Teacher has sex with 13-year old student

Where were all these teachers when I was 13?
They had not been liberated by the anything goes lib culture when you were that age

But as liberal grooming techniques improve more hedonist teachers will show up
No I am not.

Just pointing out that historically having children well before 18 was acceptable, and even necessary due to earlier death and higher childbirth mortalities.
Biologically capable is not the same as socially acceptable nor were the desires of previous pedos the same as social necessity.
Wow what an airhead.
It has been enough years ago I can speak on it now, I use to be a contracted civilian in law enforcement.
Basically in the late 90s-early 2000s I contracted with law enforcement to use my knowledge to help them locate accused child molesters and acquire evidence. This kind of thing happens way more than you can imagine. And more ways than you can imagine you can be found by doing shit like this.
I quit doing it, just too much to see and things you can't unsee.
My best story was finding a teacher that lived outside of Chicago, trading pics/vids with well under age boys.
The worst of it was he was not only a teacher of the year in his district, but was also a "child advocate" that worked with local officials helping problem kids. I caught that piece of shit, and it was a good day when I got a call that he was apprehended. And then later when he was convicted.
For example even in a good republican state like Texas , its not against the law for underage to date adults. Yet if they have sex (depends on the age) and there is more than a 3 years difference between the two then Houston we have a problem. Also even if it was consensual sex then it is still a crime on their books. Statutory rape.

Yes it will all depend on if one of the parties notifies authorities. Obviously some underage guys will not complain. Yet if it is exposed then the older person will be in trouble.

Sex with underage girls and the age difference is significant then it should be a crime. Yes then we have to define as to what is underage?
You're describing statutory rape .. I get that .. what I was inquiring was .. the same aged children can make adult decisions to mutilate their genitals, have conversations with "specialists" without parental consent and go through a facade to transition themselves (in their confused state) to look like some other sex. Why are young children permitted to do this .. yet actual adults get in trouble with other adult decisions where the child's consent may have been provided? Why a different set of rules?

I completely admonish taking advantage of young children in any capacity, such as life-long, catastrophic genital mutilation, hormone therapy and sexual intercourse ... especially from an adult.
Sure. Its the terminology that's wrong instead of all the child fucking they use to do.

Words mean things, despite the left's attempt to make them meaningless.

Pedophilia has NEVER been acceptable, going back to cave man days.

On the other hand older men marrying and having children with recently post pubescent women being legally and morally wrong is a much more recent invention, anywhere from 200-300 years ago, up until just recently for some more isolated or backward cultures.
Words mean things, despite the left's attempt to make them meaningless.

Pedophilia has NEVER been acceptable, going back to cave man days.

On the other hand older men marrying and having children with recently post pubescent women being legally and morally wrong is a much more recent invention, anywhere from 200-300 years ago, up until just recently for some more isolated or backward cultures.
That last part isn't biology, it's patriarchy. Its actual grooming. Young girls typically like young boys. They married older men back then because morally abhorrent men traded their daughters (and slaves) among one another like kids trade playing cards.
Words mean things, despite the left's attempt to make them meaningless.

Pedophilia has NEVER been acceptable, going back to cave man days.

On the other hand older men marrying and having children with recently post pubescent women being legally and morally wrong is a much more recent invention, anywhere from 200-300 years ago, up until just recently for some more isolated or backward cultures.
Later that that really.
It was fairly common in America all the way to the early 1900s.
My Great Grandmother was married at 15. My Great Grandfather was 5 years older than her.
They were married in 1923. I know that because they had my Grandmother less than a year after they were married.
In the mid 1800s it was not uncommon for girls to marry as young as 14. Below that most magistrates/judges would not give them approval.
That last part isn't biology, it's patriarchy. Its actual grooming. Young girls typically like young boys. They married older men back then because morally abhorrent men traded their daughters (and slaves) among one another like kids trade playing cards.
Uh yeah... no.
Most young girls like older boys and even adult men well into their 30s.
Which is why it is so easy for sick adult men to seduce one.
Adult females can obviously easily seduce young boys... no explanation necessary
That last part isn't biology, it's patriarchy. Its actual grooming. Young girls typically like young boys. They married older men back then because morally abhorrent men traded their daughters (and slaves) among one another like kids trade playing cards.

It was the social constructs at the time. The older men could support a family, and sometimes multiple wives, something the younger men had to work for, if they survived their time on the battlefields.

Men were bigger and stronger, and more expendable, so they took over the fighting and the leading.
Uh yeah... no.
Most young girls like older boys and even adult men well into their 30s.
Which is why it is so easy for sick adult men to seduce one.
Really? Have you seen any of these young girls we occasionally find in secluded grooming cultures? Do they seem well adjusted to you?
Really? Have you seen any of these young girls we occasionally find in secluded grooming cultures? Do they seem well adjusted to you?

You just have to look outside a standard american high school at dismissal to see the cars lined up of guys there to pick up their "girlfriends"
Really? Have you seen any of these young girls we occasionally find in secluded grooming cultures? Do they seem well adjusted to you?
This sort of thing happens WAAAAY more than you think. Way.
Doesn't mean it results in any physical activity, but fucked up flirting etc. happens every single day.
As I posted above. I have experience in this. I have seen it all.
Democrats are sick perverted trash. This is getting more common every day.
He did say that it was a huge mistake. So, he’s taking ownership …

Nah. He’s been cuckolded by a 13 year old.

Besides, as was already noted, a child cannot legally consent. This was a rape.
yeah the husband is a whole other deal.
These days of fucked up cucks everywhere - who knows - this may have been a turn on for him to watch.

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