive real estate taxes is a huge sacrifice - or impossible in many cases.

The arguments against unionized teachers have been known for generations; FDR famously believed (Federal Government Employee Unions - FDR Presidential Library & Museum) that unions were incompatible with all government employment.

Few people - not even me - begrudge a good wage and benefits to public school teachers. The essential problem is that unions are INCOMPATIBLE with PROFESSIONALISM. "We" (the people) are entitled to have the best possible people teaching our children, and this includes the ability to quantitatively evaluate the performance of teachers and 'weed out' those who do not perform. Teachers' unions fight tooth and nail against meaningful evaluations, and of course against taking any meaningful action against failing teachers. Unions also support bizarre and counter-productive obstacles to mid-career professionals (e.g., engineers, accountants, executives) coming into teaching. In most states where Unions prevail, anyone wanting to come into teaching must - without exception - be prepared to go at least a full year without compensation, then start at the bottom of the payscale, regardless of credentials.

And consider that most high school math and science teachers DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE IN MATH OR THEIR SCIENCE SUBJECT. Their degree is usually in "Education," with a minimum number of credits in their subject. Thousands of fully-qualified Engineers would gladly teach in public high schools, if only for a period of years, if they could be paid reasonably for their work. But teachers' unions have taken that option off the table for them, as well as the students.

Albert Einstein could not qualify as a math or physics teacher in New Jersey TODAY. Think about that. Not "qualified."

Yes, there are many problems with public education that are unrelated to teachers' unions, but Unions are right at the top of the list.
Why not give up your earning potential and fix the problem. Become a teacher.
Teachers and their thug unions look down on working families, but need their taxes. Without the workers, teachers don't get paid. Why should we respect teachers when they don't respect us? We can educate our kids if need be. Teachers need us, we don't need them, and we can educate without the damn liberal bullshit.
ART, private schools are not really an option for many "middle class" people. Property (school) taxes have risen precipitously in recent years, thus making families PAY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS whether their kids go there or not, so having to pay tuition to a private or parochial school in addition to oppressive real estate taxes is a huge sacrifice - or impossible in many cases.

The arguments against unionized teachers have been known for generations; FDR famously believed (Federal Government Employee Unions - FDR Presidential Library & Museum) that unions were incompatible with all government employment.

Few people - not even me - begrudge a good wage and benefits to public school teachers. The essential problem is that unions are INCOMPATIBLE with PROFESSIONALISM. "We" (the people) are entitled to have the best possible people teaching our children, and this includes the ability to quantitatively evaluate the performance of teachers and 'weed out' those who do not perform. Teachers' unions fight tooth and nail against meaningful evaluations, and of course against taking any meaningful action against failing teachers. Unions also support bizarre and counter-productive obstacles to mid-career professionals (e.g., engineers, accountants, executives) coming into teaching. In most states where Unions prevail, anyone wanting to come into teaching must - without exception - be prepared to go at least a full year without compensation, then start at the bottom of the payscale, regardless of credentials.

And consider that most high school math and science teachers DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE IN MATH OR THEIR SCIENCE SUBJECT. Their degree is usually in "Education," with a minimum number of credits in their subject. Thousands of fully-qualified Engineers would gladly teach in public high schools, if only for a period of years, if they could be paid reasonably for their work. But teachers' unions have taken that option off the table for them, as well as the students.

Albert Einstein could not qualify as a math or physics teacher in New Jersey TODAY. Think about that. Not "qualified."

Yes, there are many problems with public education that are unrelated to teachers' unions, but Unions are right at the top of the list.

You decided to post even more lies that you believe?

Disgusting and pitiful is what you are.
West Virginia’s House tables a bill that prompted a teacher strike

So here we have the West Virginia UNION teachers, who bullied the legislature into a pay raise a few months ago, now bullying them to abandon the potential establishment of a few charter schools and setting up a fund to partly fund private (and parochial) school tuition for maybe 1,000 students state-wide.

In the name of "education"?

So if your neighborhood government school sucks and you are not Rich, then fuck you and your children. You are stuck with the government school. And of course West Virginia is nationally known for the quality of its public schools.


Where is the outrage? Who in this scenario advocates for educational "justice"? Who advocates for the STUDENTS?

Teachers Unions are the most harmful institution in the entire history of public education in the United States. They are primarily responsible for exploding costs, ever-declining results, and it is now obvious: a generations-long campaign to indoctrinate our children with socialist atheistic bullshit. And the biggest bombshell is just starting to explode, as every additional dollar spent on "education" in most the States for the next two or three decades will now be used to fund the ludicrously long (retire at age 53) and expensive retirements of those who have caused so much harm.

Vote Democrat...if you want more of the same.

P.S. I personally am NOT a product of government schools. Thank God.

Two things: First, their teachers do seem woefully underpaid. But second, no teachers should oppose charter or private schools IMO. My only stipulations is this: if those schools are receiving public money then they ALSO should be forced to receive any child who wants in, exactly like public schools. Fair is fair.

As I have stated before, I'm a public school teacher who does not belong to the NEA/state union. For a lot of reasons, but mostly because it's a political machine.
The union should be busted. Ignore the commie trash and hire nonunion teachers.
A teacher in WV averages 45k a YEAR I have lived in WV its CHEAP to live there they don't need a damn raise! This is a perfect example of wanting to do shit work and then throwing a fit when the legislature offers kids something better.

Dear America,

We richly, richly deserve the horrid teachers we have coming in the next ten years and beyond. Believe me. We deserve that and more.

Most teachers I pretty good. Still in full support. Without a union you can bet there would be a concerted effort to lower their pay and benefits. Not to mention zero protection from whiny parents.
And ZERO incentive to do their jobs which is why kids are doing so badly in WV and why we need charter schools where BAD teachers can be fired not coddled by communist linked unions.

Yeah. Fired for standing up to corrupt admin who only care about the budget and looking good .
The legislature cares about the kids which is why they want charter schools,because the union insures you can't fire the shit teachers so kids are suffering.

Unions are a check on school admin . The real villains in the mix.

You know what’s happening in charters in Mass? They are unionizing!

I will say this.

Many teachers who go into admin can actually do neither. They cannot teach and they cannot manage adults. It's astounding how bad it is--they are not good educators and they are not good managers, and yet there they are. America takes its ire out on teachers but really, there are some seriously dunderheaded school admin out there. Don't get me wrong, some downright heroes too. But some really bad apples.
ART, private schools are not really an option for many "middle class" people. Property (school) taxes have risen precipitously in recent years, thus making families PAY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS whether their kids go there or not, so having to pay tuition to a private or parochial school in addition to oppressive real estate taxes is a huge sacrifice - or impossible in many cases.

The arguments against unionized teachers have been known for generations; FDR famously believed (Federal Government Employee Unions - FDR Presidential Library & Museum) that unions were incompatible with all government employment.

Few people - not even me - begrudge a good wage and benefits to public school teachers. The essential problem is that unions are INCOMPATIBLE with PROFESSIONALISM. "We" (the people) are entitled to have the best possible people teaching our children, and this includes the ability to quantitatively evaluate the performance of teachers and 'weed out' those who do not perform. Teachers' unions fight tooth and nail against meaningful evaluations, and of course against taking any meaningful action against failing teachers. Unions also support bizarre and counter-productive obstacles to mid-career professionals (e.g., engineers, accountants, executives) coming into teaching. In most states where Unions prevail, anyone wanting to come into teaching must - without exception - be prepared to go at least a full year without compensation, then start at the bottom of the payscale, regardless of credentials.

And consider that most high school math and science teachers DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE IN MATH OR THEIR SCIENCE SUBJECT. Their degree is usually in "Education," with a minimum number of credits in their subject. Thousands of fully-qualified Engineers would gladly teach in public high schools, if only for a period of years, if they could be paid reasonably for their work. But teachers' unions have taken that option off the table for them, as well as the students.

Albert Einstein could not qualify as a math or physics teacher in New Jersey TODAY. Think about that. Not "qualified."

Yes, there are many problems with public education that are unrelated to teachers' unions, but Unions are right at the top of the list.

I personally would LOVE to see a mid-career engineer come into a high school a teach for a "period of years". And then what I would really, REALLY love to see are the stats on retention.

Teaching is not just delivering information to wide-open brains. When you teach in a high school, you are teaching the fragile and yet oh-so-demanding adolescents of the 21st century. And in your fantasy, you rip midline ENGINEERS out of their jobs to do this, day and in and day out, for years.

Sure, the rare bird could do it. As a rule? Absolutely no way.

But in general, this is how absolutely clueless people are about teaching.
Why not give up your earning potential and fix the problem. Become a teacher.
Teachers and their thug unions look down on working families, but need their taxes. Without the workers, teachers don't get paid. Why should we respect teachers when they don't respect us? We can educate our kids if need be. Teachers need us, we don't need them, and we can educate without the damn liberal bullshit.

This is why society, really, is circling the drain. No one trusts anyone. You send your kindergartner to school and she has the sweet teacher you see in the supermarket and walking her dog, but now you are convinced she's there to teach your child liberal BS. It would be funny if it didn't have such dire consequences--real, honest consequences that, as I said, are breaking us down.

But, here we are.

Same old tired rhetoric...teachers this teachers that. If it's that bad then you should give up your earning potential and teach
Fix it overnight.. whiners.

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