Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

The only crying I see all come from Trumpers who can’t come to grips with how their Orange lord lost.
How did he lose?
A Dem concocted scamdemic?
Voting guidelines changed below board in the 11th hour?
George Floyd?

How will Mexicrats win going forward?
While some slave owners preferred to keep their slaves ignorant many trained them in various skills. Blacks emerged from slavery with a large variety of skills which enabled many to prosper soon after emancipation.
BULLSHIT! Now just shut the fuck up with that slavery was good for them bullshit. If it was so good whites should have made themselves slaves.
How did he lose?
A Dem concocted scamdemic?
Voting guidelines changed below board in the 11th hour?
George Floyd?

How will Mexicrats win going forward?
He lost a legitimate election. Nothing you said.
There are millions and millions more of white men who were denied jobs or put last on the list with quotas ramping up in the early 1970's. You hear nothing of that. At the time though those who went to college were not ostracized by the woke universities we have today.
IT'S BULLSHIT! That's why we don't hear about it. Because from 1776 up until 1965 quotas were 100 percent white male. Millions and Millions of people of color and women were denied and in fact still are.
Black History Month is intended to be a celebration of black achievement, not an occasion to air black grievances.

What is apparent is black economic success, evidenced by the broad advertising campaigns aimed at middle class blacks by companies that are keenly aware of their massive spending power.
Shut the fuck up white boy. You don't get to define what Black History Month is.

What is apparent is that blacks had 2 percent of the wealth in America during slavery and about 2.5 percent of the wealth today. You don't know wtf you're talking about.

But for those on the racist right the truth and facts of black history undermines the false conservative narrative that racism no longer exists and the lie that white conservatives don’t practice racism.

Indeed, the truth and facts of black history undermines the racist right’s efforts to vilify and demonize black Americans, such as the lie that blacks are ‘lawless thugs’ and ‘devoid’ of morality.
Well, I guess they can whine, but that won't change history. It won't change the shameful history of slavery or, as it often happens in life, the beauty forged from human suffering....that then changed our entire musical landscape.

PS I teach music. So it is more than music but it would be weird for me to teach about scientists or something...
The only people whining are right wing whites, bitch. That's all you guys ever do. Standing for equality isn't whining. Learn that. Then learn that your lame excuse about changing history is retarded. You whites talk about history and just because when we talk about history your white asses aren't the heroes you lie to yourselves about doesn't mean it should not be talked about.
The only people whining are right wing whites, bitch. That's all you guys ever do. Standing for equality isn't whining. Learn that. Then learn that your lame excuse about changing history is retarded. You whites talk about history and just because when we talk about history your white asses aren't the heroes you lie to yourselves about doesn't mean it should not be talked about.

You have an anger issue. It's not Black. It's you. Good luck with that
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
The black man needs the white man to free him ftom slavery.
The white man needs the black man to free him from his guilt
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
Bullshit. It's time you stopped blaming little white kids for being racist! You've gone way past teaching history...you're teaching hate!
So mistreated yet they have an entire month for black history. Heh.

Move if it is so bad, that is what people have always done throughout history, migrate. No, you want the free cheese badly.
True, but the fact that February is the shortest month proves racism still exists once again.

Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
You've got an entire month, which is a lot considering how uniformly short and inconsequential black history is. Now, if the focus was black criminal history, which is avoided like the plague that it is, it would be much more understandable.
Well since black history is more than music... It's good you teach the way you do, but all this whining from whites about black history from those here doing it is way past old.

Black history--enslaving each other and then others, invading, murdering, cannibals, nudity to loin clothes. Ancient historians refer to africa as really nothing more than the slave continent.

More recent history---violence in rap, violence in protests, violence in other crime, harassment of others in the workplace and at government offices.

Maybe we do need to teach black history--the real black history that hasn't been manipulated to try to say blacks were something different than what history actually records. The REAL Rosa Parks, the REal MLK, the Washington Carver, the real slavers in america being black who were known to sell their own children, the real BLACK Wallstreet and its REAL name and why its black top businessman aka pimp, gangster, general lowlife started off a war with the whites and other law abidding to try to get a black rapist out of jail. Lets talk about why blacks feel a need to hero worship criminals and do drugs which has lead to the destruction of most of black culture.

See I read as a child that Indians were taken down by their love of alcohol both in the past and currently----which is likely why I made dam sure that I never took up drinking more than one drink at a time. Maybe we should be telling black children---that welfare, drugs, violence, and crime are bad that getting involved in this nonsense will mean that they and their children suffer.
History will show that many believe it was stolen, but there has never been any proof that is anything more than a lie told by an unethical ex-president in an attempt to overthrow an election that he lost.
Bwahahaha...ummmm....maybe you should tell the dem party that as they are now wetting themselves over Wisconsin tapes of illegal ballot drop offs and pay offs.
Bullshit. It's time you stopped blaming little white kids for being racist! You've gone way past teaching history...you're teaching hate!
Wrong. You're teaching your kids to be racists. We are teaching them that blacks have a history in America.
Wrong. You're teaching your kids to be racists. We are teaching them that blacks have a history in America.
Teaching about the past is one thing. Living in the past is another. Jes' sayin'. ;)
Shut the fuck up white boy. You don't get to define what Black History Month is.

What is apparent is that blacks had 2 percent of the wealth in America during slavery and about 2.5 percent of the wealth today. You don't know wtf you're talking about.
If we were having this 'discussion' face to face I believe you would sucker punch me.
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

It doesn't HAVE to be an attack on white Americans, but the way its taught nowadays it certainly is.

Blaming Honkies for slavery in America is disrespectful as there are no living honkies who ever owned slaves. And most crackers didn't have any ancestors in the antebellum south and even among those who did, most people didn't own slaves.

Teaching black history and the accomplishments of tremendous African Americans like Sammy Davis, Don King and Candace Owens is good. But making it seem as if the honkies are bad guys is , by definition, an attack on us.

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