Teacher has sex with 13-year old student

Biology and evolution don't work with intent you Bingo. That a ten year old can get pregnant doesn't mean mother nature thinks she ready to be a mother, it just means she's capable of being one. In nature mothers died in child birth all the time and children having children poses increased risk.

Mother nature thinks they are ready, it's society that doesn't.

And back when people died at 30 and 1/2 your kids didn't survive their first year, you have to procreate from the get go.
and then in reality it is mostly the rightwingers blowing it off as not a big deal because the student was a male
You live in a fantasy world

Most of your lib friends are trying to laugh it off as no big deal and paint conservatives as overreacting

Naturally libs will call his an isolated incident or no big deal

Even the woman’s pajama boy husband defends her

I wonder how many kids her husband diddled. No husband or wife would defend the other against something like this. Her husband tried to trivialize it and talk about how God forgives, he didn't even sound upset at all. Makes me think he is doing his own child abusing also because that was not a man who is against it. If he were any kind of man he would have kicked her out of his house immediately. Kill someone, steal something, I can see a spouse not wanting to accept it and still wanting to stand beside them, but banging a kid? That's inexcusable and unforgivable.

If she is found guilty she should be executed in 72 hours. Let an attorney write up a quick will, let her say goodbye to anyone, etc. But 3 days later she should be dead and her corpse on the way to be cremated and her public records erased. No death row, no nuthouse, no appeals. There shouldn't even be media coverage, there should be a statement "she was found guilty of sexually molesting a child and sentenced to death" and that's all they say, no media allowed, no questions for reporters, nothing to glorify this or turn it into good ratings.
So its only the coverup that bothers you but not the underlaying crime?
The covering up is what makes those cases systemic rather than the one off cases of teachers sleeping with students. It shows institutional failure to protect children. It shows covering up child rape is more culturally important in those places than protecting children.
You live in a fantasy world

Most of your lib friends are trying to laugh it off as no big deal and paint conservatives as overreacting

Most women convicts tend to get lighter sentences than men. There has been statistical analysis and found that the more attractive a female is the lighter the sentence she is given. (Most women get light sentences anyway) In this particular case she was up for a maximum of 44 years but instead got the state mandated absolute minimum of 20 years.

If it weren't for the mandate she likely would have only gotten a few months maybe.
Mother nature thinks they are ready, it's society that doesn't.
She told you that herself did she?
And back when people died at 30 and 1/2 your kids didn't survive their first year, you have to procreate from the get go.
People died at 30 due to disease and hardship you Bingo not because we've evolved longer life spans in the last hundred years. Thomas Jefferson lived into his 80s, Socrates into his 70s. Do you know how anything works?
These public school teachers, especially women, are out of control.
13 year olds are making adult decisions .. with their body. Pretty mainstream .. I suggest you stay up-to-date.

For example even in a good republican state like Texas , its not against the law for underage to date adults. Yet if they have sex (depends on the age) and there is more than a 3 years difference between the two then Houston we have a problem. Also even if it was consensual sex then it is still a crime on their books. Statutory rape.

Yes it will all depend on if one of the parties notifies authorities. Obviously some underage guys will not complain. Yet if it is exposed then the older person will be in trouble.

Sex with underage girls and the age difference is significant then it should be a crime. Yes then we have to define as to what is underage?
Where were all these teachers when I was 13?

I would have liked going to school a lot more.
I was waiting for this comment and I'm honestly surprised it took 25 posts to it. This is exactly the problem. When a female student is found out to be having sex with a male teacher he's questionably a predator and society wants the harshest punishment thrown at him. Reverse the genders and you have grown men making wisecracks about how lucky the kid is. This is why there's a double standard when these cases arise and the women generally get far less punishment than the men. People simply don't view the young male as a victim.
The covering up is what makes those cases systemic rather than the one off cases of teachers sleeping with students. It shows institutional failure to protect children. It shows covering up child rape is more culturally important in those places than protecting children.
Instructions usually try to avoid bad publicity

New York City has rubber rooms where bad teachers serve out their time doing nothing till they retire

And congress pays hush money on behalf of members who have screwed up
I was waiting for this comment and I'm honestly surprised it took 25 posts to it. This is exactly the problem. When a female student is found out to be having sex with a male teacher he's questionably a predator and society wants the harshest punishment thrown at him. Reverse the genders and you have grown men making wisecracks about how lucky the kid is. This is why there's a double standard when these cases arise and the women generally get far less punishment than the men. People simply don't view the young male as a victim.
Boy and girls are different in case you haven't noticed.
She told you that herself did she?

People died at 30 due to disease and hardship you Bingo not because we've evolved longer life spans in the last hundred years. Thomas Jefferson lived into his 80s, Socrates into his 70s. Do you know how anything works?

They were the exception, and not the rule. And the reasons they died don't matter. What matters is humans are designed to procreate biologically the second they finish puberty.
When a female student is found out to be having sex with a male teacher he's questionably a predator and society wants the harshest punishment thrown at him. Reverse the genders and you have grown men making wisecracks about how lucky the kid is. This is why there's a double standard when these cases arise and the women generally get far less punishment than the men. People simply don't view the young male as a victim.

Do you mean unthinking people like you ? Even uncaring individuals .
Or, do who have you meta analysis results for what seems a certain over generalisation ?
I was waiting for this comment and I'm honestly surprised it took 25 posts to it. This is exactly the problem. When a female student is found out to be having sex with a male teacher he's questionably a predator and society wants the harshest punishment thrown at him. Reverse the genders and you have grown men making wisecracks about how lucky the kid is. This is why there's a double standard when these cases arise and the women generally get far less punishment than the men. People simply don't view the young male as a victim.

Which the male juvenile is most definitely a victim....and his friend (a young girl the teacher used to stand guard while she and the boy had sex) is also a victim by being witness to live sex acts being performed by her friend and the teacher. If deliberately exposing a 13 year old girl to pornography is a crime then acting out porn in front of a juvenile is also a crime.

Naturally libs will call his an isolated incident or no big deal

Even the woman’s pajama boy husband defends her

This happened 5 years ago and she's currently in prison, serving a 20 year sentence. Why bring it up now? It's not a current event.

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