Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
“But, but, but….we want unity, we want to feel included….BUT we also want our own history, we want to be referred to as African Americans, we want to talk of Black culture and the Black community….but but but we swear, we want UNITY.”
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
Teaching Black propaganda is definately an attack on everyone else.
“But, but, but….we want unity, we want to feel included….BUT we also want our own history, we want to be referred to as African Americans, we want to talk of Black culture and the Black community….but but but we swear, we want UNITY.”
Here we go with the psychosis. Whites call themselves Irish-Americas , Italian Americans and other nationalities. American history has been white history. We want black history included in the teaching. You talk about white culture and white communities all the time. Shut the fuck up.
Here we go with the psychosis. Whites call themselves Irish-Americas , Italian Americans and other nationalities. American history has been white history. We want black history included in the teaching. You talk about white culture and white communities all the time. Shut the fuck up.
White culture has many ethnic groups within it. And they live in many ways but have blended into the unique American culture. Even with that there are resentments between them at times. In the past it was worse. It is time for African American to come home. Blend in and stop the culture created in the United States that is not of Africa. Understand African way of living currently is not conducive to keeping 350 million people alive in a modern first world civilization that we enjoy.
Here we go with the psychosis. Whites call themselves Irish-Americas , Italian Americans and other nationalities. American history has been white history. We want black history included in the teaching. You talk about white culture and white communities all the time. Shut the fuck up.

well many here consider that I teach a piddly little subject that means nothing, but in my subject you simply cannot teach American music without teaching Black History. I have taught it that way since I began teaching many many many years ago and I teach it that way now. Not one month, but all the time.
.....And I start each class with at "listening warm up". And last week's selection was "Respect", the only one and only, Queen of Soul, A. Franklin.

One young child said, "I know who that is! Taylor Swift!"

I groaned. Out loud. And covered my face.

That was an attack on all Americans. Poor child. I aim to set that straight.
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.

Pretending low skill labor was some how key to our development is absurd.

Nobody needs your whiney lies, lol

Most American kids don't know anything about history. The idea they should be learning about specifically black history when they don't know the basics of any history is just beyond the pale.

Especially black kids, who are the worst students we have and don't need to be wasting time on that dumb shit
well many here consider that I teach a piddly little subject that means nothing, but in my subject you simply cannot teach American music without teaching Black History. I have taught it that way since I began teaching many many many years ago and I teach it that way now. Not one month, but all the time.
Well since black history is more than music... It's good you teach the way you do, but all this whining from whites about black history from those here doing it is way past old.
Well since black history is more than music... It's good you teach the way you do, but all this whining from whites about black history from those here doing it is way past old.

Well, I guess they can whine, but that won't change history. It won't change the shameful history of slavery or, as it often happens in life, the beauty forged from human suffering....that then changed our entire musical landscape.

PS I teach music. So it is more than music but it would be weird for me to teach about scientists or something...
Black History Month is intended to be a celebration of black achievement, not an occasion to air black grievances.

What is apparent is black economic success, evidenced by the broad advertising campaigns aimed at middle class blacks by companies that are keenly aware of their massive spending power.
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Here we go with the psychosis. Whites call themselves Irish-Americas , Italian Americans and other nationalities. American history has been white history. We want black history included in the teaching. You talk about white culture and white communities all the time. Shut the fuck up.
Whites only refer to their ethnicity when the subject is brought up. We don’t describe whites as Irish Americans, etc.
"We acknowledge what happened, no denying it. Since our country today did not do what this country in the past did, nothing to be guilty over, WE did not do shitty things, well, maybe you did, but I didn’t."

The country today is doing the same shit but it's done differently. This is not about slavery.

I am 60 years old. Whites of my age tell me not to blame them for what their grandparents did, yet we all were born when Jim Crow was the written law of the land and because of what some of you were taught as children, we ended up getting into fights on streets, playgrounds and schoolyards. While many of you stopped having racist beliefs, many did not. While you tell me not to blame you for what your grandparents did, whites who are my age grew up in the suburban developments like Levittown because of government guaranteed loans blacks could not get. Being that I am from the Midwest I know there are whites who live on family-owned land that was handed down as result of homesteading. Yet today many of them stand up declaring how they never benefitted because of race. I believe it is time for some of us to understand that living in the past is not possible, but things that occur in the past impact us now. We are all here because of actions done in the past that ended up with us being born. We do not forget those who made our lives possible and as a nation we should face all of our past, and not just the past that makes some of us feel superior.

Molly tells us what she didn't do while simultaneously practicing the same racism she claims was left back in the past but in a different way.

“Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

Molly has negatively stereotyped blacks consistently. She and others here blame us for the gap in standing and she opposes any meaningful policy solutions even as she is a member of the demographic who benefitted the most from affirmative action.

But she repeats the white racist lie about how its all in the past.
MORE LIES. Show me where I practice racism, that’s right, you can’t. Where have I negatively stereotyped blacks? That’s right, I haven’t. Look in the mirror asshole. YOU are the one negatively stereotyping whites all the time. Jim Crow is in the past. Slavery is in the past, yet you bring up these topics often.
Blacks didn't really invent or create much of anything.
A very quick search of Wikipedia, the History and Venture websites proves this statement incorrect: And this is not a complete list.

George Washington Carver (c. 1864[1] – January 5, 1943) was an American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion.[2] He was the most prominent black scientist of the early 20th century. While a professor at Tuskegee Institute, Carver developed techniques to improve soils depleted by repeated plantings of cotton. He wanted poor farmers to grow other crops, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes, as a source of their own food and to improve their quality of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts.

Improved Ironing Board, Invented by Sarah Boone in 1892

Home Security System, Co-Invented by Mary Van Brittan Brown in 1966

The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923

Refrigerated Trucks, Invented by Frederick McKinley Jones in 1940

Automatic Elevator Doors, Invented by Alexander Miles in 1887

Carbon Light Bulb Filament, Invented by Lewis Latimer in 1881

The light bulb itself was perfected by Thomas Edison, but the innovation used to create longer-lasting light bulbs with a carbon filament came from African American inventor Lewis Latimer.

Blood Bank
Charles Richard Drew became interested in researching the preservation of blood when he was studying at Columbia University. Drew discovered a method of separating red blood cells from plasma and then storing the two components separately.

Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip
You can thank Mark Dean for co-inventing the color monitor. Without his invention, we’d still be typing in a colorless interweb.

Automatic Gear Shift
Richard Spikes created the automatic gear shift, helping people drive up hills everywhere.

Clothes dryer
George T. Sampson created the clothes dryer in 1892.

Dust pan
Thanks to Lloyd P. Ray, we can sweep things out from under the rug.

You, of course, may choose to continue believing whatever lies you have been fed and continue to be in denial of the many contributions African Americans have made to this country.
I am 60 years old. Whites of my age tell me not to blame them for what their grandparents did
I am a 71 year old white woman and I have come to see it the way Michael Eric Dyson described in "Tears We Cannot Stop."
He says, "White denial thrives on shifts and pivots. "It was my ancestors, not me, who did this to you." But what looks like confession is really denial. The "them, not me" defense denies how the problem persists in the present day. It is best to think of systems and not individuals when it comes to racial benefit in white America. Thinking of it in individual terms removes blame from many who are present beneficiaries of past behavior. When it comes to race the past is always present."
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A very quick search of Wikipedia, the History and Venture websites proves this statement incorrect: And this is not a complete list.

George Washington Carver (c. 1864[1] – January 5, 1943) was an American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion.[2] He was the most prominent black scientist of the early 20th century. While a professor at Tuskegee Institute, Carver developed techniques to improve soils depleted by repeated plantings of cotton. He wanted poor farmers to grow other crops, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes, as a source of their own food and to improve their quality of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts.

Improved Ironing Board, Invented by Sarah Boone in 1892

Home Security System, Co-Invented by Mary Van Brittan Brown in 1966

The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923

Refrigerated Trucks, Invented by Frederick McKinley Jones in 1940

Automatic Elevator Doors, Invented by Alexander Miles in 1887

Carbon Light Bulb Filament, Invented by Lewis Latimer in 1881

The light bulb itself was perfected by Thomas Edison, but the innovation used to create longer-lasting light bulbs with a carbon filament came from African American inventor Lewis Latimer.

Blood Bank
Charles Richard Drew became interested in researching the preservation of blood when he was studying at Columbia University. Drew discovered a method of separating red blood cells from plasma and then storing the two components separately.

Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip
You can thank Mark Dean for co-inventing the color monitor. Without his invention, we’d still be typing in a colorless interweb.

Automatic Gear Shift
Richard Spikes created the automatic gear shift, helping people drive up hills everywhere.

Clothes dryer
George T. Sampson created the clothes dryer in 1892.

Dust pan
Thanks to Lloyd P. Ray, we can sweep things out from under the rug.

You, of course, may choose to continue believing whatever lies you have been fed and continue to be in denial of the many contributions African Americans have made to this country.
While some slave owners preferred to keep their slaves ignorant many trained them in various skills. Blacks emerged from slavery with a large variety of skills which enabled many to prosper soon after emancipation.
While some slave owners preferred to keep their slaves ignorant many trained them in various skills. Blacks emerged from slavery with a large variety of skills which enabled many to prosper soon after emancipation.
And some who did prosper suffered severe consequences when whites burned them out or killed them (Rosewood, Black Wall Street, etc.)
Ida B. Wells said, "The Civil War ended slavery. It left us free, but it also left us homeless, penniless, ignorant, nameless and friendless. Russia's liberated serf was given three acres of land and agricultural implements with which to begin his career of liberty and independence. But to us no foot of land nor implementation was given. We were turned loose to starvation, destitution and death. So desperate was our condition that some of our statesmen declared it useless to try to save us by legislation as we were doomed to extinction."
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Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

But for those on the racist right the truth and facts of black history undermines the false conservative narrative that racism no longer exists and the lie that white conservatives don’t practice racism.

Indeed, the truth and facts of black history undermines the racist right’s efforts to vilify and demonize black Americans, such as the lie that blacks are ‘lawless thugs’ and ‘devoid’ of morality.
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And some who did prosper suffered severe consequences when whites burned them out or killed them (Rosewood, Black Wall Street, etc.)
Ida B. Wells said, "The Civil War ended slavery. It left us free, but it also left us homeless, penniless, ignorant, nameless and friendless. Russia's liberated serf was given three acres of land and agricultural implements with which to begin his career of liberty and independence. But to us no foot of land nor implementation was given. We were turned loose to starvation, destitution and death. So desperate was our condition that some of our statesmen declared it useless to try to save us by legislation as we were doomed to extinction."
There are millions and millions more of white men who were denied jobs or put last on the list with quotas ramping up in the early 1970's. You hear nothing of that. At the time though those who went to college were not ostracized by the woke universities we have today.
Like stealing the 2020 election? I'm for it.
History will show that many believe it was stolen, but there has never been any proof that is anything more than a lie told by an unethical ex-president in an attempt to overthrow an election that he lost.

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