Teacher Under Fire For Telling Student to Speak English

First generation didn't speak English. There were large portions of the US that spoke German, French and Scandinavian. Spanish was spoken here before an English lobsterback ever set foot on the Americas.

Irrelevant. The Founders spoke English. The colonies spoke english. Our currency is in english. Our organic laws are all english. You move to a foreign country to live there, you learn the native language. Especially when put into a class with an English-speaking teacher and class.
Irrelevant. The Founders spoke English.
They were late comers. Some spoke English.
The colonies spoke english.
Florida Spanish. Louisiana Purchase French. Mexico possessions Spanish.
Our currency is in english.
Eisenhower spoke German.
Our organic laws are all english.
Louisiana and Spanish proerty law would like a word.
You move to a foreign country to live there, you learn the native language.
Evidently she was trying to do that in a school 40% Spanish. Teacher lost it.
Especially when put into a class with an English-speaking teacher and class.
Teacher lost it. Teacher Bye Felicia.
A good teacher is going to WANT to do what is in the best interests of his/her students.

Then this was a good teacher: she rightly told the girl to get off her ass and lean the native english we all speak here instead of expecting the whole world to stand on its own head just to suit HER. Missed here is the real failure of the school system itself to just drop this Spanish-only student into an english school and classroom with no preparation of her nor even telling the teacher! How did this girl apply for school in Virginia in the first place when she can't even speak the language!

Things like this only happen when you put the government in charge of anything.
we're too great of a nation to limit ourselves to just one language ...

You go to Russia, they speak Russian. You go to Japan, they speak Japanese. You go to Paris, they speak French. English is the generally accepted universal language not Spanish--- While you will usually find some that speak other languages, people in America usually only know English and if you are going to live in America you better know English because that is the standard accepted language here for everyone here except Zincwarrior.
You go to Russia, they speak Russian. You go to Japan, they speak Japanese. You go to Paris, they speak French. English is the generally accepted universal language not Spanish--- While you will usually find some that speak other languages, people in America usually only know English and if you are going to live in America you better know English because that is the standard accepted language here for everyone here except Zincwarrior.
Evidently the school disagreed.
You’ve been here 13 years longer, dumbass.

Hey math wizard, no matter how long you are here, your message count and reaction scores both go up proportionally. You don't just stop posting for a couple years while reaction scores keep coming in.
It’s not your problem yet.

What are you on about now?

Bad form to tell the student to go back to her country. Yep that will get you fired.

Unfortunately you're probably right because you "misgender" somebody or state a biological fact that there's only two genders and that's bound to cost you your job.

So telling a student that you don't speak their language so they have to speak yours is a given to get you fired as well.
I honestly cannot believe that there are so many people against the teacher for simply telling a student that this is an English speaking country, she does not speak Spanish, so therefore everybody has to speak English in her classroom. It's got me baffled for sure. 🙄

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