Teacher Fired For Speaking Out Against Woke Indoctrination and Refusing to Lie to Parents

This is just too sad. I feel bad for all of the good teachers out there that still exist and put their students first. God bless this woman.

She might as well just talk to the wall. Progressives are not only driven by an agenda which they will not ever sway from, but their progressiveness reeks of elitism based in power. They simply believe they are BETTER than you, SMARTER than you, more EDUCATED than you, and so know what's right to do far more than you. Worse, they are all of one mind. Their position is simply not up for debate and they are only being polite in pretending to even listen to and consider your opinion.

You will never find a single true hard left progressive EVER admit they were wrong about ANYTHING and change their mind, they are so fully indoctrinated and programed by decades of brainwashing by their own educational industry, that progs would better serve society to just make a soup of their bones to help feed the poor.

That is the best use for progressives.
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Such at things in a Banana Republic.

Free speech criticizing the ruling elite's agenda is punished.
This is just too sad. I feel bad for all of the good teachers out there that still exist and put their students first. God bless this woman.

It is tragically happening in far too many schools. And not only in education but government, media, entertainment, scientific institutions, etc. etc. etc. Those who reject the insidious values of 'woke' and embrace common sense and traditional values are less and less welcome in too many places and it is getting worse.

The tragedy here is that children will be denied what is most likely a truly great teacher only because she thought parents should be involved with their children? That is just wrong.
Yeah, I stopped the video when she said "my religious beliefs".
Public school teacher=>Religion to be left out...period. If you want employment in a secular environment..keep your opinions to yourself.
Or get a job at a private, religious school.
She might as well just talk to the wall. Progressives are not only driven by an agenda which they will not ever sway from, but their progressiveness reeks of elitism based in power. They simply believe they are BETTER than you, SMARTER than you, more EDUCATED than you, and so know what's right to do far more than you. Worse, they are all of one mind. Their position is simply not up for debate and they are only being polite in pretending to even listen to and consider your opinion.

You will never find a single true hard left progressive EVER admit they were wrong about ANYTHING and change their mind, they are so fully indoctrinated and programed by decades of brainwashing by their own educational industry, that progs would better serve society to just make a soup of their bones to help feed the poor.

That is the best use for progressives.
If you believe in the election steal or vaccine hoax etcetera Etcetera you are a brainwashed ignoramus.... The silent majority is now the loudmouth majority and they are still totally misinformed.... Your scumbag lying propaganda and scumbag lying politicians are the worst thing that has ever happened to American politics. try journalism sometime.
This is just too sad. I feel bad for all of the good teachers out there that still exist and put their students first. God bless this woman.

Any background on who this ex-teacher is, when it happened, and where? Or, is this something you guys want to avoid answering?
....Till it happens.
You are totally full of total BS and are a disgrace to America. There was no election steal , the GOP failure to get vaccinated is a tragedy , everything you know is wrong .Change the damn channel fool....
Who is this and what the heck is she talking about? I smell fake news.
Not fake news, but just not the whole story. I've been digging around trying to find out what's behind this but all I come up with are alt-right opinion articles or this snippet of a speech with no context.
I know it happened in Michigan.

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