Teacher's Union Leader: Parental Rights Bills "the way in which wars star"

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017


Messing with our children is the way in which bloody RUTHLESS wars start. And we will fucking finish it. I'll wear that bitch's guts as an ornament. Fuck her and fuck all of you who follow that twat.

Well, she's a commie, so that is about what you'd expect her to say.

But not to worry! The MSM will give it to her but good for talking up war. Wait ...
Good, good, I hope she casts a wide net so more people can see how evil teacher's unions are but I believe they shot their wad with the public during the lock-downs and mask mandates anyway.

That said even states like Virginia where there are no effective teacher unions you have just as retarded people running school boards in the blue areas like Loudoun and Fairfax Counties that need to be torn-out root and stem.
Good, good, I hope she casts a wide net so more people can see how evil teacher's unions are but I believe they shot their wad with the public during the lock-downs and mask mandates anyway.

That said even states like Virginia where there are no effective teacher unions you have just as retarded people running school boards in the blue areas like Loudoun and Fairfax Counties that need to be torn-out root and stem.

We even have some crazy teachers here in Texas of all places.

Had a buddy that dated a teacher from Boston.
Not only was she a bitch but she was also a huge enviro wacko.
Me and my Buddy were drinking beer in the garage and messing around on our cars and she comes out and starts tearing the little plastic windows out of envelopes and putting them in the plastic recycle bin. I busted out laughing and boy did she get pissed!!!
One of my favorite this to do when I was over there was to put all my empty beer cans in the plastic recycle bin.
You'd think I stole her first child by the way she reacted.


Messing with our children is the way in which bloody RUTHLESS wars start. And we will fucking finish it. I'll wear that bitch's guts as an ornament. Fuck her and fuck all of you who follow that twat.

The clip cuts out any reference to the question in which her response was aimed at.

I do not trust any media source to be telling the truth anymore. This is doubly so when the media source ***** out the context.
All public schools should be shut down and ALL public schooling should be done online.

It would save tens of billions EVERY YEAR, the students could NOT get a worse education than they are getting now, bullying would drop, school shootings would end and on and on.

There are tons of positive and virtually, no negatives.

And if it forces, selfish lousy parents to stay at home with their children (like they should until the latter are at least 12 or so) then all the better.

And if they cannot afford to remodel the kitchen this year?
Or they have to move to a smaller house because they have to stay home more with their children?
Oh boo fucking who.
Your child should be your fucking top priority...not your fucking, granite countertop.

The clip cuts out any reference to the question in which her response was aimed at.

I do not trust any media source to be telling the truth anymore. This is doubly so when the media source ***** out the context.

Why the fuck was that censored?

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