Teacher has sex with 13-year old student

The husband is definitely a latte sipping skinny runt with a bun of hair on top of his head and pierced eyebrows.
At least.
If a wife of mine did this... the last thing I would be interested in is protecting her. I don't get that.
Once I got over the initial shock of it, there would be no turning back. That is not something that can be worked out IMO. (In a relationship)
This happened 5 years ago and she's currently in prison, serving a 20 year sentence. Why bring it up now? It's not a current event.

Hair on fire. All control is lost when that happens.

I think I was pretty calm about it

You are the one who is trying to sweep it under the rug

5 years ago. You didn't even bother to check. The right thing happened, hence there are no points to be made here. Not that was going to stop you.
Because of the assumption the boy is enjoying himself, strange that if it's a male doing it to a female student the automatic assumption is the girl is being forced or at least coerced into it.
A parent has a duty to protect their daughters. It really is different. Boys and girls are different.

Not saying she shouldn't be punished, but EVERY boy has this fantasy. EVERY BOY
5 years ago. You didn't even bother to check. The right thing happened, hence there are no points to be made here. Not that was going to stop you.
Its an ongoing problem

Chances are that the teacher was groomed when she was a child
When I was 13, we had dreams about such female teachers.
Fortunately for us and them, I think they actually had standards then. They were more interested in MEN. But I guess actual men are hard to find these days. Especially in a liberal environment like the government school system
The kid isn't complaining

Nobody wants to hear this, but it really is different for a boy
On the surface the lib sexual revolution has been great for men

All the easy snatch for players who are man enough to take advantage of it

But it hurts boys, young girls and women

And eventually it catches up for men also who grow old and die alone
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When I was 13, we had dreams about such female teachers.
Mrs Callow was the name of my Jr HS teacher we all fantasized about

Fantasies are one thing for a small boy, but it really is unimaginable to me for an adult woman to have any interest in a young boy. I honestly don't get it
Mrs Callow was the name of my Jr HS teacher we all fantasized about

Fantasies are one thing for a small boy, but it really is unimaginable to me for an adult woman to have any interest in a young boy. I honestly don't get it

Same as a full grown man wanting to have sex with a teenage girl I guess.

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