Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax

Maybe instead of the unions giving millions to politicians they can help these teachers supply the kids with what they need.

Very true! The unions have no interest in either the teachers or the children.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?

I have bad news for you. Substitute the General Counsel for the UAW. UMW, Teamster's, AFSCME, or any other large union and they will say the exact same thing.

Why do you people not understand the purpose of a union?

My Dad was a union steward for the IUEW at General Electric. He represented the workers who were union members, not the washers, dryers, and refrigerators that were on the assembly lines. The NEA and AFT represent teachers, not students, not administrators, nor anyone else. Students are the product, lust like the appliances GE made.
Moon Bats are confused about this.

A teacher would only get to claim professional expense if they itemize. Most teacher don't have enough legitimate deductions to itemize. If they do itemize the larger deductions like interest still remains and money they spend on professional expense would be minor.

I know this because my wife was a school teacher for 30 years and we took deductions for her school expense when we could. In the grand scheme of things it never amounted to very much. For instance, if you take $500 in deductions and your incremental tax rate is 25% then you only save $125 in taxes. When you pay thousands in taxes that is minimal.

Under Trump's plan they wold get a larger personal deduction and lower incremental tax rates and pay less taxes. They would save far more than $125 or whatever.

Moon Bats hate the concept of less taxes.
Maybe instead of the unions giving millions to politicians they can help these teachers supply the kids with what they need.

Very true! The unions have no interest in either the teachers or the children.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?

Not computer savvy like many her age and the classified classification wasn't there. Besides she was only sharing it with other people who we're qualified to see it. Trey and you people and your whole bulshit propaganda machine are totally full of s***...
Our schools passed a levy years ago and then they sent us a pamphlet how the new money was to be distributed. Much of it went to administration. In fact all administrators went to 8 figure salaries, and this was about ten years ago. How hard can it be to run a school anyhow?

Eight figure salaries start at $10,000,000 per year.

What school public school system now (or 10 years ago) was paying administrators (Princpals, Assistant Principals, Curriculum Leaders, Executives, and Superintendents) over 10 million a year?

He failed math and has blamed public ed ever since.
Maybe if we had tuiteion for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay.

Excellent. People have no respect for anything they receive for free.

I learned early in my professional speaking career that I had to put in my contract with the hiring body that there would be some sort of admission fee. Frequently a sponsor would pay my speakers fee. If the seminar was free, attendance was free to attendees, attendance was much lower. A fee of even $5.00 or $10.00 always dramatically increased attendance. The collected fees were contributed to a charity supported by the hiring body.
You benefit from an educated society. Suck it up, man! Your whining like a lib snowflake!

I benefit from everybody having a car so they can get to work in the morning. Doesn't mean I should pay for them. I benefit from a nice landscape on my street, but that doesn't mean I should be buying lawns and hedges for my neighbors.

And just to humor you, if I do benefit from educated kids, why am I paying more for that benefit than the parents? Don't they benefit from their own children's education more than I do???

As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.
The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report
I benefit from everybody having a car so they can get to work in the morning. Doesn't mean I should pay for them. I benefit from a nice landscape on my street, but that doesn't mean I should be buying lawns and hedges for my neighbors.

And just to humor you, if I do benefit from educated kids, why am I paying more for that benefit than the parents? Don't they benefit from their own children's education more than I do???

As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.
The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

Another falsehood being pushed by the far left!

Once again the link they post does not match their religious dogma!
Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax

or be able to deduct mortgage taxes..

neither will you.


nope - scratch that, I was dead wrong.

For newly-purchased homes, the mortgage interest deduction will now be capped at $500,000 — down from $1 million — and existing mortgage-holders will get to keep their previous deduction. And while deductions for state and local income taxes were eliminated, the legislation will allow deductions for state and local property taxes up to $10,000.

Get rid of all of them, I don''t take them anyway. Doubling the standard deduction most people won't need to take them either.

I benefit from everybody having a car so they can get to work in the morning. Doesn't mean I should pay for them. I benefit from a nice landscape on my street, but that doesn't mean I should be buying lawns and hedges for my neighbors.

And just to humor you, if I do benefit from educated kids, why am I paying more for that benefit than the parents? Don't they benefit from their own children's education more than I do???

As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.

Why are you pawning off your sister's parenting failures on everyone else? I am glad she fixed the situation, but that was HER choice, not mine nor yours.

Everyone pays property tax, one way of the other, so this "unfair" statement is pure bullshit.

Not everyone, in TX if you're 100% service connected disability, you are exempt.

I benefit from everybody having a car so they can get to work in the morning. Doesn't mean I should pay for them. I benefit from a nice landscape on my street, but that doesn't mean I should be buying lawns and hedges for my neighbors.

And just to humor you, if I do benefit from educated kids, why am I paying more for that benefit than the parents? Don't they benefit from their own children's education more than I do???

As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.
The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

So what you're saying is that if we had parents pay a little more than the taxpayers who don't have kids in school, we would end up like a third world country? I have some bad news for ya, and that is our inner-city kids aren't too far from that point now. So do we continue failure or perhaps experiment with something new?
Maybe if we had tuiteion for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay.

Excellent. People have no respect for anything they receive for free.

I learned early in my professional speaking career that I had to put in my contract with the hiring body that there would be some sort of admission fee. Frequently a sponsor would pay my speakers fee. If the seminar was free, attendance was free to attendees, attendance was much lower. A fee of even $5.00 or $10.00 always dramatically increased attendance. The collected fees were contributed to a charity supported by the hiring body.

Is that why Hillary couldn't fill high school gymnasiums when she was campaigning? :badgrin::badgrin:
As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.
The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

Another falsehood being pushed by the far left!

Once again the link they post does not match their religious dogma!
From the article, one example.

Kenya, which is rated in the 50 worst countries for education, delayed plans to provide a free primary school education to 8.3 million children in September. The global economic crisis was one reason given for this.

Another article that addresses lack of free education as a problem 10 barriers to education around the world
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The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

We sent our sons to private school because they couldn't get a good education in the public school system.

Government fucks up every thing it touches and education is no different. Education failed in this country for many reasons but tops on that list is the fact it is used as a social justice institution instead of learning. In the South filthy ass court ordered desegregation turned a a bad system for Blacks and a good system for Whites into one bad system for both Blacks and Whites. How dumb was that?
As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.
The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

So what you're saying is that if we had parents pay a little more than the taxpayers who don't have kids in school, we would end up like a third world country? I have some bad news for ya, and that is our inner-city kids aren't too far from that point now. So do we continue failure or perhaps experiment with something new?
Because it doesn't really work and despite complaints our educational system really isn't that bad. Those that make comparisons to other countries ignore the complexities that affect our system...for example unlike private schools or schools in other countries we mainstream our special needs kids and must provide them a quality education. A free education is one of the most valuable commodities a country can provide that pays back.

The affect of user fees on education is almost always going to create a large uneducated class and is seldom good for a country.

This article analyzes it well.
Economic Issues No. 33 - Educating Children in Poor Countries

The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

We sent our sons to private school because they couldn't get a good education in the public school system.

Government fucks up every thing it touches and education is no different. Education failed in this country for many reasons but tops on that list is the fact it is used as a social justice institution instead of learning. In the South filthy ass court ordered desegregation turned a a bad system for Blacks and a good system for Whites into one bad system for both Blacks and Whites. How dumb was that?
You have a perfect right to send your kids to private schools, no one is arguing that. You don't have a right to expect taxpayers to subsidize it.
As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.
The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

So what you're saying is that if we had parents pay a little more than the taxpayers who don't have kids in school, we would end up like a third world country? I have some bad news for ya, and that is our inner-city kids aren't too far from that point now. So do we continue failure or perhaps experiment with something new?

No. Because that is not what you proposed. You said "Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well,"
My view on the value of compulsory and free education is this. If it is compulsory, it needs to be provided at no cost, for one. Doesn't need to be Harvard, just needs to meet the basic standards. If parents don't like it, and can't be bothered to become activists to change what they don't like the can go to private, but no one else should be expected to subsidize it.

The obvious benefit of an educated citizenry should be obvious.

The countries that charge fees or tuition for kids to attend school have low literacy and education rates and are typically third world. Why do we want to be like that?

70 million children get no education, says report

We sent our sons to private school because they couldn't get a good education in the public school system.

Government fucks up every thing it touches and education is no different. Education failed in this country for many reasons but tops on that list is the fact it is used as a social justice institution instead of learning. In the South filthy ass court ordered desegregation turned a a bad system for Blacks and a good system for Whites into one bad system for both Blacks and Whites. How dumb was that?
You have a perfect right to send your kids to private schools, no one is arguing that. You don't have a right to expect taxpayers to subsidize it.

Except for a few minor grants the private school that I sent my children to was not funded in any way by the government.

What is unfair is that I had to pay thousands of dollars in filthy taxes for education for other people's children but got none of it back for my children. I made the choice to do it but that doesn't mean it was fair.

Liberals hate the concept of personal choice of anything. They want the collective to decide what is good and the stupid public education system is a great example of that.

The stupid Liberals are really confused about things like this. They don't understand how they screwed up education in this country by having a government monopoly on it. It forced poor children into a failed system and and more affluent kids into a good system. Everybody gets screwed that way. The poor children by having a worthless education and the more affluent people by have to shell out tons of money to subsidized the failed system for the poorer children.
As another poster said, if you don't want the income from the property, sell it and you won't have to pay those taxes.

Not really, all schools are funded through property taxes, so even if I sold out and went somewhere else with a single home, you still have to pay taxes for the school. Our state supreme court ruled it unconstitutional, but nothing happened after the ruling.

Yes, everyone is required to pay taxes. I pay property tax in two counties despite not having any kids in school. If I didn't own my inherited property, I would not be paying tax on it. Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?

Because I feel unfairly taxed, that's why. The problem is when you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objections--especially when the Paul's are the majority.

And again.......it's not that I don't want to pay my "fair share" but I believe our system is anything but fair to people like me.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. It ran her and her husband about 12K a year for each of their two children. My niece started to F-off a bit and the school contacted my sister saying if her grades get any lower, she may even get expelled.

My sister sat with that kid every night helping her do homework. My niece was not allowed to leave the house except for weekends, and even they were limited. Her grades went back up real quick, because when it's your own personal money, you make sure you're going to get the best bang for your buck that you can.

Maybe if we had tuition for public school students as well, the parents would take their education just as seriously as my sister did. I'm not talking 18K a year either, but maybe a thousand or so a year extra than what we pay. After all, as a teacher, I'm sure you had much experience with unconcerned parents. As far as they are concerned, their educational involvement is getting them on the bus in the morning, then the kid is your problem.

Why are you pawning off your sister's parenting failures on everyone else? I am glad she fixed the situation, but that was HER choice, not mine nor yours.

Everyone pays property tax, one way of the other, so this "unfair" statement is pure bullshit.

Not everyone, in TX if you're 100% service connected disability, you are exempt.


From property tax? Wow!

Pardon me if I don't apply for that program.

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