Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

What is apparent is that blacks had 2 percent of the wealth in America during slavery and about 2.5 percent of the wealth today. You don't know wtf you're talking about.
Businesses don't pitch their products to people that can't afford them. Haven't you noticed the huge marketing campaigns aimed at black consumers? Of course black consumer spending means that blacks won't be saving or investing that money, which is what would build black wealth. Wealth brings political influence and with it the power to make changes beneficial to the black community. That's what I'm talking about.
Wrong. You're teaching your kids to be racists. We are teaching them that blacks have a history in America.
By teaching innocent little kids that they're racist? The left has stepped on it's dick on this, IM2 and if the Democrats don't change their tune there is going to be an absolute revolt by American parents against liberal educators who thought that THEY have the right to indoctrinate our youth and that parents had no say in what was taught in schools!
There is a HUGE difference between teaching "history" and rewriting it!
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
You lie and attack white people and then say you are not lying and attacking white people... You exist solely to inflame hate; you need and want the hatred to exist.

I saw and still see what you support in our streets, and I flush better than you down my toilet every day. I am glad George Floyd is dead. Read it slowly. I am glad. I am also glad the cop who killed him is in prison and if he had received the death penalty, I would been just fine with that. But Floyd was shit, nothing but shit. A life-long criminal, with violent tendencies. Floyd is dead and a bad cop is behind bars. normal rational and decent people would call that a "two fer". And the people Floyd vicitmized were mostly other black people, so if you were a decent man you would be glad he was dead too. Its time people like you stop race baiting too.
We have been taught nothing but white history and people like you thinks thats American history.

I remember lots of different kinds of people in my History ... Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, even a Jew or two.
I remember lots of different kinds of people in my History ... Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, even a Jew or two.
Dont bother with reality with this racist and the people that support him he doe not care nor do they any lie will do for them.
Dont bother with reality with this racist and the people that support him he doe not care nor do they any lie will do for them.
The thing with black racists like IM2 - for all we know, he’s a Nation of Islam foot solider or a leader in a local BLM chapter - is that they pretend they are outraged by racism against blacks, but then they spew all their hostility and prejudice against whites, and in doing so, actually CREATE racism toward blacks.

If IM2 truly wanted to stop racism against blacks, he’d stfu.
It's easy to acknowledge slavery, even though some here have said blacks were lucky to be slaves, but what about the more recent wrongs, and recognizing the disadvantages caused even by those more recent wrongs? Well up into the 70s it was accepted practise that black schools only got the discarded books when white schools got new ones. Blacks were denied loans, as well as loads of other advantages as just normal procedure until recently. I grew up thinking I was better than black people because that is what I was taught. The same can be said for most of my generation. You can't expect the entire black race to just "get over it" in that short of a time.
I never consider myself better than anyone but I know a lot of Blacks, Asians and Hispanics that act just like what you wrote about thinking they are better than other segments of our society, but only White Society should be ashamed of this according to you and the OP…

Also Slavery still exists today and is practice around the world no matter how the OP and those like you prefer to ignore it.

China and North Korea have two of the biggest slave states in the World while in Africa Slavery with women and even men is still practiced and let me not even start on the sex slave trade here in the States that many of you ignore daily.

You may not even know this but that Filipina Nurse you see might not even have a license to practice and is using the DON license when that Nurse is visiting you from that Filipino owned Home Health Agency and the same for the Nigerian Nurse or the Mexican PTA that is operating under the PT license because they lack the proper papers to work here in the States.

So as you and the OP lecture society about how White Society should be ashamed of it bad behavior maybe you and the OP should realize how naive the two of you are to think White Society is the only evil in the World…


Don’t and keep on lecturing White Society while you ignore reality!
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
It is one thing to teach about racism and the ill effects of it and another thing to do what you want to do and just shame White Society.

See what you want is History to be taught as White Society was the only offenders against cultures around the World and that slavery only existed during a certain period of time.

You want White Shame History while removing parts of the History that even former slaves owned slaves or that warring tribes would sell the conquered tribe to slave traders.

You don’t want true history taught that humanity itself is the real ugly enemy but what you want is the children of today and tomorrow to be taught white society is evil and should be shun for their part of the horrific history of humanity…

That is the reality of what you want!
It is one thing to teach about racism and the ill effects of it and another thing to do what you want to do and just shame White Society.

See what you want is History to be taught as White Society was the only offenders against cultures around the World and that slavery only existed during a certain period of time.

You want White Shame History while removing parts of the History that even former slaves owned slaves or that warring tribes would sell the conquered tribe to slave traders.

You don’t want true history taught that humanity itself is the real ugly enemy but what you want is the children of today and tomorrow to be taught white society is evil and should be shun for their part of the horrific history of humanity…

That is the reality of what you want!
This is true. Black racists like IM2 aren’t interested in stomping out racism, to the extent it still exists, but in instilling hostility and contempt for whites.

On an aside, I have noticed that leftists who are most outspoken about bigotry towards blacks are they themselves the most bigoted toward whites, Asians, and Jews.
This is true. Black racists like IM2 aren’t interested in stomping out racism, to the extent it still exists, but in instilling hostility and contempt for whites.

On an aside, I have noticed that leftists who are most outspoken about bigotry towards blacks are they themselves the most bigoted toward whites, Asians, and Jews.
I am going to write something that almost everyone will disagree with and All Humans are racist and bigoted and the OP is no different than from the billions of humans that walk this rock daily…

The OP want white shaming and hate true history…
I am going to write something that almost everyone will disagree with and All Humans are racist and bigoted and the OP is no different than from the billions of humans that walk this rock daily…

The OP want white shaming and hate true history…
All people are drawn to their own tribe and suspicious of outsiders.
I never consider myself better than anyone but I know a lot of Blacks, Asians and Hispanics that act just like what you wrote about thinking they are better than other segments of our society, but only White Society should be ashamed of this according to you and the OP…

Also Slavery still exists today and is practice around the world no matter how the OP and those like you prefer to ignore it.

China and North Korea have two of the biggest slave states in the World while in Africa Slavery with women and even men is still practiced and let me not even start on the sex slave trade here in the States that many of you ignore daily.

You may not even know this but that Filipina Nurse you see might not even have a license to practice and is using the DON license when that Nurse is visiting you from that Filipino owned Home Health Agency and the same for the Nigerian Nurse or the Mexican PTA that is operating under the PT license because they lack the proper papers to work here in the States.

So as you and the OP lecture society about how White Society should be ashamed of it bad behavior maybe you and the OP should realize how naive the two of you are to think White Society is the only evil in the World…


Don’t and keep on lecturing White Society while you ignore reality!
Now that was a scattershot, wasn't it. I'll try to keep up with your divergent topics.
1. Please link to where I said only white people have things to be ashamed of.
2. Whether there is slavery in the world today doesn't make our history of slavery more acceptable, or justify not discussing that part of our history. It's reasonable to just discuss our participation in slavery without dragging in every other incidence of it. Your whataboutism, or hoping to be graded on a curve, is a weak dodge.
3. China and North Korea are both bad. What they do has nothing to do with our history.
4. I'm confused as to why you want to include home health into this, but there has always been a wide range of nursing care available, with corresponding range of costs, based on the level of care required. Some require trained or certified nursing credentials, but some are little more than a babysiitter. The employee's abilities are matched to what will be required from them. The customer, as well as Medicare, or any insurence company that pays for the service is well aware of the care giver's credintials or lack thereof. You mentioned a DON license. I have no idea what that is, but if it is a license, then perhaps you have a problem with the licennsing bureau. It has nothing to do with our history of slavery.
5. Again, please link to where I said only white people have things to be ashamed of. Also please link to anything I might have said to imply there is or has been only one evil in the world.
Shut the fuck up. We have been taught nothing but white history and people like you thinks thats American history.
Blacks are irrelevant in the US, which is why their history wasn't taught. And when was the history of this country ever taught as, "White History," except by envious Black racists like you?
A very quick search of Wikipedia, the History and Venture websites proves this statement incorrect: And this is not a complete list.

George Washington Carver (c. 1864[1] – January 5, 1943) was an American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion.[2] He was the most prominent black scientist of the early 20th century. While a professor at Tuskegee Institute, Carver developed techniques to improve soils depleted by repeated plantings of cotton. He wanted poor farmers to grow other crops, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes, as a source of their own food and to improve their quality of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts.

Improved Ironing Board, Invented by Sarah Boone in 1892

Home Security System, Co-Invented by Mary Van Brittan Brown in 1966

The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923

Refrigerated Trucks, Invented by Frederick McKinley Jones in 1940

Automatic Elevator Doors, Invented by Alexander Miles in 1887

Carbon Light Bulb Filament, Invented by Lewis Latimer in 1881

The light bulb itself was perfected by Thomas Edison, but the innovation used to create longer-lasting light bulbs with a carbon filament came from African American inventor Lewis Latimer.

Blood Bank
Charles Richard Drew became interested in researching the preservation of blood when he was studying at Columbia University. Drew discovered a method of separating red blood cells from plasma and then storing the two components separately.

Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip
You can thank Mark Dean for co-inventing the color monitor. Without his invention, we’d still be typing in a colorless interweb.

Automatic Gear Shift
Richard Spikes created the automatic gear shift, helping people drive up hills everywhere.

Clothes dryer
George T. Sampson created the clothes dryer in 1892.

Dust pan
Thanks to Lloyd P. Ray, we can sweep things out from under the rug.

You, of course, may choose to continue believing whatever lies you have been fed and continue to be in denial of the many contributions African Americans have made to this country.

Much of that is nonsense. I see of lot of this sort of garbage being pushed now, and it reminds of how the Soviet Union started to rewrite history books, change science, and wormed its ideology into all aspects of information. Latimer did NOT invent carbon filaments but invited little paper tubes that later helped when manufacturing them. They were already in use, though. And do you really think that kids ought to know who helped "Perfect the ironing board?" It is absurd!
Now that was a scattershot, wasn't it. I'll try to keep up with your divergent topics.
1. Please link to where I said only white people have things to be ashamed of.
2. Whether there is slavery in the world today doesn't make our history of slavery more acceptable, or justify not discussing that part of our history. It's reasonable to just discuss our participation in slavery without dragging in every other incidence of it. Your whataboutism, or hoping to be graded on a curve, is a weak dodge.
3. China and North Korea are both bad. What they do has nothing to do with our history.
4. I'm confused as to why you want to include home health into this, but there has always been a wide range of nursing care available, with corresponding range of costs, based on the level of care required. Some require trained or certified nursing credentials, but some are little more than a babysiitter. The employee's abilities are matched to what will be required from them. The customer, as well as Medicare, or any insurence company that pays for the service is well aware of the care giver's credintials or lack thereof. You mentioned a DON license. I have no idea what that is, but if it is a license, then perhaps you have a problem with the licennsing bureau. It has nothing to do with our history of slavery.
5. Again, please link to where I said only white people have things to be ashamed of. Also please link to anything I might have said to imply there is or has been only one evil in the world.
When was slavery not taught? You people act as if it was never talked about in a classroom until CRT-ideology came along. That is absurd since it has been overly focused on for the past 100 years in our schools. I would like it taught with much greater historical context, and in more details. I would like school kids to know about the Slavery on this continent before Europeans arrived. I would like Kids to understand that Slavery is an African import, and that Free Blacks were more likely to own black slaves than Free Whites were. I would like to them to know about the Jews who profited by Slavery, too. I think they should understand the Islamic slave trade that was happening at the same time. I think they should know that White people did more to end slavery across the world than any other group of people.

There is a lot about slavery Not being taught.

I think kids ought to have classes on Jewish Subversion, as well.

I think kids ought to learn about racial differences in Intelligence and how that relates to many of the disparities we see in societies around the word.

I think Black criminality and violence ought to be taught to kids in schools, too. Why are these topics being totally covered up?
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Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
Teaching Black history takes 5 minutes, what are you going to teach for the rest of the term?
When was slavery not taught? You people act as if it was never talked about in a classroom until CRT-ideology came along. That is absurd since it has been overly focused on for the past 100 years in our schools. I would like it taught with much greater historical context, and in more details. I would like school kids to know about the Slavery on this continent before European arrived. I would like Kids to understand that Slavery is an African import, and that Free Blacks were more likely to own blacks slabs than Free Whites. I would like to them to know about the Jews who profited by Slavery, too. I think they should know that White people did more to end slavery across the world than any other group of people.

There is a lot about slavery Not being taught.

I think kids ought to have classes on Jewish Subversion, as well.

I think kids ought to learn about racial differences in Intelligence and how that relates to many of the disparities we see in societies around the word.

I think Black criminality and violence ought to be taught to kids in schools, too. Why are these topics being totally covered up?
You think CRT and discussing slavery are the same thing. You goofy.
You think CRT and discussing slavery are the same thing. You goofy.
I asked you when slavery wasn't taught. I said it has been overly focused on in schools for 100 years. Only since this CRT-ideology has come along do we see people like you claiming it isn't being taught. That is schizophrenic in its delusions.

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