Teacher has sex with 13-year old student

These are all one of incidents. If you want to find evidence of systemic failures to address child rape within an institution look to the Catholoc Church, the Southern Baptist Church, the Mormon Church and the Boy Scouts. What these organizations have in common other than decades of covering up child sex abuse I'll leave for you to sus out. You're a smart guy right?
I think Satan’s liberal culture has infected every corner of society, including Catholics and Mormons

No one’s hands are clean
According to some lawmakers....

This story is only bad because the parents didn't give consent to the teacher to have sex with their child and marry him
There has to be carve out for people to get married to each other if they are under the age of maturity AND they had a kid together. 12 is too young, but the reality is kids as young as that can have kids together.
They could also have abortions which is a much more sensible option than posing dress up and pretending and cosplaying like these 12 year old children are a real "husband and wife family" for the ignorant church going community who have more of a problem with out of wedlock births than they do 12 year olds giving birth.
I would put the line at 15, and only for 1)they had a kid together 2) the parents are OK with it and 3) some court determines the kids aren't being forced into it.
So as long as everyone along the way is a deeply ignorant Republican you're cool with it.
A situation like this wouldn't apply, because this is statutory rape, and I don't see anyone on these threads pushing for repealing those laws.
So what's the OP on about?
Where were all these teachers when I was 13?

I would have liked going to school a lot more.
They could also have abortions which is a much more sensible option than posing dress up and pretending and cosplaying like these 12 year old children are a real "husband and wife family" for the ignorant church going community who have more of a problem with out of wedlock births than they do 12 year olds giving birth.

So as long as everyone along the way is a deeply ignorant Republican you're cool with it.

So what's the OP on about?

Right to abortions like the ghoul you are.
I think Satan’s liberal culture has infected every corner of society, including Catholics and Mormons

No one’s hands are clean
Using that logic we would expect to see the biggest institutions to have been discovered covering up child rape to be mostly liberal ones, not largely conservative ones with a smattering of liberals. What kind of Bingo logic are you operating with? 😄
They could also have abortions which is a much more sensible option than posing dress up and pretending and cosplaying like these 12 year old children are a real "husband and wife family" for the ignorant church going community who have more of a problem with out of wedlock births than they do 12 year olds giving birth.

So as long as everyone along the way is a deeply ignorant Republican you're cool with it.

So what's the OP on about?

^^^The lefty death cult's ONLY birth control option is killing the baby.

Remember that, everyone.

Naturally libs will call his an isolated incident or no big deal

Even the woman’s pajama boy husband defends her

I agree that she's wrong and should face the consequences for her depraved actions. But the 13-year-old may see things differently. ;)
Talk about a blanket statement that shows your disdain for human life.
My disdain for saddling 12 year old children with a lifetime of responsibilty and those children with a parent barely capable of taking care of themselves.
^^^The lefty death cult's ONLY birth control option is killing the baby.

Remember that, everyone.
Yes everyone. Please remember we on the left counsel abortion for 12 year olds and if not that then adoption. Republicans on the other rather they get married and cosplay as a real family for appearences sake.
My disdain for saddling 12 year old children with a lifetime of responsibilty and those children with a parent barely capable of taking care of themselves.

Assumes facts not in evidence. There are probably plenty of 12 year olds far more capable of handling things like that than say a person like you could handle it.

Naturally libs will call his an isolated incident or no big deal

Even the woman’s pajama boy husband defends her

Title should read "Teacher rapes 13-year old student". Minors can't consent.
Agreed. But apparently if they married in Missouri it would have been fine.

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