Teacher has sex with 13-year old student

Assumes facts not in evidence. There are probably plenty of 12 year olds far more capable of handling things like that than say a person like you could handle it.
No there aren't. There are no 12 years ready to take on the responsibility of a parent and I say that as a child of immigrants who started working at 15 (over 40 hours a week in my last two years of highschool) and had a child at 19. Thinking a 12 year old is ready for that responsibility is stupid.

Naturally libs will call his an isolated incident or no big deal

Even the woman’s pajama boy husband defends her

This is a 5 year old story....
The pedophile is in jail serving her 20 year sentence (minimum sentence even though she was beginning to prey upon(grooming) another student and was involving others in her perversions) while teaching other convicts how to read and write. (She got a tutor certification)

The professional baseball player (pitcher) she was married to has been relegated to the minor leagues for perpetuity.
This is not about politics, Both republicans and democrats have been convicted and accused of having sex with underage people.

So stop looking for the political angle and focus on she was exposed. case closed.
Underage children have been cast into the public spot light, so it's laughable you'd expect no political angles to this unfortunate event.
No there aren't. There are no 12 years ready to take on the responsibility of a parent and I say that as a child of immigrants who started working at 15 (over 40 hours a week in my last two years of highschool) and had a child at 19. Thinking a 12 year old is ready for that responsibility is stupid.

It's historical fact. We have delayed maturation due to the complexities of our society but the base genetic ability is still there once puberty kicks in.

Support of parents is a key though.
Underage children have been cast into the public spot light, so it's laughable you'd expect no political angles to this unfortunate event.
what is the political angle? It just an opportunity to point the finger.
Naturally libs will call his an isolated incident or no big deal

and then in reality it is mostly the rightwingers blowing it off as not a big deal because the student was a male
Using that logic we would expect to see the biggest institutions to have been discovered covering up child rape to be mostly liberal ones, not largely conservative ones with a smattering of liberals. What kind of Bingo logic are you operating with? 😄
So its only the coverup that bothers you but not the underlaying crime?
Why is it mostly female teachers that rape underage students? Aren't they aware that it's wrong?
Power style ego stroke....

The woman in this particular story is a flat five foot. Short and tiny woman. By using her physical appearance she has "power" over another person. In this case a 13 year old boy. The rest of her students remarked that this teacher was unusually strict in giving out detentions or other punishments with the rest of the students. (More "control/power" issues emotionally.)

It isn't love or sexual attraction. It's power exerted over other people that strokes their ego. Women have been manipulative of men for thousands of years (Sampson and Delilah) to their downfall.

Men tend to use superior strength and intimidation techniques but women use sexual attraction and manipulation. It just happened to be a 13 year old child that she found as prey.
It's historical fact. We have delayed maturation due to the complexities of our society but the base genetic ability is still there once puberty kicks in.

Support of parents is a key though.
Biology and evolution don't work with intent you Bingo. That a ten year old can get pregnant doesn't mean mother nature thinks she ready to be a mother, it just means she's capable of being one. In nature mothers died in child birth all the time and children having children poses increased risk.
Power style ego stroke....

The woman in this particular story is a flat five foot. Short and tiny woman. By using her physical appearance she has "power" over another person. In this case a 13 year old boy. The rest of her students remarked that this teacher was unusually strict in giving out detentions or other punishments with the rest of the students. (More "control/power" issues emotionally.)

It isn't love or sexual attraction. It's power exerted over other people that strokes their ego. Women have been manipulative of men for thousands of years (Sampson and Delilah) to their downfall.

Men tend to use superior strength and intimidation techniques but women use sexual attraction and manipulation. It just happened to be a 13 year old child that she found as prey.

Plus the control of cuckolding her husband.

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