Teacher has sex with 13-year old student

I think Satan’s liberal culture has infected every corner of society, including Catholics and Mormons

No one’s hands are clean
Yep retard right out to close all the schools and turn the whole world in to retards just like them sounds like a great idea. Close all schools and churches now. Get to it. Hurry, hurry, hurry . Hurry to see the retard a fascination for one and all. See the retard that thinks this shit is new. Hurry, hurry, hurry,. Hilarious. Come see the retard that thinks rape was a recent invention.
I was waiting for this comment and I'm honestly surprised it took 25 posts to it. This is exactly the problem. When a female student is found out to be having sex with a male teacher he's questionably a predator and society wants the harshest punishment thrown at him. Reverse the genders and you have grown men making wisecracks about how lucky the kid is. This is why there's a double standard when these cases arise and the women generally get far less punishment than the men. People simply don't view the young male as a victim.

Well this is a rarity,.. you're actually correct.

When I was 13, we had dreams about such female teachers.

Yeah well that's to be expected for young boys who don't have their minds developed yet. Nobody's blaming the child if he's actually enjoying it, but that doesn't make him less of a victim either.
Oh and let me just say that the woman is lucky that she's in prison because if that was my child she'd be six feet under already.

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