Teacher Tells Student He Can Be Arrested for Speaking Ill of Obama

The things people get away with saying about this president could be a good discussion in class. He's been called all kinds of disrespectful names and accused of being a murderer, terrorist, a real live monster.. His wife too. Same with Clinton and his wife.

If anyone said these terrible things about the Republican presidents, oh my goodness. There would be hell to pay especially around here. And we'd better not try and say anything about Laura.. :eek:

I think it would be a very good thing if Rush and Hannity were arrested. Maybe Beck too.

The things people get away with saying about this president could be a good discussion in class. He's been called all kinds of disrespectful names and accused of being a murderer, terrorist, a real live monster.. His wife too. Same with Clinton and his wife.

If anyone said these terrible things about the Republican presidents, oh my goodness. There would be hell to pay especially around here. And we'd better not try and say anything about Laura.. :eek:

I think it would be a very good thing if Rush and Hannity were arrested. Maybe Beck too.


Sarah would be in good company, wouldn't she?
The Dummy got suspended. Now make her take some classes on the Constitution before allowing her back to work. And an English class wouldn't hurt either. She sounds like an illiterate moron.

She will be paid and still have all her benefits and her job. The problem hasn't been fixed thanks to the UNION.
The Dummy got suspended. Now make her take some classes on the Constitution before allowing her back to work. And an English class wouldn't hurt either. She sounds like an illiterate moron.

She will be paid and still have all her benefits and her job. The problem hasn't been fixed thanks to the UNION.

I hear ya. They should make some requirements of her before allowing her to return to work. I mean listening to her speak was painfully heartbreaking. This is what American Children are subjected to on a daily basis. She's an ignorant illiterate. She shouldn't be teaching children.
The Dummy got suspended. Now make her take some classes on the Constitution before allowing her back to work. And an English class wouldn't hurt either. She sounds like an illiterate moron.

She will be paid and still have all her benefits and her job. The problem hasn't been fixed thanks to the UNION.

I hear ya. They should make some requirements of her before allowing her to return to work. I mean listening to her speak was painfully heartbreaking. This is what American Children are subjected to on a daily basis. She's an ignorant illiterate. She shouldn't be teaching children.
She was beyond illiterate.
She will be paid and still have all her benefits and her job. The problem hasn't been fixed thanks to the UNION.

I hear ya. They should make some requirements of her before allowing her to return to work. I mean listening to her speak was painfully heartbreaking. This is what American Children are subjected to on a daily basis. She's an ignorant illiterate. She shouldn't be teaching children.
She was beyond illiterate.

Im an sick to death of the right doing nothing but lying
all you do on this board every day is lie. Everyone has caught on. HENCE you have no rep and are in the negative. GET A CLUE.. We just laugh at you. You add nothing to this board of substance.. :eusa_whistle:

Go get one lie of mine you fucking lying piece of shit.

you said Pete Wilson gutted all the infrastructure projects in California when he was in and even called me a few choice names because i had the gall to say you were wrong....i then showed you a link about Measure M which started in 1991,when Wilson took office and was completed in 2001.....of course that was when you deserted the thread and i never saw your slimy ass again.....you lying sack of infected pus.....
Enough said.

I'm sorry that you want to shelter your brethren like they don't exist, but they do.

No ONE here was talking about RACE...but here YOU are.

YOU exposed yourself as a race-baiting hack.

Get lost.

I'm exposing the kinds of thoughts that go through ordinary every day people's heads when they see situations like this. It's quite ugly.

Sorry you can't handle it.

Youtube comments are more often than not quite retarded... but they're also a good example of the kinds of stupid shit stupid ass people say and think every single day.

A lot of people view this story of that teacher you're talking about as a black teacher, and openly prejudice against her on that fact... especially when it ties into Obama's own race.

Surely you're not that stupid... and understand that race is a big factor in politics to the racists that DO exist in great number.
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I'm sorry that you want to shelter your brethren like they don't exist, but they do.

No ONE here was talking about RACE...but here YOU are.

YOU exposed yourself as a race-baiting hack.

Get lost.

I'm exposing the kinds of thoughts that go through ordinary every day people's heads when they see situations like this. It's quite ugly.

Sorry you can't handle it.

Some of US already know CowFart without YOU accentuating the point...

Give it a rest will ya?
so you dont care that he was a child of single digits?

To you its the same thing as a 17 year old conspiring to assualt a fellow student and take sissors to him.

You don't know how old Obama was when he shoved the girl because you just asked me how old he was.

The little girl lied, and claimed she was his girlfriend.

It's not like the little girl refused to march lockstep at an expensive boys prep school.
You're comparing the entire public school system to something ONE bad teacher has done? That's a pretty big generalization don't you think?

If the Republicans were completely in charge of the public school system, there wouldn't BE a public school system and none of these kids would ever be in school at all. How's that for generalization?

Half the children in Florida can't read. Is that the fault of republicans?
They share most of the responsibility for decimating education spending, increasing class sizes, relying too much on FCAT, creating these charter schools which have been a monumental failure (at least in Florida), and diverting Lottery money to other pet GOP projects instead of what they were meant for: education.

oh geezus Synth.....they do that in my State also.....and it goes into other things called Democrat projects.....if the lottery puts in 30 million....30 million originally allotted to the school budget goes elsewhere.....been going on for years.....what else is new?....
No ONE here was talking about RACE...but here YOU are.

YOU exposed yourself as a race-baiting hack.

Get lost.

I'm exposing the kinds of thoughts that go through ordinary every day people's heads when they see situations like this. It's quite ugly.

Sorry you can't handle it.

Some of US already know CowFart without YOU accentuating the point...

Give it a rest will ya?

If you know it then shut the fuck up, instead of lending credence to the people who DENY it is even a problem in modern society.
Watching that video made my heart bleed for the poor kids in our Public Schools. They have to deal with moronic Dem/Teacher Union cretins on a dalily basis. Listen to that woman speak. She truly is an illiterate buffoon. She has no business being in a classroom.
Depends on what you say. If you say "the president Isa scumbag"....that's one thing.... but if you ss "if the president gets re-elected, I'll be either dead or in jail"..... I think that could be construed as a veiled death threat and should be investigated. Hear me Speddy Teddy?
I'm exposing the kinds of thoughts that go through ordinary every day people's heads when they see situations like this. It's quite ugly.

Sorry you can't handle it.

Some of US already know CowFart without YOU accentuating the point...

Give it a rest will ya?

If you know it then shut the fuck up, instead of lending credence to the people who DENY it is even a problem in modern society.

You bring it up and YOU have the audacity to tell ME to shut up CowFart?

Get Bent...and oh yeah?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUOykwS-TmY]Cows Mooing - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats are responsible for the dryers that eat socks!

Whenever you have a lone sock, it was stolen by the democrats.

how is that Helen Thomas Sex Doll working out for you Chris?....is it better than the blow-up one you had?.....just wondering......you were so excited when you got it....
all you do on this board every day is lie. Everyone has caught on. HENCE you have no rep and are in the negative. GET A CLUE.. We just laugh at you. You add nothing to this board of substance.. :eusa_whistle:

Go get one lie of mine you fucking lying piece of shit.

you said Pete Wilson gutted all the infrastructure projects in California when he was in and even called me a few choice names because i had the gall to say you were wrong....i then showed you a link about Measure M which started in 1991,when Wilson took office and was completed in 2001.....of course that was when you deserted the thread and i never saw your slimy ass again.....you lying sack of infected pus.....

ah shit.....am i to late?....did she already run from this thread?.....:eusa_eh:
Go get one lie of mine you fucking lying piece of shit.

you said Pete Wilson gutted all the infrastructure projects in California when he was in and even called me a few choice names because i had the gall to say you were wrong....i then showed you a link about Measure M which started in 1991,when Wilson took office and was completed in 2001.....of course that was when you deserted the thread and i never saw your slimy ass again.....you lying sack of infected pus.....

ah shit.....am i to late?....did she already run from this thread?.....:eusa_eh:

She slithered long time ago Harry...left her slither tracks tho'...

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