Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.

Most teachers are fine. Let's get rid of the unions.

To an extent, get rid of political correctness, common core, teaching to the test and creating snowflakes.
Trump effect?

This one?

Perhaps they should have less safe spaces so that people could deal with FACTS - you know, the ones they are supposed to teach.

A parent is a fool to send their child to public schools. A literal fool

Yes, all parents should send their children to private schools, any school should be avoided that has association with whichever Government and where the teachers are primarily Leftists and are members of these Teaching Unions who are Neo-Marxist in philosophy.

The brainwashing, in typical Communist fashion begins with the youngest brains.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class

Is that why the uneducated black output of the Chicago Public Schools are all democrat voting multi-generational welfare recipients?

American blacks are pre-conditioned into voting Democratic, any American black who leaves the plantation and votes Republican is straight away sliced and diced and called an Uncle Tom and whatever the female equivalent of an Uncle Tom is.
Successful education at work:

Chanting the communist manifesto in ritual like fashion should be the curriculum everywhere.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot, it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.
you just love breeding your slaves, dontcha?
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

These critical thinking skills?

The fact is, the liberals like all politicians want influence. And if they run schools they will turn them into indoctrination centers, just like as you pointed out, the conservatives do. Private schools on the other hand have to teach people what actually works in the free marketplace of ideas. Which means, reasoning skills and logic. Few people would voluntarily pay for indoctrination...

Clinton and her media is certainly programming people in full...

And indeed I haven't forgotten the 2000s creationism debate, so the point stands both ways.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

What "BS" are conservatives teaching in schools?
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.
You seem public school educated...:lol:
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

It's just a crying shame when kids become a victim of politics:

Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot, it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

Correct, you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds. That's what parental guidance is all about.

Instead, let government make up their minds for them. It sure beats the parents doing that job.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

What "BS" are conservatives teaching in schools?
I could site specific examples like intelligent design or abstinence only sex education but it is more than that. Conservatives prefer rote learning and an acceptance of facts, such environments produce dullards who are content with regular everyday lives. Sciences and the arts produce innovation, stimulate imaginations, makes for more interesting people. Knowing this conservatives cut those first and then use the money to build football stadiums.
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

What "BS" are conservatives teaching in schools?
I could site specific examples like intelligent design or abstinence only sex education but it is more than that. Conservatives prefer rote learning and an acceptance of facts, such environments produce dullards who are content with regular everyday lives. Sciences and the arts produce innovation, stimulate imaginations, makes for more interesting people. Knowing this conservatives cut those first and then use the money to build football stadiums.

Conservatives prefer the acceptance of facts?

Accepting facts is the problem now? Is denying them what you propose? Sounds like leftist regressive...
Last edited:
If the union was GOP it would be just fine. America...land of the teacher bashers. If its so good and lucrative then give up a decent wage and solve the problem.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

What "BS" are conservatives teaching in schools?
I could site specific examples like intelligent design or abstinence only sex education but it is more than that. Conservatives prefer rote learning and an acceptance of facts, such environments produce dullards who are content with regular everyday lives. Sciences and the arts produce innovation, stimulate imaginations, makes for more interesting people. Knowing this conservatives cut those first and then use the money to build football stadiums.

Our children's school teaches "intelligent design", they also teach evolution, the big bang theory...they cover all the bases and they don't promote any of them. Sex education shouldn't be taught in schools except the basics of biology and reproduction. The rest of your gibberish is just that, gibberish.Our students will come out informed, educated and will have formed their own opinions on issues that can't be proven and that is how it should be. If not it's indoctrination....like public schools are.
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.
White kids are learning to stand up to the invaders! AWESOME!
There were times I thought I would never see the day when white kids would respect themselves again.
The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.

The National Education Association says Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant stance is emboldening schoolyard bullies.

Back when she was teaching sixth grade in Utah, Lily Eskelsen García liked to use the presidential election as a civics lesson every four years. She would assign her students to watch the debates and interview their parents about the candidates.

But today, she says she wouldn’t urge them to tune in for the hate-fueled debacle that is 2016.

“I’m not so sure I’d really want my kids to watch this debate,” said Eskelsen García, now president of the National Education Association, on a call with reporters Monday. “It’s really kind of disturbing what they’re hearing out there.”

The NEA is the largest labor union in the country and represents 3 million educators, roughly three-quarters of them women. It has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and now it’s leading a campaign that portrays her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as a schoolyard bully who’s filling children with hate.

The union, which has steered at least $1 million to a Clinton-affiliated super PAC, plans to run online ads and send mailers to voters’ homes hammering that message in battleground states.

“There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” Eskelsen García said.

The Clinton campaign and its allies have referred to the GOP nominee’s alleged influence as the “Trump Effect.” Its existence hasn’t been scientifically proven, but anecdotes from schools are out there. Eskelsen García referenced one of them: White students at a high school basketball game in Indiana holding up a picture of Trump and shouting “Build a wall” to their opponents from a largely Latino school.

Trump has lashed out against Mexican and Muslim immigrants, vowing to return all undocumented immigrants to their countries of origin and to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

"There is bullying going on, and [there are] children who feel that they are given permission to repeat some of the things they’re hearing out of Donald Trump’s mouth." --Lily Eskelsen García, National Education Association

More: Teachers Union Claims ‘The Trump Effect’ Is Warping Kids’ Minds

This is really sad - but not surprising.
Washington Redskin, you need to quit being a pussy whipped bitch. It looks bad on you
I could site specific examples like intelligent design or abstinence only sex education but it is more than that.

Correct. Imagine how lost our children would be if the teachers didn't make them practice putting rubbers on bananas.
Excellent education breeds a democratic voting middle class, the GOP can't have that. Seems they only feel obligated to provide the bare minimum education required to hold a dead end job.

You mean indoctrination... do you think it's normal to get traumatized over a sign that says "Trump2016"... Is that the excellent education?

Meanwhile, it turns out these regressives don't even have a clue on how the tax code works - a very basic government policy. Needless to say, when Clinton performs her backroom deals, people will look the other way.
Rationality is not indoctrination. Teaching a kid the critical thinking skills necessary for advanced education will naturally make them more likely to reject bullshit. Conservatives lie to their kids far too much about stuff that gets found out later to be bullshit. All kids will question their parents belief system at some point, if you have fed their inquisitive minds a bunch of made-up shit they will then doubt every thing you have ever said. There's your liberal indoctrination, it's not some evil plot it's just being found out that you do not trust your kids to make up their own minds.

What "BS" are conservatives teaching in schools?
I could site specific examples like intelligent design or abstinence only sex education but it is more than that. Conservatives prefer rote learning and an acceptance of facts, such environments produce dullards who are content with regular everyday lives. Sciences and the arts produce innovation, stimulate imaginations, makes for more interesting people. Knowing this conservatives cut those first and then use the money to build football stadiums.

Our children's school teaches "intelligent design", they also teach evolution, the big bang theory...they cover all the bases and they don't promote any of them. Sex education shouldn't be taught in schools except the basics of biology and reproduction. The rest of your gibberish is just that, gibberish.Our students will come out informed, educated and will have formed their own opinions on issues that can't be proven and that is how it should be. If not it's indoctrination....like public schools are.
Do you think your children should eventually question every piece of information that they ever been presented with, including everything you have said, and have full resources readily available to always make a well informed decision? Where you say no is where you are cheating them.

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