Teachers' Union To Sue Private Schools Over Voucher Program...

Critical thinking is about teaching a kid to think and decide for himself. Meaning, you teach kids it's okay reject those Socialist/Liberal ideas and embrace the NeoConservative movement, if they think that movement is better.

I can see why you'd be against it.

Jesus Christ man get your talking points straight............

Post the story about critical thinking and see how off you have gone from the reservation.

How can I argue with you when you are clueless?

Just do what I do when talking with you.

Use small words and articulate your point.

Are you suggesting you dont know the story behind the critical thinking talking point.

Do I have to hold your hand through the discussion? Can you take responsibility for your opinion not knowing how you formed it.

How much further dumbed down do you need?
For starters:

  1. Tenure: They can't be fired.
  2. No merit pay
  3. Numerous crackpot teaching ideas like "critical thinking," "values clarification" and the "look-say" method of learning to read.

1. They can be fired.
2. Obama proposed merit pay and the GOP is against it.
3. Teaching "critical thinking" is "crackpot teaching"?? Wow! You're an idiot!

1. They can be fired. and I can walk to NYC if I want too but, its a very very very long walk and would cost me more than just flying....see how that works?

2. Obama proposed merit pay and the GOP is against it.:eusa_eh: can you link to the particulars of that please?

1. Oh, so now "Very hard" = "Impossible"?
Here's a link showing Romney liking Obama on the issue of merit pay for teachers:
Romney Likes Obama's Merit Pay, School Choice Policies - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Here's a link from a couple years ago talking about Obama being in favour of merit pay and pissing off teachers:
Obama backs teacher merit pay - USATODAY.com

Here's a link to Obama's most recent attempt to pay more educated teachers more:
Obama Seeks More Money for Master Science Teachers - ScienceInsider
This program will of course cost more money, so, the GOP is against it.
1. They can be fired.
2. Obama proposed merit pay and the GOP is against it.
3. Teaching "critical thinking" is "crackpot teaching"?? Wow! You're an idiot!

1. They can be fired. and I can walk to NYC if I want too but, its a very very very long walk and would cost me more than just flying....see how that works?

2. Obama proposed merit pay and the GOP is against it.:eusa_eh: can you link to the particulars of that please?

1. Oh, so now "Very hard" = "Impossible"?


Here's a link showing Romney liking Obama on the issue of merit pay for teachers:
Romney Likes Obama's Merit Pay, School Choice Policies - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Here's a link from a couple years ago talking about Obama being in favour of merit pay and pissing off teachers:
Obama backs teacher merit pay - USATODAY.com

Here's a link to Obama's most recent attempt to pay more educated teachers more:
Obama Seeks More Money for Master Science Teachers - ScienceInsider
This program will of course cost more money, so, the GOP is against it.

your link-

Master teachers—an elite group of teachers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields—would mentor other teachers, serve as role models to draw talented students into the profession, and work with community leaders to improve science and math education. The corps was a key recommendation in a September 2010 report from the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, which called it "a sufficient carrot to attract and retain the best [STEM] teachers."


The chair of a different House committee, one that oversees education and authorizes new programs, is a fierce opponent of the Administration's attempt to spend more money on targeted new programs. Instead, Representative John Kline (R-MN), has proposed legislation that would give money to local school authorities to use as they see fit.

Asked to comment on the idea of a STEM master teacher corps, his spokesperson cited Kline's reaction to a report earlier this year that tallied the hundreds of existing federal programs aimed at improving STEM education. "Investing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a worthwhile endeavor—but pumping billions of dollars into programs that may be duplicative or unproductive is just plain foolish," Kline said then.

you're dishonest dude.....or stupid. this does not speak to the merit pay issue unless you enjoy strawman masturbation.....
1. They can be fired. and I can walk to NYC if I want too but, its a very very very long walk and would cost me more than just flying....see how that works?

2. Obama proposed merit pay and the GOP is against it.:eusa_eh: can you link to the particulars of that please?


Here's a link showing Romney liking Obama on the issue of merit pay for teachers:
Romney Likes Obama's Merit Pay, School Choice Policies - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Here's a link from a couple years ago talking about Obama being in favour of merit pay and pissing off teachers:
Obama backs teacher merit pay - USATODAY.com

Here's a link to Obama's most recent attempt to pay more educated teachers more:
Obama Seeks More Money for Master Science Teachers - ScienceInsider
This program will of course cost more money, so, the GOP is against it.

your link-

Master teachers—an elite group of teachers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields—would mentor other teachers, serve as role models to draw talented students into the profession, and work with community leaders to improve science and math education. The corps was a key recommendation in a September 2010 report from the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, which called it "a sufficient carrot to attract and retain the best [STEM] teachers."


The chair of a different House committee, one that oversees education and authorizes new programs, is a fierce opponent of the Administration's attempt to spend more money on targeted new programs. Instead, Representative John Kline (R-MN), has proposed legislation that would give money to local school authorities to use as they see fit.

Asked to comment on the idea of a STEM master teacher corps, his spokesperson cited Kline's reaction to a report earlier this year that tallied the hundreds of existing federal programs aimed at improving STEM education. "Investing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is a worthwhile endeavor—but pumping billions of dollars into programs that may be duplicative or unproductive is just plain foolish," Kline said then.

you're dishonest dude.....or stupid. this does not speak to the merit pay issue unless you enjoy strawman masturbation.....

I never said it did. I clearly said this was an attempt to pay more educated teachers more.

Did you read my post?
Teacher Unions just want to dictate and force their agendas on others. It's as simple as that. They've been allowed too much power & control. The Government is gonna blow all the Taxpayer cash anyway, so i see no reason why new ideas can't be tried. Why should Taxpayer money only be spent on Teacher Union/Democrat agendas? Other Citizens have the right to speak up and offer other ideas on Education. The Teacher Unions just hate the thought of that. They truly believe the Government should only fund their agendas. They stand against Freedom & Liberty. Shame on them.

which agenda has any teacher's union FORCED on the taxpayer

For starters:

  1. Tenure: They can't be fired.
  2. No merit pay
  3. Numerous crackpot teaching ideas like "critical thinking," "values clarification" and the "look-say" method of learning to read.

And the self esteem movement, where we dont tell people they're wrong...like 2+2=5 is ok
And Outcome based education.....ugggggg
And yet you can't name one idea or method.


I'm willing to try new ideas. And so are most other common sense thinking Americans. You guys have failed the children. Time for change. Deal with it.

And I say again ...

You can't name one new idea or method.

You cry about wanting us to try new things, well, like what? What would you like to see public schools try that they haven't tried before?

The Voucher-Program is one.
Just read between the lines, and the picture becomes very clear. Teacher Unions/Democrats feel they're the only Citizens whose agendas should be funded by Taxpayers. They really do believe that. They become outraged at the thought of other Citizens getting their agendas funded by Taxpayers. These Lawsuits are nothing more than Gestapo tactics. All Citizens have the right to be heard. And that right doesn't apply solely to Teacher Unions/Democrats.

They just want to force their agendas on the Taxpayers, while at the same time crying foul when other Citizens attempt to get their agendas funded. They really are very Un-American. In my humble opinion, to Hell with em. They've destroyed our Public School System. So i'm completely fine with trying new ideas on Education.
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The problem with the voucher system basically is that it takes the more successful students out of the public schools, leaving the more unsuccessful disadvantaged students. And let's get real and describe what the disadvantaged youth have against them. They are generally coming from homes were education is not the highest of priorities in the family. The parents do not support the teachers or the school as much as the parents that opt out of the public schools system.

There in lies the problem. If the school mandates homework each night for each subject, the parents of the public school system is likely to balk or not see that their children are getting it done. Without this parental support, it is almost impossible to keep the quality of the schools up to par with the charter and private schools.

Discipline is better at the charter and private schools. Again, the parents are more supportive and demand good discipline in the charter and private schools. Parents are not supporting the discipline policies if followed through in the public schools and more and more disciplinary actions have to take place, taking up instructional time.

Public school teachers are not evaluated as often as in the charter and private schools due to tenure and the quality of teaching is affected. Once a teacher has reached tenure, it is easy to slide especially when you don't have parental support, discipline in the school is an issue and administration is not supporting you.

But it can change and it takes a good PR program to do just that. It's getting parents back on board and letting them know what is possible for their children if the school and the community work together. Every other year the teachers should be evaluated for effectiveness and unions who protect the ineffective teachers have to police their own.

If unions want to be considered part of the solution instead of the problem, they have to start workshops on the effective teacher, demanding excellence and expecting students and teachers both to perform. In turn, the parents have to expect they will be called on to support the "team."

So, what you're telling us is that the failures of US public education aren't the government's fault, it's because of a lack of individual personal responsibility. I see....
I'm willing to try new ideas. And so are most other common sense thinking Americans. You guys have failed the children. Time for change. Deal with it.

And I say again ...

You can't name one new idea or method.

You cry about wanting us to try new things, well, like what? What would you like to see public schools try that they haven't tried before?

The Voucher-Program is one.

You're either a total coward or a complete fucking idiot.

I honestly can't tell which.
And I say again ...

You can't name one new idea or method.

You cry about wanting us to try new things, well, like what? What would you like to see public schools try that they haven't tried before?

The Voucher-Program is one.

You're either a total coward or a complete fucking idiot.

I honestly can't tell which.

I can think of three ways to make schools better.....

1. Kill all federal involvement.

2. Kill public workers unions

3. Fire teachers that suck.

By the way the only coward here is people like you who blame parents for the teachers failures.
1. They can be fired.
2. Obama proposed merit pay and the GOP is against it.
3. Teaching "critical thinking" is "crackpot teaching"?? Wow! You're an idiot!

That bogus critical thinking theory was laughed off the board.

Revive it, tell us all about the THEORY.....................


Critical thinking is about teaching a kid to think and decide for himself. Meaning, you teach kids it's okay reject those Socialist/Liberal ideas and embrace the NeoConservative movement, if they think that movement is better.

I can see why you'd be against it.

Critical thinking courses do not teach children how to think, they teach children what to think. A great many of you left wing loons can thank your public schools for the success of your political indoctrination.
That bogus critical thinking theory was laughed off the board.

Revive it, tell us all about the THEORY.....................


Critical thinking is about teaching a kid to think and decide for himself. Meaning, you teach kids it's okay reject those Socialist/Liberal ideas and embrace the NeoConservative movement, if they think that movement is better.

I can see why you'd be against it.

Critical thinking courses do not teach children how to think, they teach children what to think. A great many of you left wing loons can thank your public schools for the success of your political indoctrination.

Dont waste your time .

He didnt even know how the talking point came about or the fact it was trashed early on.
Our educational system is the Progressives last monopoly. Look at the devastating effect losing their media monopoly has had on them. They can only contain the damage, they can no longer dictate to us what is "news" They bury all the Obama crimes and stupidity, but it's out there.

When they lose their stranglehold on our educational system they will be confronted by new generations of people who will know that Progressive ideology is a guaranteed failure. They economic system has never worked once in human history, their heroes, those who advanced the Progressive ideology, are all fakes and frauds.
Our educational system is the Progressives last monopoly. Look at the devastating effect losing their media monopoly has had on them. They can only contain the damage, they can no longer dictate to us what is "news" They bury all the Obama crimes and stupidity, but it's out there.

When they lose their stranglehold on our educational system they will be confronted by new generations of people who will know that Progressive ideology is a guaranteed failure. They economic system has never worked once in human history, their heroes, those who advanced the Progressive ideology, are all fakes and frauds.

Yeah, it's falling apart for them. These Lawsuits really are desperate Gestapo tactics. They just can't stand the thought of other Citizens having their ideas & agendas funded by Taxpayers. They really do believe that only their agendas should be funded. They're very Un-American. But like you said, it's falling apart for em.
Our educational system is the Progressives last monopoly. Look at the devastating effect losing their media monopoly has had on them. They can only contain the damage, they can no longer dictate to us what is "news" They bury all the Obama crimes and stupidity, but it's out there.

When they lose their stranglehold on our educational system they will be confronted by new generations of people who will know that Progressive ideology is a guaranteed failure. They economic system has never worked once in human history, their heroes, those who advanced the Progressive ideology, are all fakes and frauds.

consider this......

if unions are eliminated, moderate and conservative teachers and administrators will have no voice in a progressive monopoly
Our educational system is the Progressives last monopoly. Look at the devastating effect losing their media monopoly has had on them. They can only contain the damage, they can no longer dictate to us what is "news" They bury all the Obama crimes and stupidity, but it's out there.

When they lose their stranglehold on our educational system they will be confronted by new generations of people who will know that Progressive ideology is a guaranteed failure. They economic system has never worked once in human history, their heroes, those who advanced the Progressive ideology, are all fakes and frauds.

Yeah, it's falling apart for them. These Lawsuits really are desperate Gestapo tactics. They just can't stand the thought of other Citizens having their ideas & agendas funded by Taxpayers. They really do believe that only their agendas should be funded. They're very Un-American. But like you said, it's falling apart for em.

people file kawsuits every day.

How is one law suit Gestapo tactics when so many others do it?

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